famous son-in-law

Chapter 151 Before Dawn

After Youning was severely scolded by Qiang, Xin Maoshan decisively tied him up to Shangxing Yongbo Mansion to apologize. For a while, Xin Maoshan was deeply righteous and Yan Kai's frank and upright, and soon spread all over the city. As for the culprit, no one mentioned it, so he was lucky to let him escape.

Although it is a green * building, this hook column is not the other hook bar. Unlike other kilns, it hangs a very rouge name such as Yihongyuan Yicui Building. On the contrary, it is written "hook column courtyard" in three large gilding letters, afraid that others will not know what kind of business it is. However, if it hadn't been for hanging this plaque, if outsiders had passed by, they would really not have known it.

I don't know who is the master behind the Goulan Courtyard, making a kiln look like a garden. Among them, the top flower girls are of all kinds, warbler and swallows, almost all kinds of beauties in the world, making people feel like a fairyland. And the beauties in the courtyard are all unique, with piano, chess, calligraphy, poetry and songs, which are not inferior to ordinary ladies. Some people say that these women are all criminal official prostitutes, who were originally raised women.

That is to say, Goulanyuan is actually a teaching workshop.

But it is not true, because there are many exotic girls in the Goulan courtyard, even Penglai women from the distant sea, and even Doro beauties. If you can find so many beauties, the ability of the master behind the scenes can also be seen. Naturally, the people who can go to the Goulan courtyard are not idle people. Many people are also complacent and even proud of being able to bring out one or two beauties.

However, people don't have much time to talk about it, and another thing caused an uproar.

Just because in the early morning, the emperor fainted without warning, which made the courtiers chaotic. Fortunately, the third prince was calm enough to immediately close the gate of the Jinluan Hall, not allow the courtiers to leave half a step, and urgently ordered the doctors of the imperial hospital to come. When the imperial concubine waited for the master of the harem to come, the emperor was still in a coma, simply not as scary as at the beginning.

Subsequently, Hongyi came to the temple and announced that the emperor had woken up, but his body was very weak, so he was temporarily exempted in the morning two days after tomorrow. Hearing Hongyi's words, the ministers who were originally panicked in the palace were relieved. Some people are reluctant to ask about the emperor's situation, but He Hongyi refused to disclose it. He only let them return home at ease and prevent them from preaching it everywhere. After all, it is a taboo to discuss the right and wrong of the heavenly family, let alone the emperor.

Although Hongyi has warned, the news still spread quietly among the people.

However, the gossip in the streets and alleys will not have any impact on the women in the big house. For example, at this moment, in Li Jiabi Wuxuan, Lanzhi, who came to find Shaohua under the banner of Zhou Yan, stood in the middle of the lobby, danced and described Youning's evil deeds vividly, which made Shaohua's eyes almost fall out.

"He really took your brother to Goulan Courtyard?" Shaohua was secretly surprised. Is it a misunderstanding?"

With her understanding of Youning, Youning is not a drunken person. How could she bring Yan Kaizhi to that place? A nameless anger rose in her heart. Thanks to her trusting him so much, she actually did such a thing behind her back to see how she would deal with him next time.

Lanzhi nodded hard, looked at Shaohua seriously, and said seriously, "This is not a misunderstanding. He is still making trouble in Goulanyuan. Later, it was Dingxihou who came to pick him up by himself." Lanzhi thought of Youning's face and immediately exclaimed angrily, "If it hadn't been for the later Dingxihou personally tied him to my house to plead guilty, my mother would not have forgive him. My brother has never stepped into such a place of fireworks, just because he almost ruined his innocence.

"This... he and your brother have never been there?" Shaohua opened his eyes wide and asked in surprise.

She is not a cowardly woman. When she was a child, she was scolded by her father for a whole day because she secretly went to see Junji with Youning. Therefore, although I know little about men and women, I don't understand them at all.

Unexpectedly, Lanzhi was so annoyed that she twisted Shaohua's arm and said with a serious face, "What does Wu Niang mean? Is my brother such a person in your heart?"

Shaohua quickly waved his hand and explained, "No, I'm just curious." His voice became thinner and he was a little guilty and said, "Because he hasn't married yet, and he doesn't even have an aunt with him. It can't be my fault." Although she disagrees with three wives and four concubines, a man's nature is always inevitable. Even if Xin Maoshan is so afraid of his wife, he has several concubines around him. However, those concubines are more humble than the three sisters of Dabao and Xiaobao in front of the Qiang family.

Lanzhi rolled her eyes angrily, "Isn't it that you want your brother to take back with more women, so that you will have someone to accompany you in the future?" As the only male in the family, Yan Kaizhi left early and returned late all day long. Even if there was a wife and concubine in the family, he could not take care of them. What's more, Mrs. Xing Yongbo lost her husband when she was young. In order to raise her two children, she was more strict in addition to loving them. Especially for Yan Kaizhi, he is stricter than the Langjun of ordinary people.

