famous son-in-law

Chapter 360 Wooden Pile Daughter-in-law

Listening to the complaint of the wooden pile daughter-in-law, Baoer curled her lips and made fun of her secretly raising the corners of her mouth: "But sister-in-law, you are willing to follow the wooden pile for so long."

The wooden pile daughter-in-law sighed and looked at her clothes. She didn't dare to expect this life. Although she is always teased by Baoer for asking for her determination, she is really grateful to Shaohua. Thinking of the past hard times, she also have to sigh: "We are not richer than you. We have to live a down-to-earth life. How can we have so many emotions. Anyway, he is really good to me, and I will admit it. No matter how hard it is, he will survive.

Seeing that the wooden pile daughter-in-law seemed to be deliberately referring to Shaohua and Yan Kaizhi, Bao'er immediately retorted, "That's different. The wooden sister-in-law's family is poor. Naturally, she doesn't care about it. At least it is the wooden pile elder brother who took the initiative to pursue the wooden sister-in-law. In view of the sincerity of the wooden pile elder brother who just replaced his family with jade bracelets, the wooden sister-in-law is willing to suffer. It's a matter of course."

The wooden pile daughter-in-law couldn't say anything about Baoer, so she took the opportunity to respond, and then turned the topic to her own story, "Ai! That's true. At the beginning, I was also a flower in the village. Although it was a morning glory, in short, people in the next village ran to kiss me. But somehow, the wooden piles went to fight against others one by one, scaring everyone away. Speaking of which, I have no choice. What if I don't get married?

Xiaobao blinked his eyes and was just surprised. "I can't see that the wooden pile is such a bloody man."

When it comes to her man's blood, the wooden pile daughter-in-law's dark face also has a trace of hard-to-find blush. She nodded proudly and her eyes were brighter.

"Yes, anyway, he is usually old and nay. If he really wants to bully me, he will fight with others with a hoe. Once the village's daughter-in-law scolded me, but she was picky and said that I was not careful. The wooden pile rushed to someone else's house, beat the daughter-in-law to her face swollen, and dragged her to my house and asked her to kneel down and apologize to apologize to me. The wooden pile daughter-in-law's expression was rich, which made people listen attentively. "At that time, I saw it and was scared. I beat the village's daughter-in-law. What else will happen in the future? But he is stubborn and can scold anyone. Even his ancestors can scold me, so he can't scold me. He also said that he married his daughter-in-law for love, not for scolding others. Even if he was caught by the newspaper officer, he recognized it.

Xiaobao is a very cooperative listener, so among the three treasures, the wooden pile daughter-in-law's favorite is also Xiaobao, "Oh, my God, the wooden pile brother is too heroic."

Although Baoer didn't write it on her face, she was also very anxious, "What happened later?! Have you reported it?"

The wooden pile daughter-in-law glanced at everyone's expressions, and finally looked at Shaohua and smiled happily: "How dare they report it? Obviously, it was the daughter-in-law who stole a man and happened to be bumped into her when I went to the toilet. In fact, I didn't see it. In the night, who would like to be cat in the pit? But she knew it was me and thought I had found it, so the villain deliberately complained first and put me on me... Later, I heard that the woman went back and was beaten again, and then she disappeared. Some people said it was a remarriage, some people said that she ran away with someone. In short, there was no good end.

Knowing that the ending was a complete period, everyone was relieved. The wooden pile daughter-in-law spoke particularly cadence. Hearing that the wooden pile actually ran to beat people, she was still the daughter-in-law of the village. Everyone couldn't help sweating for him, even if it was several years ago.

"Listen to it! This kind of woman should be soaked in pig cages!" Xiaobao's face was full of anger.

On the contrary, Baoer did not find that she had stood on the side of the wooden pile daughter-in-law and spoke for her. What's soaking in pig cages? Is it good to soak in spits? If you are not good at it, you still falsely rely on others. Fortunately, the wooden pile brother is enough to be a man, or the wooden sister-in-law will die unjustly.

It is said that as long as there is a common enemy between women, they can become allies. The wooden pile daughter-in-law doesn't care about Baoer's attitude, but just said with a smile, "Yes, just that time, I decided to have this man. No matter how hard it is, I will follow him."

Shaohua sighed: "The previous hard days are over, and they won't happen again." Shaohua's words made the wooden pile daughter-in-law's eyes hot, just like a drowning man. Suddenly, someone stretched out his hand, pulled him up, and said to him, "You have to be saved." The wooden pile daughter-in-law immediately held Shaohua's hand, and her lips squirmed for a long time. She didn't say a word. Instead, Shaohua patted the back of her hand with a smile and shook her head.

After listening to the words of the wooden pile daughter-in-law, in Xiaobao's heart, the status of the wooden pile was obviously much higher. "Brother wooden pile is really a man. If I can find such a man, no matter how hard it is, I will marry."

Baoer rolled her eyes and said angrily, "Come on, no matter how hard you are, you will be afraid to live a poor day."

The wooden pile daughter-in-law wiped the tears she was about to wipe away, immediately smiled and said seriously, "Actually, don't say, I think the governor is a man. We were all scared by the wife's delivery that day. I have also given birth to many people. I have never seen such a dangerous situation. That six-in-law... by the way, this old woman can't let her enter the house in the future. I think she is not right and tries her best to do something out of tune. In such a dangerous situation, she is always so slow and asks others to do things. She is a midwife but doesn't even do anything.

