Ming Diary

Chapter 82: Victory!

"Come on! Let's charge, too!" The guard of Guan Tian Pass next to him shouted loudly. Seeing the other party retreating together, he could only delay the fighter by guarding these already sharp firemen. He immediately shouted and ordered his 2,000 cavalry to charge and cover it together. Disturb the foot of the turbulent!

"Fight!" Wu Zheng also shouted. In fact, he had long wanted to kill him. Looking at the war situation, if he didn't "ride the victory and pursue" again, this rare opportunity would be wasted. Besides, he found an excellent goal early in the morning. He saw a target from afar, Yilin Dada, the general under Boyan's tent, and now he is running back to this battle not far from Wu Zheng. Wu Zheng smiled secretly and said, "If you really want to hit me, you can't do it, but I also have a way to kill you. There is no other way to do this." Wu Zheng was so happy that he inserted the knife back into the scabbard and took out the fire gun from his arms.

"Haha, I didn't expect it! I'm still carrying this thing!" Wu Zheng aimed at Yilin Dada's broad back from afar, "The goal is very big and easy to fight! The horse should slow down, and the shooting distance is completely enough! Don't worry! Don't worry! It's about to be done!"

Wu Zheng really became. After lighting the fire rope, Wu Zheng aimed well in a short burning time. With a gunshot, the lead bullet flew out and hit the back of Yilin Dada. Suddenly, he fell off the horse.

"Oc's it, it's over. Even if he doesn't kill him, he will be trampled to death." Wu Zheng was secretly proud. At this time, he pulled out his knife and joined the cavalry team just now.

is indeed over. Even if Boyan Khan doesn't want to admit it. I seem to be careless!" With this one sentence, Bo Yan sighed and blew the horn in person. Fortunately, some people recognized his appearance. Many of the cavalry defeated by the three-way attack of the Ming army saw with their own eyes that he was still alive and shouted happily. At least the defeated army can be a little more stable, but it is impossible to organize another attack. Boyan looked at the small city of Yingzhou with some regret, and it seemed that she didn't even have a chance to go in and plunder it now.

In the end, the defeated soldiers were slightly concentrated and integrated by Bo Yan, accompanied by this sharp horn sound.

The Tatah finally retreated. The Yingzhou War, which lasted for more than a day, ended.

Boyan may be more angry when she returns to the station, because Hulu, who returned to the station almost at the same time, also gave Boyan Khan a bad news - the plan to besiege Datong failed, and most of the giant return guns that took a long time to build were also captured by the Ming army. Perhaps the only reason why the most expensive Khan did not kill Hulu is that he did not suffer such heavy losses to himself. At least the people in Hulu are still intact.

"Come on! I aimed at you! Don't move!" Cao Muwen tried his best to put arrows under the city, laughing loudly and looking at the cavalry reinforcements suddenly killed from the eastern mountain pass.

Cao Muwen has now become a part-time archer. Previously, he had been avoiding the arrows shot by the Tatari and fighting back with his comrades beside him. During that time, it was very dangerous. The sharp arrow that had been flying almost shot through Cao Muwen's ear. Fortunately, his eyes were fast and his eyesight was particularly good. When the arrow was still some time away from him, he saw it. Although it was still too slow to reach out his hand to avoid the arrow, it made him pick up another ear in advance.

"Come on! I shoot!" Cao Muwen tried his best to maintain the frequency of this arrow. Now he can only maintain the frequency. No matter how fast his arms are, he will feel weak.

Cao Muwen held his breath for a moment, and his extraordinary eyesight now stared at a future Tatar cavalryman who ran away from the city. Draw arrows, tie strings, pull bows, shoot arrows, and four parts are completed in one go. Cao Muwen did the same three times in a row. In three breaths, he shot three arrows at the tarsar who fled, which made him the last three arrows in the arrow pot.

"Damn it!" Cao Muwen scolded angrily that there was no such kind of Tatsar, "Humph! He is fortune-telling! Leave him anyway!" Cao Muwen realized that he was at least the first time to pick up a bow and arrow to have such a level, which was already fast. You can't be too demanding for yourself as a novice.

Cao Muwen stood at the head of the city and looked at the war situation in the distance. The cavalry army killed from the Oriental Valley is really a cavalry. The Tarans who besieged Datong certainly did not expect that there would be large-scale reinforcements or cavalry on the northeast side.

The night before, after receiving Zhu Luan's fast horse news, the emperor's personal army knew about the situation of the war. After all, the attack of the Taran was divided into two ways and attacked in two ways. The Ming army must also defend it separately. I thought that the Ming people must be defeated all the way. But the Tirra did not expect that while you were dispersing the other party's defense, you were also attacking. Although Boyan Monk prepared large and small return guns to attack Datong, he also arrogantly despised the enemy. He rushed to attack the nine-sided town of the Ming Dynasty without an absolute superior force, and did not make full use of the mobility of his own cavalry in the battle.

