
Chapter 69 Take off clothes in public

Although Tu Zhen obviously felt that there were many strange things in the room, he still knelt down devoutly and didn't even dare to search with his spiritual knowledge.

When the famous Duan looked at her, his eyes couldn't help but show a trace of horror. The sister Li Tong has a fish tail, but she has a fish head. Compared with the sister's fish tail, this huge fish head is even more incredible!

And it's even more fable.

"Master, please forgive my previous offenses. I'm just confused for a moment. I hope you can understand my pain!" Tu Zhen said and buried her head deep on the ground. The degree of piety also fully showed the fear in her heart at this moment.

I'm afraid that such a master will be very scared even in front of anyone! This is also the reason why this strange old man is so frightening.

"Sister, you have done such a thing before, and I believe that the master will never forgive you in his life!" At this time, Li Tong said with a sneer. The words are full of provocative elements.

"Get out of here. I'm talking to the master. When is it your turn to interrupt? At the moment Tu Zhen spoke, a poisonous snake suddenly flew out of her hand. The small snake with only long fingers suddenly cut through the sky and flew quickly towards Li Tong!

At this critical moment, a small dagger suddenly appeared in Li Tong's hand, and the small green snake suddenly hit the dagger with a "bang". Then, the little snake finally fell weakly. No more silence.

"Sister, what are you doing? Is it possible that you want to poison me when the master doesn't wake up? At this time, Li Tong was completely angry.

The senior sister in front of me, who grew up together, not only has no kindness to herself, but also is very cruel. Sister Tu Zhen has been a very competitive girl since she was a child.

No matter what order the master gives, she will be eager to complete it quickly, but the master doesn't like her. She always says that she is too murderous and likes to be competitive. Such a personality is difficult to achieve high achievements on the road to cultivation!

On the contrary, Li Tong's steady and carefulness is another master's heart of the sea, which is very appreciated. Over time, the heart of the ocean has become more and more helpful to the two of them. This also makes Tu Zhen's resentment stronger and stronger.

After a long time, it will naturally explode.

Just five months ago, the Heart of the Sea said a sentence, completely opposing the two of them.

At that time, the Heart of the Ocean said that he had hidden the peerless secrets in the castle. As long as either of them can satisfy him or find the secret book first, the secret book will be rewarded to the other party.

However, Li Tong's behavior in this castle will not be restricted, but Tu Zhen has a lot of restrictions. For example, Li Tong can enter this secret room, but Tu Zhen is ordered to enter it.

Moreover, even at ordinary times, the heart of the ocean is very favorable to Li Tong. Therefore, this time, Tu Zhen has almost no chance of winning.

Legend has it that there is a way to completely turn them into human beings. This alone is enough to drive Tu Zhen crazy.

She began to find the secret every day. I went through the whole castle, but I couldn't find any clues about the secrets.

It took Tu Zhen almost two months to turn the whole castle upside down, but he still didn't find those secrets. He was not discouraged at all. After all, Li Tong hasn't been found yet. After that, he thought that maybe the secret was hidden in a place where he couldn't usually go!

So, she went to the master Ocean Heart.

Originally, I wanted to let the master let himself enter the original forbidden area. I stand on the same starting line as my sister. In this way, her heart can be more or less balanced. Unfortunately, she was rejected that day.

Moreover, the master scolded her harshly. And said in front of her, "According to your qualifications, even if you find the secret, maybe I will take it back!" Of course, this secret book needs to be given to smart people to play its due role.

These words completely angered Tu Zhen. Just when the master was unprepared, a handful of flowers in her hand suddenly shot into the heart of the master's ocean! It was a highly toxic substance, and immediately, those substances were absorbed by the body of the heart of the ocean.

After absorbing, those substances even attacked his soul!

Fortunately, Li Tong appeared in time at that time. Only then did he save his life for the time being. It was at that time that the heart of the ocean began to practice. For three months, the heart of the ocean has been immersed in restoration.

Now, the master has finally come out. Of course, Tu Zhen has to come forward to apologize. For the fear of the master, he is completely soaked in his bones. I'm afraid there is no way to change it in his life!


At this time, Tu Zhen's spiritual knowledge tentatively swept over the master. But this scan surprised her!

"Master, is he dead?" Tu Zhen was shocked. He never thought that the master would really die one day.

