famous son-in-law

Chapter 401 Sincerely

After listening to her father's words, she was still worried. Yinman still sneaked back, which scared her.

Through the window, he saw Yan Kaizhi cutting his arm and feeding it directly to Shaohua's mouth. The dazzling blood stains on Shaohua's mouth contrasted with Yan Kaizhi's paleness. She screamed, broke into the door, grabbed the dagger, looked at the deep and shallow knife marks on his hand, and tears filled her eyes in an instant.

His eyes touched the bright red wound, and he was so distressed that he was about to cry: "Master Yan, what are you doing?! If it goes on like this, you will die, do you know?"

I didn't expect that Yinman would suddenly break in. It was not easy to open Chunduo. Thinking of Bag's words, he thought that he would have to try it anyway. Unexpectedly, he was hit by Yinman with the first knife. Bring it to me. It's okay. I know my own body.

The scene became strange. One lay in **, full of blood, one was pale and scarred, and the other was full of tears and held a blood dagger. If another person came in, he thought that the sound was full of jealousy and hatred, but killed Shaohua, but hurt Yan Kaizhi.

He stretched out his hand to Yinman, who hurriedly hid the dagger behind him and shook his head: "No, you are already too weak. Why do you do this?"

His voice seems weak, and he doesn't seem to waste his strength on the argument of harmony. Ode to me, bring me the knife. It's too dangerous.

"I don't want it, I won't give it!" Yinman couldn't help it. She burst into tears and cried and shouted, "Why, what is she worth doing? Aren't you men three wives and four concubines? Can't you marry one back after death? You are the marquis. You are the governor. You can have as many women as you want. Why do you have to do this for her?"

"Shut up!"

"No need!"

Because of anger, Yan Kaizhi's blue and white face turned a strange blush. He stared coldly at the crying pear blossoms with tears, and there was no pity in his tone. Who do you think you are? What's the right to talk about me? Bring me the knife and get out of here!"

seemed to be stimulated by him, and Yin Man said that he was going to cut his hand. "You want blood, I have it here. I know she is dead, and you can't live, but I can't see you die!" I like you. I don't want anything to happen to you."

Yan Kaizhi was shocked and quickly stepped forward and split her wrist. Yinman let go of his hand in pain, and the dagger fell to the ground. The two of them had their own minds and looked at each other in con's face.

"Get out!" It's not anger or discomfort. Yan Kaizhi didn't even want to pick it up. He turned his back and didn't look at the sound.

She covered her wrist, and the sound was a little incredible. She didn't expect Yan Kaizhi to be so fierce. But she didn't know that in fact, this time it was because Yan Kaizhi had no strength, otherwise she may not be able to keep her wrist with his anger. I'm younger than her and more beautiful than her. My grandfather was the last patriarch. If my father didn't have only medical skills in his heart, I'm also the daughter of the Rob patriarch now. I can't compare with a living dead!"

"No matter what you have, it has nothing to do with me. Get out of here. You are not welcome here."

One sentence seemed to exhaust all his strength. Yan Kaizhi supported the table with his hand and only felt dizzy in front of his eyes.

I don't know if he was uncomfortable or moved by his words. Although the expression on his face was still the same, the corners of his eyes began to contain crystal tears, which came from the eyelashes and fell into the temples.

This is the first time he feels that Shaohua is still there, which makes him sigh that his efforts these days have not been in vain.

Even if she didn't open her eyes, at least she woke up. When she heard his words, she knew that he was always by his side. He couldn't help clenching his teeth to prevent excited tears from falling. For a moment, he was somewhat glad that Shaohua did not see his confusion at this moment. His bloody eyes were full of tears, and the strange expression on his face was like laughing and crying.

He held Shaohua's face, regardless of his beard, carefully kissed the tears from the corners of her eyes, and gently comforted him, "Don't cry. Just hear it. You're fine."

When Chunduo ran in with Bagu, Yan Kaizhi turned his head to wipe away his tears, "Master Yan, Dr. Bagu is here."

When he turned his head, his face had calmed down, but the sound of choking and his eyes washed by tears revealed the facts he was trying to hide. She heard me, she heard me."

"Okay, let me see." Yan Kaizhi's words also excited Bagu. He hurried to diagnose Shaohua's pulse and found that his pulse and breath were much stronger. It seems that it is still effective.

"Can I feed her more?" Since feeding blood directly can make her feel it, as long as there is more, it will definitely wake her up.

Waiting for Chunduo to refuse in a hurry, Bagu resolutely replied, "Nit must!"

"Why?" Yan Kaizhi was puzzled.

Looking at Yan Kaizhi's blood-stained arm again, Bagu's face was serious and asked Chunduo to help Yan Kaizhi sit down. While dressing him, he said, "Master Yan, I always feel that things are a little strange these days. I dare not claim that my medical skills are unparalleled in the world, but I have never seen such a tricky thing. From my years of experience, since she is the same life, the person in the middle must be connected with the blood of the same life, that is to say, you can only use your qi and blood to save her. But after so many days, I saw that you had consumed your blood, and Mo'er was not well. If you weren't the same person, you wouldn't be the same person among her.

I took the medicine and used several layers of gauze to wrap it tightly. It seemed that I was worried that he would turn his hand and take it apart and deliberately made a dead knot.

In the face of Yan Kaizhi's puzzlement, he added, "However, if it is not the same fate, it is impossible to do this, and your blood is also effective, but the effect is unknown."

Speaking of this, Yan Kaizhi also understood what Bagg meant, thought about it for a moment, and finally said the truth: "That day, in addition to me, there was actually one present." Looking into Bagg's surprised expression, he squeezed his lips and said, "It's my eldest son, Chengyu."

"Two people and one worm?" Bagg shouted in a voice.

It is said that Tongming witchcraft was originally a person of the witch who was extremely good at medical and witchcraft. He was imprisoned by the clan and specialized in cultivating advanced maggots. Tired of living with poisonous insects, snakes and scorpions all day in the witch clan, he tried to escape, but was captured by the order of defection and tortured. As a result, he practiced a co-life worm, pretended to cure the disease for the patriarch, and secretly fed it in, and threatened him with his life in exchange for freedom.

Unfortunately, the man was still dead and died at the hands of the patriarch, so the patriarch with the same blood blood also bled to death.

Later, the same fate became a legend, and there was also humanity. This was a witch girl specially made for her lover to prevent the other party from changing his mind. Once you find that the other party has changed his mind and you die, the lover can only go to Huangquan with her.

But this is all one-on-one, and it is the first time that Bagg has heard that two people can live for each other at the same time.