famous son-in-law

Chapter 173 Difficulty in labor

Shaohua faded his hairpin ring, pulled a headscarf, and rushed out. Fortunately, many people ran to watch and kiss the team today, and no one noticed that a vigorous little figure rode out of the Li family and took a detour to Dingxihou Mansion. Nowadays, Shaohua is quite skilled in horse riding, at least he can pull the reins steadily and freely control the speed of the horse.

If you want to take a shortcut to Dingxihou Mansion, you must pass through Xingyongbo Mansion. Shaohua carefully controlled his inner excitement, but couldn't help hoping to see Yan Kaizhi come out of the house. However, when she passed by, the closed door, and there was no time to remove the dusty white lanterns and blue couplets, as if no one had been in and out for a long time. Shaohua felt a pain in his heart. He felt helpless and worried about Yan Kaizhi's whereabouts. He flashed for a moment and almost crashed into a carriage not far away.

Shaohua quickly restrained his mind, turned around and shouted an apology, and then left.

"Yi Liu, who is outside?" A delicate voice shouted, and Yi Liu quickly withdrew his frightened sight, raised the curtain to hide in the carriage, looked at Jinhua with an indifferent face, and hesitated, "I, I seem to see the Fifth Lady." Yiliu looked at Jinhua's face change, and his eyes suddenly became sharp, but he soon regained his composure.

"She has a great life." Although the deer was so panicked that Jinhua tried to keep his face calm.

Speaking of life, in fact, she is not inferior to Shaohua. At the beginning, they stumbled and ran towards the sound of horses' hoofs. Unexpectedly, when they rushed over, there was only a string of horseshoe marks on the snow-white ground, and no one was there. Jinhua was almost desperate and couldn't see a figure. She chased the horseshoe seal all the way. As a result, she couldn't stand it after walking for a long time. Both the master and servant fainted tiredly. Just before her consciousness was blurred, she saw a pair of long straight legs walking in front of her, faintly saw a handsome face, and then she was unconscious.

When she woke up, it was already a day later. Looking at herself lying in a strange room, the little maid next to her told her. They have returned to Beijing safely, but Yiliu is not as lucky as her and has not yet woken up. Jinhua was curious about who saved her, but the little maid blushed and shook her head, saying that she didn't know, but the man told her to take good care of Jinhua. Then in the following days, Jinhua never saw anyone except this little maid and Yiliu. He listened to the little maid talk about the changes outside until the new emperor succeeded to the throne. Jinhua has been waiting for the news of the Li family to find someone, but the Li family seems to have not been mentioned as Jinhua. She smiled mockingly and knew that she could not go back, because Ling and Shaohua would never forgive her. Su is not here, let alone mention her uncle's family.

Just when she desperately wanted to break herself, Xu Zi'ang's appearance rekindled her hope. Looking at his flying brilliance, great body, and handsome and defiant facial features, Jinhua had some deer jumping around in his heart. Looking at his clothing and temperament, and listening to the little maid's description, Jinhua's speculation about Xu Ziang also confirmed it.

"Remember, I'm not Li Jinhua, and I don't have parents. We were taken away by robbers." Jin Huayi righteously warned Yiliu, and then faced Xu Ziang with an innocent and confused expression, sadly indicating that she could not remember what had happened before.

Xu Ziang did not care much about Jinhua's background, nor did he care about Liu's lame lies. Anyway, he had no family in Beijing. He regarded Jinhua as a rich lady whose parents were killed and her wealth was robbed, and let her and Yiliu temporarily settle down in the big prince's house he forcibly occupied. I was ordered to go on an expedition.

Maybe the lie was said too smoothly. Facing the house full of gold, silver jewelry and domestic servants and maids, Jinhua was so excited that he lost his mind and secretly decided to pull down this lie. Even if he followed Xu Ziang as a concubine, it was better than going back to the Li family to be a concubine. In Xu Ziang's absence, Jinhua obviously regarded the original prince's mansion and the current Xu mansion as his own home, which made it arouse people. Xu Ziang was a little surprised by Jinhua's family ability, but when he came back, he thought that someone could take care of everything for him. He also enjoyed the success and chose his favorite lifestyle tacitly.

But she never thought that this was the first time she went out and almost hit Shaohua, and the wet palm of her hand leaked the panic in her heart. She took a deep breath and then said to Yiliu, "I won't go out. I feel a little uncomfortable."

Yi Liu nodded quickly and agreed. As soon as she met Shaohua, she also seemed to have lingering palpitation.

Shaohua, who almost hit someone, didn't have time to think about it at all. He hurriedly restrained his mind and rushed to Dingxihou Mansion. Coincidentally, when she rushed to the door of Dingxihou Mansion, Qiang was coming back from the temple. As soon as she heard that her daughter was difficult to give birth, her tough nature immediately broke out. As soon as his face changed, his usual elegant reservedness immediately disappeared. He shouted and decisively turned over the horse. In full view of the public in broad daylight, the two rushed all the way back to the Li family.

It is said that there were many rumors later. Some said that two thieves intended to rob the marriage on that day. Fortunately, they were loyally fought by the guards to keep the princess safe. Some people also said that Yan Kaizhi did not want his sister to marry, but he did not dare to anger Longyan, so he had to stage a marriage scene with the young soldier in private. However, because he was recognized by someone and was afraid of causing panic in the capital, he had to flee.

