famous son-in-law

Chapter 376 Return to Home

In order to welcome the arrival of Shaohua, the Li family began to clean up the house as soon as they received the letter. The maids also added several repairs and updates that should be updated. Liu was a little uncomfortable. He thought that Shaohua and others didn't have a place to live in Beijing. Why did they come to the Li family? This rest saved a lot of money in the three houses and three places. There was no one to pay attention to a good Xingyong Houfu. Yan Kaizhi was also the governor of northern Sichuan, but such a person came to the Li family and squeezed under the same roof with them. He looked up and looked down, and did not feel embarrassed.

But after Liu's complaint was heard by her husband, he closed the door and counted fiercely: "What do you know! Wu Niang can come to live at home. What a face. Why don't you give birth to a daughter and marry such a good son-in-law? You will just look at others jealous.

Liu was squeezed into the Li family for a long time, and her husband picked her out whether to do it or not. Taking advantage of his resentment, he suddenly got angry. "Who said that I don't have a daughter, it's not because of anyone! Lost my sixth mother!" Liu thought of her daughter, who had been separated for more than 20 years, and had not been looking forward to her life and death for a long time. Suddenly, she came from it, lay on the table and cried sadly.

Li Liangxun was bored and swept his sleeves. He felt a little disgusted. When he was married, he was obviously a bright and dignified wife. I don't know when he became so vulgar. On the contrary, Ling, whom he despised, became more and more rich and noble. Li Liangxun regretted that he should not have robbed his brother of this marriage.

"Come on, it's been decades old. You still want to cry a few times, take care of your daughter-in-law, and have more grandchildren! There is no news about Yan Sui so far, and you won't let Si Yan take a concubine. Did you mean to break his incense? The eldest daughter-in-law is in good shape, but you don't want her to give birth. You have to find an idea to stuff some insignificant women into your son's room and ruin their husband and wife, and you will feel comfortable! I said you, both of you are sons. Why are you so biased!" Li Liangxun has always seen his wife's behavior, but he didn't say anything.

Now in the three rooms, although Li Xunzhuo's son has just got married, his two daughters have three children each and can tease their grandchildren every day. The three wives were scattered, but in addition to Zhou Yan, the other two concubines were also pregnant. On the contrary, it has always been said to be the most blessed big house. Because of Liu's intervention, except for Xin Zixuan's son, nothing has come out so far.

Although Li Gelao was sick in bed, he couldn't help calling his eldest son to nag a few words, asking him to be careful. In the end, the incense of his room fell back to Ling Ting.

Liu raised her crying red eyes and roared hysterically at her husband: "If you have the ability to have grandchildren, you can give birth by yourself!" Li Liangxun was so angry that his wife's words trembled, but she still refused to give up: "There is no place for us to live in such a family like Wu Niang. The old man doesn't care about it. Does he mean to drive us out so that the Li family can leave it to the second family!"

"Shrew! Crazy! You, you are simply unreasonable!" Li Liangxun was so angry that he stretched out his hand and slapped his wife. Liu staggered and bumped into the corner of the table. His hair scattered, which scared the maids to hurry to call for help.

"You are unreasonable, and your Li family is unreasonable! The surname here is Li, not Yan. Isn't Wu Niang given Hou to be a righteous daughter? Then why don't you know that mother's family?" Liu raised his face rudely, his forehead was broken, some bleeding, and his hair was messy. He really looked like a crazy woman.

Li Liangxun wanted to slap him again, but was stopped by Si Yan, who came to hear the news. Later, even Xi Yuan was shocked.

After Ling knew the quarrel between the husband and wife, she said coldly, "I dare not wrong my sister-in-law. I'm going to move to Zhuangzi and reunite with my daughter and son-in-law. If I don't look up and bow my head, I won't want to respond." Ling's cold words were heard by her husband, pulled her sleeves, and was stared back by Ling.

Xin Zixuan is not very happy. Although Shaohua, as the wife of the Li family, is also half of the Dingxihou Mansion. In addition, they have a good relationship, and they also said: "Dad doesn't have to force my mother. Maybe my mother is just unhappy to see me. Tomorrow I will pack up and go back to my mother's house without giving it to her. Add a block."

