famous son-in-law

Chapter 238 The Death of Jinhua?

As his stomach grows, Shaohua's amount of food is also increasing day by day. He often wakes up hungry and coo. Shaohua ordered the kitchen to stew a cup of soup or sugar water at any time, which was strictly forbidden by Mother Rong, saying that her first child must be cautious and have enough nutrition, but it should not be excessive. Moreover, Shaohua is addicted to sweet meat. They all say that she is sour and spicy. On the contrary, she can't stand these two flavors and only likes all kinds of meat or sweets.

Because she was forbidden by Mian Rong, Shaohua looked particularly depressed. As her body became heavier and heavier, she didn't want to move.

Several times she looked at her stomach in a daze, always thinking that there was a life in it. She felt amazing and even wondered if it was just getting fat. So for the first fetal movement, she was almost scared to cry. She stared blankly at her belly, as if her stomach was pregnant with a monster.

After Mrs. Yan knew about this, she often made fun of her, but since then, Yan Kaizhi likes to touch her round belly every night and wait for the child's movement without saying a word.

Unfortunately, Yan Kaizhi's luck is really bad. As long as he puts his hand on it, his stomach will not move at all. When he impatiently takes his hand away, the life in his stomach will begin to turn against. If it were others, the god in his stomach could still look at the mood and react, but as long as Yan Kaizhi's hand was put on it, as if he recognized it, he would not move.

Shaohua joked that Yan Kaizhi was not liked by his children and deliberately confronted him. Yan Kaizhi did not believe in evil and insisted on feeling its movement in person, and always ended in disappointment. Shaohua was often so tired that he didn't want to play with him. He fell asleep by himself. Yan Kaizhi held her into his arms and stubbornly put his hand on her belly.

"Baby, will you let your father hear it next time?" Shaohua touched his stomach and said to himself.

Suddenly, I felt that it was silly to ask such a question, and my stomach could not speak by itself. He added, "Baby, do you hear A Niang's words? Just move when you hear it."

As soon as the words were finished, Shaohua felt her stomach churning, which made her so happy that she couldn't close her mouth and became even more excited.

"Baby, if you hear what A Niang said, you must have heard what you just said. Let your father be happy tonight. If it's good, just move it. If it's not good, move it twice. Shaohua thought that every time the god moved lazily, as if he had turned around in her stomach, and then he was quiet for a long time. But she didn't expect that after a moment of silence, Shaohua felt unable to laugh or cry after two consecutive fetal movements. She was really born against Yan Kaizhi.

"Baby, your father also loves you very much, just make him happy." The little fleshy hand stroked around the belly, and the little life in the round belly also seemed to feel the warmth at this moment and became quiet and peaceful.

"Baby, do you know how hard your mother waited for your father in those years, for fear that he would be robbed by others, and for fear that her grandmother would marry someone else on impulse. Now it's okay. I'm finally with your father, but your father has to accept other women. Although your father promised not to touch her, there are two. What if you accidentally touch her? What if other women enter the door in the future? Shaohua said that he felt so funny that he actually chatted with his stomach. "A Niang is really naive. She always wants to marry him, but in the end, holding him seems to be far away from him."

She can't explain whether this feeling is due to the depression caused by pregnancy, or the more she knows about Yan Kaizhi, the stranger she feels.

It seems that every time she knows from the people around her, every Yan Kaizhi is something she has never seen. From the tenacious teenager at the beginning to the upright man later, he is beautiful and tall in her heart. Gradually, I saw that he was at a loss because of her crying. He also teased Song Yu and shouted loudly, and he would not hesitate to please her because he begged for sex.

She saw all kinds of Yan Kaizhi, but she didn't seem to touch his innermost. Perhaps because of Xin Zimo's barrier, both of them tacitly stopped talking about the past.

"Madam, what are you talking about?" As soon as Chu He entered the door, he heard Shaohua muttering and asked curiously.

"I didn't say, I said I was hungry. What do you have to eat?" Shaohua was embarrassed to tell Chu He that he was having a strange conversation with his stomach.

"Madam, you just ate a bowl of bird's nest soup." Chu He had to admit that Shaohua's appetite was really good. Obviously, he didn't stop eating snacks, but he still devoured the meal, as if he had been hungry for a long time.

Shaohua tilted his head and thought, as if she had eaten, but it was also true that she was hungry. "Well, that was a snack just now. I want to eat something else, such as... eat meat, what you can eat, and the baby has to eat meat when he grows up." Shaohua nodded solemnly and raised her shiny eyes to look directly at Chu He, which made her a little overwhelmed.

"Are you sure you lack meat?" Zhou Yan's voice successfully attracted her attention.

Shaohua's face was overjoyed, and her fleshy little face suddenly became very cute. She quickly got up to greet her: "Second sister-in-law, why are you here? Are you all right?" If she remembers correctly, Zhou Yan is not the time to go out casually.

Zhou Yan is still light. Although her waist is much plump, she is like an ordinary person compared with Shaohua. She looked at Shaohua's belly, reached out and stroked it, and couldn't help laughing, "It's okay! How long has it been for me to dare* for five months?

When Shaohua heard this, he coughed awkwardly, "Cough! How long ago did this happen?

Zhou Yan affirmed, "It doesn't take more than three months."

Shaohua flattened her mouth and ignored her jokes and looked out of the door: "Where's the second brother?"

Chu He went out to make tea for them with a smile. The two sisters-in-law started from the Li family. As long as they met, they must chat for most of the day. They just need to add tea and fruits to them in time, and they usually don't ask them to do things.

