
Chapter 64 Refining Spiritual Instruments

According to what Pipi told before, it seems that he can only use the outermost stove at present!

However, the current celebrities don't know anything about refining spiritual weapons! For the refining of spiritual weapons, it has only been seen in Xiaoyao Mountain and the sloppy hammer. Other than that, I know nothing about it! Therefore, the thick book he is holding in his hand now feels like holding a heavenly book!

If not, it is too far away from Xiaoyao Mountain now, then it is absolutely impossible for celebrities to waste time on this! However, then again, it is indeed a wonderful thing to be able to create a good weapon for yourself and for your relatives and friends!

It took seven days for celebrities to finish reading the book completely. I probably understand some of the most basic steps! From now on, let's build a few flying knives for ourselves. Just think of it as an experiment.

Before, I always used stones to throw and shoot. Although the power of the stones is also very strong, there is a big gap compared with flying knives.

Do it. In the practice room, Duan Mingliu is throwing precious ores into the boiler with his upper body. There are so many precious ores here. If you don't use them, you can only waste them here!

Thinking about this, Duan Mingli threw a piece of red ore straight into the stove! At this time, he had thrown many different ores into the stove. And use the true power in the body to control the stone and float in the stove.

Duan celebrities have basically figured out the composition and application methods of these ores. What they need to do now is to burn those ores one by one! Burn all the impurities inside! Only in this way can we refine strong spiritual weapons!

The first part of refining spiritual weapons is the selection of materials! First of all, we need to select enough materials with very matching attributes, so that they will not be repulsive. Be more able to maximize their own power!

This is also the reason why the stones selected by celebrities are basically red. Stone, like human beings, has nurtured its own attribute energy since birth! Most of those red stones themselves are energy that nurtures fire attributes!

Naturally, if you want to refine a flying knife with fire attribute energy, you will naturally use those stones with fire attribute!

As a famous person, he finally threw all the fire attribute stones at hand into the stove. Seeing that under the burning of Zhenyuanli's real fire, the stones finally began to melt slowly. Those excess impurities are slowly burning out in the continuous burning!

Then it turned into flying ash and disappeared! After that, Duan Mingliu used the true power in his body to wrap all the remaining essences together. Those essences have become **shaped after tens of millions of burns.

This also enables celebrities to condense them into the shape they want.

With the idea, wrapped in the true power of Duan Mingliu's fire attribute, all the red ** are gathered together! After that, it slowly condensed into the shape of three small flying knives in the stove!

Immediately, the famous Duan controlled Zhen Yuanli and put all those ** ores on the stone table in front of them! Next to the stone table, there is also a hammer and a chisel! Duan Mingliu picked up the chisel in his left hand and the hammer in his right hand!

Continuously, tapping on the three small flying knives.

The small flying knife gradually became perfect under the hands of celebrities. Whether it is a hard chisel or a gentle touch, the shape of the whole flying knife has changed profoundly!





Every hammer is like hitting a person's heart! The down hammer speed of the famous stream has a special rhythm. If you master this rhythm, you stand aside and sound like you are listening to a wonderful piece of music.

Duan Mingliu's upper body is basically full of sweat. Whether it is on his forehead or chest, it is bare sweat, ticking on the ground. But in an instant, it was evaporated by the high temperature in this room and soon disappeared without a trace!

However, all these celebrities don't know anything about it!


The first step is to choose materials. As mentioned above, if different materials are fused together, the effect will be very different. This is convenient, and Pipi will often express his opinions and go directly to those piles of materials to help celebrities find materials suitable for him.

The second step is to burn! The most important thing is to burn the impurities in the material! The harder and precious the material is, the stronger the strength it needs to burn. After all, such a hard material, a general open fire, is impossible to burn it clean!

For example. Immortal practitioners have three flavors of real fire in their bodies; demon practitioners have real fire in their bodies; demon practitioners have demon real fire in their bodies! Although the name is different, its power is still similar. It's roughly the same.

The third step is to temper! No matter how clever your control was at that time, it took tens of millions of times to show the real power of a spiritual weapon. For example, you want a sharper sword, and the blade of that sword naturally needs to be tempered countless times.

