famous son-in-law

Chapter 31 Triumph

The exam starts on the ninth day of the lunar new year, with a total of three exams, one for three days, until August 15. Therefore, from the fifth day of the first lunar month, the Li family's Baichuan Pavilion will be on holiday. In order to be considerate of candidates, the Mid-Autumn Festival arrangements are very low-key, and they unanimously decided to celebrate together when the list is released. Ling's face was smiling, but in her heart, she slandered all the face-pulling good deeds, but she took the blame for the moon silver.

However, thinking that the future son-in-law will also go to the exam, Ling still took out his private background, bought some nourishing supplements and sent a sachet made by Wanhua himself. Wanhua shyly scolded Ling for not giving gifts at this time. How can the princess's family lack these things?

Ling was unhappy and scolded her for having no eyes: "Her family's business, and our delivery is our business. According to what you said, there is everything in the palace. What else does the official pay tribute to?"

Shaohua often feels that Ling's words are extremely intelligent. It's just that he has a bad temper, his mouth is unforgiving, his eyes are a little small, and he wants face. Everything else is good. Theli jia is the leader, the accountant is also the leader, and the etiquette is even better. Liu is in the light of her husband and son, so she doesn't have to go out, and someone will rush to praise her. But Ling is different. Whether it is a dignitary or a picker, as long as she is willing, no one can make friends.

But Shaohua was curious. Obviously, he is such a strong sociable person, why does he have endless contradictions with Li Xunzhuo?

The candidates of Baichuan Pavilion went home to review, but the husband was not idle, because there was another student in the Li family who did not have to take the exam. Therefore, during the autumn period, the teacher taught Simo to read wholeheartedly, and Simo's cleverness also made him full of praise.

It is said that Mr. Liu, who teaches in Baichuan Pavilion, was once a student of Mr. Li Ge. He was very good at writing and was also the top of the second-class. It's just that he has a strange nature. Because he can't get used to the style of officialdom, he taught people everywhere under the pretext of Ding You after being an official for two years. However, because of his eccentric nature, he was dismissed after teaching for about half a year. Several times, he was bored and wandered around. Later, he was discovered by Li Ge Lao and took him home to teach two older grandchildren.

I don't know whether he is tired of his idle life or grateful for Mr. Li Ge's kindness. Since he changed his name to Liu Baichuan, he has devoted himself to teaching. I don't know whether the two Langjuns of the Li family are talented or Mr. Liu's teaching is good. When the two got the same first place on the golden list, Liu Baichuan also suddenly became famous. But he knew that the people around him were just greedy for his false reputation, and he couldn't stand his emotional temper at all. Even if he was hired at a high price, he couldn't do it. What's more, he didn't leave until there was no Langjun in the Li family to take the exam.

Since you don't move, you have to send it to your door, so Baichuan Pavilion will make the students flock to it. But this rule of entering Baichuan Pavilion is also determined by Mr. Liu. Li Ge always turns a blind eye and let go of freedom. Anyway, as long as he teaches seriously in class, no one has a quirk in private.

Compared with the four Langjun of the Li family, plus an attached school. Dalang Li Sijin can only say that he is naturally intelligent and diligent, and it is difficult to take the exam. Erlang Li Sinian can't inherit anything by nature. After all, he is an heir, but he is better than studying hard and has a unique vision. As a freshman, Li Siyan, a freshman, is indeed smart, but his character is insufficient. Mr. Liu was so angry that he blew his beard and stared at him in class.

Mr. Liu once said that if he didn't meet Mingjun, it would be difficult for people like Li Siyan to be tall. No one knows whether this sentence has spread to Xuyuan, but Mr. Liu obviously found that his food was much richer in those days. As for Liu Yichen, he ignores Mr. Liu's nature. Anyway, he is not bad for such a student. It's just that Li Balang, who was 11 years old, made him seem to see the second Li Sijin. During the autumn period, he simply held Simo to the sky. All kinds of praise came from so much that Ling's mouth grinned to the back of his head. Li Xunzhuo was also honored to see that his son could be praised by Mr. Liu, and he stayed in Xiyuan for a longer time.