However, these were not transmitted to Shaohua's ears until a long time later.

Just when they rushed back to Li's house, the stable woman had not yet arrived, and everyone was surprised by the appearance of Qiang. Qiang nervously asked how the situation was, but no one in the yard could answer, and only Xin Zixuan's painful moans responded to her. Before long, Liu also hurriedly came. Seeing Qiang's anger, she looked a little guilty and at a loss.

Li Sijin also came back after learning the news. It was not easy to get married for many years that Li Sijin cared more about the child in Xin Zixuan's belly than anyone else. But when he came back, he saw women in the yard, and the atmosphere seemed tense. He walked to the delivery room to explore the situation. Unexpectedly, Liu hurriedly grabbed his sleeve and said, "The big man can't enter the delivery room. If you are unlucky, you will have bad luck. It's okay. It's over as soon as you shout. Whose daughter-in-law doesn't shout when she has a baby?

Qiang didn't say anything. As soon as he heard Liu's words, his stomach suddenly became angry. Since she stepped into the Li family, the midwife has not arrived. In addition to Xin Zixuan's moan, there is also a little maid's voice in the room, which is ignored at all. Xin Zixuan had already shouted sand in the room, and her voice seemed tired and weak. Liu actually said, "It's over with a shout." The hearts of a mother and a mother-in-law are different. At this moment, Qiang regretted marrying her daughter, glanced at Liu coldly, and strode to the delivery room.

"Madam-in-law, you'd better not go in. You have been asked to hire a midwife." Liu's accompanying Mai's mother hurried out and blocked Qiang's way, with a smile on her face.

Qiang didn't care about her smile, snorted coldly, and looked disdainful. "I only went to hire a midwife at this time. Why didn't I go? If something happens to my daughter, who will be responsible?"

After being questioned by Qiang, Liu's eyes even fluttered. Mai's mother had to say, "I went early. Maybe it was delayed on the way."

Who would have expected that it was just in time for today's princess and marriage? Originally, the midwife had been ready for a long time. Unexpectedly, her next door's daughter-in-law had a fetus and turned out to be seven months premature. Because she was an old neighbor, it was difficult for the midwife to refuse, so she had to refuse to come in for a few days. The Li family calculated the days and thought that Xin Zixuan's stomach would be next month at the earliest, so they were not in a hurry to urge her to enter the house. I just didn't expect that this child is also in a hurry to give birth, knowing that today is a good time for marriage.

However, none of the Li family is happy. As the old saying goes, if there are seven lives, that is, if the premature baby is born, the survival rate in July is higher than eight months. Xin Zixuan's belly child has been more than eight months and nearly nine months old. He is usually safe and stable, but suddenly he will be in labor. Everyone knows that there must be some tricks in it.

Along the way, Shaohua simply told her the story, although she didn't know why Shaohua knew that she could give birth, and her worries had filled her mind and didn't have time to think about it. Raising his eyes and seeing Shaohua hurrying, Qiang said loudly, "Xiao Wu, has the water been boiled? Everything is ready for me."

Shaohua saw that everyone looked over and nodded, "I'm all ready." In addition to giving birth to herself, Qiang also gave birth to her daughter-in-law in the barracks. She is not a good at giving birth, but she is more experienced than the Li family, a group of well-off husbands.

"Do you dare to go in with me?" Qiang glanced at everyone and said to Shaohua.

"Dare!" Shaohua nodded vibly.

As long as he can help Xin Zixuan, Shaohua doesn't care about the so-called obscurity at all.

However, Shaohua thought so, which did not mean that the Li family thought so. When Ling heard the news and heard that Shaohua was going to enter the delivery room, he immediately pulled her and pushed her to leave quickly. Shaohua twisted Ling unhappily and said angrily, "Mother, when is it? People's lives are at risk. Let me help." Qiang has entered the delivery room one step ahead of her, and there are only women from the Li family, large and small, left in the yard.

"Even if you want to help, you don't go in to help. What do you, a little lady who hasn't gone out, know? Your mother-in-law is so calm. What's wrong with you? Hurry back to Biwuxuan and teach you a lesson later. Ling's words made Liu a little embarrassed.

Xin Zixuan shouted in the room. It didn't matter if her mother-in-law didn't come out. She didn't even send someone to visit, and even Hongling ran out by herself. If the Qiang family really wants to argue, I'm afraid that the face of the Li family will be torn off.

"Xiao Wu, give me ginseng tea!" Qiang's voice sounded high in the room. Shaohua shook off Ling's hand and was about to go out, but Li Sijin didn't react quickly. He was tall and long, and immediately ran out.

At this time, a domestic servant ran in sweating and reported: "Madam, second lady, Zhao Am is here!" Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

While talking, I saw a middle-aged man trotting in with a gray-haired old lady on his back. After putting the midwife down, Li Sijin's ginseng tea was just brought over. Seeing that the midwife had just stood up, she was dizzy with bumps. Shaohua took the opportunity to take the ginseng tea from Li Sijin's hand. Before Ling could speak, he had strode in and was so angry that Ling shouted outside.

Then the two-hour suffering finally ended with a baby crying.

"Big brother, I gave birth!" Shaohua got out of the house.

"Is it a man or a woman?" Liu asked.

"How's your sister-in-law?" Li Sijin strode forward.

"Mother and son are safe." Shaohua said excitedly.