The blade of the sword is sharpened, and that's the truth!

In the tempering, naturally, it also needs to be burned thousands of times. While burning, it can be tempered to make the whole weapon stronger. Naturally, the state is more wonderful!

Step 4, quench! The quenching also needs to look at the level of your weapon. General agricultural utensils, as well as simple kitchen knives, or other low-level weapons, basically, water them with cold water! However, some level types are relatively high, which makes the requirements for quenching higher.

What they need is colder water than usual. Generally, this kind of water quality is specially refined. Or, this strange product will be born in heaven and earth. Only by extreme alternating between hot and cold can we reach the quenching standard! Some special weapons even need several quenching to succeed. In this way, the quenched weapons will also be sharper.

The last step and the most critical step - Qiling!

Each spiritual weapon has its own soul.

If it is a refiner, it can play a breeding role at most. And the spirit is a process of birth! After birth, it also needs the owner's years of upbringing, so that he can establish a deep relationship with the original spiritual weapon.

In that case, it can, better, play a greater role in the battle.

With the tempering of celebrities again and again, coupled with the burning again and again, the flying knife with long fingers is actually much shorter than before!

After holding it up and looking at it for a long time, Duan Mingliu nodded with satisfaction. Then, he took out a small bottle of ** with green light, put it straight and poured it on the three flying knives!

I only listened to it, and then sneered. On the surface of the flying knife, a burst of fog suddenly rose! The fog filled the whole room in an instant. Even the air is full of endless drops of water.

When the drops of water gradually dissipated, Duan Mingliu carefully observed the three flying knives.

I saw that there was a fiery red glow on the body of the three flying knives! The light, like a mass of flames, is constantly jumping, like cheerful elves!

The small knife body and the sharp blade, just holding it in his hand, make Duan celebrities love it!

" boss, are you ready?" Doudou was the first to feel the joy of Duan Mingliu. He couldn't wait for Duan Mingliu to go out by himself and ran in first. Since Duan Mingliu began to lock himself in the refining room a few days ago, Doudou and others have been staring at the door all the time.

Doudou, from time to time, uses the power of his soul to explore the soul of the famous stream to see if he has done it!

Everyone knows that spiritual weapons are very difficult to refine.

General refiners, it can't be said that they want to refine a medium-grade spiritual weapon, even if it is a lower-grade spiritual weapon, it will take a long time to refine it. As for the sloppy tempered top-quality spiritual weapons, in addition to their own efforts, there are many coincidences!

Let's first talk about the red ice knife in the hands of Duan Ming. The material of the red ice knife itself is a rare flowing ice stone in ten thousand years! Although, Gang'an Island is rich in fire and ice. This kind of thing is indeed only available on Hong Kong and An Island.

However, it has been so many years. Can anyone have a large amount of flowing ice? Very little, very little! Even if they have it, it is only a little as big as a slap at most! Who can have the volume of the flowing ice stone in the hands of celebrities?

At the beginning, after Duan Mingliu refined this steel knife, the fire ice stone even only used one-third! First, the scarcity and preciousness of materials, and secondly, it is also the superb skill of sloppy hammers. This makes it possible to give birth to a top-quality spiritual weapon such as the Red Ice Knife.

And now, Duan Ming has finally succeeded in refining a spiritual weapon! Unfortunately, I still don't know whether this spiritual weapon can really become a low-grade spiritual weapon! Being able to become a spiritual weapon generally has one thing in common, that is, it can recognize the Lord with blood!

As long as you recognize the owner with blood, you can prove that this spiritual weapon is a low-grade spiritual weapon. However, the breath emitted by the Zhongpin spiritual weapon is much more powerful.

It is said that when the lower spiritual weapon is born, the surrounding aura of heaven and earth will be ten times stronger than usual, and when the middle-grade spiritual weapon is born, the surrounding aura of heaven and earth will be a hundred times stronger than usual!

