famous son-in-law

Chapter 242 Feng Shui

Although the harem can't leave a foreign man to spend the night, he was pestered by Shaohua to talk and talked directly until the middle of the night. When Shaohua couldn't help sleeping, the third update had been knocked. Yan Kaizhi rubbed his swollen temples and got up to leave, only to find that Shaohua's belly had moved. He was a little excited and a little excited. Since Shaohua's pregnancy, almost everyone has experienced fetal movement, but he, the father-to-be, has fallen.

Although urged by the maid, Yan Kaizhi couldn't help putting his hand on his wife's stomach and felt a strong turmoil. Shaohua frowned in his sleep, but Yan Kaizhi bent his eyes with joy. After relaxing his wife's frown, he gently told the child to be born. Then he stepped in the footsteps contentedly and followed the maid to leave quietly.

The nap of less than two hours did not bring a bad mood to Yan Kaizhi. Thinking that he could finally feel the child's fetal movement last night, his mood became extremely happy, and even Hongyi's urging not to give face was not at all.

After a little grooming, he hurried to the imperial study with the palace people. But when he stepped into the study and the waiter serving Hongyi came over excitedly, he looked at the food on the table and looked at Hongyi, looking helpless. Yan Kaizhi nodded with understanding, and the waiter silently thanked again and again, so he quietly withdrew with the palace man who led the way.

Yan Kaizhi saw that breakfast had been placed on the table beside him, but the owner of the study was still working hard in front of the case, as if he didn't even notice him coming in.

"Second master, you haven't eaten yet." Yan Kaizhi walked over and said softly.

In Yan Kaizhi's memory, Hongyi rarely forgets to eat and eats for other things. For him, he can't stop him from eating and sleeping when he is big. Compared with Hongwen, who has known how to deal with all kinds of people since he was a child, let people play everywhere. Hongyi will only lazily let Yan Kaizhi help him control the wind and run to find a place to take a nap.

Sometimes, Yan Kaizhi even feels that he has followed the wrong person. People like Hongyi, who are not tired of eating essence and fineness, do not seem to be ambitious people at all. But in addition to eating and sleeping, once something is done, Hongyi is unambiguous, and the method is surprisingly fast and sophisticated.

Looking at the man in front of the bookcase, his usual pair of blurred eyes seemed to wake up, but when he saw what he was interested in, his eyes were cold and fierce.

Hongyi heard the words and looked up happily, "Chaizhi, are you here?"

Yan Kaizhi bowed and saluted and was immediately stopped by Hongyi, "Master Wanfu."

Hongyi waved his hand repeatedly, put down the memorial in his hand, and came over, hooking Yan Kaizhi's shoulder, just like when he was young. His relationship with Yan Kaizhi is not like that of Hongwen and Hongfang. Although the king and minister brothers have no words, they can be seen that they are estranged from each other.

Hongyi once said that Yan Kaizhi was like his shadow. While he raised his hand, he didn't need words. Yan Kaizhi already knew his intention and advanced and retreated with him. He did not treat Yan Kaizhi as an outsider and confiscated him, and Yan Kaizhi never let him down.

While greeting Yan Kaizhi to sit down and eat with him, he asked about Shaohua, "Come on, don't fool me. Is she okay?"

Yan Kaizhi was not polite to him. He called the emperor and long live to others, but he never changed his name to the second master. He also ate this breakfast with peace of mind. It's okay. The imperial doctor said that she would give birth in a month or two. It's not suitable to go far at this time.

Hongyi saw that Yan Kaizhi's face was calm. Obviously, Shaohua was really fine, and he was a little wider. After all, on the one hand, he regards it as brotherhood, and on the other hand, it is his mother, and it is his sister who causes trouble. It is not easy for Hongyi to be caught in the middle.

So he called Yan Kaizhi over for breakfast, which more or less meant to make up for the apology. Well, I also know that it's all because of Rou Wan's trouble. My mother also coaxed, and most of them regarded Wu Niang as Lanzhi.

However, Yan Kaizhi didn't pick it up, and it became quiet with a "um".

Even if the empress dowager, he felt panicked and short-eyed yesterday for no reason, thinking that he had not slept enough recently. As a result, as soon as he heard that someone from the palace took Shaohua and the others in, he didn't think about it and immediately rushed over. Like Shaohua, he has always had no good impression on the harem. In the past, it was because Lanzhi and Rouwan had a close relationship, and he often followed Hongyi in and out, but it was nothing.

Since Lanzhi's marriage and Shaohua repeatedly had problems in the palace, he was eager for Shaohua to never come in, so he had not asked Hongyi for a life document.

Hongyi recovered his mood and couldn't help mocking again. Sure enough, he saw Yan Kaizhi's expression. It's okay. I haven't seen you so anxious about Xin Erniang before. It seems that your daughter-in-law is still important.

"Second Master, don't mention the past, it will be misunderstood." Yan Kaizhi really doesn't understand why Hongyi likes to joke with him so much.

"Are you afraid of Hongfang's misunderstanding, or are you afraid of your daughter-in-law's misunderstanding?" There are only two of them here, Hongyi won't care so much.

Both are afraid!

Yan Kaizhi glanced at Hongyi, then lowered his head and took a few bites, finished the food in the bowl, interrupted, and automatically cut into the next topic. Second master, I want to take them back."

I didn't expect that Hongyi and Yan Kaizhi had not spoken for so long and were planning to talk to him about business, but I didn't expect to bump into Yan Kaizhi. I called you here so early to have something for you to do. He looked at Yan Kaizhi's tacit understanding and felt funny, "I'm afraid you can't take it away for the time being."

"What's the matter?" Yan Kaizhi's heart skipped.

