
Chapter 101 The Trembling Old Man

With Zhou Ran pulling himself, Duan Mingliu was no longer afraid of the strong wind and dared to fly with his sword in the desert. Soon, they came to the legendary Dashen Mountain.

This mountain covers an area of only a few dozen miles, but the mountains are surrounded by an oasis, with dense forests and flowers, and streams in the belly of the mountain are constantly flowing.

At the top of the mountain, there are several rows of simple stone houses. The material of the stone house is almost the same as the bluestone streets in Lijiabao and Yunjiabao. They all emit cyan light, but they are very flat. Touch it, and it's even slippery.

When I came to the foot of the mountain, I found that there were still many people here to worship. Loyal believers all knelt down at the foot of the mountain. I climbed to the mountain step by step, and when I climbed up the steps, I was afraid that my whole body had already fainted.

Duan Mingliu followed Zhou Ran and others and walked up slowly along the stairs on the right.

Seeing that Duan celebrities were surprised and looking at those kneeling in twos and threes, Zhou Ran explained with a smile, "They all came to Dashen Mountain to pray for blessings." After saying that, he walked up again and didn't pay much attention to those who knelt down.

With Zhou Ran's footsteps, he is moving up more and more. Duan celebrities are also getting closer and closer to those stone houses. The doors of the stone house in the front row are all open, and the plaques of the god of heaven and earth are worshipped.

Looking at the big ranking, only the word heaven and earth is written, and Duan Mingliu is quite puzzled. Taoists generally worship the Three Qing Dynasty, that is, the first Tianzun of Yuqing Yuan, the Lingbao Tianzun of Shangqing, and the Taoist Tianzun of Taiqing. The Buddha worships various bodhisattvas and Buddhas, such as Sakyamuni Buddha, the ancient Buddha, Maitreya Buddha, etc.

However, this small god mountain only worships the word heaven and earth, which is not strange.

Without asking much, Duan Mingliu continued to follow Zhou Ran and walked to the back mountain.

As it gradually deepened, the other disciples left separately, and no one else was met on the road. In the end, only Duan Ming and Zhou Ran were left, who were still marching on this desolate mountain road.

The road ahead is smooth, without a trace of dust and weeds, and the road on now is not a road at all, but a form of a road. What is directly stepped on under your feet are soil and weeds, which are not paved with bluestone bricks at all.

And the stone houses they originally saw have long been left behind by them. But Zhou Ran still didn't seem to have a bit. He wanted to stop and continued to walk forward quickly.

"Where is this going?" Duan Mingliu couldn't help asking.

"When you arrive, you will know!" Zhou Ran just smiled and did not answer positively.

Finally, Zhou Ran stopped and said, "It's here." Duan Mingliu looked up and saw an ordinary cave in front of them. There is no door at the door of the cave, but there is a layer of invisible airflow, which slowly lingers around, and the whole cave is isolated from the outside world.

Just seeing this method, the celebrities couldn't help marveling. I didn't expect that someone would use Zhenyuan power to such a strong extent. The usual practitioners want to use the true power to form body surface armor and protect the surroundings of the body. It is still necessary to rely on independent control to achieve the expected effect.

And this control is not indefinite. After a long time, people will naturally feel tired.

However, now the real strength in front of the cave door is like a door made of steel, completely blocking the inside and outside. This kind of forbidden protection of true power separation, and it is for a long time. How can another famous person not admire it?

There is no doubt that if someone rushes into this transparent door, he will definitely be injured!

"Master! The famous Duan is here!" Zhou Ran stood at the door and bent down respectfully.

"Let him in, you retreat!" There was a trembling and indifferent sound inside. Although the sound was not high, the force contained in it clearly formed air ripples in the air. Duan Mingliu even felt that if the other party had the intention to kill him, a voice just now would be enough to break his heart.

"Yes!" Zhou Ran bowed respectfully again.

The faint protective cover at the mouth of the hole slowly dissipated, revealing the dark hole. Without hesitation, Duan Mingliu stepped in.

This cave looks no different from the ordinary cave, but after walking in, I feel that it is much warmer than outside. If you have some common sense, you will know that the temperature in the cave is usually cooler than outside.

And now it is November outside, and it has entered a severe winter. But the more you go inside, the warmer it will feel.

When the famous people finally walked two miles away, a cliff suddenly appeared in front of them, and the straight cliff went straight to the bottom. In this dark place, even if the famous people with Yuanying's later cultivation, they could only see the distance of about ten meters around.

Look around, there is no road around. Just as Duan Mingliu was puzzled, a big hand suddenly emerged and gently held Duan Mingliu's whole body in his hand. And after catching him, he quickly took it back.

