Ming Diary

Chapter 66: Mysterious Man?

After a big meal, the two saw the sun rise. Although the people in the camp were still sleeping with their heads covered, the time was really running out. The two work together. I plan to go to Mu Chijia's house to get two good horses.

Mu Chijia is a close cronin of Boyan, and this expedition also went with him, and most of the guards in the family were also integrated into the army and went out with the master. Now there are only the general manager Fan and several useless servants in the "luxury house" of the lord Mu Chijia. It should be "dreaming in Wonderland" now.

There are several good horses in Muchiga stables. These days, Cao Muwen and Zhou Gang serve every day are very comfortable. Now the two of them are familiar with these horses. It just provided convenience for the two of them.

Everything was originally planned, as long as Zhou Gang didn't kill Tuo Fan. The two happened to pass by the towing felt room on the way to sneak into the Muchiga stable. Zhou Gang had explored it last night. Although Cao Muwen was also disgusted with procrastination, it was not impossible to kill him, but in this case, it was better to beat less grass and scare the snakes. But he didn't expect that Zhou Gang couldn't help it when he saw it. When he saw the curtain on the edge of the felt room, he rushed in, which surprised Cao Muwen at first sight. He wanted to hold Zhou Gang but dragged his hand, and then realized that Zhou Gang's figure had disappeared in the curtain. Cao Muwen had to follow in. While entering, he heard a bang from inside. Cao Muwen knew that General Manager Fan had ended his long life.

Zhou Gang stabbed the dagger into Tu Fan's chest fiercely, and the power made the dagger without a handle. Fan didn't even have a chance to say a word and went straight from his sleep to his eternal sleep with a "calm" face.

Zhou Gang's happy face after revenge was not ambiguous. He stepped on the chest, exerted his arms and banged again. The dagger "up" again along the way it had just "down". Zhou Gang took the dagger and rubbed it on the clothes, and then put the dagger into the sheath. His face gradually calmed down, and then turned to Cao Muwen, as if waiting for his reaction.

"All the way! Let's go!" Although Cao Muwen complained, he knew that now was not the time to complain about each other. The most important thing was to leave here safely, and did not say much, and hurriedly urged Zhou Gang to leave here. Fortunately, there should be only Tuo Fan in the felt room just now. It seems that killing him will not attract anyone's attention for the time being.

After a short time, Cao Muwen knew that he was wrong.

"XX!" Zhou Gang viciously scolded the six knights behind him. I don't know what happened. As soon as the two of them stole two horses out of the stable, they saw several Mongolian men hurriedly coming in their own direction - they should be coming towards them. At this time, Cao Muwen and Zhou Gang were leading a jujube red horse out of the stable alone, and they were complacent because the horse's meekness did not make a trace of crowing.

Just behind Cao Muwen and Zhou Gang, their old friend Batu, Batu's old friend Bayan, and four other guards who accompanied them as messengers chased and killed them. Batu and Bayan had more contacts with Batu of the Suddenlybu tribe because Muchiga was sent to Butana as a special envoy of Boyan, and they became familiar with each other. Coincidentally, because of Boyan's big move this time, although Bu could not help Boyan publicly, he still sent several confidants to Boyan for a courtesy visit. Bayan and Batu took the order.

Bo Yan has now gone on an army, but if they are recognized by Ming people in the army, it is difficult to explain, so they can leave two people in the main city. The two and four guards drank with their old friend Mu Chijia all night. At dawn, Mu Chiga followed the army, and Batu stayed overnight and slept in their home. It happened that Batu suddenly saw the death when it was convenient for him to get up, which triggered the scene just now.

"This!? Why are they again! Damn, we must solve them this time!" Batu was extremely angry. His previous failure was the biggest provocation to his self-esteem. This time, he must wash his shame!

The enemies are really jealous when they see each other.

The scene before March seems to be staged on the prairie again, but the green grass has now turned yellow. Since the two knights chased each other one after the other, watching the horse's hoofs step on the earth, the slightly withered grass suddenly swayed left and right, was stepped under the fiercely staggered horse's hoofs, and then left, and then was pressed under the hoof again by another huge horse's paw like the top of Mount Tai. No, the land covered with lush vegetation was trampled out of the flying dust by more than ten competing horseshoes.

Cao Muwen was angry. Zhou Gang was not only angry, but also showed some ferociousness on his face. The two of them ran forward one after the other. And the pursuers behind are also chasing closely. The two in front are between the advantage of horses, while the pursuers behind are superb and excellent in horse riding, horse control and horse control skills, so the two passers-by have been competing for nearly an hour. At present, the distance between the two sides is still the initial distance. Judging from the situation, the situation of the two sides will continue until one side is exhausted. Slow down, then there will be a problem.

