famous son-in-law

Chapter 301 trap 2

Shaohua was almost desperate. Hongfang hit the acupuncture points on her wrists and shoulders quickly and accurately, and only felt that her whole body was sore and weak. This kind of sinister trick has always been done by her to others. Unexpectedly, Hongfang was so rude to her, and a feeling of sadness and despair arose. She only felt that her eyes were burning and she tried to clenched her teeth. She didn't want Hongfang to see her cowardice.

How could Hongfang, who was in a dominant position, not notice the change of the beauty in his arms? Looking at her facial features locked by force and resistance, the crystal at the corners of his eyes made him feel very complicated.

However, he did not let go of Shaohua and listened to the conversation outside the car: "It's my master, you can't go in!"

The other party seemed to be unwilling to give up and wanted to get on the car to check, "Who is your master?! Come down quickly!"

Shaohua was overjoyed and was about to struggle, but he was accidentally pried open by Hongfang. She took a bite together, and the pain made Hongfang immediately leave her mouth. Looking at the evil smile with blood at the corners of her mouth, she looked very enchanting and horrible. Hongfang wiped his face with his empty hand and looked at her evil expression. He smiled angrily, as if he had been excavated into the world's treasure. At this time, the curtain was raised, and the dazzling sunshine made Hongfang frown. He reflexively hugged Shaohua in his arms and whispered in her ear, "If you are not afraid of being recognized, you can struggle to see who has a bad reputation."

Sure enough, Shaohua stiffened all over his body and immediately stopped moving. Hongfang's eyes flashed with a proud look, and then looked up and asked angrily, "Who is it?"

The other party recognized Hongfang's identity and looked at him holding a woman in his arms. Although he could not see the woman's appearance, the posture of the two was extremely ambiguous. He immediately bowed and saluted. "It turned out to be the prince. I'm really sorry to disturb the prince."

Hongfang looked down at Shaohua's angry eyes and raised his eyebrows to her proudly. He looked up and swept outside the car and saw many people in military robes rushing through with knives and guns. He couldn't help asking, "What are you doing?"

The bodyguard did not dare to look up and whispered, "The villain was ordered to arrest the imperial prisoners."

Hongfang's voice sank: "What's the order to catch the imperial prisoner?"

According to the fact, the bodyguard reported that the two people in the car couldn't help shaking themselves. "Last night, all 37 people of the Xu family were poisoned."

Hongfang asked, "The Xu family? Pingzhou Xu's family?"

The words of the bodyguard made Shaohua so nervous that he forgot his current situation, "Yes! I don't know who is so vicious that even children don't let go. The Empress Dowager's mother ordered to block the imperial city. We are ready to rush to Xingyong Marquis Mansion.

Looking down at Shaohua's distraction for a moment, Hongfang deliberately asked, "What are you doing in Xingyong Houfu?" In fact, he knew in his heart that there were many poisonous people in the capital, and there was one in Xingyong Houfu.

The bodyguard hesitated for a moment and did not answer, "I don't know, we are also ordered to act."

Seeing that he couldn't ask anything, Hongfang didn't delay his time, "Okay, you go." When the bodyguard got out of the car and heard him shouting for the soldiers to leave, Hongfang ordered the young man who drove the car, "Anhui, drive your car, don't stop." Shaohua also regained his strength at this time, punched him in the chin and immediately jumped out.

Staring at Hongfang's blue veins, there were still blood marks on his face that she had just bitten. Shaohua asked harshly, "What's going on?"

Hongfang once again warned himself that he must not underestimate the explosive power of Shaohua. This woman is not like a woman raised by a scholarly family at all. He rubbed his chin and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth. Seeing Shaohua's shocked expression, he deliberately looked at her up and down and aroused her appetite: "Don't you hear it just now? The Xu family has been poisoned."

Naturally, Shaohua did not forget what he said just now. She was also shocked and could poison 37 people. What a smart method. You know, now the Xu family can be said to be held by the emperor to kill people under the emperor's eyes. This man is really ambitious. She was very dissatisfied with Hongfang's look. Today, she was suppressed by him one after another, and she had been unhappy for a long time. "What do you think I did? Do you think I poisoned it?"

Hongfang smiled and said, "Of course I know it's not your poison, but Xingyong Houfu can never get rid of the system. Don't forget that your medical skills are not inferior to the imperial doctors in the palace at all."

Shaohua was stunned. Obviously, she felt incredible about the news, "Will she see a doctor?"

Suddenly, as if he had caught something interesting, Hongfang smiled proudly: "So you don't know anything, hehe."

A string of sympathetic laughter made Shaohua feel uncomfortable, "What are you laughing at!"

At this moment, Hongfang is like a big cat that teases mice, leaning lazily on the soft pier next to him. The more angry Shaohua is, the more proud he smiles, and the more pity he is. "I laugh at your wishful thinking to marry Yan Kaizhi, but he gave birth to a son for him. He always regards you as an outsider."

Shaohua knew that Hongfang was being provoked, but he couldn't help roaring: "You talk nonsense!"