"Why haven't you come back yet? It's been more than half a month." Shaohua has practiced the ancient song sent by Mage Rong, and even her least favorite "Sichun" and "Zhaojun Grievance" have been practiced more than a dozen times.

Chu He looked at Shaohua's bored appearance and couldn't help covering his mouth and smiling softly: "The third lady is afraid that the gentleman will come back. Why does the fifth lady want to go to class so much?"

"Because there is nothing to do." In view of Ling's habitual forgetting her, Shaohua was not surprised, just saving lightness.

After finishing the last subject of the exam on the Mid-Autumn Festival, Liu asked people to wait behind the gate of Gongyuan early, and he also told the kitchen to quickly hold a banquet for the two examinees to celebrate their achievements. Unexpectedly, after being scolded by Ling in the kitchen, he dared not agree and hesitated to ask Liu to tell Ling. Liu immediately looked down. She was the eldest daughter-in-law of this family. If she wanted to cook a rich dinner for her son and nephew, she had to look at her eyes. The cook knelt down in horror and trembled, saying that the use of the kitchen was controlled by Ling, and she really couldn't afford the list opened by Liu.

Liu immediately came to find her sister-in-law to talk. Ling was teaching her two daughters to read the accounts. Seeing her sister-in-law's face, she also guessed.

"Sister-in-law, why do you have time to come here? Has Silang finished the exam?" Ling asked with a smile.

"If Silang comes back, he will starve to death." Liu is not in a good mood.

Ling pretended to be surprised, "What's going on? Is it lazy in the kitchen? This group of dead servants were previously lavish and squandered at will, and almost even spent next month's accounts. I was told that I put on airs. Sister-in-law, you don't have to be angry. I'm going to scold them. Speaking of Ling's about getting up, Liu knew that she had said so much that she was scolding Huai for her luxury and said coldly, "Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Although the old man hasn't returned home yet, it can't be lonely tonight. I don't know how much they have suffered in the tribute courtyard for so long, and they have to add a few tonics for them. "

Shaohua looked at Ling and nodded seriously. He looked like he was taught with an open mind. He couldn't help laughing. He was stared at by Wan Hua and had to tighten his lips.

"What my sister-in-law said. But my sister-in-law can rest assured that I have been ready for this matter. When they come back, someone will send ginseng soup and dessert, and they won't starve them. Ling's words made Liu very angry.

"My sister-in-law knows how to be thrifty, but she is also moderate. We are not people who can't afford to eat, so there is no need to make trouble for people everywhere!" Liu said coldly.

Ling also changed his face and said coldly, "Yes, we can't afford it, but everything in this family depends on those acres of land and several shops. I don't know if my sister-in-law knows that today's luck is not good, and there is not much harvest in the land. Dalang also wrote before, saying that the district was seriously affected, and it is not sure whether he can return to Beijing to report at the end of the year. When it came to the eldest son, Liu's heart beat, and his arrogance was much smaller. Seeing that Erlang is coming back, the old man will also stay and come back this year. If Silang is in high school, he will have spring next year. With such a toss, if you don't be thrifty, I'm afraid you won't be able to live this year. The second master is not an official, and there is no court salary. I, a rural woman, really can't think of any way. Hey, I didn't want to wait for the old man to come back. After I made it clear, I returned the house to my sister-in-law. After all, my sister-in-law is the eldest daughter-in-law, and I'm just the second daughter-in-law.

Liu was shocked to hear that Ling was going to let go of the burden. She had been used to a leisure life for a long time, and she also saw Ling's methods and knew that she was not as brave as her. If she really doesn't do it, I'm afraid that this family is not as good as Ling's in her hands, and she will make a joke.

Immediately changed his smiling face, coaxed a few nice words, and then left on the pretext.

Shaohua shook his head and sighed. Liu was indeed a rich life. After entering the door, there was a strong mother-in-law. After her mother-in-law passed by, she handed over the family burden to the Ling family, whether it was out of bias or trust. This family has always been given to the Ling family to make her feel more at ease than to the Liu family. After Li Ge resigned, she was happy and more devoted to playing around, and had no time to take care of her children's affairs.