So, when the top spiritual weapon is born, it will not only be a thousand times stronger aura of heaven and earth, but more importantly, it will also be auspicious. Even thousands of miles away, you can clearly see the kind!

At the beginning, when the Red Ice Knife was born, it was in Xiaoyao Mountain. When the auspicious mountain came, it was covered by the trees on the mountain, and there were almost few practitioners around the Xiaoyao Mountain!

Don't forget that it is the location of Nanque Mountain. So far, no blind guy dares to run to Nanque Mountain to make trouble! That's the territory of monsters. Who dares to mess around? Even if someone saw the auspiciousness of heaven and earth on Nanque Mountain, but in the deterrence of Nanque Mountain, no one dared to come forward!

At most, in private, this monster in Nanque Mountain is powerful. It can actually refine a top-quality spiritual weapon!

" boss, recognize the Lord quickly! Look at what level this spiritual weapon is!" The first time, I couldn't help urging him.

Any newly conceived spiritual weapon is often very ** for the first drop of blood. Its fit will also be very high! Even if someone cancels the blood contract later, it will be difficult for the new owner to fit with the spiritual weapon before!

"That's right, famous brother, hurry up and recognize the Lord!" Even Rong Feixue is constantly urging!

"Master, come on!" Even the kitten Pipi opened his mouth to encourage Duan celebrities. Compared with them, Pipi's attitude is much calmer, as if he doesn't expect that celebrities can refine any level of spiritual weapons at all.

Duan celebrities also couldn't hide their excitement. As soon as their thoughts moved, a drop of bright red blood slipped out of Duan celebrities' fingertips. In an instant, they dripped on three red flying knives!

I only saw the crystal blood rolling on it!

Duan Mingliu raised his eyebrows - isn't even the level of the lower spiritual weapon enough?

No matter how good the character is, he will still be very nervous at this critical moment. He looked at the three flying knives without blinking.

It's like a water-absorbing sponge. The three drops of blood are really integrated into the three flying knives! Ah, it's really a spiritual weapon level. Duan Mingliu and others couldn't help but be overjoyed. Who would have thought that his famous people really succeeded in refining spiritual weapons for the first time.

Although his preparation this time was really sufficient, even the task of selecting crystals was completed with Pippi's help. Moreover, with the detailed introduction of the drawings, it is reasonable for celebrities to succeed.

As his mind moved, the three flying knives were immediately put into his body! Then, he appeared in front of the big guy again.


With a faint buzzing sound, the aura of the world around him seemed to be crazy, and unexpectedly quickly attacked these three flying knives. In the blink of an eye, centered on the three flying knives, the surrounding aura of heaven and earth is obviously a hundred times stronger than other places!

The famous one was excited again: "Ah, this is really a medium spiritual weapon. I actually refined a medium-grade spiritual weapon!" Excited voices sounded one after another. That tone contains disbelief and pride!

And the Doudou, Rong Feixue, First Hou and Pipi beside them also slapped happily! In fact, only Pipi knows best the reason why his master can refine a medium-grade spiritual weapon so easily.

Actually, it has a lot to do with those materials!

At the beginning, the leather carefully selected those materials from the pile of materials. Those, not to mention simple medium-grade spiritual weapons, even the refining of top-grade spiritual weapons, are easy! At the beginning, the former owner said that all those materials were obtained from various material planes at a high cost.

Among them, many things are very precious ores, which are rarely found even in the divine world. Thanks to him, he likes refining weapons very much, otherwise, it is impossible to find so many ores and crystals!

Pipi is also helping celebrities by doing this. After all, the stronger the master's ability, the more comfortable his housekeeper will be! Although it is an illusion condensed by energy, but Pipi can pretend to be a tiger!

Now, seeing their happy appearance, Pippi feels that everything he has done is worth it.

"What weapons do you want? Just say, boss will help you solve it!" With previous successful examples, Duan Mingliu suddenly said confidently and boldly.

First of all, his eyes lit up and asked, " boss, can I have a stick?"

Although I am facing my dear boss, the first time is obviously a little lack of confidence!

