famous son-in-law

Chapter 162 Falling into the water

The two helped each other and walked all the way, looking carefully all the way for fear that someone would catch up. However, after they walked for a long time, they didn't see anyone appear, as if there were only four of them left in the snow, and the wisp of smoke that seemed to be hopeful.

The snow is so thick that they can't pull it out. They just held a heater in the carriage, so they don't feel too cold outside. Now they are stepping on the snow steadily, and their shoes have been wet by the snow, which makes them trembling a little. Shaohua was still strong and energetic, but Jinhua had only walked less than half a miles and stopped in place and refused to leave.

"No, I will definitely freeze to death." Jinhua played tricks and refused to leave.

"If you stand here, you will definitely freeze to death!" Shaohua turned around and sneered at her, supporting her, and continued to move forward step by step.

Youhan also felt a little hard. The snow was too thick for them to walk fast at all, and the cooking smoke looked reluctant, but the distance after walking for a long time seemed to be the same.

"Five ladies, I don't think it's okay like this. I don't know what kind of place it was here. How can the snow be so thick?" Youhan looked around and said worriedly, "There is no such thick snow when we get out of the car. Will we go wrong? Why don't we go back?"

Shaohua also stopped and looked around. He vaguely felt that it was a little familiar, but uncertain.

She raised her eyes and looked in the direction of the trees not far away. An idea flashed in her mind and immediately surprised: "There should be a pool there. If I remember correctly, there is an official road behind the tree on the other side of the pool. You have to pass by here to go to Guo'an Temple!" Shaohua's words cheered others up, because only Shaohua recognized the way, not to mention Jinhua, even the young Han who followed Shaohua had never been out of Beijing.

As soon as he heard the official road, he immediately thought that someone would pass by. At this time, Jinhua had the motivation to move forward.

Shaohua looked back at the road behind him and remembered that he had been saved by Yan Kai's hero. At that time, she seemed to remember that Yan Kaizhi said that the road behind her was a shortcut back to Beijing. Just now, the thief took them all the way back to the capital, which was just a coincidence and had been premeditated. I don't know if Yan Kaizhi will suddenly come out again this time and take her out of trouble.

"Five sister, who the hell are you?" Seeing Shaohua keep looking back, Jinhua boldly stepped forward.

"What do you mean?" Shaohua withdrew his eyes, fell on her timid and defensive face, and said sarcastically, "If you think I'm a devil, then stay away from me."

"You are more than a devil, you are simply a nemesis!" Jinhua didn't know where the courage came from. He met Shaohua's eyes and cursed anxiously: "If only you didn't come back. If your home is still your original home, my aunt will not be sent to Luyang because of this, the royal palace will not come to propose marriage, and my grandfather will not send us away, and I won't have encountered such a bad luck today!"

"Seven ladies, what are you talking about? What does it have to do with our wife? Are you jealous that the royal palace didn't propose marriage to you?" The young Han stood up decisively to protect him.

Shaohua also felt that Jinhua's unreasonable troubles were a little funny. Shaohua had nothing to say that Su was sent away because of her. Although she could not be said to be her mastermind, she did have this idea. But what happened to the marriage proposal of the royal palace and the Li family leaving Beijing with her? How can this change in the court be controlled by her wife?

But Jinhua ignored these at all. Looking at Shaohua's disdainful expression, she was even more angry. It's all because of you. You are doing well in Pu'an. Why did you come back? If you don't come, Dad won't ignore me. You are not from this family at all. Why do you come back!" Jinhua shouted a little heartbreakingly. Obviously, she had accumulated grievances for a long time. Suddenly, there was a vent, and she roared out unreservedly.

"You're crazy. What if someone hears you?" Shaohua was puzzled by her anger.

In half a miles, he can cross the woods and may meet their carriage back to the city. Shaohua doesn't want to have a meaningless argument with her at all. Jinhua's ears heard the horse's hoofs behind the woods, and his eyes lit up and hurried to rush up. Shaohua grabbed her and faintly heard a strange man's voice in his ear. He didn't know what he was talking about, but obviously, after a short handover of a few words, one of the horses went ahead, and there seemed to be many horseshoe sounds behind.

Shaohua thought that these are the sound of horses' hoofs, without the feeling of a carriage, and the sound seems to be a lot. Suddenly, I was shocked that I wouldn't be found so soon.

Jinhua doesn't care so much. She just wants to go back to the carriage as soon as possible. "You devil, you madman, I don't want to be with you!"

"You don't want to die. What if you have to rush to meet those horse thieves!" Shaohua cursed.

"I'd rather be caught by a horse thief than be with you!" Listening to the sound of horses' hoofs beginning to walk, it seemed that it was getting farther and farther away. Jinhua was shocked and didn't know where the strength came from to break away Shaohua's hand. Fearing that Shaohua would catch her again and push her hard in the direction of the pool, he didn't expect that the pool was not thick. Shaohua fell down alone and smashed a hole in the ice on the water.

Youhan's eyes widened with fear and shouted, "Five Lady, come quickly, help, help!"

Jinhua also heard Youhan's voice. Looking back, Shaohua was struggling in the ice water, and she was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Yiliu ran forward, pushed the young man, and then pulled Jinhua and hurriedly shouted, "Seven Lady, let's run! Otherwise, we won't be able to catch up with the horse team." Jinhua was scared by Yiliu's behavior and pulled by her. He stubbornly withdrew his eyes and ignored Shaohua and others. He turned around and ran away.