However, if the front is caught, it is difficult to escape death, and the back is also for revenge. How can you give up easily? Both sides broke their teeth and swallowed them in their stomachs. They clenched their teeth and never relaxed.

Instead, several horses were involved in this strange chase for no reason. Somehow, they became the key role in this. After all, they are really tired!

"You were tired some time ago, Wu Zheng!" Du Ruman patted Wu Zheng on the shoulder with great attention, which seemed to be very "appreciated". Du Ruman's concerned look made Wu Zheng frightened, although he knew that the old boss would not harm him, at least now. However~~~, Wu Zheng secretly glanced at another person in the room, another person who has not said anything since Wu Zheng came in. Although Wu Zheng only turned his head and looked at the man for a moment, he knew that it was not an easy role to deal with.

I saw the man's cold face. No! Not only indifference, it should be that this indifference is just a disguise on appearance. Wu Zheng stared at others silently for a moment. Wu Zheng thought that he was good at looking at people, and he felt that under the person's cold appearance was a kind of indifference, a kind of indifference that he was used to seeing the wind and waves, and there was a kind of calmness. Mount Tai collapsed in front of him and was not chaotic at all. Wu Zheng's body trembled slightly, and the man's eyes also looked at him quietly. Those eyes, damn it! Wu Zheng cursed secretly in his heart. Wu Zheng had never seen such chilling eyes. The man's eyes are shining, as if a pupil is a strong bow, and every eye can emit a sharp arrow. Forced by this penetrating pressure, Wu Zheng hurriedly turned around and focused on dealing with Du Rumian.

"Fuck, who the hell is this guy? Where did it come from? I have never seen such a powerful product in Datong before. Well, it shouldn't be from here." Wu Zheng thought to himself that it seemed that this man was also a member of the brocade guard, and the man's clothes should also come from Beijing.

"Cough." Du Ruman cleared his throat and pulled Wu Zheng's thoughts back to himself. Wu Zheng quickly settled down and thought of him.

I didn't expect that Wu Zheng didn't think about that person. Du Rumian himself led the topic to the top first. Wu Zheng, this is Lord Zheng from Beijing, er~~~ At this time, Du Rumian looked at the man, and Wu Zheng noticed that even in a very small moment, Wu Zheng also saw a trace of fear in Du Rumian's eyes.

"Wu Zheng, this Lord Zheng~~~ He said that there was something to do here before. Er~~~, that~~~." Du Rumen obviously paused for a moment, as if thinking about what to say next. Wu Zheng now knows that it seems that this extraordinary Lord Zheng is not small, and Du Rumian is not only "fated"?

"Lord Zheng said that there are important things to deal with in Weizhong, and we need to recruit several people from each of the nine-sided town Jinyiwei. I thought about the manpower and looked at you recently, so~~~." There is no need for Du Rumian to go on, Wu Zheng also knows it. I don't know what this is. It's mysterious. I need to recruit Jinyi Weitiqi from all over the nine sides, but I was not insured by him that I was demoted. Even if you look at Lord Zheng's mysterious situation and inherent danger, even if there is danger, you have to go up. First, you can make up for your achievements. Second, Lord Zheng is so generous that you really want to be appreciated by him. Hey hey, it is a beautiful thing to kill two birds with one stone.

After a battle between heaven and man, Wu Zheng finally made up his mind. On the way, Du Rumen and another old acquaintance of Wu Zheng in Datong, Jinyiwei Hundreds of households should be rich. Wei Bingwen, let him serve in Datong now.

After Wu Zheng took the order, he retreated first and saw that there were only Lord Zheng and Du Rumian left in the room.

"Well~~, okay, there is one more thing I want to tell you to do." Du Rumian still has something to explain?

"Uh~~, listen respectfully." Du Rumian hurriedly bowed his head and looked frightened when he heard this.

"I want you to pick out all the important information here recently and sort it out. I'll take it away." Then, another calm tone came, "All, important. Hurry up!

Thousands of troops and horses rushed out, and a black spot gradually appeared on the grassland, and then a black line. Then, the black line gradually stretched, widened and thickened. A piece of black pressure came. The grassland, which was originally mixed with yellow and green, was instantly attached to a layer - a sea of people.

It should be a sea of military, a sea of people and horses. Here, a pair of Tatar cavalry are neatly distributed. Judging from their solemn posture on horseback and their awe-inspiring and decisive expressions, they are all soldiers who can fight well, warriors in danger, and unstoppable heroes.