Duan Mingliu smiled, looked at the first wait and asked, "Do you want that kind of spiritual wood stick refined from purple leaf trunk as the main material?"

Hearing the words of Duan celebrities, he nodded in surprise.

"No problem!" Duan Ming said confidently.

Before, those wooden sticks, in the first hand, seemed very fragile and broke with a little force. That's not because purple leaf wood is very fragile, but because purple leaf wood that has not been refined and burned is stronger than ordinary wood.

As for, it really needs a little difficulty to be used by such a character!

Not to mention the first time, even Rong Feixue, it is impossible to break the purple leaf tree with all his strength.

Although the monkey also wants to change a more useful weapon, it may have been a long time. He actually had a strong interest in this kind of purple leaf wood. Unexpectedly, I don't want to throw it away! This also made him suffer many losses in many battles.

In the books I saw before, Duan celebrities also knew a little bit about purple leaf wood.

Legend has it that this is an ancient tree population that began to grow in ancient times or the Jurassic period! After successive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis, the purple leaf tree miraculously survived again and again.

Unfortunately, the purple leaf wood that can live now is only the few in the ring of the famous space.

Those who can survive in such a harsh environment are all those who have the ability to look at home!

And the biggest ability of the purple leaf tree is strong flexibility!

That kind of flexibility is almost the most powerful existence in the whole tree. No matter what kind of tree it is, there is simply no way to compare with it.

This is also why purple leaf wood is so precious!

However, Duan Mingliu turned his head and looked at Doudou and asked with a smile, "Doudou, what weapon do you want?"

Doudou curled his lips and said, "I'm not as useless as some kind of guy, and I even want to use weapons!" I have my claws, which are indestructible. As long as you are hit, even the practitioners of the out-of-body period may not be able to stop it!"

After listening to Doudou's words, Rong Feixue said with a smile, "Doudou, you think things are simple. Many monsters also have very powerful weapons on their bodies. Why do they still need to use some spiritual weapons?

Doudou couldn't help but suffocate when he heard this question!

Yong Feixue continued to say, "Doudou, it's certainly good to take advantage of its own advantages. However, your little claws can only attack close to the body, and it is impossible to attack far away! What we have to do is to strengthen all our abilities.

Turn yourself into a perfect person. Whether it is the defense and attack of matter and soul, it must reach a level of near perfection. Let the opponent can't attack himself, which is the most effective way to fight!"

After listening to these words, Doudou couldn't help nodding, obviously agreeing with Rong Feixue.

Doudou tilted her neck and began to remember that her little eyes did not blink. Duan Mingliu and others didn't know and didn't urge him! On the contrary, they looked at him with great interest! Look at what weapon he wants to use!

Yes! Suddenly, Doudou patted his thigh fiercely and said excitedly to Duan celebrities, " boss, I know what I want!"

"What?" Everyone looked at him with a surprised face.

And Doudou said proudly, "I want a gun!"

Duan celebrities and others are all stunned!

How can it be a gun? But Doudou didn't care about their eyes at all and said lightly, "It's very simple. Didn't you say that my ability is limited, and I can only attack, not a long-range attack? As soon as I get a long gun, so that I can throw it at the critical moment!"

The first time, he smiled slightly and asked, "Do you have enough arm strength?"

Doudou stared and said unconvincedly, "Would you like to have a try?"

However, Duan Mingliu didn't care about it at all and looked at Rong Feixue! Although Rong Feixue has the jade snow sword in her hand, perhaps she also has other needs and hopes to help refine it! For Feixue's sister, I don't know why, there is always a very guilty feeling in the hearts of Duan celebrities.

"Brother celebrities, no, I know your time is very tight. I have a jade snow sword in my hand, and I don't need anything for the time being! Why don't you come to refine weapons when your strength is great? At that time, the weapon you refined must be a very top-level existence!"

With that, Rong Feixue also blinked her eyes twice at the celebrities. In words, you hardly need to express too much meaning, and you can basically understand what the other party is thinking! They grew up together, and the people here almost knew exactly what they thought and wanted to say!