Obviously, it was not only the wooden pile daughter-in-law who was dissatisfied with the stable woman, and Bao'er immediately spoke in solidarity, "Yes! I also think so, but there was nothing I could do at that time, and it was not easy to drive her away. After saying that, I suddenly felt that the distance between me and my wooden stake daughter-in-law was not so far.

When the wooden pile daughter-in-law talked about what happened that day, she couldn't help but be excited and patted her chest and said, "For good luck is the blessed doctor and the governor! It's all the children who come first. Even if the foot comes out first, no one comes out first. At that time, I was scared to death. If this is a stillbirth, even adults will drag it down together. In the middle of saying that, he glanced at Shaohua and saw her bowing her head to coax her daughter for a moment. He felt that his expression was wrong and immediately changed his words: "Fortune, the governor is brave enough, and that Fu doctor is really in the world. He dragged the little woman back from the ghost gate!"

"That's not because our little lady is blessed." Xiaobao also patted his chest, his eyes fell on his sleeping little face, and his eyes became infinitely gentle.

The wooden pile daughter-in-law said angrily, "Isn't it? When my husband was born a big man, it was just a strong wind and heavy rain, but as soon as the big man was born, the rain stopped immediately. He said that he would accept it, as if he had come to welcome this nobleman on his own. Erlang had the best to support him. He ran out without finding it. No wonder the sixth mother-in-law put on airs. The last time she didn't take over, she had a red envelope. Suddenly, she paused, stared at the others, and said, "This time she opened her mouth and said that she had served the whole night, which was three times as much."

"What? Triple number, my good boy, her heart is really cruel." Baoer was itchy with anger and glanced at Shaohua. Seeing that her face was indifferent, she had to swallow her anger into her stomach.

For Shaohua, those have passed, not to mention three times, that is, ten times and a hundred times. As long as she can give birth to her daughter safely, she is willing to.

Xiaobao turned his head and saw that Chengxi suddenly stopped making noise. Instead, he lay on Shaohua's legs and looked at the baby in the baby with round eyes. She squatted down and asked curiously, "What is Erlang doing?"

At this moment, Shaohua looks extremely gentle, and his face is full of maternal love, "He is looking at the little lady!" She emptyed her hand, stroked her son's soft face, and asked softly, "Erlang, how's your sister?"

Chengxi raised his little face, looked at his mother smiling like a flower, thought for a moment, shook his little head, and looked unhappy, "It's not good!"

Shaohua asked curiously, "Why?"

Chengxi lowered his head and was silent. He didn't know whether he couldn't say it or was thinking about it. After a long time, he said weakly, "Mother is in pain."

This sentence almost moved Shaohua to tears. She reached out and held her son in her arms, and the others' eyes were red. Even such a small child knew that she felt sorry for her mother. Can they still ask him?

The wooden pile daughter-in-law also spoiled Chengxi's little face, but she was swept away by him. She laughed and said, "This little ancestor still knows that her husband's life hurts."

At this time, the wet nurse who had been standing beside her without saying a word finally answered the words, "When my husband gave birth to a little wife, Erlang cried as soon as he woke up, and his heart was broken, and he couldn't stop coaxing. Later, after the little wife was born, he stopped, and the maidservant thought it was a brother and sister.

The words of the wet nurse softened everyone's hearts, and selfishly felt that the brothers and sisters were always more harmonious than their own brothers.

Especially after looking at his sister for a long time, Chengxi finally couldn't help stretching out his chubby little hand and said to Shaohua, "It's so soft. I want to kiss."

Shaohua was very surprised. Seeing that Chengxi was so persistent, he had to hold his daughter down. He watched Chengxi stretch out his little meat claws to his daughter and hang his heart in his throat for fear that he would accidentally scratch his daughter. However, Chengxi stroked her face very carefully, and then touched her little hand, but was caught by her sister. Chengxi was excited and looked at Shaohua excitedly, but all the adults were inexplicably relieved.

Shaohua wrapped his daughter to the nurse, picked up Chengxi dotingly, and smiled, "Soft... The name is good, just call her soft."

Bao'er screamed strangely and couldn't help saying to Shaohua with a smile, "Dalang's name is Fantuan, Erlang's name is Fat Dun, and the little lady's name is Ruan. Madam, why is your name related to meat? You're not hungry, are you?"

Xiaobao complained, "You're hungry."

The two used to arguing so that others would automatically ignore their quarrels. Shaohua touched his stomach and said, "So, I'm a little hungry."

Dabao came back from outside and walked to Shaohua with a happy face. "Madam, the governor said that he would have dinner with you at noon, and he has already prepared a meal. Do you want to eat in the house or outside? Everyone's eyes lit up, especially when they heard Dabao say, "Dudu said that there are your favorite lotus paste crisp and sweet soup of osmanthus, as well as sauced duck specially sent urgently from Beijing."

You know, Yan Kaizhi hasn't talked to her for several days. Shaohua thought that Yan Kaizhi really lost his temper with her, but he didn't expect him to go to buy her food.

"Just eat outside. Daughter-in-law, you can step down first."