famous son-in-law

Chapter 395 1

Yan Kaizhi's words immediately aroused the anger of the teenager, and nothing made him more angry than the slander of the most respected person in his heart.

He broke away from Yan Kaizhi's hand, ran away for a few steps, turned back angrily, stared at Yan Kaizhi fiercely, and said angrily, "Nonsense! Uncle Bag is the most powerful. There is nothing he can't save.

The firelight reflected on Yan Kaizhi's face, and he hooked the corners of his mouth with disdain, and his eyes were full of contempt. "He said he couldn't save it without seeing it. If he wasn't a liar, it would be you lying."

She looked at the teenager, and his face was full of anger. Dabao really didn't understand Yan Kaizhi's intention. She never knew that her governor was in such a good mood to quarrel with a teenager, and this tone was clearly deliberately against him. Shouldn't the teenager take them to see this Bagh at this time? Obviously, no one has seen it yet, but he knows that they are coming and that they are here for medical treatment. This is too amazing.

"I didn't lie. Uncle Bag said it himself." Obviously, the teenager did not realize that he had been trapped by Yan Kaizhi.

"Then how do you think Bagg knows that we are coming and who we are looking for? You lie when you are young. Aren't you afraid that I will catch you?" Yan Kaizhi suddenly paused and showed a strange smile. Seeing the expression on the teenager's face, he said with satisfaction, "I know there is a beast called Cang Li in your White Mountain. No wonder you are not afraid of Cang Li to eat it?"

"I didn't! If you don't believe it, ask Uncle Bagg yourself!" I don't know whether he was provoked by Yan Kaizhi's words or scared by Cang Yi's name, and the teenager's eyes began to become erratic, as if he was worried that a beast would suddenly emerge from the darkness.

Seeing that he had wavered, Yan Kaizhi stopped scaring him, restrained his joke expression and said seriously, "Okay, I'd like to listen to what Bag said. If he can save him, you are lying. Lying children will be eaten by Cang Li.

The teenager felt a little puzzled when he saw Yan Kaizhi's smile and didn't realize that he had been cheated at all.

"I'll take you to see Uncle Bagh. If he says he can't save it, it's you who eats!"

"It's a deal!"

"Pick!" The teenager thought for a moment and stretched out his finger to Yan Kaizhi uneasily.


Dabao looked stunned at the governor with a smile on his face, and actually stretched out his finger to play with a strange teenager. If Shaohua saw it, he must not make fun of him. But thinking of Shaohua, Dabao suddenly understood Yan Kaizhi's painstaking efforts. If he pleaded, the teenager might turn around and run away and would not take them into the mountain at all.

The teenager proudly thought that he had defeated Yan Kaizhi, and suddenly a figure blocked their way.

A handsome young man appeared in front of them. Yan Kaizhi couldn't help but be vigilant and only heard him laugh and said, "Dushi, is it interesting for you to deceive a child?"

"Who are you?" As soon as I opened my mouth, I knew his identity, and I didn't think he was an ordinary clan.

"Brother Chunduo!" When the teenager saw the man appear, he shouted excitedly, and then ran to him happily. However, Chunduo didn't look at him at all, but arched to Yan Kaizhi, "I'm the patriarch to pick you up."

Dabao was a little puzzled, which contradicted the teenager's words just now. The teenager also looked at Chundu: "Py patriarch? Didn't he just say that the patriarch was dead?

Chunduo didn't explain much, but nodded to Yan Kaizhi, "Yes, the old patriarch has passed away, but there has just been a new patriarch. He asked me to pick you up into the mountain." Although there was doubt in Yan Kai's heart, he still arched his hand gratefully to him. Seeing him turn around to lead the horse, Chunduo stopped him: "Dong, the road ahead is narrow. I'm afraid your carriage can't get in."

The meaning is that only Yan Kaizhi and Shaohua can enter the mountain. After all, it is still during the period of closure, and it is good for them to enter the mountain.

Yan Kaizhi didn't think much about it. He entered the car and wrapped Shaohua tightly in the quilt and took him out. "Dabao, you go back to the city first, and I will accompany your wife into the mountain."

The bumpy journey was that they took care of Shaohua alternately. Now they have to go back by themselves. Naturally, she is unwilling, "But governor, how can you take care of your wife alone in case you need manpower." Yan Kaizhi shook his head at her, "I have my own way. Go back and report peace to the capital. I'm the rest."

Dabao wanted to say something, but Chunduo turned around and left, and Yan Kaizhi immediately followed.

Seeing their backs quickly disappearing in the darkness, Dabao had no choice but to turn around and find that there was an old man behind him, holding a lantern as if he wanted to take her out of the mountain. She knew that whether it was Chunduo or Yan Kaizhi, she would not let her follow, and she had to leave with her fate.

Chunduo's footsteps were very fast, and he didn't care about Yan Kaizhi, who was still holding people behind him. Instead, the teenager walked all the way and looked back all the way, for fear that he would be lost.

"Brother Chunduo..."

"Next time you run around, your father will know that I will never help you."

