famous son-in-law

Chapter 392 Saving Mother

Originally, he wanted someone to take him to the hall, but looking at the body that could not be warm in his arms, Yan Kaizhi finally didn't want to give up Shaohua, so he ordered him to take him to the inner room.

He straightened Shaohua's clothes, wrapped her in a thick quilt, and asked someone to light a few braziers and put them by the bedside. Obviously, the weather was not cold, and when it was roasted by the stove, people sweated a little in the room. Only Yan Kaizhi sat by the bed soundly and gently twept the quilt for her.

When someone stepped into the door, he frowned slightly by the heat in the room. Seeing that no one behind him dared to accompany him in, he gently raised the corners of his mouth and walked in calmly.

Seeing Yan Kaizhi sitting sideways by the bed, and his tall figure blocking Shaohua's face, he bowed respectfully, and his voice was clear and melodious, like a warbler from the valley after the rain. It is not as strong and powerful as a man, nor as delicate as a woman. The voice is gentle and light, which makes people feel comfortable.

Yan Kaizhi heard footsteps for a long time, and he didn't turn his head until the other party opened his voice.

What came into sight was a young face, with narrow and long eyes, thick but not thick eyebrows, flying horizontally into the temples, with a little heroism. The nose is strong and small, and the lips are as thin as cicadas, which seem to have no color. What is eye-catching is the hands. The ten fingers are slender and white, and the bones are clear, but the nails are as dark as ink. It seemed that the color of his whole body was taken away by his nails and hair, his eyes were pale, his lips were pale, and even his smile was as light as clouds. However, he was dressed in purple clothes, which made his skin whiter and clearer.

Today, he was born so strangely and does not make people feel abrupt. Yan Kaizhi only knows one person, that is, Qin Tianjian.

"It's you." Yan Kaizhi did not ask, but made a statement, as if he knew early that he would come.

It was not surprised to hear about Yan Kaizhi's arrival. He smiled with his teeth, and his narrow eyes narrowed into an arc in an instant. "The lower official has innocently seen the marquis." He claimed to be a subordinate, but he didn't look like a subordinate to visit Shangfeng at all. He was more like two classmates who had been separated for many years.

For Jun's innocence, Yan Kai's heart has never put down his guard, because since he first saw him, Jun's innocence seems to be like this. But after so many years, he has not aged, and he has not heard that he has become a biological child, and even his whereabouts are mysterious and strange. When the former emperor reigned, Yan Kaizhi hurriedly had a relationship with him. At that time, Jun Wuyi said that his red line had been cut off, and I'm afraid he had nothing to do with his marriage in this life.

At that time, when he just learned that Xin Zimo had died of illness, Yan Kai was sad and didn't care about Jun's innocent words. Until he met Shaohua and saw Jun Wubai after getting married, he laughed at the emperor's innocent demons and confuse the public. Although Jun smiled innocently and didn't say anything, Yan Kaizhi always felt that he must have a grudge in his heart, otherwise he would not tell the emperor that Chengyu was the reincarnation of a demon and beg the emperor to get rid of it quickly.

The emperor did not fully believe the king's innocent words. At that time, his mind was all on the other side of Pingzhou.

As for the broken military star, it has been said that the star king in heaven has been reincarnated since ancient times, but it is not seen how turbulent the world is. Breaking the army is heard that it is "consumption", turning gas into consumption, and fearing self-damage to the army. However, breaking the army will be endless. In short, if this son can be used properly, it will be the talent to reverse the general trend of the universe, break it first and then stand, in order to change the spirit of waste and delay since the Great Qing Dynasty.

Moreover, Chengxi has been in the Li family for so long that he can't escape the emperor's eyes. In his opinion, Chengxi is more of a broken army than him. Because the broken military star is usually presented with an impulsive and brave image, Chengyu Xiao Yan Kaizhi can calm down and endure sex, which is not easy for a six-year-old child.

Therefore, the emperor also praised Cheng Yu a little more, which has the hidden meaning of cultivation.

Jun innocently saw that the emperor did not think about it. After several times of persuasion, he stopped talking. There is a way that is doomed, and there is cause and effect.

Yan Kaizhi saw that he looked at home and did not feel sultry and uncomfortable being baked in the brazier. He couldn't help but have a little more doubt, "What are you doing here?"

Hearing the alertness and alienation in Yan Kaizhi's tone, Jun was innocent and not annoyed, as if he was standing two steps away from Yan Kai. He looks calm and indifferent. He is not encouraged by Yan Kaizhi's tone at all, nor is he affected by the strange atmosphere in the room. His eyes fell into the bed. He clearly thought of Yan Kaizhi, but he had a feeling that Jun's innocent eyes had penetrated him and fell on Shaohua.

Before Yan Kaizhi could move to block his sight, Jun innocently whispered, "I'm here for my wife."

His eyes fell on the two braziers on the ground, shook his head gently, sighed, poured a glass of water from the table, and extinguished the two braziers, leaving only two wis of light smoke to rise.

"You..." Yan Kaizhi was a little shocked. The cup was not big, and it was not difficult to extinguish a pot of charcoal fire. But he deliberately let people burn the brazier to the most prosperous, but Jun Wuyi could cover the heat of the two brazier with a glass of water. If he hadn't stared at him to pour water and put out the fire, Yan Kaizhi would almost think that Jun Wu innocently poured in was actually ice.

