Underworld Police Station

Chapter 38 Escape Day

Ling Feng was depressed. The damn Angel was playing thunder and lightning in the basement. As a result, she summoned the main god and completely blocked the way back.

"Now, there is really no way and no door." In desperation, Ling Feng had to gamble with Liu Yifei and rushed down. If he accidentally rushed to the center of the earth and destroyed, he could only accept his fate.

There is a trick to take the elevator, that is, going down is much faster than going up. In just 2 minutes, there are 363 floors below the surface, which is the lowest level that can be reached.

After the two entered the bottom, they did not feel any physical discomfort, but felt free to breathe and relaxed. Moreover, I found that the environment here is good, not like the training cabin of a biochemical zombie, but like an advanced office space, with orchids, sofas, goldfish tanks...

It is estimated that this is where some core is located. The two did not have time to stop to enjoy the flowers and plants, but quickly entered a nearby room.

When the two looked at the equipment in the room, they finally found that from the beginning, they had been photographed by the hidden pinhole cameras distributed all over the wall, and every move was under the control of the other party. Looking at the armed security guards on each floor that was approaching this way in the monitor, they had to find a way to escape as soon as possible.

"Why is there no one here?" Ling Feng raised this question, and Liu Yifei also thought about it carefully. She was originally a former special investigator and a police officer. Naturally, she noticed this problem.

However, the two of them had just walked all the way, and there was no trace nearby or on the ground.

"Nearby, on the ground..." When the two thought of this problem almost at the same time, they looked up at the ceiling together, which was full of terrible blood stains. Both of them were shocked. How did the blood stains get up? But Ling Feng looked back at the monitoring screen next to him. More than 30 armed security guards on the nearby floor were less than two floors!

The policewoman was thoughtful and quickly followed the pool of blood and quickly found the end. It was an arms and equipment room. There were seven or eight bodies lying at the door, all of which had been gnawed, leaving only bones.

'Bang' As soon as the two entered the door and closed the door, a monster as tall as one person bumped into them. Fortunately, the iron door of the equipment room was strong enough. Although the big dog slammed the door outside the door, he had no choice for a while.

But the big dog couldn't get in, and the two of them couldn't get out.

"Good boy!" Liu Yifei turned around and ignored the vicious dog. When she saw the weapons in the equipment room, she couldn't help praising. She walked happily to the wall full of weapons, which are famous guns from all over the world, including M4A1 rifles, AK-103 rifles, Remington shotguns, MP5 submachine guns, AWP sniper rifles, Nimits machine guns...

Wow~Liu Yifei lovingly picked up the 1.8-meter-long AWP sniper rifle with a bracket on the table. She liked the military green appearance best. She reached out and pulled the bolt hard. The sound of metal collision came, and she was loaded with a 7.62×51mm sniper rifle bullet and aimed at it.

Ling Feng was also in the weapon box next to him, and there was an amazing discovery that astigmatism, *, signal bomb... It seemed that these were useless. He opened the boxes next to him, full of fragmented grenades, * explosive bags and even rocket launchers!

Hey, the noise outside the door seems to have stopped? Only then did Ling Feng and the policeman remember the problem and looked out of the door. The vicious dog, which had been shouting, suddenly calmed down.

'Dadda~' A burst of gunfire came from the muzzle. It was an armed security guard on the nearby floor, but the vicious dog at the door didn't seem to know them. He jumped directly in the air and his body was elongated and straightened, and fiercely rushed to more than a dozen security guards who bumped into him, revealing his sharp canine teeth.

The dog spit out ivory in his mouth. In the case of its mutation, the teeth in his mouth flashed with cold light and bit the security guard at the door like a sharp steel knife. His mouth was full of blood, and there was another pile of bones on the ground.

For the vicious dog to become a security guard, Ling Feng and Liu Yifei in the equipment room were happy. After looking at each other, they decided to leave as soon as possible. Otherwise, after a long time, it will be very unpleasant for soldiers to rush in or dogs to rush in.

