
Chapter 31 Silver Flower


With the shout of Duan Mingliu, the real power in his body surged in an instant and condensed into a huge Zhenyuan power ball in front of his chest. However, this time, the real power actually carried a dazzling red light like a flame.

The red ball keeps rotating, crazily absorbing the surrounding aura of heaven and earth, and even instantly sucking out the true power in the Duanming fluid almost at the same time. Suddenly, his face turned pale and his body couldn't help shaking.

After a moment, the ball contracted in an instant and became several times smaller, compressing all its essence together.

"Go to hell!"

After shouting, Duan Mingliu's hands suddenly crushed the ball, and the ball shot away in all directions with Duan Mingliu's body as the center. The real power splashed at the beginning of the stars, like meteors, falling through the space. However, the powerful power generated by the instantaneous ejection makes every true vitality strong, like thousands of steel needles, with a powerful power to penetrate steel in an instant.

All the stones, trees and land that were shot vigorously were pierced, poking out one heart-phirking red holes.

The whole mound was actually beaten three inches short after this move. All the herbs that originally grew on the ground were burned clean. The ground is full of holes, as miserable as tofu smashed by hail.

From a distance, the effect of this explosion is as beautiful as a fireworks that blooms in an instant, and it is also very lethal. This dark night is shining with a bright red light.

And on this Nanque Mountain, there is no monster that dares to take a step forward. All of them hid for fear that the aftermath of the battle would affect them.

When the black snake has felt the danger, it is too late.

The countless bursts of energy penetrated their hard scales. The dense Zhenyuan strength, which emits red light, shot out thousands of holes on the hard side of the black snake.

The dark snake body emits a repeated red glow.


The black snake roared unwillingly, and its body struggled like crazy.

At this time, Duan Mingliu took out a very smooth stone from his body. He pinched it with three fingers and exerted his wrist. Suddenly, the stone shot at the black snake closest to him like a flying knife.


The black snake is angry! He suddenly opened his mouth, and a thick black fog actually spit out again. Like a spewing flame, the black fog rushed directly to the small stones that were being shot.


The constantly eroded sounded, and the surface of the pebbles began to linger with a thick black fog. In a blink of an eye, more than half of the whole stone has been eroded.

At the sight, the attack power of this stone is less than about 11%.

At this time, Duan Mingliu has already pinched two more pieces in his hand.

Open the bow left and right, and shoot at the two black snakes respectively. While shooting out the stones, Duan Mingliu finally couldn't stand it. He spit out a mouthful of blood and instantly dyed the two stones red.

"Roar! Roar!" A trace of disdain flashed in the angry eyes of the two black snakes. The previous stones have been worn out. How can the stones hurt them this time?

Two black fogs sprayed out again, and this time, when the black fog touched the stone, it was instantly absorbed by the stone. After seeing the stone absorb the black gas, it was too late for the black snake to escape.


Two stones shot two black snakes in succession, making their injuries more serious.

After this move, the pair of monsters and humans were also paralyzed on the ground because of their lack of physical strength. They all sat on the ground to rest, and no one did it again.

As time went by, both sides watched each other vigilantly while recovering, for fear of being killed by their opponents when they were not paying attention.

A lot of incense has passed. One of the "black snakes" seemed to have recovered some of their physical strength, and unexpectedly raised its huge head and slowly swam towards the famous.

At this time, the hearts of both sides rose to their throats and saw that one of the "black snakes" was slowly approaching. The celebrities suppressed their nervous emotions and tried to restore their calm emotions. Their still weak bodies sat like mountains. After feeling that the "black snake" was getting closer and closer, his mood calmed down.

The "black snake" was equally nervous at this time. After seeing the strangeness and strength of this human, he did not dare to be careless and carefully approach step by step, but after getting closer and closer, the other party did not move. Is he really weak? Don't be afraid. I still have a wife who has been with me for a hundred years. Even if anything happens to me, my wife will immediately tear this little human into pieces!

" hiss!"

Finally, when it was about a meter close to the famous Duan, the "black snake" made a terrible sound, and the big mouth of the blood basin was opened again. The two pointed teeth were dripping with venom and instantly biting Duan Mingliu's head.

This time, he is bound to bite Duan Mingliu's head into minced meat.

The smell hit so overwhelming that people couldn't open their eyes, and the huge snake mouth bit over with sharp teeth.

At this time, Duan Mingliu, who was ready to fight desperately, rose to the sky like a sudden launch and jumped straight to Shekou!

The body was slowly surrounded by the translucent Zhenyuan force protection, and the body that rose to the sky unexpectedly avoided its fangs and suddenly penetrated into the mouth of the snake. The whole accident happened so suddenly that almost before the "black snake" could react, the human had already controlled his body and slid through his throat and rushed directly to the snake's abdomen...

" hiss!"

This scene is really unexpected and horrible. Although the "black snake" also wanted to swallow Duan Mingliu, he did not dare to do so. He just wanted to bite the other party, but he did not expect that this human would rush directly into his abdomen when he relaxed his guard.

Even if he is very confident in his digestive system, Duan Mingliu has a history of dissolving his venom, and that horrible thing really scared him.

The body of the "black snake" keeps squirming and climbing on the ground, trying to make the humans in the abdomen quickly decompose and digest through friction with the uneven ground. The digestive juice in the body also emerged more turbulently, directly hissing the translucent true power against corrosion.