The pool water in winter is cold to the bone, just like a needle pricking the skin, painfully cold. Shaohua struggled in the water a few times. As a result, his hands and feet were stiffened by the water, and his clothes were soaked and looked heavy. The more he struggled, the more his body sank.

God knows that she can shoot arrows, ride horses, climb trees and climb walls, but there is no water in northern Sichuan, so she can't swim at all.

If she hasn't forgotten, New Year

Ling often says that good and evil will eventually be rewarded, and there will be reincarnation of cause and effect. Is it because she just killed someone, so this is the present world? But she was unintentional, in order to protect herself and to protect Jinhua. Why didn't God give her a chance? No, God gave her a chance, otherwise she was bitten to death by a snake and hung on a tree when she jumped out of the car more than a year ago. At least she had the opportunity to meet Yan Kaizhi and showed her heart to Yan Kaizhi. Unfortunately, she couldn't hear his answer, which made her feel that she was living a good life this time.

If there is another chance.

"It's all because of you! If only you didn't come back. If you don't come back, Dad won't pay attention to me.

In the haze, she seemed to see Jinhua standing on the shore and cursing angrily at a girl struggling in the water. When she saw the girl's front, Shaohua suddenly woke up. Isn't that herself? Is it possible that she became Li Shaohua at the beginning because she was pushed into the water by Jinhua?

So, this time she fell into the water and asked her to return her body, right?

But she is so reluctant, she doesn't want to, and she still wants to live. I haven't talked to Yan Kaizhi, I haven't become his bride, I haven't officially kowtowed to Xin Maoshan and his wife, and I haven't been grateful to Li Xunzhuo and his wife for their care for her over the past year. She still has a lot of things to do and is unwilling to return her body like this.


A distant voice summoned her to open her eyes. Shaohuaqiang raised his eyelids and seemed to see Yan Kaizhi's face and couldn't help laughing. It's funny that she would think of Yan Kaizhi at this time. How could he appear?

"Wake up! I won't allow you to close your eyes! Do you hear me?" Yan Kaizhi roared in a trembling voice.

The girl in her arms closed her eyes tightly, and the corners of her mouth were still curved, as if she was having a sweet dream.

He didn't care about himself being covered with ice water. He folded his hands on her stomach and pressed hard to squeeze out the water in her abdomen. Feeling that his soft and petite body was rapidly getting cold, he was shocked and immediately held her tightly in his arms, as if he wanted to rub her into his body to keep warm.

"I warned you not to do any more dangerous things, don't scare me, do you hear me!" Yan Kaizhi didn't know that his voice had lost his mind, and the crying beside him made him more annoyed. Li Shaohua, wake me up. I haven't answered your question yet. Don't you want to hear it?"

If you haven't lost it, you don't know what it means to cherish it. He once regretted not proposing marriage to the Xin family and delayed a woman's youth in vain, but when he knew that Xin Zimo had been betrothed to others, his guilt was replaced by regret for a moment. I thought to myself that maybe the son would be a better destination than him, and who would care about the naive promise ten years ago. However, Xin Zimo's death left a deep shadow in his heart, especially when You Ning told him that Xin Zimo was always waiting for him to go in the city. Yan Kaizhi's inner shock and guilt were enough for him to kill himself.

Therefore, for the goodwill of other women, on the one hand, it is because of Hongyi's seizure of the throne, and on the other hand, there is a beautiful woman in his heart and does not want to betray the beautiful woman. Shaohua is a special existence, like a pervasive sunshine, which makes him warm, surprises him, and makes him have to look sideways and curious. And he once saw Xin Zimo's shadow on her, but warned himself not to lose his mind because of this.

From the time she broke into his eyes in various unexpected ways, as early as when he didn't notice it, he habitually captured all kinds of news about Shaohua, just because Shaohua was more active than him and could bloom like a camellia in front of him without his attention.

He tried to close his eyes and not look, but her fragrance and her shadow were everywhere in his mind.

After learning of Hongwen's ready-moving plan, Yan Kaizhi was even a little excited and expected him to quickly force the palace to rebel. As long as this is the case, he and Hongyi will have more reason to subdue him and hit his party members. At that time, he can marry her without distraction. He didn't want her to follow him to live a frightened life, and he knew that Li Gelao would never marry his granddaughter to the main force of any force before the situation was clear. Because of this determination, he knew that the marriage proposal of the royal family was bound to fail. If he put a little pressure on the court, Hongfang would have to withdraw his minions from the Li family.

Seeing that the time is getting closer and closer, even the Xu family, one of the three generals in Pingzhou, sent people to Beijing, ready to cooperate with the merchants ambushed in the imperial mausoleum and win at one stroke.

I just didn't expect that when he went out of the city to meet Xu Ziang, he heard that the Li family was ambushed outside the city, and even Shaohua and Li Xunzhuo were separated. At that moment, Yan Kaizhi remembered that on the way back to Beijing that day, he also met Shaohua's mother and daughter who were kidnapped by robbers and Shaohua's adventurous behavior. Thinking of her bleeding head but still laughing heartlessly, she couldn't help but tighten her heart, leaving Yingluo to take Xu Ziang back to Beijing, and she immediately rode around and turned away.