
Chapter 56 The Flying Snow Passes away

Duan Mingliu's arms hugged the flying snow tightly, and tears had already burst and slowly fell down. Feixue reluctantly opened her eyes and said with a smile, "Brother celebrities, don't worry, I'm really fine!"

Hearing Feixue's comforting words, Duan Mingliu felt even more sad.

"Brother, I want to see the sun. Can you take me out?" As soon as Fei Xue finished speaking, he coughed violently again.

Duan Mingliu nodded heavily and nodded a little under his feet. In an instant, his whole body flew out like an arrow from the string and flew out of the top.


The sound of a land hole sounded, and I saw the flying snow tightly in the arms of this famous person. Already standing on the ground. Looking around, I saw that it was in the middle of a street. At this time, it was evening that there were many people setting up stalls on the street. Pedestrians and vendors came and went to buy vegetables, almost occupied the whole street.

The warm sunset shone on their bodies, and a warm feeling came.

People on the street couldn't help but be shocked when they found that Duan Mingliu and Rong Feixue jumped out directly from the ground. However, there are many practitioners on the Yunchi mainland. These ordinary villagers still know some of their abilities, so they are just surprised and not too frightened.

Rong Feixue felt the warm sunshine, looked up at the sun that was about to set, and couldn't help squinting at the dazzling light.

"Go, I'll take you to the roof!" With that, he was a little under his feet, and his whole body suddenly floated as light as a swallow and floated to the highest roof in the small city.

"Wow!" The people on the street were even more surprised. In their opinion, even monkeys are not so flexible.

chose a seat, and after sitting down, Duan Mingliu took out another "Jiuwei Xiaoyao Pill" and was about to feed Rong Feixue.

However, Feixue shook her head and said, "This medicine is so valuable. Let's wait until I can't hold on."

Duan Mingliu nodded and hugged Feixue's sister to enjoy the scenery of the sunset together.

The sun in the sky is very strong, and the setting sun is no longer as dazzling as noon. However, as time went by, the two people who had been staring at the sun still felt that their eyes were a little sour.

I don't know when many clouds have gathered in the sky, like torn cotton, layer by layer in the sky, shining brilliantly by the sun.

The gorgeous sunset glow, like overturned paint, sprinkled on the edge of the sky, setting off the bright red sunset. However, the sunset shone from the distant mountains, and everything on the ground in the distance was covered with a vague rose.

Soon, the sun gradually set. As time went by, the sun became closer and closer to the horizon and fell faster. In a short time, there was only a remnant sun left, still hanging in the distant sky!

"Brother, you see, the sun is about to set." Rong Feixue's face showed a happy smile, and then clenched her brother's hand, "Maybe I can't see tomorrow's sun..."

"No nonsense." Duan Ming said angrily.

Rong Feixue smiled with difficulty, and her face became more and more pale: "Brother celebrities, life and death are determined by fate. Why do you force it so much? At this time, my internal organs have been broken, and it is difficult for even the immortals to save me.

Duan Mingliu's two lines of tears had fallen, but he hugged Rong Feixue's arms, which became tighter.

"Brother the famous, take me back!" Rong Feixue's eyes were ethereal, squinting and looking at the sky not far away.

"Where to go?"

"back to the place where we grew up, the snowy mountains! And the pine forest we often go to!"


Duan Mingliu recited the sword formula, and suddenly, the red ice knife appeared under his feet. He held the flying snow tightly, stepped on the flying sword, and rushed out like lightning, leaving only a string of tails flowing blue and red light...

The top of the snowy mountain! Wind and Snow Villa!

Today's Fengxue Villa can still faintly see the tragedy that happened here a year ago. The damaged house has collapsed all over the eye. The bluestone floor is still covered with a thin layer of white snow, covering all the traces.

The whole wind and snowy villa is bleak and cold, like hell on earth.

When they came here, Duan celebrities couldn't help thinking that a year ago, the tragedy had not happened. They studied Feng Xuejue here and listened to the guidance of Master Rong Changfeng.