Another "black snake" next to it naturally saw this scene, but she couldn't help it. She could only watch her husband suffer from pain, but there was nothing she could do...

At this time, the famous person in the belly of the snake shines with translucent Zhenyuan power protection light all over his body. With his eyesight, he can only see the distance within ten centimeters. The scarlet snake's abdomen is moist and smooth, and the sticky digestive juice hangs the whole space.

Fortunately, his body has true defense protection, otherwise I'm afraid he really can't resist this, as strong as the poisonous digestive gastric juice. It may be because when the green tear poison was dissolved, the body became anti-toxic, so this translucent true power can dissolve the toxin.

I quickly ate a "six-flavor Xiaoyao pill" and suddenly felt refreshed, and even most of the injuries on my body had healed!

This medicine is really amazing!

"It's my turn!" Duan Mingliu slowly stood up and pinched the joints of his wrist.

"Boom!" A fierce fist with strong wind suddenly waved out, and even the digestive juice couldn't help but line up in two places wherever the fist went.

"Bum!" The iron fist hit the "black snake" with a thousand power, and its whole body was bowed, and tears were about to burst out of pain. With the first iron fist burst out and the fist came like rain, Duan Mingliu really regarded the snake belly as a living sandbag.

The abdominal cavity of the "black snake" was instantly beaten with flesh and blood, and even the bones were exposed. The snake has suffered a lot and suffered a lot, but there is no way to solve it. It is really aggrieved. Even the other "black snake" can only be anxious, but it can't help anything.

Even if the "black snake" who has not fully recovered from his injury has a strong body, it can't resist the iron fist attack of celebrities, not to mention that the attacked part is a relatively fragile internal organ.

After a few times, the snake wandered around as if it had gone crazy. Within a few miles, there was a terrible moaning and roar of the "black snake", and the voice was extremely sad and made people stand upside down.

Wherever the snake went, the grass and sandstones splashed everywhere, and how many bucket-like trees were broken by the snake's tail. Those low-cultivated monsters fled everywhere after hearing the terrible roar of the "black snake"!

When the "black snake" swam to a huge stone beach, the unlucky snake finally exhausted its physical strength and was paralyzed and unable to move.


Although I can't understand what the two snakes are talking about, celebrities can guess that they are talking and the content is related to themselves.

Sure enough, after they finished talking, suddenly two huge pressures came from the top of the celebrities, as if they were at the top of Mount Tai. Before he could react, he saw two sharp teeth rushing to him with dark venom. It seemed that this was their consensus.

Snakes are different from wolves. Their loyalty to their partners is not high. What's more, now that males are dying, and it is not impossible for females to definitely pierce their partner's fangs body to bite the enemy.

The sharp teeth are like sharp daggers, which can easily pierce the snake skin and go straight to the famous door.


Duan Mingliu shouted, bravely with a translucent true power defense with both hands, and directly captured the fangs with his hands! The moment I grabbed the fangs, a strong and cold breath suddenly came along my hands, accompanied by a blurred black poison gas, and the horrible cold breath suffocated my body.

I can't care too much. While holding the sharp teeth with my left hand, my right fist actually waved to the root of the tooth. Each punch carried a trace of fire energy and went straight into the body of the "black snake" along the wound bombarded by Duan celebrities.

The originally cold body of the "black snake" suddenly seemed to be on fire. The flame was so strange that it was not afraid of its venom erosion.

" hiss!"

The "black snake" roared, suddenly tilted back, and abruptly dragged its teeth directly out of another "black snake" body with the same bleeding body.

The moment they broke out, the broken "black snake" finally said goodbye to his humiliating life.

The "black snake" whose teeth were captured by Duan celebrities can't help the other party at all. Even with a bite, the other party can always dodge skillfully. With such a big mouth, it is simply easy to install a small human. It is no exaggeration to say that even if you stuff your body between your teeth is not impossible. And this perverted human is not afraid of his most proud venom...

She was also crazy. Her body kept swimming in the boulders. The powerful shooting of the snake's tail shattered most of the boulders, and the scene of stone debris splashed was extremely chaotic.

A punch hit the root of his teeth mercilessly, and the strong gums had already been smashed, and the black-red blood was stained with the body of a famous person, which even made him so fascinated that he could not open his eyes. From a distance, he is as bloody as a bloodthirsty devil.

But his fists did not pause at all, and still fiercely bombarded the gums of the "black snake".

The teeth are gradually loosening, and the black snake is becoming more and more painful.


After the last punch was blown out, the crumbling tooth was finally pulled out alive by Duan Mingliu.

" hiss!" The painful "black snake" howls in pain.

At this moment, the tooth that was still stained with blood instantly sank into her upper jaw. The sharp giant teeth passed through its upper thus and directly stabbed the brain.

With a "bang", the extremely aggrieved "black snake" finally followed in the footsteps of her husband and son.

"Wow!" Duan, who was thrown on the ground, took a long breath.

Just now, although the "shekou tooth extraction" was very pleasant, it was also helpless. At this time, he was eager for a good weapon. No matter how hard your fist is, it can't match the sharpness of good weapons. If you have better weapons, you won't fight so hard!

After a moment of rest, he finally dragged his tired body and sat up to see that this was a strange stone area. It is surrounded by large and small stones, but most of those stones have been destroyed by the battle just now and turned into stone powder beaches.

"Huh? What is that?"