"The brazier is used to warm up, and your posture is to burn corpses." Jun's innocent words immediately attracted Yan Kaizhi's angry eyes. Although Yan Kaizhi also knew that his behavior was too reckless and impulsive, he only wanted to help Shaohua keep warm and could not think at all. Don't hold her, which disturbs her breath.

Although I was angry at Jun's innocent and presumptuous words, listening to his tone, I seemed to know the situation of Shaohua.

From Shaohua fainting to Dr. Zhang's diagnosis of her death, Xingyong Houfu was so sealed that even a fly could not fly out. Even if Dr. Zhang went back, it was particularly warning that other doctors had not come yet, so no one outside knew what had happened to Shaohua.

However, Jun's innocence is full of confidence, which makes Yan Kaizhi block his chest with a depression, as if he wants to be liberated, and he is so nervous to be careful whether he has ulterior motives.

"Are you the master behind Moer? What do you want to do to my wife? Did you poison her? Yan Kaizhi did not hold Shaohua anymore. Seeing that he did not deny his relationship with Mo'er, he couldn't help but remember that Mo'er said that her master wanted her to protect Shaohua and take her away.

If you are really innocent, then he should not harm Shaohua when he comes this time.

Jun Wuyu smiled gently, "The marquis laughed. I'm not a god. I've never seen my wife. How can I poison her?" Moreover, Shaohua's situation is not caused by poisoning. He didn't tell Yan Kaizhi in detail, but asked, "If the marquis believes me, you might as well let me have a try. I'm afraid that the magic doctor can't cure this disease."

seemed to wait for his words. Yan Kaizhi was a little relieved and his eyes lit up: "Can you save her?"

Jun Wu innocent did not answer, "May I ask the marquis, let the eldest son be in the house?"

Yan Kaizhi's relaxed mood became nervous again because of his words, "What do you want to do?" I know that you once reported to the emperor that you wanted to kill my son, but you still won't let it go? If Jun Wubai dares to threaten Chengyu's life, he promises that he will not let Jun Wu innocent leave Xingyong Houfu safely.

However, Jun was innocent and unmoved. He only knew about Yan Kaizhi's anger, and his expression was so calm that he couldn't even hear the temperature: "Marquis, if you believe me, please let the prince come. Only he can save his wife's life."

Jun Wuxie is not a doctor. Although I don't know whether he knows medical skills, from his perspective, he must not come to see a doctor for Shaohua.

But his words moved Yan Kaizhi, because he knew that even if there was a glimmer of hope, he must try. Dr. Zhang has concluded that Shaohua is hopeless. He also took the goose feather from his face with his own hands and felt her rapid body temperature, but he did not want to and dare to admit this fact.

Someone finally affirmed his extravagant hope. His heart was like a drowning man catching the willow branches thrown on the shore. Even if the poisonous snakes and beasts on the shore, he did not want to give up this vitality.

Jun Wuyi did not urge him, but waited for him to think for a moment and listened to his whisper: "Go, call me the big man."

He wanted to get close to see Shaohua's situation, but Yan Kai's arm crossed in front of him and blocked his way. Jun looked at him innocently, and his pale lips moved gently: "Since the marquis believes in me, why should he guard against me? If I want to harm my wife, I can stand by." Hearing this, Yan Kaizhi put down his hand and took a step back. He stared at Jun Wuyi sitting in his position and explored Shaohua's pulse, as if Shaohua was just sleeping.

Because of Jun's innocent and cautious attitude, Yan Kaizhi felt a little better. At least he would not get up and repeat the facts he did not want to admit.

At this time, Chengyu was led in, and his red eyes showed that he had just cried. He saluted his father, stood beside him, bit his lips and secretly looked at **'s mother. The next moment, he seemed to be afraid to see something that should not be seen, and hurriedly buried his face in Yan Kaizhi's clothes.

Yan Kaizhi patted his son's head in silence and led him to Jun Wuxie. He walked over obediently, and Jun Wuzhi's calm face bent with a smile. He stretched out his hand to lead Chengyu. The cold hand was so warm that he immediately withdrew. If it hadn't been for Yan Kaizhi's frown warning, Chengfei would have turned around and fled.

Jun Wubai didn't mind Chengqi's dislike, but sighed: "It's all grown so big. I ask you, are you afraid of death? If you can save your mother, are you willing to sacrifice yourself?

Chengxi's eyes lit up, and he immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Jun Wubai: "I do! Sir, please help my mother."

Yan Kaizhi was shocked and hurriedly pulled his son to his side, staring at Jun Wu innocently as if he were a flood beast. He didn't expect Jun Wubai to say such a thing to Chengyu, and he didn't expect his son to give such a firm and decisive answer. If Shaohua woke up and knew that he would exchange his son's life for her, he would not be able to get her forgiveness in this life.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt the prince." You are not surprised by Yan Kaizhi's eagerness to protect his son.

He stretched out his hand and made a move to Chengxi. He saw Chengxi look at his father pleadingly. When he was distracted and broke free from his hand, he ran to Jun innocently.

Yan Kaizhi wanted to stop it, but he stretched out his hand but couldn't make a sound. He knew that he could not refuse any chance to save Shaohua.