When Hongfang knew what to do, he blinked his eyes and looked at her with a serious expression, "Then let me ask you, do you know that Mrs. Yan can see a doctor, especially in pharmaceuticals? Many of the secret recipes in the palace are from her hands." Looking at Shaohua's expression began to be heavy, Hongfang raised a cunning smile and continued to say, "Do you know that Yan Kaizhi married you because the emperor needed to attract the Li family. Although Fang Youxin and Li Gelao were both old ministers of the former emperor, Fang Youxin stood on the emperor's side because of the imperial edict, and the Li family had nothing. Besides, if Yan Kaizhi wants to avenge his father, he must rely on the Li family. No, he needs you. You naively think that he was really moved by you. In fact, you are just his amulet, and the Li family is also his capital to settle down.

Every time Hongfang said something, Shaohua's heart was cold. It's not that she hadn't thought about these assumptions. I just feel that as long as they are together, as long as he likes her, it doesn't matter, even if she gives her life for him, she is willing to do it.

seemed to be surprised by Shaohua's calmness. Hongfang was a little unyungrate. After thinking about it, he raised an ill-meaning smile and deliberately said to Shaohua in a mysterious tone: "You must not know that he could have prevented the former Empress Anxi from marrying, but he gave up. Even his favorite woman could give up. People, how much place do you think you can have in his heart? He just married you back because he felt guilty and found her shadow in you..."

Hearing this, Shaohua couldn't help shouting: "Enough!"

If Yan Kaizhi married her because she was the wife of the Li family, she didn't care, and even glad that she had this status, so that she could marry him as a wife as she wished. However, when I think of the result of her hard work in those years, it is not powerlessness, but indisputable. The belief in the bottom of my heart is like being severely repaired and laughing at her self-righteousness.

She has always believed that the emperor's life is irresistible. Even a general like Xin Maoshan, who holds heavy troops, has to bow his head with a little wind and grass. However, Hongfang wavered his belief and proudly told her that you were just a substitute to make up for his selfish guilt.

Shaohua squeezed her lips and felt that her chest was pressed like a huge heavy rock, almost crushing her heart, so heavy that she could not breathe.

looking at her pale face, Hongfang frowned and then laughed again, "This is just a little bit. Can't you stand it anymore?"

Shaohua suddenly took a long breath, spit out all the resentment and anger in his stomach, and then looked up and laughed, making Hongfang laugh inexplicably. He thought she had been hit too hard and went crazy.

After laughing, Shaohua only felt that his mood was suddenly much clear. When he turned his face and looked at Hongfang, he had regained his original brightness, as if what had just happened was hallucination. Shaohua looked at Hongfang with a straight face and saw that his face was grim and the corners of his mouth were smiling. "I don't know what's the point of cheating me out and saying so much. I married the Yan family and died as a ghost of the Yan family. However, the prince tricked me to go out three times. I would like to know which sentence you said was not a lie to me."

She was almost fooled by Hongfang. Even if Yan Kaizhi was really like this, she would hear Yan Kaizhi admit it and be dizzy by an outsider in a few words. This is not her style. She loves someone because he is good enough and he deserves to be loved, so she is firm and trusts him. Everything about him doesn't have to be interfered by others. As long as she believes what he says, as long as he loves her, it's enough. It's not love that can be shaken by the third person.

Looking at Shaohua's firm eyes, it was Hongfang's turn to hesitate. He was fascinated by her desperate enthusiasm and persistence, but there was only another person in her eyes.

Hongfang paused for a moment, with a charming smile on the corners of his mouth, and his voice said lazily and hoarsely, "I want you."

His eyes were so warm and eager, purely a man's most direct desire for a woman. Shaohua smiled and said, "Shut up!"

Knowing that his words ** Shaohua's heart, Hongfang's smile became very cunning and complacent. He deliberately shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly, "To be honest, you let me shut up again. I can only lie."

Hearing that he had changed back to cynical appearance, Shaohua felt as if she was relieved. She was really afraid of Hongfang's charming eyes and lazy voice, like scratching the bottom of her heart with a feather, making people itchy and unable to catch it. Especially his peach eyes are simply an endless whirlpool, which makes you unconsciously be fascinated and lost in his palm.

The carriage ran very fast, and pedestrians avoided it all the way. Shaohua dared not jump off the car, patted the door hard and shouted, "Stop, I'm going back."

Hongfang immediately stopped smiling and showed a serious expression, "You will only die when you go back!"

He received the news and hurriedly cheated her out of Xingyong Houfu. He couldn't protect and didn't want to protect the people of the strict family, but with the exception of Shaohua, he didn't want her to be involved in danger. The Empress Dowager He will not give up. The matter of Jin Zhaocheng has been publicized all over the city, and the matter with Mrs. Yan has also been exaggerated vigorously. In addition, half of the ministers have come out to ask for Yan Kaizhi's crime. At this moment, the Li family is afraid that they are also powerless.

Shaohua didn't know that Hongfang thought so far-reachingly. She still remembered Mrs. Yan and her son who was less than one year old, "Then let me die with them."

Hongfang put away his joke and felt unhappy with her uncooperation. "Li Shaohua, can't you see me like this!"

Shaohua ignored his anger and blurted out, "Yes, I can't see it. I can't wait to blind it immediately."

Hongfang was afraid that he would be so angry that he would accidentally kill her and decided to be barbaric to the end. Otherwise, he regretted himself, "I won't let you do what you want. From now on, you must stay with me, otherwise I don't mind letting Yan Kaizhi wear a green hat."

If he wished to see Shaohua's expression stiff, he went down with a knife, and Shaohua immediately lost consciousness and collapsed softly.

Looking at her quiet face, Hongfang exhaled helplessly, "I'd rather let you complain than let you die."