famous son-in-law

Chapter 233 Affection is more harmful

Xu Xinru came back from Shaohua's yard. As soon as she entered the room, she went straight to the bed. She lay on the bedding and cried. Shuiling then followed in and felt uncomfortable to see her crying so sadly. She walked over, sat by the bed, and called her gently. Xu Xinru raised her tears and turned around and jumped on the water spirit.

Shuiling sighed helplessly, patted Xu Xinru's body like an elder sister, and comforted softly, "Well, don't cry, don't cry, it's no big deal." Xu Xinru couldn't stop crying so much that her shoulders kept shaking, and tears had already soaked her watery clothes.

She smiled bitterly and said that Xu Xinru was looking for herself. When she was in the Xu family, there were few people to persuade her, but she didn't listen and tried her best to marry her. What's more terrible is that even Rouwan stood on her side. What can the Xu family say about the princess's daughter-in-law? If Rouwan hadn't taken the initiative to volunteer to add makeup to Xu Xinru, maybe the Xu family would not have been so easy to say. After all, a princess is more important to them than a wife who is willing to be a concubine.

Most of the Xu family changed the Empress Dowager's decree in Pingzhou City, but in order to send their wife as a concubine, everyone felt that the gains were not worth the loss.

But who knows that although Pingzhou is large, there are many hills and barren mountains. At the beginning, the three Lugen of Xu Heshang were also here to guard this generation. However, the merchants gradually fell and the He family moved to Beijing, so Pingzhou was taken up by the Xu family. Nowadays, the Zhuangzi ceded by the Xu family has been replaced by the wasteland of Pingzhou, which seems to be vast, but in fact, it is sparsely populated. Because it is close to Huaicheng, it is also half an official post.

In addition to Xu, He and Shang, there are also Guangling Liu's family, Haiting Yang's family, Gu Su Cen and Jun's two families, as well as the Xiao family of Mrs. Yingyu's mother's family. Taizu once ordered the generals, and those who released their military power were given the city, and the clothes were returned to their hometown. If they wanted to continue to lead the troops, the whole family had to stay in Beijing. In the end, Xiao He's two families naturally stayed in Beijing, and the Xu family got Pingzhou, but because the merchant He family also belonged to Pingzhou, they let a lot of land out.

In the hearts of the Xu family, they always believed that Pingzhou was their territory, and Shang He was the invaders who robbed their territory. Therefore, Hongyi had to be moved by the Xu family's measures.

"How can it be no big deal? She just came for me!" Xu Xinru cried miserably.

But Shuiling can't say that this matter is Xu Xinru's wishful thinking, and no wonder Shaohua showed her face. Madam, I didn't throw cold water on you. I'm afraid there will be a lot of such things in the future. Are you really determined to live?

"Of course! Otherwise, why should I wrong myself? After saying that, Xu Xinru also felt that it was a little ridiculous to be like this now. Since she wanted to stay, she still cried. She sat up from **, wiped away her tears randomly, and secretly made up her mind not to cry again.

Shuiling shook his head, got up to hang a wet handkerchief for her, and took it over to wipe her face. "What's so good about Xing Yonghou? It's worth making you so obsessed."

Although it has become a boat, Shuiling still has an unfailing attitude towards Xu Xinru's ideas.

Thinking of Yan Kaizhi's appearance, Xu Xinru immediately became shy, and the little daughter's behavior surprised Shuiling a little. Well, I don't know how to say this, I just think he is good! I know that he actually likes others in his heart. If that man hadn't died, he wouldn't have married Li Shaohua.

"Madam, you can't call it your wife's name like that. It's not good to hear it!" Shuiling put his finger on his lips, looked at the window and whispered a warning.

"Hmm." Xu Xinru protested with dissatisfaction.

"My good lady, are you really here to be an aunt?" Shuiling really wants to repent. Why does she have to dowry?

Xu Xinru sighed at her face and had to nod reluctantly and agree, "I know." Suddenly, she raised her proud face and showed a confident expression, which made Shuiling laugh and cry. In a word, I will definitely let Yan Kaizhi die for me.

Afraid that she would make trouble again, Shuiling opened his mouth to divert her attention, " By the way, you just said that Xing Yonghou likes others in his heart. I think the relationship between the marquis and his wife is good."

Xu Xinru rolled her eyes and sneered at Shuiling's words, "Sister Shuiling, I said that you only have my second brother in your heart. Looking at others, you think that both pairs are good feelings." When Shuiling heard the words, he turned his eyes with some embarrassment and only heard Xu Xinru say, "Yan Kaizhi, well, many people know that the marquis likes the imperial concubine, but because the concubine has passed away and she is from the Three Kingdoms Mansion, everyone dares not say it. Otherwise, how can he wait for so many years without marrying without even a concubine? Is there anything wrong with liking such an affectionate man?

In order to inquire about Yan Kaizhi, Xu Xinru only found out the 18th generation of his ancestors. Knowing that he was also from Pingzhou, she only hated why she didn't know him earlier, so there was nothing to do with Shaohua.

However, Xu Xinru obviously forgot that Yan Kaizhi was not born in Pingzhou, let alone lived in Pingzhou.

