
Chapter 3 Confused

Everyone was shocked. What's going on? Is there thunder and lightning again? Shouldn't it be? Didn't the previous thunder and lightning occasionally appear once or twice? Why is the frequency so high now?

Just when everyone was puzzled, Duan Ming's strongest repulsion suddenly became the strongest gravity.

At this time, those people don't know why. Did the boss suddenly change the direction of gravity? Doesn't this gravity space want to minimize the power of lightning? Isn't it faster for lightning to fly towards them by changing the direction of gravity in this way?

Just when Doudou and the others were puzzled, suddenly, Duan Mingliu took a body directly with one hand.

When they looked at it, they couldn't help taking a deep breath. The whole body has been completely burned, and the surface of the whole body is dark, and there is no way to distinguish his original appearance. Even the hair and some clothes on his body were burned to ashes.

When I checked through spiritual knowledge, I was even more surprised to find that the internal organs in the body were all burned black. Almost no place is complete.

Duan Mingliu and others who saw this scene couldn't help taking a cold breath. This is really terrible. Who would have thought that this body would become like this... Obviously, he was struck by lightning.

Is it possible that those seemingly weak white thunder and lightning have such power. First, he was even more surprised. As long as he thought that he could resist the attack of thunder and lightning with his body before. That's simply an act of looking for death.

"Everyone should be careful and don't underestimate this white lightning." Duan Mingliu said with a serious look and threw the body behind him at will. "Since there are corpses close to us, it means that there must be human beings not far ahead of us."

"Brother celebrities, are we still moving forward now?" Rong Feixue asked. I can see that she is a little nervous now. If Rong Feixue didn't disapprove of this white thunder and lightning when he saw the tragic situation of the body before, then now, he is absolutely very afraid.

Duan Mingliu nodded and pondered for a moment before emphasizing again: "Anyway, we must go to the Black Canyon quickly. Still according to the previous route, I was at the front, followed by Monkey, Doudou, Feixue and Litong. Everyone must be more careful."

After the instructions, they set out again. The road ahead was not as difficult as they thought. After walking for a long time, they found that a small thunderbolt slid past them not far away.

Seeing the aimless gliding thunder and lightning, the hearts of Duan Mingliu and others were much lighter. After all, those thunder and lightning were not attacking them purposefully. If this is the case, their hope for life will be much greater.

It took a long time for them to find that some small lightning in front of them suddenly slid across the bottom of the sea. Because of the protection of gravity space in front of Duan celebrities, they are not very difficult. Although the eyes can't see it, the perception ability of gravity space is another famous person and others, occupying a lot of advantages.

This journey seems to be hard, but there is not much danger.

In this way, after walking for a period of time, Duan Mingliu and others felt that the more they walked inside, the more dense the thunder and lightning became. Moreover, even the color of lightning has changed from the original white to the current gray-white.

From the beginning, you can encounter three to four thunder and lightning in a day, and now you can encounter almost ten thunder and lightning in a day.

However, even so, although it is a little difficult for Duan celebrities and others to deal with it, they can deal with it calmly.


In a faint time, it seemed that the sound of weapons hitting came from the front. In a faint time, there were also screaming voices.

Duan celebrities and others looked at each other and quickly approached the front after dodging a flash of lightning. When they finally approached, Duan Mingliu found that the man closest to them had broken his left arm and was constantly bleeding from the fracture.

A broken arm that has been eroded by lightning and has almost exposed its bones slowly drifted back with the sea water. It seems so terrible.

After seeing this scene, Duan Mingliu couldn't help but be shocked. Although the white thunder and lightning encountered before can burn all people's internal organs into ashes. However, there is no threat to the relatively hard skin of human beings.

But now it seems that this gray-white thunder and lightning is much more powerful than the previous white lightning. I believe that if it weren't for this man, he would have cut off his arm happily at the critical moment. Then, thunder and lightning are likely to spread all over his body in the first place. The whole person may be burned clean.

At that time, it will not be as simple as losing an arm, but the whole life will be lost here.


After noticing Duan Mingliu and others, the man's eyes first showed a trace of surprise, but then he snorted coldly and ignored them and walked forward.

" boss, this guy seems to be very rampant." Doudou stood on the shoulder of Duan Mingliu and whispered.

Unexpectedly, Doudou's speech about rat warcraft language was actually heard by this strong man. In the other party's eyes, it was clearly disdainful. However, after giving Doudou a warning, he continued to leave.

may be concerned about the strength of celebrities, or they may be too lazy to care about them.

" boss, he seems to understand what I'm saying." Doudou was very surprised and spread the sound with spiritual knowledge. Because there is a soul connection between him and Duan Mingliu, so even if he speaks the Warcraft language, Duan Mingliu can know what Doudou wants to express through spiritual communication.

But how did the big man with a broken arm in front of him know what did Doudou mean by this sentence? Does he know the language of Warcraft like his own? I don't know. Anyway, I think the strong man in front of me is quite strange.

Regardless of him, celebrities and others continued to walk forward with doubts.

Gradually, more people appeared in their sight. And the strong man began to talk in a low voice with some people around him. During the conversation, he looked at Duan Mingliu and others from time to time.

Obviously, they are talking about celebrities.

" boss, do you know who they are?" The first one is also very novel.

Duan Mingliu shook his head and didn't say anything.

"What's wrong?"

A weak voice came out, which was like the spring breeze blowing in spring, like the gentle river in summer. When it came, a gentle smell spread.

You can spit out fresh air, and when the other party's lips and teeth are swallowed, you can also smell a faint fragrance. This fragrance, even other celebrities and others, have a faint feeling of dizziness in their minds.

It seems that the whole person has stepped on cotton. Floating, completely forgetting himself, still in the depths of the sea at this moment.

Huh? No!

The celebrities are full of excitement. In an instant, he understood that what he had just felt was not a wonderful obsession and dizziness, but a strong fantasy.

The other party tightly uses the transmission of sound, and this kind of sound transmission is still not targeted. It has made my group of people relax their vigilance. It can be seen that the other party has a strong cultivation in confusion.

If the other party uses this trick to confuse himself and others, the consequences are simply unimaginable. Thinking of this, the heart of the famous people couldn't help but be vigilant.

"Big." Then, the first waiter and others finally woke up. Maybe because Li Tong's soul cultivation was relatively strong, she was actually the second of these people to wake up. The celebrities booed to stop their questioning.

Watching carefully, the pink sedan chair not far from them. He was sure that the voice just now came from the sedan chair.