famous son-in-law

Chapter 363 Bickering is daily

Looking at the soldiers running around and around in the school, Zhang Qi was pushed and arched to Yan Kaizhi. However, seeing Yan Kaizhi's gloomy face, which was comparable to that before the storm, he swallowed and wanted to give in, but was forced back by the fierce eyes of a group of soldiers behind him.

Zhang Qi had to scratch his head and bravely came forward and said, "Dudu, why don't you sit here and accompany your wife?"

In one sentence, two words, concise: "Don't go!"

He looked back at the crowd hesitantly, threatening, pleading and poking his heart. His expressions were different, so he had to say again, "Duk, why don't you take a break? This big day will be exhausted."

Yan Kaizhi was not moved at all, "No."

Zhang Qi said bitterly, "But the soldiers are tired."

Yan Kaizhi stared at him, and his tone was even more deep and terrible, "Hum! People who march and fight are tired at this point. What should we do if the enemy suddenly attacks? Don't forget that the people in Yucang almost caught fire at this city gate, just because you are too careless and don't train hard at ordinary times.

Zhang Qi silently added in his heart: At the beginning, it was because there were spies in the city, otherwise how could the enemy succeed?

But he didn't dare to say this. Everyone knew that his governor and his wife fell out, and almost the soldier practiced as a beast in the past two days. The problem is that the beasts would rebel if they were forced to, but the soldiers did not dare to make a sound. They could only plead to Zhang Qi. At least Zhang Qi came with Yan Kaizhi.

He thought for a moment and carefully suggested, "Why don't you take a rest and I'll watch them for you."

Yan Kaizhi still refused to let go, "No, I will supervise myself."

Zhang Qi has tried his best, but Yan Kaizhi is a wooden face and a stone heart. He can't help thinking about whether it will be easier to ask his wife to speak first.

"Captain, Madam is looking for you." At this time, Yingjiu's arrival made everyone feel relieved, especially the soldiers below, all of whom took Yingjiu as the savior. Yan Kaizhi's expression moved, lowered his eyes for a long time, and finally stood up, but he didn't know that the soldiers below wanted to shout.

"Zhang Qi, look, I'll go out for a while." He glanced at the soldiers and said to Zhang Qi.

"Yes!" Zhang Qi was so excited that his voice was louder than ever.

Everyone immediately lined up to see off Yan Kaizhi. He also knew that the soldiers didn't like him to appear and did not stay, so he strode away from the school with Ying-jeou.

"What can I do for you, madam?" He was a little excited, but the expression on his face remained unchanged.

"No." Yingjiu lowered his head, but in fact, he was also forced to be thrown out. Because not only the soldiers in the barracks, but also the servants in the governor's mansion are not much better. Wei Zhi is not here, and Fengxian alone has been trained by Yan Kaizhi several times. After thinking about it, everyone wanted to persuade Shaohua to bow his head, but the three treasures refused. The three treasures wanted to come forward by themselves, but Yan Kaizhi disappeared. In a word, at the moment when they fell out, almost the whole north of Sichuan was shrouded in a dark cloud, and no one accidentally had wings.

Yan Kaizhi's expression moved, but he was furious: "How dare you lie to me."

Ying-jeou stood up and was ready to be scolded. Strictly speaking, Zhang Qi has been with Yan Kaizhi for the longest time, while Ying-jeou has been with Yan Kaizhi for the longest time. And more or less got the face of the late lady, so Yingjiu took a firm seat as the chief of the governor's office. However, Yingluo stayed in Beijing. Yan Kaizhi was always worried about leaving Lanzhi alone in the palace. Although he could not be closely protected, he had at least one to take care of him.

Yingjiu has long been used to Yan Kaizhi's anger, so he looked particularly calm. "Captain, that group of soldiers are really tired enough. You have let them run more than 300 laps on the campus. Now they have to carry sandbags and jump, and they will not stand it."

Yan Kaizhi also knew that putting on airs in front of Yingjiu would not fully work. He snorted coldly, "This is unresistible. When I trained the iron guard, I don't know how much strict it was!"

Seeing that Yan Kaizhi was willing to let go, Yingjiu's heart also set a lot of determination. "That's different. That group of people have been trained like this. They are used to it, but these soldiers have never experienced such harsh training. Even if you want to make them stronger first, you have to take your time. You can't practice it all of a sudden."

When Yan Kaizhi was with Hongyi, in addition to helping him do some private things, he spent more time secretly helping him train an elite escort. Hongyi's requirement is that he is not expensive. He would rather have a master who can beat ten than a group of useless soldiers. After all, at that time, Hongyi and Hongwen were still fighting on the way to seize power. If his training was known by the previous emperor, it would be a great deal. Lightly, it will be confined, and if it is heavy, it will be deposed. Naturally, Hongyi dares not speak out.

Although the mother's family is also very strong, Hongyi knows that if he doesn't hold his own chess pieces in his hand, even if he is at the top, he will be overstretched.

"Report to the governor, and someone fainted again." A soldier hurried to report to Yan Kaizhi.