At that time, brothers could be seen everywhere, and they got along well and had a close relationship.

However, the tragedy happened suddenly and changed all this. Almost all of the original relatives were killed in one day. They clearly remember the tragedy that appeared in front of them at that time.

"Brother the famous..." Rong Feixue called softly.

Duan Mingliu said helplessly, "Let's go to the pine forest."

The atmosphere here is so depressing that it is almost on the verge of collapse.


Just "um", Rong Feixue stopped talking. Her face is now as pale as paper, and a trace of sweat oozed from her forehead. She slowly closed her eyes and stopped talking.

Soon, they appeared in the pine forest.

is the place where they often went to play when they were young, and it was also the place where they succeeded in avoiding Zhang Ying's pursuit.

Now on the snowy mountain, only this pine forest still maintains its original appearance.

The snow in this pine forest is as deep as before.

"Name...brother of celebrities..."

As soon as he stepped into the pine forest, Rong Feixue's situation became even worse. He has been coughing all the time, and his face is getting paler and paler, and even the strength to open his eyes is almost gone.

"Sister Feixue..." The famous Duan hurriedly gave her a pill, but now the "Jiuwei Xiaoyao Pill" seems to have no effect. After taking it, not only did not improve the situation of Feixue, but also aggravated its pain.

"I... I'm afraid... yes... I can't..." After barely saying this sentence intermittently, Fei Xue's breathing began to become rapid. His chest was undulating, his eyes were wide open, and his hands grasped Duan Mingliu's clothes and arms tightly. The nails were actually deeply embedded in Duan Mingliu's arms, oozing a trace of blood.

"Sister Feixue, you will be fine, you will be fine!" Duan Mingliu panicked and explored the storage bracelet to find some more elixirs that could save the snow.

Helpless, all these efforts are in vain.

Since ancient times, where can anyone not die after breaking the internal organs? At the beginning, Rong Feixue escaped desperately in order to protect the "steel black fruit", in order to leave this treasure to her brother.

Later, she was able to continue to persist because of the effect of "Jiuwei Xiaoyao Pill". Unfortunately, no matter how good the elixir is, it can only last for a while, but it can't completely save her life.

Although after seeing Rong Feixue at first glance, Duan Mingliu has sensed the result. But when it really happened, he still couldn't accept it.

A year ago, almost all my relatives died within one day. After that, he suffered a fierce pursuit and his aunt's indifference.

Later, there was the appreciation of the free owner, and then there were adventures.

So it created a famous person like today's mythology.

Along the way, there is always a flying snow sister around. She witnessed all the joys and sorrows. Duan celebrities have long been used to the days of Rong Feixue's bright laughter around him. I'm also used to the road of cultivating immortals supported by these two people.

"Sister Feixue..."

Duan celebrities shouted nervously.

However, at this time, Rong Feixue left a line of tears in the corners of her eyes, and her lips were pale, but she still said with difficulty: "Brother... I... originally... wanted to... walk with you through this life... but... but..."

At this point, Rong Feixue's head drooped weakly. The palm of Duan Mingliu, who was holding Duan Mingliu tightly, also hung down, with a faint smile on his face, but there was a tear mark in the corner of his eyes. Those beautiful big eyes closed tightly.

"Flying snow..." Duan Mingliu looked up to the sky and roared. He clearly felt that the life in Feixue's sister was passing quickly at this time. A living life is gradually leaving with him!

At this time, Rong Feixue's heart still stopped beating!



Why do all my relatives leave me? Why on earth is this? Duan Mingliu is angry. The blue veins on his forehead were bursting, the corners of his eyes were about to tear, and his face was ferocious, but he let two lines of tears flow freely on his cheeks.

Those clenched fists struggled to squeeze. The musculoskeletal crackle.


With his scream of pain.

The two fists suddenly hit the ground and smashed down fiercely at the same time...