"Last year, the third lady went to Mujun's mansion to visit the lights, and this year it was deserted." Chu He sighed.

"It's just that our house is deserted. I heard that the second prince returned from winning the battle, and it's very lively outside." Hearing their conversation, Youhan happened to walk in with a pomegranate. Seeing their cowardly appearance, he smiled and said, "I heard from the book that when the good news was delivered that day, the people on the street did not mention how happy they were. The emperor is worried about the southwest, and August 15th in the palace is more lonely than us. Outside the palace, I dare not celebrate. Now that I have won the battle, the emperor is happy, and the people below are also happy. Well... It seems that they will return to Beijing today.

"How do you know so much?" Chu He asked curiously that she was close to Shuyu, but she had never heard of it.

Youhan pouted and said, "Have you forgotten what my godmother does?"

"What do you do?" Shaohua asked puzzledly.

Chu He suddenly realized and explained, "Youhan recognized Ping's mother in the kitchen as a godmother a while ago, and Ping's mother's man is responsible for the procurement of needle and thread in the house." Hearing Chu He shouting the name of his godfather, he was a little unhappy.

"Godfather's foot went out with the old man when he was young, and he was injured in order to protect the old man." Youhan defended.

"So they return to Beijing to the second prince?" Shaohua nodded.

"The second prince came back a long time ago, and the good news was delivered the next day, just in time for the Mid-Autumn Festival." Youhan replied, "It was the young master of Xingyong's house who came back with someone. My godfather said that Xingyongbo's house has a lot of face this time!"

Shaohua suddenly sat up like an electric shock and looked at them with some excitement.

Will Yan Kaizhi come back today? So... If she can stay at his doorstep, will she be able to meet him unexpectedly?

Shaohua held his face and made up for the coincidence between her and Yan Kaizhi. The corners of his mouth unconsciously raised, which confused Chu He and Youhan. Suddenly, a sweeping little maid bowed in and handed a note. Is this delivered?" Chu He immediately woke up. The little maid looked blank, "The mother who guarded the door gave it to the fifth lady, and she didn't know who it was."

"You girl, I don't know you sent it casually, if..." Chu He scolded.

"Stop scolding, it's the fourth brother's little brother." Shaohua opened his mouth.

Cchu He looked at her curiously, "How does the Fifth Lady know?" Shaohua rubbed off the note and cleared his throat and said, "I want to go out. You are guarding in the yard. If Sister Yan Sui or the third sister comes to me, I will say that I am asleep. Don't let them disturb me."

Chu He and Youhan looked at each other and didn't understand why Shaohua said: "But, Fifth Lady, if you want to go out, why don't you talk to the second lady first?"

Shaohua glanced unnaturally. Ling's recent strict control of Xuyuan's expenditure. Even Si Yan said that he would invite the new acquaintance to go home to celebrate in the same year after the exam, which persuaded Ling Shi. Liu didn't say anything, but he was still very unhappy. There was such a son around him. Naturally, he could do whatever he wanted. But if Siyan is not Ling's son or Simo, Ling will not agree. The person in charge knows that it is difficult to take care of the family. For Liu's always indulgence in Si Yan's extravagant behavior, Ling said that if he is distressed, he will pay his son to go out to spend, and the family will not be responsible for extra expenses.

Yichen is under the shelter of others. If Si Yan hadn't opened his mouth, he would have stayed quietly in the Li family waiting for the list to be released. But now, Si Yan proposed to go out with his friends. Although Yichen pushed Si Yan's invitation, he finally had an excuse to go out and immediately sent a letter to Shaohua. He was not sure whether Shaohua would take the risk, but he thought that she was so yearning for leaving the house before. Yichen decided to be brave once to make a smile.

"Well, have you forgotten what I said before!" Shaohua deliberately snorted coldly. Seeing that the two looked at each other in consolation, he immediately stood solemnly and said, "With four brothers here, I will be back soon. You also know that Aniang and Beom have been unhappy recently, so you should know the consequences if they are known by Niang.

The two looked bitter and depressed: Since the Fifth Lady himself knew the consequences, why bother to touch this mold. But they didn't dare to plead, so they had to nod silently and prayed that no one would come before Shaohua came back.