Hearing the teenager's words, Chunduo was helpless and had to slow down a little. In fact, he also wanted to take Yan Kaizhi and others into the mountain as soon as possible. He knows who came and Shaohua's identity, so he is no less worried than Dabao.

According to the rules of the Rob people, the patriarch is usually not hereditary, but selected. Usually, only after the death of the previous patriarch leaves a set of puzzles, and only when the divination of the old patriarch can be calculated can he be eligible for succession. Bagu's ability was almost recognized by the whole family, but no one expected that he would give up in the end and would rather continue to study medicine. If the patriarch is not elected for a day, he will naturally not be able to lift the mountain order, but the responsibility of the patriarch is not only to lead the whole Rob clan, but also to devote himself to stargazing and divination.

The teenager complained, "I didn't run around. It was Bagg who said that there were guests at the foot of the mountain. Sister Yinman and Sister Doreen insisted that Bagg was lying. Let me have a look." Touching Chunduo's eyes, he immediately changed the topic: "Brother Chunduo, why did that man sleep? Is he dead?"

"No many mouths!"

Chunduo looked back at Yan Kai and saw that his face was not very good. Obviously, when he heard their conversation, he couldn't help covering the teenager's mouth and stepping up his pace. Finally, when they arrived at the valley, there were already thousands of lights. Chunduo took them to a room, which had been cleaned up, and two other middle-aged men were waiting in it.

Seeing Yan Kaizhi coming in with Shaohua in his arms, the two looked different. Chunduo hurriedly introduced: "Captain, this is our new patriarch Du Suo, and our Dr. Bager, who has the best medical skills in Baishan."

The teenager came out of his head from behind and looked at his father curiously, "Huh? Dad, why did you become the patriarch? Isn't it Uncle Bagg?"

Both of them saluted Yan Kai's trip. Yan Kaizhi answered with a nod head, came forward with Shaohua in his arms, and hurriedly said, "The patriarch is polite. I'm not here as the governor of northern Sichuan, but just hope that the patriarch can save my wife."

Bag walked over first, looked at Shaohua, and immediately frowned, "Let's put your wife down first." Yan Kaizhi put Shaohua on the bed they had prepared and let Bagg diagnose Shaohua's pulse. He saw that Bagu looked serious and seemed to have encountered a problem, and everyone held their breath.

"How is it, sir?" Yan Kaizhi couldn't sit still.

"Madam's pulse is weak and stable, and it's not a big deal, but..." Bagu tried Shaohua's acupuncture points with a silver needle and looked at the back of her neck, which looked more scary than at the beginning. Yan Kaizhi urgently asked, "Just what?" Bag Chong nodded, and he quickly understood that they should not be present for the next thing.

"Bag, I'll leave it to you here. I'll go back first."

"Chunduo sent the patriarch back."

The medical skills of the Rob people are as mysterious as their astrology. Because they are similar to the witchcraft, they are despised by the Central Plains doctors and regarded as the way of evil.

But Yan Kaizhi can't take care of so much now. As long as he can save Shaohua, he will have a try even if he is evil. It was not until Chunduo and the others left that Bagu picked up Shaohua again. Obviously, his expression was a little lighter this time, "Excuse me, what's going on?"

Bag did not directly answer Yan Kaizhi's question, "Can you ask the governor to explain his wife's situation in detail?"

Although he was confused, he thought that the person in front of him was his last life-saving straw, and Yan Kaizhi still told Bagh the whole story of everything. Bagu was also very careful and hardly let go of any details. "... When we came back from the palace, we were fine. When we suddenly fainted while talking, we invited a familiar imperial doctor, but when the imperial doctor arrived, she was breathless." Looking back on that scene at that time, Yan Kaizhi couldn't help trembling, and he didn't dare to experience it once.

If Shaohua leaves like this, I'm afraid he will really go crazy. Later, thanks to a master who saved her life, he said that his life was picked up, but when he woke up depends on luck. He also said that Baishan is a blessed place and may save my wife from waking up.

"A master?" Bagu repeated meaningfully and looked at Yan Kaizhi, "Captain, I take the liberty to ask, do you know what the same fate is?"

"Isn't the same fate... Isn't it something that only the witches in the south understand?"

Hearing the word gi, Yan Kaizhi's heart thumped.

After traveling south and north for so many years, he has naturally heard of the witchcraft in the southwest, but they are more mysterious than the Rob people. It is said that they are also strange and never go with the original. People only know that there are many herbs in northern Sichuan and even in the Western Regions that can make poison, so most of the poisons are transmitted from northern Sichuan, but compared with the evil and weirdness, the poison of the witch is really killing invisibly, and its toxicity will make people unable to survive or die.

Bag saw that Yan Kaizhi had heard about it, so he didn't explain it in detail. He just sighed: "I don't know who this master is, but he knows witch and is very proficient." Otherwise, he would not have used the same fate. If it hadn't been for Bagh, who was also a doctor with good medical skills, he would not have thought of this at all. No wonder the royal doctors in the hospital were helpless. I thought Moer couldn't be saved. My father told her not to wear red clothes or go back to Beijing, otherwise she would be worried about her life. She didn't believe it.