famous son-in-law

Chapter 84 Narrow Road

Since the day Shaohua was punished, Zhou Yan has not come back to the Li family. For a long time, Shaohua thought that Zhou Yan had disappeared. It was not until Zhongyi Hou Erlang's eldest son was full moon and invited the family of the Li family to have a full moon wine that Shaohua finally saw Zhou Yan again.

Originally, Shaohua didn't care. After all, even if Zhou Yan made trouble again, she was the wife of Houfu. How could she run around at will? However, as soon as he arrived at Zhongyi Houfu and watched the people coming and going in the garden, Shaohua suddenly had a feeling that Zhongyihoufu was a market. Every post is always full of ladies in the yard, as if she is having a holiday every day. Shaohua admires the social ability of Mrs. Zhongyihou. In addition to having a rich family background, such a three-day gathering is certainly indispensable.

However, after several women, before Shaohua could say hello to them, they all smiled at her with some avoidance, and then looked for an excuse to leave. Wanhua looked a little angry and felt that they were too rude.

While they were not paying attention, Shaohua "eavesdropped" that her "pollen allergy" had been spread. Therefore, the women are afraid of getting too close to Shaohua for fear of being infected.

"They are all a group of little children and have no knowledge!" Before Shaohua could be moved by Wanhua's voice, he saw her turn around and scold him: "Look at the good things you have done. When you go back, you have to scold you again. I haven't seen you so carefree before. Why are you getting more and more disobedient?

Shaohua pretended not to hear and drifted her eyes in another direction. Anyway, she has become used to Wanhua's nagging. As long as she seizes the opportunity, she always has to teach her painstakingly. Probably to make up for the years, she has no dignity to be the eldest sister. After all, Si Mo doesn't spend much time with them and is sensible and obedient. Jinhua will never listen to her scolding so obediently. Now I meet a Shaohua whose identity is legitimate and I don't bother to offend, and it's bigger than that there are no small disasters. Wanhua also takes it for granted.

My eyes are flowing, and it's good to see a figure hurriedly running from the crowd and wacing to them.

She came all the way, which was particularly eye-catching, and many people couldn't help looking in her direction curiously. When his eyes fell on Shaohua and the others, they couldn't help turning their faces away, as if their eyes could also be contagious.

Shaohua couldn't help sneering. In this way, she remembered this group of people and saved greetings in the future.

Zhou Yan came over with an apologetic face, looked left and right without saying a word, and pulled their sisters into the banana pavilion not far away. As a result, Zhou Yan sat two places away from them and kept looking at the path outside. Shaohua saw this and deliberately said coldly, "Sister Yan is really a busy person. Isn't Sister Yan also afraid that my 'allergic' disease will be transmitted?"

"Five Niang, don't be rude!" Wanhua immediately sank his face.

"Wuniang, you know it in your heart. Even if you are really sick, I'm not afraid of infection, not to mention how can you know whether you are sick or not. Zhou Yan knew that Shaohua didn't mean it, so she didn't worry about her words. She couldn't help but be a little angry when she listened to her words.

Shaohua naturally knew that Zhou Yan would not avoid it. This was just complaining that Zhou Yan brought them to the pavilion, but deliberately distanced her from them. However, Wanhua's eyes stared fiercely, and Shaohua hurriedly smiled, "Sister Yan, I'm laughing with you. If I'm really sick, I dare not infect you. Even if my mother doesn't peel my skin, my third sister will tie me up and lock me in the house.

"I'm so fierce in your heart?" Wanhua's eyes were rounder.

"Sister Yan, look, the third sister scared me again." Shaohua pretended to be frightened, deliberately jumped up and ran to Zhou Yan.

"Your sisters, stop playing tricks in front of me, knowing that I am very envious!" Zhou Yan saw that no one had come, and she was played around by Shaohua, so she had to turn around, pinch Shaohua's cheek, and took the opportunity to whisper in her ear, "I asked you to come today, but someone introduced you."

"Who is so mysterious?" Shaohua blinked his eyes.

"Guess." Zhou Yan raised her eyebrows.

"Don't guess, I'm not curious anyway." Hearing this, Shaohua shrugged his shoulders and almost choked Zhou Yan in one breath.

Zhou Yan puffed her cheeks, half squinted her eyes, and said threateningly, "If you don't feel curious, I'll let her go back." Just because of the last small accident, it took me a lot of effort to invite her this time. You said you were not curious!" After all, Zhongyihou Mansion and Xingyongbo Mansion are not familiar with each other, and last time they borrowed the face of the lantern party to ask for action. Now I still ask Lin Lan to persuade Lan to come over.

However, what made Zhou Yan curious was that as soon as Lanzhi heard that Shaohua also came, she immediately agreed, as if she was also very interested in Shaohua.

And Shaohua was surrounded by Zhou Yan's pocket, and his mysterious tone made him confused. The accident last time? Is it possible...Yan Kaizhi!

