Underworld Police Station

Chapter 102 Ice Arrow

When Ling Feng saw the leading ghost, he suddenly opened his mouth and bit him. Although Ling Feng was not aware of it, these guys had turned into gas. How could he bite himself, but he still subconsciously raised the killing sword in his hand and chopped at the wronged soul coming at his head.


Ling Feng's sword of killing immortals was full of strange blood. His indestructible sword of killing immortals actually passed through the souls of ghosts and fell empty without any hindrance.

The leader's resentful soul, after being beheaded by Ling Feng, the sharp sword scratched its body without any harm. It couldn't help shouting, "Hey hey, I didn't split it, I didn't split it."

Seeing this, hundreds of ghosts around Ling Feng danced happily, and they bit down Ling Feng's shoulders, neck, hands and feet.

"Ah~" A severe pain came. Ling Feng endured the pain in his body, but he was surprised to find that what these wronged souls were eating was not their own body, but their own soul!

'Ziz~' Those resentful souls are full of strong resentment, gnawing on Ling Feng's shoulders and body, and soaring up the cyan gas. Ling Feng knows that they are eating their soul. This kind of pain from the soul is thousands of times more uncomfortable than the physical injury!

The sweat on Ling Feng's forehead was so anxious that he knew that he could no longer be eaten by these monsters. Otherwise, he was very likely to die here. At this point, he endured the pain in his soul and lifted the spirit of Dantian and flew to the air to avoid direct confrontation with those resentments. Conflict.

"Wow, what a fresh human flesh and blood~" When the wind soared in the sky, those ghosts still hovered up below, chasing the wind, and their eyes were full of greed.

However, to Ling Feng's surprise, he strangely found that the demon world had just tore a rip open. Why did he have hundreds of billions of kilometers above after he stepped into this space plane? No matter how he flew with his sword, he could fly.

Ling Feng was in a hurry. He knew that he couldn't get rid of these resentments. The faster he ran, the faster these guys would chase. He simply flew into the air, and the blood of the sword of killing immortals in his hand was shining brightly. He thought to himself, "My sword of killing immortals is at least a fierce sword. Even if you can't kill these guys, you should always scare them back. It's okay."

'Thank~' Ling Feng sacrificed the killing sword in his hand, tried his best to promote the true spirit of the whole body, forced the fierce light of the sword of killing immortals to soar more than three feet around, and abruptly cut away to those swarming ghosts.

There is no doubt that those wronged souls were transformed by the soul body after all, and Ling Feng's sword failed again. Not only that, he also heard an arrogant voice and grinned, "Damn it, you TMD scare us, don't be afraid of you!"

After saying that, those wronged souls flocked to him again. In this very strange and strange place in the demon world, Ling Feng's speed was not even as good as these wronged souls. As soon as he flew to the void, he was caught up by several resentful souls and was crazily gnawed on his crotch, buttocks, thighs and other body parts. On the position, he only heard a scream of 'Ouch', and he fell from a height of hundreds of meters with a sword of killing immortals in his hand.

"Fuck, I really don't know what's good or bad!" Ling Feng simply stood in the void and planned to destroy these little guys first. He casually raised his wide-sleeved robe and stood with his feet apart. His right hand was bluffing towards the front. His left hand flashed with silver-white light in the void. A silver-white arrow appeared in his hand, forming an illusory 'ice bow and arrow'


The ice bow seemed to be empty. As soon as it took shape in Ling Feng's hand, he pulled it in his hand like a full moon and shot out a 'ice arrow'!