Originally, Yan was going to step on a stone under the well this week, but she was dragged back by Li Sinian before she stretched out her foot. After all, this matter had nothing to do with Taoyuan. Zhou Yan came out on purpose.

Naturally, Li Liangxun would not let them leave, so he had to make amends one by one. Even his daughter-in-law felt guilty. That night, he discussed with Si Yan and planned to send Liu back to Luyang's hometown before Shaohua and the others returned to Beijing. Hearing this, Si Yan immediately knelt down and begged for mercy. After all, he was pulled up by Liu Shi himself and had the deepest relationship with Liu Shi. If Liu returns to Luyang, I'm afraid they will not see Liu again in this life.

Li Sijin also pleaded with his mother and felt that he could not make Liu's family so embarrassed, especially Shaohua and others were about to come. If they knew about it, Xuyuan's face would be lost.

In the end, Li Liangxun could only reluctantly agree to his sons' requests, but specially ordered people to take care of Liu and not let her come out to make trouble. If it really doesn't work, just wait for Shaohua and the others to move to Zhuangzi to prevent collision.

When Ling learned about this, she was immediately complacent and was suppressed by Liu for so many years. It was finally her turn to raise her eyebrows and exhale.

Only Li Xunzhuo felt that it was inappropriate and discussed with his wife to let Shaohua and others go back to Xingyong Houfu. As a result, Ling was furious: "Why do you stop my daughter and son-in-law from going back to her mother's house? Does every daughter on the faraway way have to go out to buy a house by herself? How can there be such a reason? If so, what kind of mother's the name!"

Li Xunzhuo was so angry that he dared not speak loudly and quickly poured tea to make amends: "That's not what I mean. Anyway, this time my son-in-law is returning to Beijing to return to work, not to visit his relatives. It's really not appropriate to live in his mother's house."

Ling swept away her husband's hospitality and sneered, "What's wrong? It's not that you don't know what happened to the Marquis of Xingyong Mansion in those years. Now that there is no one in the fifth mother-in-law's house, do you want them to go back to touch the scene? Besides, Wu Niang has never been raised around, and now she has been living with her husband for so long. It's not easy to go back to her mother's house, but you don't let them in. Do you mean to let Wu Niang and the others respond? In addition, she raised two children alone, and Chengqi, you let her little girl live alone in such a big and desolate place to take care of three children. What kind of father or grandfather? As the governor, his son-in-law is still willing to condescend to live in our house. He sincerely treats us as his parents, otherwise why doesn't he live in Dingxihou Mansion! Humph, it's really useless for my son-in-law to send you so much good wine!"

Ling's words are sharper than the other, and she put her hands on her waist, staring angrily and aggressively. Li Xunzhuo wanted to interrupt several times to explain, but he was slapped away by the Ling family, and the sharp questions forced him to be ashamed.

I didn't want to hear that in the end, Ling even revealed that Yan Kaizhi sent him wine. He asked himself, "Do you know how to send wine?"

Ling raised the corners of his mouth disdainfully. Obviously, he looked like he was the only one who didn't want to expose what I didn't know. Li Xunzhuo immediately swallowed the words in his mouth, offered to buy daily necessities for Shaohua and others, and took the opportunity to slip out of the tiger's mouth.

When he walked to the door, Li Xunzhuo suddenly thought that if Yan Kaizhi could live in his home, wouldn't he have a companion to drink with him every day? Thinking about this, he was so cheerful that he even stepped up quickly and began to look forward to Shaohua and others coming back quickly for several days.

The more they met, the more nervous the Li family became. They couldn't help shaking the clean bedding out for a few more days. Ling rushed to work day and night, intending to make a hat and bib as a gift for their two grandchildren they had never met. As a result, Li Xunzhuo complained that Chengxi is more than three years old this year. Even if it is soft, it can only be used in the first half of the year. It's better to give them a jewelry. It was rare that Ling did not get angry with him, but felt reasonable. He immediately invited the three largest jewelers in the capital to his home to make a gift for Ruan.

