
Chapter 87 Clean Slaughter (Chapter 3)

The first waiter's body was injured, but Doudou's situation was even more tragic. There were several scars on the small body, and bright red blood kept flowing out of the wound.

Although the enemy has been half killed by them, their price is the scars all over their body. Moreover, the number of the other party is many times more than theirs. Even if they use sea tactics and fill them with corpses, it is enough to drown the two of them.


Duan Mingliu bowed down and dodged from his back. After attacking with two spiritual weapons, his hands suddenly turned to the ground and patted him fiercely.


It's like an earthquake.

The strong undersea ground actually rumbled and trembled in an instant. Some rocks on the ground were shaken by this violent shaking. The surrounding seawater has even been greatly affected, even stirring up the seawater like a giant beast.

A huge crack suddenly appeared at the feet of Duan Mingliu. Like a ferocious monster, it continues to expand forward, and even in the process of expansion, it has caused bursts of gas explosions.

Some rolling rocks and stirring seawater were even dropped into this powerful underground crack.

Even Lang Yi and others should be careful to avoid it and try their best to dodge this powerful explosive attack.

It was at this time that Duan Mingliu looked at the right time, and even followed the explosion and the huge underground cracks, quickly rushed to the front.

In the process of moving forward, the soldier's knife in his hand kept wielding, and then the nearest soldiers fell to the ground.

"Don't let him rush in!"

At this time, Lang Yi could only shout, but unfortunately, it was too late. With the addition of celebrities, the situation here has changed in an instant. When facing them, Duan Mingliu didn't even need to use a unique trick at first.

The stone in his hand was just a random throw, and all the Doudou and several characters around him were eliminated. There are small holes in their heads, which look inconspicuous, but they have already died so much that they can't die.

No matter what the angle of the celebrities are, the souls in their minds are smashed without exception. The speed of this attack is simply faster than Doudou.

With the addition of celebrities, Doudou's pressure suddenly eased a lot.


The Langyi, Shi Shuanghao and Cai Ai, who stood outside the crowd, were so angry that they were crazy when they saw this scene. This famous person now does not fight directly with them at all, but rushes directly into the crowd.

slaughter their men with all their strength. If you take action rashly and kill your men... the consequences will definitely lose the army, but if Duan Mingliu goes on like this, their army will soon be killed by Duan Mingliu.

"Don't worry about them and kill the celebrities!" At this time, Langyi's eyes had turned red. When he saw Duan Mingliu, his eyes had already burst into fiery red light. This bloodthirsty light forced him to make his current decision.

There is nothing we can do. If they take action earlier, maybe fewer of those men will die.


Shuanghao and Cai Ai didn't talk. They usually obeyed Lang Yi's orders. At such a critical moment, the three people all rushed to the famous people in the crowd.

Seeing that they had come over, Duan celebrities couldn't help laughing, and the huge gravity space permeated in an instant!

The strongest gravity!


The earthy-yellow gravity space enveloped all the people around it in an instant. Those people's body surface and even internal organs were all attracted by the sudden gravity. Some unprepared, even pressed on the ground by this strong gravity, can't stand up.

At this time, Duan Mingliu's hands saw a huge red ball suddenly appeared. Even the red true power between heaven and earth is still converging towards his palm, making the original fiery red ball more and more powerful.

"Fire Tree Silver Flower!"

After feeling the gravity space of the celebrities, their faces have changed. And when they saw the huge red ball in the hands of the celebrities, their minds even exploded.

desperately wanted to break free from the shackles of this gravity space, but his legs, like being filled with lead water, can't take steps. Not only them, but also Lang Yi and other three people standing on the edge of the gravity space have the same feeling.

Before the battle, Duan celebrities did not use gravity space at all. They are about to forget about this. However, now the celebrities have used gravity space, and they have finally felt the strength of this gravity space.

Just after Duan Mingliu shouted, the huge round ball was suddenly crushed by the two strong palms of Duan Mingliu. In an instant, the huge fiery red ball suddenly burst. Tens of millions of steel needles shot out of the ball quickly.

