Ming Diary

Chapter 12: New Master

"This~~ This junior is now helpless. Today, the newly rented houses are all borrowed from money, and now there is nothing to settle down. My place of origin is remote, but there is nothing to avoid. If you have the intention to withdraw from this industry, how about being apprenticed by the younger generation? After saying that, Cao Muwen said to himself, it was so direct that he was afraid that you would not agree!

"Ah! Er~~~this~~this." Lao Wu didn't expect that the opposite descendant would speak his mind so directly, but he was at a loss for a moment. If you want to answer, you will hesitate

"This~~ If you have this idea, it's indispensable."

Hey, I agreed! Cao Muwen felt a burst of joy in his heart. He said, "Then if you agree now, it's my master. Hey, master, when will we become a teacher?" Seeing Lao Wu's intention to agree again, he continued his words and then changed his mouth and called the master.

"Anyway, it's not a loss in your mouth. What if you just call a master a few times? Besides, is he really a master?"

I thought again, "Hey, if my apprentice is so poor that he can't even eat, he can't help. Anyway, if you call a few masters, at least you can eat reasonably!" That's exciting in my heart.

Lao Wu changed his words when he saw Cao Muwen himself. Panic for a moment.

"Hey, little brother, this~~ It doesn't matter if you learn this industry from me. However, you saved my life in a few days, and it's unreasonable to let the lifesaver be your apprentice. Lao Wu waved his hand as he spoke. He said, "Why don't you learn from me, but don't be a teacher. To be honest, this old man has been working all his life. I really want to accept an apprentice, but I don't know what to do. Lao Wu saw that Cao Muwen did not refuse and said, "Well, this is nothing compared with anything else. If it is really like this industry, there will be a service in the government office. If you want to eliminate it, it will be difficult. However, this industry has some advantages, and there is no need to worry about monthly money. Ha ha." After saying that, he smiled repeatedly. When do you think this is a dead man! So our industry will always worry about a stable monthly income.

When Cao Muwen heard this, he didn't care much. I remember that in the time and space before my death, I was a "business editor" who broke my head. Every year, countless people become cannon fodder in the "national examination" army, but I don't know how many people still go to this single-plank bridge without regret every year! The monthly salary of this civil servant is not much higher. Isn't it just for the welfare behind it? What I want is stability. Although the local position in the Ming Dynasty was not high, Cao Muwen didn't care. Well, even when I was a detective, I was looked down on by many people, and I have long been used to it. Do you want to be lowly? It's no big deal. I remember that a few years ago, Cao Muwen read a report that a public institution in a certain place recruited five X workers, and three or four hundred college students suddenly applied for the job, and there was a graduate student among the last five people. Cao Muwen couldn't help laughing after reading it. It's okay for college students to come to do this, but even if they don't know a big character, they can do this job. What else do they need a college degree? Look, I have been studying for more than ten years and spent so much money to receive so much exam-oriented education. But if you have learned to do a job that you can do without graduating from primary school, how much does it cost to study? How good it would be to go to 'employment' after graduating from primary school. You can not only spend money, but also make money! And that graduate student, I don't know if he is a picker for postgraduate study, but I think I really want to study this that I can study at home, and I don't have to spend so much effort to study this in higher education places!

Cao Muwen thought about it and felt that this "forensic medicine" was really much better than picking X workers. Graduate students can still engage in the latter. I don't know how good it is to do forensic medicine after graduating from college.

For several days in a row, Cao Muwen came to Mr. Wu's house early - to study, er~~ and eat.

Cao Muwen himself is a person who can learn and has a strong understanding. He originally had some foundation. Under the professor who came from Laowu for a few days, Cao Muwen is no less than his own impeacher in terms of the theory of "Jizuo".

Early this morning, Cao Muwen came to Laowu as usual. As soon as Lao Wu saw Cao Muwen coming, he told him that he would take him to the county office today and prepare himself for the service.

In ancient times, the local government was divided into three types: officials, officials and servants. Officials were people of good grades and the owners of government. For example, in a general county, there are only two officials and county magistrates. The county magistrate lives in the county government office. The front is the office, and the backyard is home. Officials can be said to be the most important "manager" in ancient times. "Officials" are a very special official class, or the middleman between the officials and the people. They are not officials in terms of staff, but are actually different from ordinary people. In the eyes, officials in the eyes of the people are the representatives of the government and officials; but in the eyes of real officials, However, he is not a registered official. Sometimes he is like an official's slave. After being a handyman, he is often despised by officials. Being subject to officials, but also the direct executors of the government's rule over the people are the so-called "officials of commoners", which is why they have become real "managers". On the surface, officials are just low-level clerks in the government at all levels. They deal with trivial matters, and it is difficult to exert a great influence on the government's rule. However, it is these seemingly plain and trivial affairs that are the cornerstone and foundation of national rule. Any policy and decree of the country will eventually be implemented among the people and implemented by officials. No matter how good the decree is, it is just a dead letter. This is also the source of the old saying that "county officials are not as good as county officials", "county officials" refers to county magistrates, and "current management" refers to officials who specifically manage and handle various official duties.