Shaohua almost held his breath and secretly wrote a strict word on Zhou Yan's hand. Zhou Yan raised her chin proudly. Shaohua opened his hand and hugged her and said sweetly, "Sister Yan, you are so amazing that you can invite him. You are really kind to me, better than your own sister."

"Haha, that's of course, and I don't want to think about who I am. But if you go back carefully, you won't be scolded by Sanniang. I can't help you. Zhou Yan didn't know that Shaohua would be wrong. She was also very happy to see her happy like this. Seeing Wanhua frowning a pair of beautiful eyebrows, he quickly motioned to Shaohua.

"What kind of riddle are you two playing? It's mysterious." Wanhua watched the two get together and chatter for a long time. Suddenly, some laughed and jumped, some frowned and couldn't help but be angry.

"No, nothing." Shaohua said with a smile.

Thinking of Zhou Yan telling her that someone would come to find her later, Shaohua hurriedly tidy up her clothes and hair, afraid that she would be a little messy and lose her image. Suddenly, she heard a few footsteps, and her whole heart lifted up and waited nervously for the arrival of the other party.

As a result, she saw the last face she wanted to see.

Song Yun turned her head and happened to see Shaohua's white and flawless little face, with a surprised look in her eyes, and then laughed. Yo! I thought who it was. It turned out to be the famous Li Wuniang. I couldn't help but be confused: Obviously, it is said that Shaohua has a pwell face. Why does it look whiter and more delicate now than before? In particular, her eyes are more and more bright. Compared with Song Yun's narrow eyebrows, Shaohua's eyes are almost twice as big as her, but her mouth is smaller than Song Yun's.

Obviously, there are not many beautiful facial features, but the combination makes people feel pitiful. The eyelids blinked a few times, as if they can produce a layer of complex.

"Why is it her again?" Just as Song Yun didn't like to see Shaohua, Shaohua was also disgusted when he saw Song Yun and couldn't help complaining to Zhou Yan in a low voice.

"I'm sorry, Anqing Houfu has a good relationship with my family and is also a relative. Generally, they will invite their family to come if there are happy events." Zhou Yan knows the enmity between the two. Although she doesn't like Song Yun's personality, strictly speaking, she and Song Yun are still cousins, so they can only be an aggrieved middleman. Yun Niang, why did you come here? It's windy here. You'd better go to the front yard.

Song Yun didn't seem to hear Zhou Yan's words. She stared at Shaohua and said sarcastically, "I heard that you have a rash on your face. I'm still wondering if there will be a scar. It's a pity for your little face."

Zhou Yan heard Song Yun's provocation, and her heart thumped and immediately turned her head to look at Shaohua.

Sure enough, Shaohua smiled sweetly, as if she could pinch out honey, which made Zhou Yan feel a headache. Shaohua replied sweetly, "Don't worry, Mrs. Yun will be fine early. It's still white and clean." With that, he also deliberately touched his cheek, making Zhou Yan and Wanhua have an impulse to keep a distance from her at the same time.

"That's really disappointing!" Song Yun's skin is inherited, and she can't grow white. Seeing Shaohua's provocatively touching her white and smooth face, she suddenly felt that there was a nameless fire in her heart and opened her mouth sharper. However, I heard that this pollen allergy is difficult to cure. In the future, you will have to hide at home.

"I also feel sorry to let you down, but I'm afraid you will be disappointed all the time. Unfortunately, I met a magic doctor and cured my illness. If you don't believe it, let's try to pick more flowers. Shaohua said and got up, walked quickly, grabbed Song Yun's hand, and made a posture to pull her out.

"You, you, let go! Don't touch me." Song Yun didn't expect that Shaohua would run over. She pinched it, was shocked and struggled hard. Unexpectedly, Shaohua gently pinched hard, and Song Yun only felt that her wrist was stabbed by muscles and bones, and she was sore that she couldn't move.

"Five Niang!" Zhou Yan knew Shaohua's ingenuity and hurriedly screamed.

Shaohua just let go of his hand and still smiled harmlessly. "Ms. Yun, what's wrong with you? If you are sick, you have to see a doctor. Oh, don't be infected by me."

When he heard Shaohua say this, Song Yun was so scared that she covered her cheeks and asked the people around her in horror if she had spots and numbness on her face. Zhou Yan frowned and silently blamed Shaohua for scaring Song Yun, but she still favored Shaohua and felt that Song Yun was looking for trouble. However, this was at home, and Zhou Yan had to comfort her.

Until Song Yun confirmed that it was just Shaohua who was scaring herself, she glanced an an angry look and scolded viciously, "I tell you, whether you are really sick or pretending to be sick, now the whole capital knows that you Li Wuniang is a person who will easily have a rash. You just wait to see who dares to go to your house to propose marriage." I saw Wan Hua beside him again, "Huh! Sure enough, if there is a sister, there will be any sister!"

"What do you mean?" Shaohua was taught a few lessons by Wanhua in a low voice and was about to apologize to Song Yun, but when he heard her say this, he immediately blew up.