Early in the morning, when Cheng San opened the door and began to sweep the door, he found a five- or six-year-old boy sneaking out of the inner courtyard, thinking that no one had found him and found a place to sit in the corner next to the porter. Cheng San thought it was funny, so he went over and asked, "Master Chengyu, what are you doing here?"

Chengyu, who was found to be traced, was stunned for a moment, and his limbs were a little stiff and randomly stroked a few times. Then he stood up respectfully and asked Cheng San, "Good morning, Uncle Cheng, I'm walking."

Cheng San was amused by his tiger-headed appearance. Everyone in the Li family knows that the young master in Xiyuan is the smartest and the most favored by everyone. Because he is not only smart and sensible, but also very polite. He usually doesn't cry or make noise. He knows that his parents are not around, and he doesn't quarrel with his parents. Only when he hears that someone brought gifts back from North Sichuan during the Spring Festival did he silently take back his things back to the house to cry.

If this matter had not been first discovered by the maid who took care of him, no one would have known that this precocious and well-behaved child actually needed to be coquettish to his parents.

Because of this matter, people love him more. Li Jingwu, the young master of Xuyuan, is completely a replica of his father. At the age of three, he can recite poems and books, write at the age of four, and at the age of five, he has been able to recite the Teacher's Table fluently, known as the champion of the next generation of the Li family. However, Li Jingtan, Li Sinian's son, didn't look like a father at all. He thought he could enter the same subject at that time, but Li Jingtan was lazy and did not like reading.

Although he is younger than Chengfei, he is bigger than his two brothers. He has a fat body and sleeps every day. Li Sinian was a little uncomfortable with Zhou Yan spoiling him and insisted on him going to school with Jing Wucheng, but he found that his son was too heavy to carry it.

Zhou Yan wants to persuade her husband not to force her. After all, Jingtan is the youngest. Even if she studies with her two brothers, she may not be able to learn anything. As a result, he staggered, ate the chicken leg, and memorized the three words skillfully. Li Sinian realized that his son was not stupid, but lazy, but he had a very good memory and never forgot it. In the end, he could only compromise that he would go to school at the age of six.

Cheng San was worried that Chengyu would accidentally run outside and hurried him inside: "Why don't you go back to the inner courtyard? This outsider is coming and going. It's not safe. You'd better go back quickly."

Chengyu looked out of the gate anxiously, shook his head and refused to leave. "It's okay. I'll walk here without going to the gate."

At this time, Cheng San, who came to be on duty, pulled Cheng San aside and said, "I said don't care about Master Chengyu. Today, the governor and his wife are going back to their mother's house. Young Master Chengyu hasn't seen each other for several years. It's normal to hide here and peek this time." When asked if Chengyu missed his parents, he shook his head and said no, but after asking, he always secretly hid and cried. Later, no one dared to ask.

Cheng San was shocked when he heard this: "You mean Master Chengyu's parents? Is it the governor of Xingyonghou and northern Sichuan?"

On Saturday, he rolled his eyes and said, "How many governors do we have? Look, you have cleaned the house and decorated it up and down a few days ago. If it hadn't been for the governor, they would have had such a big show?"

Cheng San scratched his head and said foolishly, "I asked for leave a few days ago and went home. I didn't come back until last night. I don't know when such a big thing happened."

On Saturday, he curled his lips and felt a little contemptuous of Cheng San's simpleness: "Ha ha, you don't know much. The person who sent the letter that day needed such a piece of silver. Today you and I are lucky. It's your turn to work. If you receive the governor and his wife now, I don't know how much reward you will get."

Looking at the appearance drawn on Saturday, Cheng San's eyes widened, "Really?!"

On Saturday, he nodded proudly and told Cheng San: "However, you should pay more attention to Master Chengyu. Don't squeeze him when there are many people, and you will be scolded if you can't get money."

Thinking of having a large amount of silver income immediately, Cheng San immediately looked full of energy: "I know."

I don't know who shouted, "The governor and his wife are back!" On Saturday, he immediately jumped up, pushed Cheng San out, and hurried back to report: "Ah! So fast? Hurry up, Cheng San, go and watch it quickly. I'll go back and report it.