After listening to Xu Xinru's words, Shuiling nodded admiringly to Yan Kaizhi: "Well, if that's the case, the marquis is also an affectionate and righteous person."

As long as it comes to Yan Kaizhi's matter, Xu Xinru's whole body is alive. His affairs are like a treasure, and even Xin Zimo's matter is backwards. For Xu Xinru, the only thing she is not jealous of is probably Xin Zimo, because she heard that it was an unreachable object, and more importantly, she was dead.

"Not only that, I also heard that the imperial concubine is a very talented woman. She not only plays a superb pipa, but also writes the cloud body of Mrs. What a coincidence, Li Shao... She can also play the pipa and write. Isn't she deliberately seducing the marquis? Xin Zimo knows what Shaohua knows, and Yan Kaizhi likes Xin Zimo, and Shaohua likes Yan Kaizhi. It doesn't make sense to make people believe that Shaohua is not deliberately imitating Xin Zimo.

Although, in fact, there is really no imitation.

"I didn't hear that my wife could write cloud scrolls." Shuiling was surprised that Shaohua would write cloud scrolls.

Xu Xinru picked up the scriptures in her hand and curled her lips and said, "If this book is really her handwritten, is there any better evidence to explain her int?"

Xu Xinru is not a well-behaved lady, but she has also read and learned books. It's really difficult for her to recite poems, but when she asks what books she has read, she can say a few books, many of which are Mrs. Bo's manuscripts.

At this point, Shuiling naturally knew what Xu Xinru meant, "What the wife means is that the marquis is so good to his wife because she is imitating the imperial concubine?"

Xu Xinru nodded seriously: "This face can't be imitated. I heard that the Langjun of the Dingxihou family is very similar to the imperial concubine. She learned the personality and talent of the concubine, and I don't know how to insinuate Dingxihou to accept her as a righteous daughter. The marquis has regrets in his heart. If he can't marry the master, it doesn't matter if he marries a substitute. She didn't believe it. Compared with Xin Zimo's appearance in front, Yan Kaizhi would look at Li Shaohua in turn.

Shuiling felt that he would be scared to ascend to heaven early by Xu Xinru's unthinking words at any time. "My wife, you are nagging in my ear. Don't say it, even if it's true, it won't work." I really don't know when I will be punished for Xu Xinru's unstoppable mouth.

Xu Xinru did not refute Shuiling's words, but said more seriously, "I know. I just think she is so scheming that she is also qualified as a stand-in. I will let the marquis know that I am better than her." Irrespecting Shuiling shook his head and sighed, Xu Xinru secretly swore in his heart: Li Shaohua, wait and see, I will make you unable to even be a stand-in.

However, Xu Xinru's first plan is to keep the enemy consistent, so as to achieve the purpose of confusing the opponent.

After Xu Xinru thought about it, it was difficult for her and Shaohua to be consistent. If you have to say it, they all like Yan Kaizhi. But this is useless. If she can't stand on the same line as Shaohua, she can't talk about surpassing. Shuiling reminded her that since Shaohua can make Yan Kaizhi feel that she can replace Xin Zimo, Xu Xinru can also make Yan Kaizhi feel that she can replace Shaohua. She just needs to follow what Shaohua did.

Xu Xinru immediately said that she wanted to learn calligraphy. She can't learn pipa for a while, and it's always easy to write. It happened that Shaohua gave her a scripture. Xu Xinru simply began to practice from the scriptures and practiced words greedily every day. Even Shuiling felt that her momentum was a little too much.

When Shaohua knew that Xu Xinru was really copying scriptures seriously after going back, he was also shocked. This was not like Xu Xinru who deliberately came to other people's house to play tricks.

"Oh? Is she really copying scriptures? Shaohua found it very funny.

With a straight face, he nodded solemnly and said, "This is what I saw with my own eyes, and every painting is a copy of your font, but I can't find her charm even if she has been practicing for ten years."

"Madam, do you think she is really so obedient?" Chu He brought her a cup of chicken soup and then asked.

Shaohua smiled and said, "How do I know? If it's really so obedient, I don't mind giving her three sticks of incense on the 15th day of the first lunar new year."

Chu He reminded with a serious face, "Madam, living people don't need to be fragrant."

"I'll make a metaphor." Shaohua knew that since she had a child, Chu He was very concerned about her oral morality, so he had to laugh and said, "Anyway, she doesn't have to toss around. By the way, go and send the fragrant ink I brought back last time to Yu Chan, tell her to practice well, and there is no limit to providing pen, ink, paper and inkstone at home.

Chuhe was shocked. It was the fragrant ink that Shaohua was reluctant to write. "Madam, don't you like that fragrant ink? Why did you give it to her?"

"It's just a box of fragrant ink. If she is really so quiet, not to mention fragrant ink, I will give her purple hair." Shaohua held a mouthful of chicken soup, paused for a moment, swallowed his stomach and smiled and said, "However, tell her that since she practiced calligraphy so hard, she copied the heart scriptures more than ten times by the way, and soon it will be Shi Guhui, which is a accumulation of virtue."

"Yes." Chu He nodded calmly.