"Drag down." Yan Kaizhi frowned, looked at Yingjiu again, and then changed his words: "Let them all rest on the spot."

This order made the soldier very happy. He looked at Yingjiu deeply and expressed his gratitude.

Yan Kaizhi strode out of the barracks, but did not want to go back to the governor's office. Instead, he walked to the street. As he walked, he asked, "Ying Jiu, what kind of person do you think I am?"

Ying-jeou, who silently followed him, replied, "Resolute, resolute, responsible, is a man who is an upright man!"

He pondered for a moment and then asked, "What about my wife?"

Yingjiu is a little worried. He hasn't read a book. It's more difficult for him to say a few elegant words than to let him run to the school. The governor and his wife are deeply in love, playing and singing..."

Yan Kaizhi stopped and looked back at Yingjiu, who almost bumped into him. He was embarrassed. "I'm not asking you this. Among these people, you and I have been the longest time... Who do you think has paid more between me and my wife?" Yan Kaizhi felt that Shaohua had been a little noisy this time. Since they got married, it has been noisy, but in general, the two have been as good as before in just three days. But he didn't know why this time, Shaohua would stick to a problem and would rather fall out with him than ignore anyone.

I have to say that he is really not used to the days when Shaohua is chattering beside him.

Habit is really a terrible poison. It never likes or even dislikes it. It will make people inseparable. If you leave it, you will miss it, go crazy, and you will have no choice but to live.

As the general manager, Yingjiu has naturally heard about the relationship between the two masters, but in his opinion, the husband and wife have always quarreled at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed, and outsiders still interfered less. However, since Yan Kaizhi took the initiative to ask him, Ying-jeou thought seriously, "This... is hard to say. Madam is a woman and Taoist family. Naturally, she cares about trivial and intimate parents. The governor is a hero who protects the country. What you do is naturally to protect your family and the country, supporting the sky for your wife, Langjun, your wife, and the whole north of Sichuan..."

Yan Kaizhi rudely interrupted his refusal, "So, do you mean that I only care about the outside and don't pay my wife at all?"

Yingjiu immediately raised his hand to show his innocence, "I didn't say anything."

"Is that what you mean?" Yan Kaizhi glanced at him with the corners of his eyes, said something with a smile, and turned into a restaurant.

Yingjiu shouted injustice in his heart and could only quickly follow up. While sending Xiao Er, he led Yan Kaizhi to the elegant seat on the second floor. "Dudu, you misunderstood. I mean, what my wife is only thinking about is some trivial matters of life, which makes you comfortable so that you can work outside at ease. It's hard to say who pays more, because what you and your wife do is different, and how much do you share?

It's not easy to sit on the second floor. Yingjiu gave Xiao Er some broken silver and asked him to take care of it directly. Don't bother him.

When he went out, Yan Kaizhi's mood was also much more cheerful and motioned Yingjiu to sit down and reply, "What do you think of my wife?"

Yingjiu hesitated for a moment, but still did it. His face was solemn and he praised Shaohua. OK! Absolutely no one can pay more attention to the governor than his wife.

Just kidding! Who doesn't know that his master's favoritism to his wife? Even if he is angry, he will bring the food to her. People who think that they will be praised for saying bad things about Shaohua when he is angry will definitely be tortured by Yan Kaizhi afterwards.

"What about me?" Yan Kaizhi poured him a glass of wine and drank it all, but Yingjiu held the glass and bowed his head. He said, "Your silence proves that you still feel that I am not as good as my wife, right?"

Yingjiu looked at one cup after another in embarrassment. He thought for a moment and drank a cup. He seemed to have some confidence before he said, "Dong, I didn't say you. Madam's opinion on you is already well known by the Governor's Office, but it's just a word that you won't let go. In this way, everyone is tired, and the people under us are also worried.

Yan Kai couldn't drink more than seven or eight cups before. Yingjiu was afraid that he would get drunk and stopped him from pouring the wine. Yan Kaizhi sneered, "Then I'll listen to you now."

Seeing that the wine bottle was taken away, Yingjiu was unable to take it back, because he couldn't say it.

With Yan Kaizhi's drinking speed, a short time, a bottle of wine bottomed out. Yan Kaizhi shouted that the shopkeeper sent a new pot. Yingjiu said worriedly, "Well, governor, this is different. It depends on the atmosphere."

"What atmosphere?" Yan Kaizhi drank a lot and fought indecently.

"Before the flowers and under the moon or something." Yingjiu's face was a little dry.

"Flowers...Moon...No, there are only mountains and deserts here." Yan Kaizhi was a little drunk and said drunk.

Yingjiu thought about it, took out his last ability, and lowered his voice to instigate Yan Kaizhi, "Then find a place that your wife likes. What kind of flowers, butterflies, and some messy things do the little lady like?" I didn't think that Yan Kaizhi was not drunk. After listening to his words, his eyes immediately widened. Yingjiu said, "Dushi, don't be afraid of losing face in his wife, as long as you are thick-skinned enough to make her happy. With your feelings for you, you said that she didn't dare to say anything, and you said that she wouldn't talk about rain.