"Didn't you kill the master?" Li Tong's voice was sad, but very calm.

"How can it be!" Tu Zhen still couldn't believe it.

Li Tong saw her expression, but sneered and said disdainfully, "Don't you just want the master and me to die? Now that your wish has come true, why do you still have such an expression? In this way, you seem to be very fake, you know?"

After being surprised for a moment, Tu Zhen rushed to the heart of the master's ocean and gently pressed it on the master's nose without any breath. Then press on the master's heartbeat, and the heartbeat has already stopped!

"Since you have cheated me with this body for three months, why don't you continue to cheat now? Wouldn't it be better for you to run away early? Lest you not only get the secret book, but also lose your life in the future!"

It seems that Tu Zhen is persuading Li Tong, but in his bones, he still regards Li Tong as something in his pocket!

Li Tong's ability really didn't pay attention to him.

"I took the master's order to kill you! Now I have basically done everything I want, and even the introduction is ready, and the effect of the introduction is obviously greater than I thought! Just prepare to die!" Li Tong said, his eyes were cold, and he pointed to Tu Zhen and said arrogantly.


these two words were heard in the ears of Duan celebrities, and there seemed to be some conjecture in their hearts. This Li Tong may have really made some articles on himself, but he didn't even notice this matter.

is completely like Tu Zhen as a thing in the bag. Tu Zhen smiled angrily, but said, "It's up to you? Do you still want to kill me? What a big joke. I'll just stand here and see how you can kill me."

Li Tong smiled, blinked mischievously, and said, "How do you know if you don't try!"

"Go to hell!" Tu Zhen couldn't wait. The smiling woman in front of her was so disgusting to her.

While talking, a small dagger suddenly cut through the sky, with a faint black energy, and quickly waved towards Li Tong.

Wherever the dagger passes, the fragile space is even scratched, breaking a space ripple. The space ripples spread quickly along the place where the dagger passed in an instant. Every time, Li Tong's soul was strongly shocked!

The space ripple, as if acting directly on the sea of the brain, completely controls the limit of Li Tong's soul leap. Every vibration represents Li Tong's tolerance again and again.

The originally crumbling soul, at this moment, is like a lonely boat floating on the sea with strong winds and waves. Every shock makes her feel an indescribable suffocation!

More importantly, at this critical moment, Tu Zhen's slap suddenly slapped Li Tong fiercely. The target is Li Tong's head!

There is a soul in the head, as well as Jin Danyuanying. Once he is patted in the head, the consequences are even more serious.

"Go away!"

Suddenly, Li Tong seemed to finally get rid of that comfort, and his whole body even began to tremble involuntarily. The originally rosy face now looks extremely pale!

After seeing this scene, even Duan celebrities and the first waiters couldn't help sweating for Li Tong!

But now Li Tong obviously doesn't need their help. What's more, Duan celebrities and others trapped in those four circles now have almost no autonomy. They can only watch Li Tong's pain, but they can't help or even shout.

Because the array constraints on their bodies not only affect their whole body, but also directly affect their souls!


After Li Tong roared, the true vitality in his body seemed to be half crazy and suddenly shot at Tu Zhen. That crazy momentum, even another Tu Zhen, has no resistance in a short time!

I didn't expect that Li Tong could burst out such potential at a critical moment!

However, when she exerted all the true power in her body. The whole person, even because of weakness, sat down directly on the ground. I can't get up for a long time.

How's it going? Do you still have the confidence to continue to fight?" Tu Zhen looked at the embarrassed Li Tong in front of him with a smile and asked with a smile.

"I can't beat you!" Li Tong said honestly.

After listening to this sentence, Tu Zhen's eyes trembled even more with laughter. Unfortunately, her fish face can't show a person's joys and sorrows in detail. Even if she is very happy, on the surface, it is always a cold expression.

Tu Zhen put the dagger in his hand on Li Tong's chest and asked wildly, "Aren't you always crazy before? Why are you not talking now?"

"I'm wondering if I should pass on the secret recipe for changing your face to you!"

Li Tong's words were undoubtedly a thunder and exploded fiercely in Tu Zhen's ears.

The most important thing she wants to do in her life is to change her face. She is really fed up with this disgusting fish head. This ugly appearance makes it difficult for her to sleep and eat.

