famous son-in-law

Chapter 280 Smallpox

As soon as he heard that the powder ball had a fever, the whole Xingyong Houfu was like a fried oil pan, and the whole house became nervous.

After all, it is this limelight. Although the Marquis of Xingyong has not heard that anyone has fallen ill so far, it is their little master who has a fever now. No one in the future marquis dares to take it lightly. A heart hung on his chest and nervously watched the doctor enter the house to see the powder group.

The powder was held in Shaohua's arms and kept crying. His whole little face turned red and looked very pitiful. The sad cry pulled Shaohua's heart fiercely, as if with a sharp silver needle on her heart, and everyone present was heartbreaking. Because fans don't like to cry, they will laugh at every time. Except for starving or peeing on the bed, they will babbling and shout a few times, most of the time they open their eyes to show their innocence. That's why his crying made people feel more distressing, and they all want to feel uncomfortable for him.

Shaohua's eyes have turned red. He looked at the doctor with a heavy face excitedly and asked in a trembling voice, " Doctor, what's going on?"

The doctor in a gray-blue simple robe stood up, took a step back, respectfully saluted Yan Kaizhi and his wife. He looked serious and stammered, "Go back to the marquis and madam, I'm afraid the young master is infected with small pence."

Although this answer appeared in everyone's hearts, he was still frightened when he heard it from the doctor, especially Shaohua.

It was a little difficult for her to accept this fact. As early as when Yan Kaizhi informed her, she ordered to rectify the whole house. It can be said that everyone only boiled it in herbal soup and then took it out. All the wind, fever, cough and dizziness were diagnosed by the doctor, and then pasted silver to let them go home to recuperate. Be sure to wait until the illness is well and the limelight is over before considering letting them enter the house.

So, except for the balls that just came home, I have never heard of anyone having a fever and cough.

Shaohua was a little stunned for a moment, his eyes were empty, and he muttered to himself, "How come! I have obviously had people clean, and everything has been cleaned. People with fever and illness have asked me to send it out. How can this happen!"

Yan Kaizhi looked at her lost appearance, and his heart was also anxious and distressed. He took Shaohua's shoulder, looked up at her in a daze, and reluctantly pulled out a smile to appease her restlessness. "Shaohua, calm down, it's okay." Shaohua came to his senses, took a deep breath, and nodded to him. Then Yan Kaizhi looked at the doctor solemnly: "Are you sure it's smallpox? Is it just a fever?

The doctor who bowed his head and raised his eyebrows was scared by Yan Kai's majestic momentum and hurriedly said, "Marquis, even ten lives dare not deceive. If it's just a fever, it may also be regarded as a cold fever, but it's all red rash. I don't think it's infected today.

He doesn't want it to be smallpox, but the situation is the same as smallpox. He has never had smallpox, and he doesn't know whether he will be infected.

In fact, this doctor also entered the Houfu for the first time. Xingyong Houfu has always asked the imperial doctor to see the doctor, just because the imperial doctor now has his own order, and he really can't leave. In addition, the situation of the powder ball was relatively urgent, and the person who came out to invite the doctor also came to a nearby pharmacy and caught one and did not dare to hesitate at all.

Hearing the doctor's words, Yan Kaizhi immediately turned his eyes to the maids standing in a row, and they all immediately knelt down and begged for mercy: "Marquis, please forgive me!"

Thinking that his son's illness could be treated early, but the timing was delayed by the people below, Yan Kai couldn't wait to smoke them all. He scolded gachily, "How do you take care of the young master? Didn't your wife tell you again and again? Why didn't you report until today! You are trying to harm the young master."

She was scolded by Yan Kaizhi with gritted teeth. The wet nurse had already trembled with fear. She turned her head and looked at Shaohua. However, Shaohua's face was as cold as ice, and she didn't even want to look at it. She cried bitterly and sued Yan Kaizhi: "Marquis, spare my life. I dare not. How can I want to hurt the young master?" Seeing that Yan Kaizhi didn't believe her, Shaohua, who was usually good-tempered, ignored her. She could only defend: "I don't know how this happened. Two days ago, I found a rash, but the young master did not have a fever and did not cry. He thought it was just a mosquito bite, so he applied some plaster and thought it would be fine in a few days. I don't know if it will be smallpox.

Yan Kaizhi took a deep breath, lifted his shoes, kicked down the nurse, and cursed angrily, "Are you thinking? You think about everything. Where did you put your master? Drag down, stick ten, and get out of the house. Whoever dares to plead for mercy will all be guilty.

Yan Kaizhi was really angry. Unexpectedly, his illness was ignored because the child was too obedient and not noisy.

"Lord, spare my life, madam, spare my life!" Hearing his anger, the others stood alone and did not dare to say anything. Watching the wet nurse being dragged out by two big men, everyone was in danger.

Shaohua is not cold-blooded. He knows that the wet nurse usually takes very careful care of Fantuan, but now Fantuan's illness has nothing to do with her dereliction of duty, so she is cold-eyed and let Yan Kaizhi deal with it. Hearing the nurse's screams and begging for mercy, everyone became nervous.

Yan Kaizhi looked angrily at the other maids who knelt on the ground and trembled, "You are also rubbish. Put them all up. No one can let them out without my permission!" This sound made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, and the maids immediately kowtowed to thank them, at least to avoid the pain of skin and flesh.

Probably scared by Yan Kaizhi's harsh voice, the already quiet powder began to cry again, and Shaohua coaxed softly: "Baby, don't cry, mother is here. Doctor, can it still be cured? She looked eagerly at the pale doctor.

