
Chapter 28 Explosive Weapons (Chapter 2 to)

Through the green grass in front of us, a large lake appeared in front of these people. And in the upper reaches of the lake, there is a small waterfall flowing. The sound of the water just now came from here.

The upstream waterfall fell directly downward, splashing a large area of water. The water slowly melted into the lake and slowly flowed downstream.

Above the lake, there will be beautiful white swans flying from the lake from time to time. Or laugh on the water, or play and chase together. It seems that the scene here is so lively and harmonious.


At this time, someone had pointed to the big stone in the middle of the lake and shouted excitedly. At this time, everyone's eyes fell on the big stone in the middle of the lake. Originally, they only cared about it and were shocked by the harmonious and beautiful scene in front of them. When they really noticed the stone, they were all jealous.

Because they clearly saw that there were dozens of weapons side by side on the big stone. Most of them are fairy swords, including long whip steel knives or other heavy weapons.

One of the most important things for practitioners is weapons. Among those spiritual weapons, there are many top-quality spiritual weapons, and there are several artifacts among them.

Oh, my God, that's an artifact.

You should know that on the Yunchi mainland, even the best spiritual weapons appear in front of people. That will make many people jealous. Many practitioners can get a medium-grade spiritual weapon, which is already a great existence.

This is also why the original Xiaoyao Villa would hide the sloppy hammer so secretly. A refiner who can refine a top-quality spiritual weapon is definitely a very popular existence. Unfortunately, they don't know yet that Duan Mingliu has been able to refine the middle-quality spiritual weapon. Otherwise, their attitude towards celebrities will never become like this.

The importance of a refiner to practitioners is completely impossible to compare. No one wants to offend a tough refiner. Weapons are like lovers and their best partners. No one can cut their own arms, right?

A top-grade spiritual weapon is already so eye-catching. It can be imagined that if an artifact appeared in front of them, wouldn't these people go crazy?

This is also true. When these people saw that it was the artifact placed on the big stone, their eyes were already red.

There were several people among them, all of whom rushed to the big stone quickly. Among them, he thought that the strong man in a cyan gown was the fastest, and he was the first to stand on the big stone with one arrow step. Seeing that the people behind him have arrived one by one. With little hesitation, he had already held the steel knife in his hand.

Excited, he began to laugh. He trembling and hurriedly wanted to drip blood to recognize the Lord.

At this time, three other people also appeared on the big stone. One of them is Rong Feixue. Because Doudou wanted to rush up before, but was stopped by the famous streamers.

Spiritual transmission is faster than verbal expression. When Duan Mingliu stopped Doudou, he found that Rong Feixue had already rushed out. When he wanted to intercept, it was too late.

When the strong man saw that the blood was absorbed, he was ecstatic, but his face suddenly changed. Unfortunately, it's too late. His whole body began to explode without warning.

The strong explosion even affected others around.

Before they could react, there was also a trace of panic on the face of another old Taoist nun. She hurriedly lost the fairy sword in her hand, but unfortunately it was too late. Even if she was thrown out, she was also blown into powder.

The other two people are only Rong Feixue and another man.

The man held the steel knife tightly in his hand, which was an artifact. How could he be willing to throw it away? At this time, Rong Feixue already held the artifact in her hand and flew quickly towards Duan Mingliu.

Because of the assistance of Yuxue's sword under his feet, Rong Feixue's speed is actually much stronger than theirs. And the poor man, even if he didn't know the Lord with blood, the artifact in his hand still burst suddenly.

And his whole body, together with the huge rock under his feet, was shaken apart by the strong explosion at this time. And the weapons on the stone all sank to the bottom of the lake with the sound of heavy explosion.

The three people who were originally standing on the stone did not even leave their bodies. The only thing that survived was Rong Feixue.

At this moment, Rong Feixue is still holding the artifact steel knife in his hand, with an incredible look in his eyes, looking at the stone that has disappeared behind him. I believe that if I slow down a little more, I will be blown into powder.

"Flying snow, you are too reckless." Duan Mingliu saw all this in his eyes and was really worried. If Rong Feixue has any accident, even he doesn't know what he should do.

Long Feixue spit out her tongue mischievously and said to the famous person, "Brother, I took it for you." While talking, the steel knife has been handed to the famous Duan.

On the surface of the whole steel knife, there is a layer of blurred black light. The weight and volume of the steel knife, which is placed there, gives people a terrible feeling. Even when the famous Duan saw the steel knife, his heart couldn't help but suddenly nervous.

This is the steel knife that Feixue took back by herself.

When looking at this steel knife, there was a strong warm current in Duan Mingliu's heart. Just as he was about to accept it, he suddenly appeared in everyone's ears: "Brother, be careful. Don't forget that those greedy people have died before.

As soon as this sentence was said, most of the people also began to watch the play, watching what kind of ending Duan Mingliu would choose in the face of the gift from the beauty. Whether you are afraid of death and dare not recognize the Lord, or are you afraid of death, and accept that thing.

Oh, my God, this bet is my own life.

"Big boss!" Doudou looked at the celebrities nervously.

"Haha, it's okay. Even if you don't recognize the Lord with blood, no one will think you are a coward. After all, we can see clearly how those people died before. When he saw this scene, he didn't seem to be lively enough, and immediately opened his mouth to fan the flames.

After listening to his words, he immediately became angry and jumped out directly, pointed to Wuji's nose and roared, "Are you fucking tired of living? Don't think that my boss has a good temper and is easy to bully. If you talk nonsense again, I will smash you into a meat pie with one fist, do you believe it or not?

The first arrogant words completely angered Wuji. He is already the head of the sect. When has he been insulted like this? Even if he wants to take action.

Duan Mingliu stopped him and said, "Stop arguing. Since it was given to me by Sister Feixue, I will accept it.

As he spoke, a bright red blood quickly dripped on the dark steel knife. The crowd around calmed down at this moment, and everyone quietly looked at the possible scene in front of them.

Even many people began to retreat quickly towards the rear, as if they were afraid of the power of Duan celebrities dressing, which would affect them.