There are many items in the room, but one of those items is missing, which is a very commonly used mirror. That's right. No mirrors were found in Tu Zhen's room.

Since he became like this, how can Tu Zhen have the mind and courage to face himself in the mirror?

The original cute little fish actually became like this, which made Tu Zhen unable to accept what he said!

Therefore, she always dreams that one day the master can give her the antidote, so that she can improve her appearance. At least it should become exactly the same as other normal people. Now that the master is dead, I thought that it would be difficult to realize my dream in my life.

But now, everything seems to be so simple and easy. At the juncture of life and death, this woman actually said that she could have a way to change her face! What exciting news this is.

As a woman, who doesn't want to be beautiful? Which one doesn't care about his appearance? But there is nothing we can do. There is always nothing we can do. However, Li Tong's words ignited hope in her heart.

When I heard that sentence, my eyes lit up: "You mean, can you help me?"

Li Tong nodded.

"But how do I know if what you did is real? Are you framing me again?" Tu Zhen still doesn't believe it. After all, he and Li Tong have always been sworn in. After so many years, they have almost never been reconctuous.

Now, when the other party is about to die, tell yourself this secret, I'm afraid there will be another plan! No matter when, be careful, it will always be right.

"Look!" At this time, Li Tong became claws with one hand, and suddenly, with the demon power in his body, the surging demon power instantly got a small, lively fish in front of him.

Then, Li Tong sprinkled some potion on the little fish. Everyone present widened their eyes and looked at the incredible scene in front of them. For them, such a change is really amazing.

I saw that the little fish was waking up and slowly transforming. The whole person seemed to have crossed a streamer and suddenly rushed to the famous one. At this time, the body of the little fish began to undergo strong changes.

From the original fish scales, limbs actually grew. The white and tender arm, like green bamboo shoots, looked delicate and almost wanted to bite fiercely. Moreover, the growth rate is absolutely amazing. In a blink of an eye, the little fish has grown into a girl.

Even the scales on the face began to mutate slowly. Then it falls off.

That childish face showed a trace of pain! Long, elegant hair, constantly rippled up and down in the sea, like an elf on the sea!

Maybe her current pain has not been relieved. Therefore, there is a trace of pain between her eyebrows. Moreover, because of the pain, he still swam quickly towards the famous Duan. As they get closer and closer, celebrities even clearly see--

The scales have been slowly fading off the body of the little fish. Under the shoulders, white jade-like skin has been revealed, pink and plump, as moist as tomatoes. Further down, the successive scales slowly faded.

It's like taking off your clothes.

Then, the two towering twin peaks appeared in the sight of the celebrity. The charming curve and the little blush were injected into the body of the celebrity like a stimulant.

Duan Mingliu wanted to turn his head, but because he was controlled, he could only stare at the other party's body. Reason told himself that he could never continue to look at it, but in his subconscious, he hoped that the scales fell down one by one.

The private spring light soon appeared in front of the celebrities. A beautiful girl with a whole body stood straight in front of the celebrities. But because of the hidden effect, even if the distance is so close, she still does not feel the existence of celebrities. As soon as her heart moved, the scales that had fallen off instantly condensed into a beautiful red dress with golden light, and soon fell on her body!

"Thank you, Sister Litong! I'll go first!" The little girl was grateful and left happily after giving a slight salute to Li Tong.

This time, Li Tong brought him in, and naturally he will send her out!

Tu Zhen's eyes looked at what happened in front of him, but Duan celebrities were helpless and reacted! Intellectually, although he should not be like this, he is physiologically uncontrollable. Feeling the heat of his body, he couldn't help sighing secretly. It seemed that he needed to practice more.

At the first time, although the visual effect is not as good as that of celebrities, it is still shocked by this scene, causing two noses and nosebleeds.

There was a trace of worry in Doudou's heart, because he obviously saw that Rong Feixue's face had become green!

It seems that there will be trouble in the future!

(The monk's grandmother, today is her birthday. I'm really sorry for the update so late. There are many relatives who came to my home today. They made the monk dizzy all day and didn't even have time to type. This makes today's chapter have to be uploaded in such a late time! I'm so sorry!

By the way, what festival is it today? The monk forgot. When you are free, please help the broken spine collect "Famous World", and then cast more red votes and write some comments! And rewards, the more the better!)