Those red steel needles, like arrows with fire, shot out in all directions. The strength of each arrow is so strong. Tens of thousands of steel needles, shooting at the same time, are really as gorgeous as a fire tree and honeysuckle.

And now, looking at the shot steel needles, the faces of those soldiers have long been pale.

They can't dodge quickly in the gravity space. Even if they saw the red arrow flying towards themselves quickly, there was nothing they could do. I could only watch the fiery red arrows, dragging their red tails and shooting at them quickly.





Thiller voices sounded one after another, and those figures also fell to the ground one after another. After this move, most of the original soldiers have disappeared. Only some survivors were left, looking at the famous people in front of him tremblingly.

Their eyes are full of infinite fear, and it feels like they are watching the call of death.

"Haha, die!" Seeing this scene, Doudou and the first wait rushed up excitedly. Those soldiers have long been shocked by the means of celebrities. How can they have any resistance in their hearts?

Of course, in the face of this Doudou and the first massacre, the remaining soldiers were finally killed without any suspense.

In this area, the body has piled up into a hill. Most of them have shown prototypes, including fish, shrimp, snakes, crabs and so on.

Being able to become a humanoid is the result of their efforts to maintain it. Now that they are dead, it is impossible to continue to maintain the original human form.

The whole sea here no longer has the original refreshing taste, and there is a strong bloody smell in the sea. Those blood even dyed the sea here into a scarlet color.

Some mutilated limbs drifted to one side with the water. All the little fish and shrimps who saw these things had already been scared to hide. Even in the deep sea, they are used to seeing these cruel pictures, but when they see them with their own eyes, they still feel shocked.

After all, there are so many corpses. When placed in front of you, it is indeed a very shocking visual effect.

"Big boss, solve it all!" Doudou and First Hou, after cleaning up the last soldier, excitedly ran to the front of Duan celebrities to recover their lives.

Duan Mingliu suddenly glanced at the bodies, nodded with a smile and said, "You should also have a rest!" While talking, Duan Mingliu's mind moved, and the two figures suddenly disappeared, and the next moment, they appeared in Duan Mingliu's space ring.

"Your people have been killed by our brothers, and now what I want to do is to kill them all!" When Duan Mingliu said this, a cold light appeared in his eyes. That tone is even cold without a trace of emotion.

After hearing what the famous Duan said, the corners of the three people's eyes twitched fiercely.

They understand that this sentence of celebrities is not empty at all. If they want to kill them with all their strength, it is completely possible to do it. But even so, they are willing to work hard.

In this battle, either you die or I die!


Lang Yi had a cold face. After giving the order, the three people had a very tacit understanding, divided into three angles and launched another attack on the celebrities.

When they launched their strongest attack, the surrounding sea even began to roar infinitely. The sound was like a prehistoric monster, constantly roaring at them. The sea was stirred up.

The scarlet blood constantly melted into the seawater in the stirring of the sea, completely dyeing the water here into a red.


The strange music sound once again appeared in the minds of celebrities.

This time, although the celebrities are defensive, knowing that this kind of music is simply a psychedelic effect of vocal music. But even so, Duan Mingliu is still uncontrollably and can't help but want to indulge in it.

The scene in front of us is also like a dream, completely without the bloody atmosphere before.

" hiss!"

At this time, three attacks flew towards the famous Duan at the same time. One of them is a fiery red steel knife attack, the other is a golden fairy sword attack, and the third one is a black soul attack!

This soul attack is the strongest trick that Cai Ai can use so far. This is improved by his own talent. When the display was completed, he even had a short period of stagnation and needed a little cultivation to adjust.

Although the black soul attack was a late strike, it was the first to reach the head of Duan celebrities.

"Puff" instantly disappeared into my mind. Suddenly, the soul of Duan Mingliu's soul was stirred.

(Brothers, old and young men... Collection,,,,, red ticket,,,,)