Duan Mingliu nodded and was grateful, but he didn't say anything. His Feixue sister can be safe and happy, which is the greatest happiness in his life!

Thinking of this, the famous Duan returned to the refinery room.

The whole refinery room began to ping-pong sound one after another, and even the sound of burning flames became louder and louder! There is even a spark that makes a snapping sound when it is burning!

Duan Mingliu stood attentively in front of the stone platform. Still holding a chisel in one hand and a hammer in the other. Standing there, constantly jingling. Every tap makes the space here tremble faintly.

That strong sense of rhythm is like a strong band playing its own movement! Suddenly, Duan Mingliu finally stopped, and then threw a small spear and a black stick into the stove.

Using the true power in the body, the three flavors of real fire in the famous fluid once again emerged from the body surface. Directly melted into the refinery furnace! Even the two weapons that will be placed in the vigorous flame will crackle in the burning!

Some impurities, in this continuous burning and beating, actually dissipated quickly! Many little monkeys, even because of Duan Mingliu's practice day and night, made them curious and lie outside the window where Duan Mingliu was.

Watching attentively, Duan Mingli waved his knife every time. When facing each other, that strong feeling, now that I think about it, is still very frightening!

"When can I become like that man? I'm afraid I'm willing to let me die immediately!" One of the little monkeys is preaching to the divine consciousness.

And the other monkey, with a strange black circle on its back, sneered and said, "With your ability, do you still want to be such a strong man? It's just a fantasy...haha, haha..."

All this was shocked by everyone below. I really didn't expect that those little monkeys would have the same wisdom as human beings. Unfortunately, their vocal cord problems can't make a normal sound.

" boss, why haven't you come out yet?" Doudou is very bored outside. In addition, since Duan Mingliu began to study the refinery, another year has hurried through this time, while Duan Mingliu is completely immersed in the pleasure of refining!

"What's your hurry! When the time comes, the old nature will come out. You see, although Feixue is also very worried about the boss, people are always hurrying to practice. You are so lazy, what should you do in the future? The first time was a big brother's tone. When facing Doudou, he was stunned to teach Doudou a lesson.

Doudou doesn't reply. The abnormal behavior is also a little doubtful. Because Doudou will never be the kind of master who will forgive others! There must be a big reason for such a move now.

And when I first looked along Doudou's eyes, the eyes couldn't help but brighten up. There is no previous boredom and decadence at all!

At this time, the celebrities had walked out of the refinery room, but dressed neatly, stood in front of them and looked at the two of them with a smile.

"Big boss, is it done?" Doudou's heart was also a little excited. But he stared straight at the small long gun in the hand of the famous!

Oh, my God, although the long gun has a black halo on the surface, it seems that with the existence of this gun, Doudou can completely increase the material attack several times!

And in the first hand, he clenched a stick with purple light in his hand.

" boss, you are so awesome!" Doudou couldn't help admiring.

"Try it!" Duan Mingliu smiled and stood next to him.

Looking at their favorite appearance, Duan celebrities have a sense of accomplishment in their hearts! With the assistance of these two spiritual weapons, the power of that group of celebrities has definitely reached a brand-new level!

Among these spiritual weapons refined by celebrities, except for the spiritual weapon in Doudou's hand, which is a low-grade spiritual weapon, the rest are medium-grade spiritual weapons! Then Duan Mingliu came and stood in front of Rong Feixue, who was smiling.

"Brother of celebrities." Seeing the expression of Duan Mingliu, Rong Feixue looked a little surprised!

His appearance is obviously hesitating, and he seems to be shy! After Rong Feixue opened her mouth and shouted, she saw that Duan Mingle handed over a series of small bracelets into Rong Feixue's hands.

The small bracelet is full of many crystal beads. There are red, blue, green, white and black... Small beads of various colors are worn together, which is indeed very beautiful!

"Brother the famous, you are!" Rong Feixue shouted in surprise. This shout was completely, which shocked Doudou and the first two people. Regardless of their weapons, they ran directly to the famous, opened their eyes and asked, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

And the first time, he rushed directly to Rong Feixue's body, grabbed the bracelet in Rong Feixue's hand, and said with admiration, "The boss is the boss. No matter when, he wants to pick up girls!" This realm is really superb. I monkey, I'm willing to bow down!"