Therefore, in Lanzhi's view, whether it is outsiders talking about Yan Kaizhi's habit of breaking his sleeves or Liu Xiahui, it is because they can't see the sadness behind his scenery.

Shaohua shouted strangely, "How can it be!"

She is not so interested. She has a lot of ways to deal with concubines, but when she wants to share her beloved men with them, Shaohua can't wait to give them a white silk. She doesn't mind being a jealous woman. She is so good-tempered when she robs men from her.

However, when he turned his mind and caught something in Lanzhi's words, he eagerly asked, "Did he say something?"

Seeing Shaohua's nervous expression, Lanzhi turned angry and smiled and shook her head helplessly, "I don't know which of you two is more stupid." Shaohua blinked doubtfully, and Lanzhi sighed, "Brother asked me to tell you not to get along with Langjun of Dingxihou's family in the future. People who play like him and are not self-respecting are not worth entrusting them for life.

"Consignment for life?" Shaohua repeated it.

After saying that, Lanzhi was a little puzzled. After thinking about it, she was sure that Yan Kaizhi did mention the entrustment for life. Although she was also curious about why he said so, Lanzhi couldn't ask anything about what he refused to say.

Shaohua heard this and suddenly broke his face, "So, is he refusing me?"

He saw that she was interested in Youning. How could he think of entrusting her for life? Did he hear any gossip?

Isn't it because he misunderstood her and Youning when he went back to the general's mansion last time, and then didn't want to talk to her because of the resentment of Youning's behavior? Shaohua felt a little pain in his chest, but he knew that she liked him, so why did he think she was interested in You Ning? Can he only have one Xin Zimo in his heart, and there can't be one more Li Shaohua? How much she wants to tell him that Xin Zimo is Li Shaohua, and Li Shaohua is Xin Zimo. After changing his skin, she still has a special preference for him.

Lanzhi looked at her and said nothing, and hurriedly explained, "My brother didn't say anything. Wu Niang, don't be sad. My brother is like this. The dead duck has a hard mouth and refuses to say anything in his heart.

"I know." Shaohua exhaled fiercely, curled his lips dissatisfiedly, and complained, "If he had been willing to speak earlier, it would not have been his turn to this point."

As early as when he knew that Yan Kaizhi liked Xin Zimo, Shaohua suppressed his doubts and wanted to ask him why he didn't go to North Sichuan to propose marriage earlier. She foolishly had long hair and always ran to the front of the city to look at everyone who came from Liangcheng. She always fantasized that one of them was a teenager in white. If Yan Kaizhi had come to northern Sichuan to propose marriage earlier, there would have been no emperor's marriage, and naturally she would not have been so entangled and painful now. After being puzzled, Shaohua decided to list the debts he owed one by one and settle accounts with him in the future.

After seeing her spit out a bad breath, Lanzhi raised her eyebrows and thought to herself that a stuffy gourd like Yan Kaizhi might be suitable for Shaohua's perseverance, and a lively and optimistic woman could be moved. She couldn't help feeling that she was too worried. There were so many women who liked Yan Kaizhi over the years, and there were also those who were as active as Shaohua, but it was not because of her thin skin that she couldn't stand Yan Kaizhi's indifference thousands of miles away, and finally gave up the idea. Only Shaohua is so frustrated and brave, as if Yan Kaizhi will definitely give in.

Lanzhi couldn't help but want to go back and scold her brother as a wooden head. Why is she not worried that Shaohua will be robbed by others? At least Shaohua is also a well-faced wife. Do you want to regret it as before?

No! This time, she has to make the decision for him.


Yan Kaizhi suddenly sneezed and was shocked by Hongyi, who was frowning and meditating with his back. He turned around and saw Yan Kaizhi rubbing his nose and asked with concern, "Was it wind last night?"

Although he told the ministers that the emperor's health was not serious, Hongyi knew that the emperor's body was not serious, but had dried up. He concealed his illness and did not announce it, but he was afraid of causing panic among his ministers. In particular, the emperor did not leave a will, and his condition was also good and bad. When he woke up, he just closed his eyes quietly, and he could not see whether he was awake or asleep. The imperial concubine propped up the harem and did not allow them to approach. She only said that the emperor was resting, and then only the third prince and Yan Kaizhi, as well as the courtiers around the emperor, knew.

Because I'm afraid that too many people will know that it will be more difficult to clean up, Hongyi let Yan Kaizhi guard it. I'm really afraid that if anything happens, there will be no leader of the dragons at that time, and I'm afraid that he and Hongwen will really draw their swords towards each other.

"It's okay, second master, please don't worry." Yan Kaizhi whispered.

"I heard that the Wang family has gone to Beijing. I'm afraid the eldest brother can't sit still." Hongyi's face was serious.

Yan Kaizhi said in alin voice, "Second Master, don't worry, I will never leave Long Live Master for half a step!" That's what he is most worried about.

Hongyi shook his head, hesitated for a long time, walked over, patted Yan Kaizhi on the shoulder, and then nodded.