Liu Yifei abandoned the beloved AWP sniper rifle. In this narrow combat environment, it is really not suitable for sniping. On the contrary, the double-held MP7 submachine gun, and the small recoil speed of fire is very suitable for women.

Ling Feng had to give up the rocket launcher next to it. Although it is not bad, it is definitely a sharp weapon to 'attack the city' with it! But you can imagine that when you carry it around, it is actually a physical work, which is really not suitable for light combat.

So, he took two grenades in his pocket and picked up the black * M4A1 rifle next to the table. After the two replenished the ammunition, the policeman picked up the * explosives on the table and gave combat instructions, "Hidden!"

"Hidden?" Ling Feng looked blank and asked.

"Get down!" Put the police flower on the wall*.

"Get down?" Ling Feng is even more confused.

"Boom!" A loud noise came, and the wall was easily blown up a hole, sand and debris!


Liu Yifei walked in with an MP7 submachine gun in both hands, followed by Ling Feng.

After the two went in, they found that there was another hole in it. They roughly saw the situation inside through the dim light. After turning on the tactical flashlight on the MA4A1 rifle, they were surprised to find that it was actually an underground railway station!

A real railway station, such as a fake replacement.

After that, there were pursuers and vicious dogs. They didn't dare to stay any longer, so they continued to move forward. Liu Yifei quickly found the power switch according to the tactical flashlight. After turning on the nearby lights, the nearby suddenly became bright.

'Ga~' Suddenly, the two seemed to hear some strange sound and looked at each other. Under this silent and indistinguishable day, such a sound suddenly appeared quite scary.

They didn't dare to stay any longer. After Ling Feng and Liu Yifei got on the train, they were ready to drive the train away. However, it was obvious that neither of them had passed the driver's license, and they stared at the strange instruments on it for a while.

'Bang-bang' broke out of the door. Ling Feng and the policewoman looked under the car and were surprised to find that the vicious dog was mixed up with the security guards. Twenty or 30 security guards gushed out of the door, and their bodies were all bloody towards him.

"Is it...?" While shooting, Ling Feng hurriedly put up the soul hunting gun and took the lead in collecting the soul of the zombie in the head. One, two, four... More zombies rushed this way. He just took away one and two came out, and the speed of collecting the soul was far less than that of the gushing out.

'Papa...Papa' Liu Yifei, who was next to him, shouted to Ling Feng, "Go and drive, I'll hold it!"

Ling Feng did not disobey her order. As for the 'fast gunman', he was far from her, so he returned to the cab. In the face of tide-like zombies, Liu Yifei was not able to hold both MP7 submachine guns and change the magazine with one hand. The two magazines fell from the air, and then re-installed the magazine and continued to shoot at the heads of the dead ghosts.

Fortunately, these security zombies have just been bitten, and their mutation ability is still very weak. Almost Liu Yifei can put down seven or eight of them with a shuttle bullet.

And at this moment, a loud noise came, and the vicious dog bumped straight into it and rushed straight to Liu Yifei, who was standing at the door of the train. The whole carriage was shaking. Looking at its size, it was obviously more than twice as strong as before!

Liu Yifei was shocked by the huge force, which made the submachine gun in his hand slip out. Fortunately, this was a double-holding MP7. She had another one in her hand, and the vicious dog rushed up again...

"Damn it, as for a train, there are dashboards everywhere like a pilot." Ling Feng was staring at the annoying data and dizzying. He drove a Ferrari and a tractor, but it was the first time to drive a train.

'Bang!' Another impact came, and Ling Feng shouted angrily, "Damn it, I can't control so much!" He simply closed his eyes and hit a button on the instrument plate, let down to fate!

The train finally started slowly and embarked on an unknown journey.

At this time, the huge vicious dog was still desperately hitting the car body, and almost put his head into the door and bit Liu Yifei, who was sitting on the ground. Ling Feng hugged Liu Yifei, turned around and threw out a grenade...

'Wow' The vicious dog opened his mouth happily and caught it accurately... The train accelerated away from the platform, 'Boom!' There was a loud noise behind him, and the fire soared to the sky!