When he said this, he deliberately bowed deeply to the famous Duan. Duan Mingliu is completely speechless. Isn't it just a bracelet? As for such an exaggerated performance?

However, Rong Feixue's cheeks slowly flew a touch of crimson. Just like a ripe tomato, it looks warm!

"Don't talk nonsense!" Duan Mingliu couldn't help scolding. But his rebuke not only did not have any effect, but also was more exaggerated, completely "irritated" the two guys!

Doudou stood arrogantly on the table and said to Duan Mingliu and others, "I finally know why the boss always liked to hold some stones in his hand before!"

And the first wait standing next to him was very cooperative. He sang and asked, "You know, then please tell me why? It turns out that he is always a cold boss. Does he have any special hobbies? Otherwise, why do you always hold a stone?

And when Doudou said this, he held his head proudly and said confidently, "There is no need to ask, of course, it's for flying snow!" In order to win the favor of beautiful women, you can often exercise your fingers, so that at critical moments, you can wear a series of beautiful beads for your beloved girl! Well, isn't it romantic?"

Doudou's arrogant attitude and his aggressive words made another famous person can't help but be angry. And the first one next to him was still fanning the flames and said, "Oh, that's it. It seems that I should be careful in the future, otherwise, in case either of you two is provoked, you two may join hands to deal with me!"

"All right. I can't tell you! I'm going to practice! That's all right!" Duan Mingliu finally had no choice. I finally spent a lot of time refining the powerful spiritual weapon. But when these two guys first met, they actually thanked themselves in this way!

I'm dizzy!

"No, boss, I know that if you start practicing, you will absolutely leave us alone. In this way, we won't make trouble. Take us out of here!" Doudou pitifully pulled the corners of Duan's clothes and begged.

As a naturally lively monster, how can he face such a cold environment? Moreover, his closest boss is actually a guy who only knows how to practice! This made him almost collapse.

"Are you not going to make trouble?" Duan Mingliu asked back.

"No, no!" Doudou nodded solemnly. And, put two fingers together and said seriously, "I swear!"

"Brother a famous!" Rong Feixue couldn't help laughing.

Duan Mingliu nodded and immediately said, "Okay! Just trust you once! We will leave tomorrow!"

This news ordered by celebrities will definitely explode outside. Finally, I'm leaving this place. In a blink of an eye, it has been almost three years since I came here. This long and warm three years!

And the three types of spiritual weapons refined before the celebrities were not named. Doudou and others said that when the boss has refined the best spiritual weapon, he will have to choose a good name.


In the Ink Palace.

On the gorgeous seat, there is a chubby middle-aged man with small eyes, always narrowing into a slit. When looking at people, he always looks like a smile, which makes people feel extremely intimate.

This man is the highest ruler in the Mo Palace and the emperor here! Now, the person standing below is Mo Ting who was beaten and fled by Duan celebrities!

It turns out that the injury on Mo Ting's body has already been repaired! However, after more than three years, he still misses the celebrities! At the beginning, Duan Mingliu, who almost killed him and his son.

Within three years, celebrities are still at large. How could this make him, a magnificent captain of the Mo Palace, swallow this breath! Therefore, every once in five, he would run to the front of King Mo and ask about all the famous people.

The answer is almost always the same!

King Mo always said that there was no news. The scope of the search has been expanding from the beginning near the battlefield, and the number of people participating in the search is also increasing. Unfortunately, even after three years, I still haven't found any information about celebrities.

"King Mo, why didn't you continue to send the silverfish team? Aren't there several batches of silverfish teams in our country? Mo Ting asked anxiously.

Mo Wang said with a smile, "Don't worry, you, a trueist, can have an eternal life, will you still be afraid of a small famous? Wait a minute, maybe there will be news tomorrow!"

Mo Wang's answer is always the same, which makes Mo Ting feel very indignant! Naturally, the depressed mood also broke out at this moment: "Uncle, don't you just look at your nephew's big hatred and leave it alone?"