Most officials are not "civil servants" according to modern standards, but have formal workers with public institutions and take the official's money. There are also some officials, that is, they don't have your name in the register of the officials. Even if they are "black households", your money will not be sent to you by the court, but the government that hires you will draw some from the funds to pay your salary. I think such officials have no status, just like temporary workers who have not signed contracts in modern times. They are all facing the crisis of being fired.

Finally, there is still service. This service is even worse than officials, because officials are more or less subordinate to the chief officials, and the staff, who are slightly worse, are also office personnel, and are more or less in charge of some specific affairs. It can be said that officials are subordinate to officials, and service is subordinate to officials, that is, a complete clerk, and the status is unknown. These people will be regarded as "ungenders" and slaves, among whom the social status of the prisoners is the lowest, and they are almost regarded as quasi-criminals. Unable to take the imperial examination, including three generations of descendants, are not allowed to donate*. They are despised by gentry. Some families strictly prohibit their descendants from engaging in government service. Some even have no formal income, so they can only rely on some external expenses to collect some regulations, or blackmail some ordinary people to make some "bad fees", so the service is not only looked down upon by officials, but also disgusted by the people. And the work belongs to this class, but it is much better than those arresters. One is that there is a stable income; the other is that although it is avoided, it is not like the disgust of other government officials.

But if you really want to enter this industry, it will be difficult if you want to change your career in the future, and your descendants can't take the imperial examination within three generations, which will cut off even your "auline career" within three generations, but if you want to study, you won't let others, not only cut yourself off, even your son, Sun All of them died together. Of course, Cao Muwen doesn't care about this. He really didn't think about getting a reputation or something. Anyway, he is not a reading material. He has already known this in his more than ten-year school career. And like sons, grandsons and so on, he has no concept. Humph! It's only been a month since I came here, and I have to think of three generations later. I'm not such a "prophet". Cao Muwen thinks so. Anyway, things like eight-share articles are similar to exam-oriented education, and I'm afraid that I can't avoid it.

That afternoon, Cao Muwen and Lao Wuwen went to the county government after lunch. After turning the corner, Cao Muwen saw a large courtyard with a white wall and gray tile courtyard wall, which was just one of its walls. There are few pedestrians on the street, but hawkers like walking through the streets are missing. If you think about it carefully, you will understand that this is an official office. Generally, ordinary people naturally avoid it, for fear of disturbing the parents and officials of a county, which is very disrespectful.

There are usually three doors in the county government, the main gate is the gate, and the side door is also a toilet door. The main gate is only open when the county magistrate rises to office or officially goes out and has a visit from Shangguan. Generally, the entrance and exit is the side door on the walking side. The toilet door is generally opened behind the courtyard and is also used as a back door. It is generally used by three-shift servants and other officers to enter and exit.

Wukui is a masterpiece, and he can only walk through the toilet door. Before approaching, I hereby instructed Cao Muwen not to talk too much and just follow. I have informed the chief official in charge of the envoy that I have received the "apprentice" and came to make a book today.

When he came to the official office, Cao Muwen also looked at it carefully. This ancient "county government" can also be said to have complete facilities and its own pattern. For example, various institutions in the government office are also divided into six rooms, just like the six departments in the court, and also according to..." "Left text and right martial arts" arrangement. The six rooms are all located in front of the lobby, according to the three rooms on the left and right, east, households, ceremonial, western soldiers, criminal and workers, and then divided into successively. The second rooms of officials and soldiers are the front, the second rooms of households and criminal are the middle row, and the second rooms of ceremonial and workers are the back. No matter how changes and additions in the future, it will not disrupt this pattern.

The two slowly walked to the official's room on the left, and the chief official in charge of a county envoy's identity ultimatum worked here again. The two came to the door, and Wu Kui knocked on the door first.

Some people inside asked, "Who knocked on the door?"

"The little man made Wu Kui. Because he accepted his apprentice to replace him when he came, he came to make a record for him today."

"Oh, come on in."

Cao Wu entered the door and saw a person sitting behind the desk by the window, dressed in a cyan robe, with an old face, and looked old. After seeing the two come in, he only raised his head slightly, but after seeing Cao Muwen, he was slightly stunned. He saw that he was a young man who looked like a scholar for several years, and he was a little quiet. However, he was just slightly surprised. I thought that the people who learned from his teacher were all illiterate and useless people? It was rare to see people like white-faced scholars, but he didn't care about it. He just gave him an ultimatum after knowing Cao Muwen's literacy and asked him to write it. After Cao Muwen got it, he went to the side room to write, but it was just some places of origin, whether he had read a book, and the reasons for "entering the industry" and so on.