The first time he entered such a high gate courtyard, he was in awe. Now when he heard Yan Kaizhi's disposal, the doctor wondered whether he would be dragged down and beaten to death if he could not cure the powder ball. He followed the reputation and glanced at Shaohua, looked at her kind-looking appearance, with a trace of luck, and replied respectfully and humblely, "Madam, of course you can cure it, but this smallpox is extremely dangerous. Both adults and children will be infected. And..."

Yan Kaizhi's words curled him up, "And what?"

He swallowed and hesitated again and again before saying, "And whether it can be cured depends on God's arrangement."

Yan Kaizhi clenched his fist and said angrily, "Waste! If you can't cure the young master, you won't want to live.

The doctor's knee softened and immediately knelt down and begged for mercy: "Marquis, the little one must do his best, but I can't guarantee this kind of thing!" He is just a doctor, not a fairy. How can he guarantee that he will be cured? If smallpox is so easy to treat, you don't have to make trouble.

Shaohua said that it was important to treat the disease. He asked Chu He to come forward to help the doctor up and said warmly, "Dr. Please get up. The child's illness can't be delayed. Please ask the doctor to prescribe it first. As long as you can say it, we will definitely find it." Now is not the time to curse and get angry. As long as she can cure the disease of the powder ball, she will be happy to bring tea and water for the doctor.

The doctor carefully inspected Yan Kaizhi's face and made sure that Shaohua's words were extremely heavy. Then he got up trembling and thanked him: "Madam, don't worry, the little one will definitely treat the young master with his heart."

At this time, the young man had already brought up the pen, ink and white paper, and the doctor thought about it again and wrote a post to Yan Kaizhi and the others for a look.

Yan Kaizhi waved his hand and refused, signaling Yingjiu to go out with the doctor to get medicine, but was stopped by Shaohua. She took two steps and asked seriously, "Wait! Let me ask you, how is this disease transmitted?

The doctor frowned and thought for a moment, and then said, "The dust in the mouth can be infected, and there is no smallpox. Men, women and children will get sick." After saying that, looking at Shaohua and nodding, he left again and again.

Yan Kaizhi also ordered other onlookers to go back to you. Now that the powder ball has got smallpox, and all diet and living should not be relaxed.

Suddenly, Shaohua said softly, "Husband, why don't you go and tell everyone so that she won't worry."

Yan Kai heard it and felt that it was reasonable. Although she didn't inform Mrs. Yan about such a big thing, she must have known it. Well, okay, you take care of your son first, and I'll come back later." But as soon as he stepped out of the room, he suddenly heard the door behind him close and still on the barge. Yan Kai's heart moved, and he immediately turned forward in shock, patted the door hard, and shouted angrily: "Open the door! What are you doing! Open the door quickly."

I only heard Shaohua say in the room, "Go quickly. Don't step into this yard without my permission."

Excited by Shaohua's orders, Yan Kaizhi was angry and anxious, "Are you crazy?! Open the door quickly, do you hear me?"

Shaohua held the powder ball against the door panel, and his expression was sad and tired, and his voice became pleading: "The doctor just said that this disease is contagious. Men, women and children are the same. As long as they don't grow smallpox, they will be infected. I know you haven't had smallpox. I can't live without my son, let alone you.

She knows the seriousness of the disease. Even if a strong man gets smallpox, he will not die. She didn't dare to imagine the consequences, so after hearing the doctor's words, she made up her mind not to let Yan Kaizhi get close to her son.

Yan Kaizhi naturally knew that the disease would be contagious, but Shaohua was worried about him, and he didn't put Shaohua's safety on the tip of his heart. He was so angry that he patted the door panel and shook the doors and windows of the whole room with great strength. He was furious: "What are you crazy about? You have never had smallpox. According to what you say, you will not be contagious."

Shaohua said firmly, "It's different! I'll be fine. I'll take care of myself."

Yan Kaizhi ignored Shaohua's promise, "Open the door for me. If you don't open it, I'll kick the door."

Shaohua was shocked, held the powder ball and stepped back a few steps, and roared at Yan Kaizhi through the door: "No! If you dare to kick the door, I will never talk to you in my life.

Yan Kaizhi felt like an angry monkey. The foot he had just picked up had to be put down by Shao Hua. He sighed helplessly and changed to a pleading tone and said to the people in the room, "Shaohua, don't make trouble. Come out quickly and let Chu He and the others take care of the children. I will hire a doctor, and they will definitely have a way to cure my son's illness.

Shaohua knew that Yan Kaizhi had compromised. There was a sentence in his heart that he hesitated for a long time and almost made his heart bleed. Finally, he couldn't help saying, "Listen, your son can't live without me, but you can. In case I'm not careful..."

But she didn't expect that before she finished speaking, she heard Yan Kaizhi's fierce scolding, which shocked her whole body.

"Shut up! Li Shaohua, don't be self-righteous to me. Who told you that I can do it?

Yan Kaizhi never thought that he would blurt out like this. Hearing a silence in the room, he also calmed down. After a long time, he couldn't get a response from the room. He sighed deeply and had to say, "I promise that I won't go in. I will figure it out as soon as possible." He raised his voice and said to others, "Chuo Youhan, take good care of your wife and young master. If anyone happens, you don't want to live."

He won't let his son have an accident, let alone Shaohua. Even if he drags out the imperial doctor of the whole palace, he will do it.

Looking at the closed door, Yan Kaizhi turned around and left. As a result, a quick shout made him calm down: "Kkaizhi!"

He looked back at the room in a bad tone, "What's the matter?"

Shaohua didn't open the door, but followed the door and said to him, "Go to see the third sister. I'm worried that Wanzi will also be infected. He had a fever when he was taken home." Fantuan got smallpox, and he must have been able to escape the balls he ate and slept with, not to mention that he had a little fever before going home. Thinking of her kindly taking her nephew home, she made him sick. If Wanzi had a long time, even if Wanhua would forgive her, she would not forgive herself.