What's strange is that Duan Mingliu clearly can't feel any oppression of his big hand, but he can't move at all, as if he had been cast a fixed spell.

In an instant! Duan Mingliu was taken into another cave next to the cliff by that big hand! The temperature here is hotter than above. Even if Duan Mingliu has such cultivation, he feels unbearable in such an environment.

Looking around, there is a huge cave. On the stone stool in the middle of the cave, there is a skinny old man sitting on it. There are basically no muscles in the body, and the outstretched palm can be described as skinny.

"Are you a famous person?"

The old man's voice remembered slightly, and the trembling feeling was like the old man next door talking. Despite this, I can hear that the old man is full of anger. In particular, a sense of oppression naturally emitted from the body, although there was no intentional release, made Duan Mingliu standing not far away feel suffocated.

"The younger generation is exactly!" Duan Mingliu arched his hand slightly, and he did not dare to be disrespected at all in front of such a strong man.

"I heard that you know the conspiracy of Blood Knife Gate?" The old man's thin eyelids slowly raised, and his sharp eyes stared at the famous. Even if the other party's simple look makes him feel extremely scared in the eyes of celebrities.

It seems that one idea of the other party is enough to kill himself.


"Tell me carefully!"

So, Duan Mingliu began to talk about it in detail. Previously, behind the big stone, they heard the conversation between Tiandao and Feng Wuya, and then said that they used the resent between the six heroes in the south of the Yangtze River and the four righteousness of Zhongzhou to cause the dispute behind the two big backer. So that if you fish in muddy water, you can get the map hidden in the hands of Shenshan.

The old man's eyes narrowed slightly and nodded frequently. After the famous Duan finished telling the story, the old man finally smiled and continued to ask, "Now you are fine, you can go!"

"Wait a minute!" Duan Mingliu was really curious. He didn't have a chance to ask just now, but now he can finally ask, "I don't know how the seniors know about this?"

"You'll know when you go out!" The old man's indifferent voice sounded, and then another invisible big hand sent him directly outside the cave after catching Duan Mingliu.

Abruptly appeared outside the cave. The cool temperature and the warm sun made the hearts of celebrities feel comfortable. The air below is so depressing that it is unbearable.

"Famous brothers!" A surprise sounded at this time, and Duan Ming looked at it. Behind him stood a burly middle-aged man, and behind him stood a dark, tough man with a beard, a young woman in a goose yellow shirt and a seemingly elegant young man.

Who are these four people, not the four righteousness of Zhongzhou?

After seeing these four people, the celebrities were very surprised. After the separation at the inn that night, he saw with his own eyes that Mr. Huozhang was carrying a woman in a yellow shirt on his shoulder and kept running towards the desert.

It was also in order to chase Mr. Fire Palm that he was surrounded by the people of Luoshamen. It was in that battle that Duan Mingliu realized the earthly attributes before he was able to kill the enemy in one fell swoop.

He also always thought that these four people had encountered accidents. Who would have thought that he would meet here? How could it not surprise him? After the surprise, it is a tight hug.

After hearing the talk of these four people, he knew that he had been tricked to transfer the tiger away from the mountain that night. Everything in the living room is fake, and it's all made for yourself.

Mr. Fire Palm just wants to bring Duan celebrities into the encirclement of the desert, and he doesn't want to make extracurriculars. Therefore, he has already been drugged in the meal, so it is possible to catch all those powerful practitioners.

However, the famous Duan didn't eat any food that night, so the drug did not confuse him. As a last resort, Mr. Fire Palm used this trick to seduce.

Originally, I thought that in the vast desert, even if the celebrities escaped, they would still die in the desert. Who would have thought that Duan Mingliu not only lived well, but also killed the famous Mr. Huozhang in one fell swoop.

Among the surrounded people, only Tu Ya escaped alone.

After everyone exchanged a few greetings, the celebrities began to get up. Just as he was about to leave, Zhou Ran pressed his shoulder with a smile and said, "Are you worried about the Yun sisters?"

Although the celebrities were surprised, they still nodded.

"Don't worry, I have told the Bao family that they will not act recklessly. Moreover, the enmity in this secular world, which we practitioners intervene in, also destroys the original rules. Zhou Ran also has his reason for what he said. That's true. Cultivators generally have the strength to destroy the world. Hundreds of thousands or even millions of ordinary soldiers and horses are placed in front of a powerful practitioners, almost as simple as shooting a group of mosquitoes.

They deal with things in the world by themselves. Most of the practitioners play a deterrent role.

"From today, the famous people will enter the cave and practice with me." The trembling old man's voice sounded in his mind. Duan Mingliu was stunned!