Such a tone is clearly questioning the emperor. They did not find any information about the celebrities. At the beginning, Duan Mingliu was drifted far away by the sea after the battle. Moreover, even if it is, later, a house was built on the other side of the coral reef. They also didn't find it.

However, because the celebrities have ordered, they don't have many activities outside! That's why Doudou feels particularly bored! Duan Mingliu was afraid that they would meet Mo Ting.

So, they have never been allowed to go out! This makes them feel very uncomfortable!

And the news of the silverfish team has already covered this territory! From time to time, they will appear in the sea. In the blue sea, a few small silverfish covered with nails are very inconspicuous. Even in front of Duan celebrities and others, I'm afraid Duan celebrities may not be able to know them!

Unfortunate, the range of seawater is too large. Even if it is a large area, there will still be some blind spots when silverfish are placed in the sea!

Duan celebrities were lucky enough to avoid the view of silverfish during this period!

How can it be so coincided? They were so secretive that they were found by the silverfish team that flashed by? That probability is very low.

"Presumptuous!" In the face of Mo Ting's increasingly arrogant attitude, even the emperor with a good temper began to be angry. He was so angry that he suddenly patted the table, and the originally strong table was smashed in an instant!

The wood chips turned into powder and slowly flowed down, completely covering a large floor below.

Mo Ting was shocked and immediately knelt down in a hurry!

"Go down! As I said, I will try my best to find the celebrities, and I will definitely look for them!" Mo Wang said indifferently. At this moment, Mo Ting didn't dare to say anything more. He could only retreat respectfully!

In his heart, he kept scolding, "Why can't I find the damn famous Duan? I really don't know if this guy has escape!" As soon as he thought of this famous person, Mo Ting's heart was immediately furious.

It's like burning three flavors of real fire in my heart! The hatred in his heart has blinded his eyes. It's definitely not a way to go on like this. If you look for it at this speed, I really don't know when you will be able to find a famous person.

If he really wants to escape. Three years is enough to make him run far away! No matter what the reason was considered, Mo Ting decided that he could not continue to wait. Otherwise, one day, I will go crazy.

It seems that there is only the heart of the ocean to ask for help!

If there is nothing he can do, how could Mo Ting want to find that bastard? It is said that the temperament of Ocean Heart is really strange. As long as he looks at the same eye, I'm afraid he is very happy to do things for nothing.

But if I don't like you, then I may kill you directly! There are many legends that the heart of the ocean will easily kill people who come to his help.

Mo Ting has absolutely no choice but to gamble now! His bet is his own life! Duan Mingliu, either you die or I die. Then let's see whether your life is hard or my life is hard!

At the beginning, I lost face in front of so many people. And he openly chased himself to that extent. This matter has become the biggest humiliation in his life. Up to now, there are still other captains who will mention this matter from time to time, secretly mocking him!

Mo Ting hates it just thinking about this!

It's not too late. Let's go now to find the heart of the ocean!

"Lang Yi, what do you think about this matter?" Not long after Mo Ting left, Langyi actually came out from behind. But he seemed to be very happy and always had a smile on his face.

"If it really forces Captain Mo Ting, I'm afraid it's a good thing!"

"Oh?" King Mo is a little strange!

Lang Yi said with a smile, "Only in a desperate situation can we see how much a person's potential is!" How can you see the rainbow without experiencing training?

"Haha!" After listening to Lang Yi's words, Mo Ting laughed even more excitedly. This sentence is deep in his heart! He just wants Mo Ting to experience training and eventually become a real talent!

A small famous person really didn't put it in the heart of King Mo. The reason why the famous Duan can escape again and again in the intensive search actually has a lot to do with the failure of King Mo to do his best! If he didn't make them wander around and search when he sent the silver fish team, but fanned and investigated an inch of land, I'm afraid that the celebrities would soon be found!

There's nothing we can do. Who made Mo Wang want to hone Mo Ting's willpower with the matter of Duan celebrities? So, that guy deserves to be in a hurry!