"I just wandered around at the door and said that I would buy something and let me come first." Zhou Yan doesn't vomit and doesn't avoid eating. What to eat is especially easy to raise. However, she was a little jealous of Yan Kaizhi's consideration for Shaohua, and thought of Li Sijin's romantic behavior during his wife's confinement. She had to ask Li Sinian to buy food for her in a change of taste.

"So it's a personal escort." Finally, I seized the opportunity, and it was Shaohua's turn to make fun of it.

"Look at your sour tone, hasn't your marquis taken care of you?" Zhou Yan's heart was also very strong, and she immediately fought back.

However, Shaohua did not deny it this time, but said with a smile, "It's okay."

Zhou Yan shook her head at her appearance, reached out and poked her fleshy little face and said, "Tut, I think what you lack is not meat, but heart. If I had known that your second brother would buy a pig heart for you on the way. Unexpectedly, it's okay to let your marquis listen to it and hate you to death.

Shaohua raised his chin proudly, "He won't."

Zhou Yan suddenly shivered and decided not to argue with her on this issue, "Come on, if you show your love, I won't interfere."

Chu He served two cups of red date tea and a few plates of snacks, and then quietly retreated, allowing the two expectant mothers to exchange their pregnancy experience. Because of Zhou Yan's arrival, she could eat snacks openly. Shaohua rudely put a rose and honey date into her mouth and asked inexplicably, "Why did the second sister-in-law go out? What are you doing?"

On the contrary, Zhou Yan looked much more gentle. She took a sip of tea and said softly, "Something happened at home. I was kicked out to relax."

After eating two apples in a row, Shaohua made up his mind to answer Zhou Yan's words, "What happened?"

Zhou Yan looked at Shaohua's unknowing appearance, paused and said, "Qi Niang is dead."

This almost choked Shaohua. She coughed a few times, patted her chest and swallowed the preserves, looked up at Zhou Yan's frightened face, and asked nervously, "How can it be!" When I went home not long ago, didn't my mother say that she had found her in-laws and prepare to choose a day to go home?

Seeing that Shaohua's face slowed down and warmed a few sips of tea, Zhou Yan was relieved, but she was not in the mood to complain about her Meng Lang, "Calm down first and listen to me. Erbom covered this matter very tightly. If it hadn't been for the sudden arrival of the second uncle in a hurry and then the family mourned, I wouldn't have known about it.

Shaohua didn't interrupt her words and waited carefully for Zhou Yan to finish the matter: "I'm not very clear about the context of the matter, but I don't know why. A few days ago, Erbom said that he would send Qi Niang back to Luyang's hometown. At first, I thought I was going to go out, so I didn't think about it.

But later, Zhou Yan felt strange no matter how she thought about it. Su was just a concubine. Even if her daughter was going to get married, she could send a letter at most. As for Jinhua, she went out in person. Moreover, strictly speaking, Su is not qualified to intervene in the matter of Jinhua's marriage. Therefore, Zhou Yan couldn't erase this pimple in her heart before marriage, and she didn't hear that the Li family needed to send her wife back to her hometown to get married.

"The second uncle suddenly came back the day before yesterday, and then he heard that Qi Niang had an emergency halfway and died before halfway." Although he knew the result first, Shaohua still took a breath of air when he heard this. Zhou Yan sighed, "Because Qi Niang hasn't gone out yet, her identity is a little taboo and it's not easy to speak, so she is doing a magic job in Jingyin Temple."

Because Pang has been ill for many years, he is particularly in awe of gods and ghosts. Today, I went to welcome Jinhua's spiritual card home. Pang insisted that pregnant people could not get close, which was too unlucky, so he asked Li Sinian to ask for leave to take Zhou Yan out for a walk.

Shaohua was silent for a while, and obviously he did not recover from the shock.

Although she had a bad relationship with Jinhua, and even after being almost killed by her, she wanted to return her teeth several times. But when she really learned the news of Jinhua's death, she was very depressed and was not happy about it at all.

"How can it be so sudden? She is usually not sick and painless." After all, he is a good person. If he doesn't have it, it will be gone. This impact is not a big impact for Shaohua.

"Who said no? I also feel strange why he got an emergency on the way home and died." Zhou Yan saw that Shaohua was still calm and felt a little relieved. She was originally afraid that Shaohua would react too much, but what happened at home. If she didn't tell Shaohua, Zhou Yan didn't feel well.

"How's my father?" Shaohua raised his head and looked at Zhou Yan.

"I haven't seen it. I heard from your second brother say that she looks ten years old. After all, she is a daughter who has been raised for so many years, and suddenly said she left." Zhou Yan shook her head. Li Xunzhuo was really sad. Li Sinian felt that his back could not be straightened up. However, I think the most pitiful thing is Cen Langjun. It's only been a long time since the family was preparing for a wedding, and the bride left. Unlucky, he also carried his wife's name on his back.

Shaohua squeezed his lips and didn't have time to think of his future son-in-law, "I want to go back to see my father."

"Don't be silly. I've been kicked out. Your second brother also said that he would let me go back to my mother's house for a few days." Zhou Yan patted the back of her hand and comforted her, "Well, don't worry too much. Everyone has left."

Shaohua thought for a moment and nodded helplessly. Jinhua's death actually did not have much impact on the Li family. On the contrary, Li Xunzhuo probably regretted, and some were still glad that although they were not happy, they would not feel too sad.

However, when a person disappeared for so no reason, Shaohua still felt a little uncomfortable.