Hongyi put down his chopsticks, walked back to his desk, took a note and handed it to Yan Kaizhi, and sat down to eat again.

Looking at the memorial in his hand, Yan Kaizhi sank his heart and opened it for a quick glance, but his face became more and more solemn. There is no compliment in the long memorial, and every word directly refers to the private construction in Pingzhou. Although Chengde Building was ordered to be demolished, it could not be demolished overnight, and it had to be comforted. After all, the slap hit the empress dowager in the face.

However, the building has not been demolished, but someone said that what the He family is going to build is not the Chengde Building at all, but the ancestral tomb. It also includes a map of Pingzhou, marking several coordinates and ticking lines with cinnabar. Judging from the outlined shape, it looks like a giant crab, but Yan Kaizhi doesn't know the art of public opinion. Looking at the two crabs pointing straight to the direction of the capital, his heart is also very cold.

Crabs like to live in search of water, which can mean wealth in the world and wealth from all over the world. However, the crab is yin, and it kneels down, has an extremely sharp blade, and is domineering. Nowadays, this crab is facing the capital, and it is the image of Zhang Zheng, which is inevitably suspicious. If it is true that the He family moved their ancestral graves into this crab land, is it possible that they want to run rampant around the world and take Kyoto directly?

But Pingzhou has never been a feng shui treasure. Suddenly, such a situation appears, and it is difficult to determine whether it is true or false.

Since ancient times, the emperor believed in feng shui. He not only had to look at the feng shui of his ancestors, but also had to take care of the feng shui of his ministers' families for fear of being robbed of their momentum. Even if they know that it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, they still need peace of mind. Who doesn't want the country to be transmitted by their own children? However, the He family is the mother's family of the empress dowager and the queen. The geographical location of the He family's tomb should be in Kun. If the He family built not the Chengde Building, but the ancestral tomb, then its intention is that no emperor can turn a blind eye.

Yan Kaizhi put his heart back into his stomach. Looking at Hongyi still eating carefully, he said heavily, "Second Master, who handed this memorial?"

It happened that Hongyi had finished eating. He looked up at Yan Kaizhi and looked at each other, as if he had delivered the news silently.

Suddenly, Hongyi said, "You don't have to worry about who handed it. I want you to help me find out about this matter." It's impossible to say that Hongyi doesn't care, but he can't move yet. Before he figure out everything, he has to pretend not to know.

Therefore, he asked Yan Kaizhi to accompany him for breakfast. First, he wanted to send Empress Dowager He tossed Shaohua and the others into the palace for no reason. Second, he had to explain this matter to Yan Kaizhi in private.

"But the second master, I have been in Pingzhou for so long, and I have never heard of this array. Otherwise, the Xu family would have moved the grave long ago. How could they keep it and give it out? Yan Kaizhi frowned and looked very solemn.

"You and I don't understand the art of feng shui, and how do you know that you didn't have it at the beginning, but you can't have it now." Hongyi smiled and looked light. "After Prince Demin's death, some people said that a dragon robe and a jade seal were found in the East Palace, but later they disappeared. It doesn't matter if such a mysterious thing appears in the palace, and it has also happened in the eldest brother's house. Isn't it strange that there are so many jade seals in the world?

Prince Demin refers to the elder brother of the previous emperor, who was ready to ascend the throne, but suddenly died of an emergency. Therefore, the throne fell on the head of the former emperor, but Prince Demin was not the son of the queen, but the German concubine. Some people say that after Prince Demin's death, he found a set of dragon robes and a jade seal on his bed. The texture of the jade seal was exactly the same as that of the emperor, which was obviously rebellious. He was known by the emperor and secretly killed him. To the outside world, he said that he died of illness.

But after all, it is the prince, and the throne will be his sooner or later. Isn't it too much to do this?

Anyway, it has happened. Two years later, the emperor died, and the two sons succeeded to the throne, that is, Hongyi's father. The story of the previous generation should have come to an end, but when it was rumored that Hongwen was forced into the palace, some people found that the dragon robe and jade seal that flew away when Prince Demin disappeared appeared again.

Hongyi sent Yan Kaizhi to investigate, but he was the first to pass by another jade seal.

At the thought that there was another jade seal in the world, Hongyi still felt panicked even though he sat firmly in the dragon chair. The first thing he thought of was the Empress's mother's Xu family. After Yan Kaizhi's injury was healed, he secretly lurked in Pingzhou, but he found nothing.

"Yuxi has not been settled, and now there is another crab hole. Hongyi burped after saying that, which made his words suddenly lose his prestige.

Yan Kaizhi didn't care. He also knew the seriousness of the matter, but he didn't know when he would come back when he went out this time. Shaohua is now pregnant. He has just promised to take her home, and now he is afraid he will lose his promise.

Hongyi obviously saw his hesitation and patted him on the shoulder. "Don't worry, you can check it out and come back. I won't let you stay for a long time. I heard that King Doro can't stand it. If he keeps his letter, he has to send Lanzhi back to me, otherwise. Ming Hongyi said with a smile, but it made people feel that his next sentence was going to kill.

In fact, what Hongyi wants to say is that the Empress Dowager He may not know that the He family has made such a big noise. Moreover, the Empress Dowager He knew that she would definitely let Yan Kaizhi investigate, and naturally she would not release Shaohua and others, so she used a gentle mouth to call them into the palace, which actually made Yan Kaizhi have many concerns.

When Yan Kaizhi heard that Lanzhi could come back, he paused and hugged Hongyi and said, "Then please, second master."

Hongyi smiled and said, "If you are born as a daughter, be my daughter-in-law."

Yan Kaizhi's face changed, "It's my son!"