"Maybe this is also a kind of inertia?" Cao Muwen looked at the Tatar army fleeing in a hurry under the city from afar. At this time, because the pressure of Datong City suddenly disappeared, and the defenders in the city rose with the support of reinforcements. Just then, Cao Muwen heard bursts of cheers from behind the city. Cao Muwen turned his head and found that the south gate of Datong City was now open, and a stream of people was pouring in.

"Another reinforcement!?" Cao Muwen was overjoyed. At this time, I saw a well-dressed general standing far away at the head of the city shouting, "That's great, soldiers! Zhang Yongzhang, the supervisor ordered by His Majesty, has been conscripting reinforcements in various guard stations in the south for the past few days, and now he has come! Ah ha" and laughed loudly.

With the loud laughter of the capital, the situation on the battlefield suddenly changed. The reinforcements entering the city from the south also poured into the north of the city like a tide, with more than 20,000 people.

In this way, the comparison of the forces between the two sides is completely disparable. At this time, Zhu Luan, the deputy general, ordered the gate to open, and the Ming army soldiers who had gathered under the wall for a long time could finally fight head-on with the Tart, and under their complete advantage.

"Come on! Children, go! Let it go!" Zhu Luan loudly commanded the soldiers pouring out of the city and loudly ordered the gunners to release the cannon. The loud noise was accompanied by fire, and several shells bloomed in thetar army.

Seeing that the other party's formation was in chaos, a large number of Ming soldiers who had rushed out suddenly turned red. Now that the other side's cavalry formation has been hit by the reinforcement cavalry on the east side, the return gun that the Tatars used to rely on has now become their trap. Because the huge return guns and the boulder scattered on the ground just hindered the tartar cavalry to rectify the formation and control the war horses.

Now you don't have to worry about the city defense of Datong. The reinforcements who just came to the south will take over and continue to guard the defense of my city wall. Now, these soldiers who squatted behind the wall and listened to the tats smash stones all night can finally make a destructive charge.

When the Tsar army just saw the cavalry in the east valley, they immediately ate a lot. However, Hulu urgently ordered his cronies to go to the front of the battle to investigate the place, and then he knew that this cavalry was actually the 10,000 cavalry that had been following the main force of Boyan Khan before!

"How did they get here? Didn't you participate in the battle over there? Hulu was shocked. But then I thought that although the other party was fierce, after all, there were less than 10,000 troops, and its own side still had a numerical advantage, and in terms of combat effectiveness, the other party was even more out of reach. So now he hurriedly found the fire screen, and the two men reorganized their own men and horses, intending to re-enue and charge, come here to fight with the cavalry of the Ming army and defeat them!

But until now, Hulu knew that it was too late after hearing the huge cheers in Datong City. After one night, the gate that had been scraped out of huge scratches by the boulder was finally opened, and countless Ming troops rushed out of it. All the momentum is fierce.

Hulu knew that he still had the possibility of a war, but for what? It is impossible to win. Even if it is to kill and injure the Ming army, Hulu will not take the risk of "killing a thousand enemies and losing 800". Because there are too many Han people, "this is their advantage, and although we grassland warriors can fight well, the number of them is too small compared to them. If you want to change people, they can do it, but we can't!" Even if Hulu doesn't want to, he can't help but admit it.

"Blow the horn! Let's withdraw!" Hulu shouted, and the attendants beside him hurriedly blew the horn.


20,000 Tatar cavalry moved when they heard the call and immediately turned the horse's head. A large army of cavalry retreated north for a moment.

Ah~~~~~~, ah~~~~~~, we won! The Tir has retreated!

The cheers of victory resounded through the sky in an instant. Since the Taran has retreated, it is really dangerous for us to pursue it again. After all, this Taran has not suffered great losses.

It's just... Cao Muwen saw the huge return shots abandoned by the Tatans on the wall. He smiled and raised the corners of his mouth slightly. Boyan Monk had too many benefits in the Ming Dynasty before, which made him overestimate himself and underestimate us. Cao Muwen thought so. In any case, the battle is over. Let's see if this cavalry can come to support. It seems that Boyan Khan has also suffered a defeat in person.

The "death weapon" that was notable before has now fallen into the hands of our Ming army.

Wow~~~~, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Cao Muwen's arms flaped and took off his strength, and the bow also fell to the ground. Far away, Wei Bingwen also ran over with a happy face.

Cao Muwen's fatigue came back in an instant, which seemed to be more serious and rapid than before.

I vomit~~~~~, Cao Muwen suddenly vomited, "Damn it!" Before Cao Muwen could think about anything else, his eyes suddenly turned black, his head was empty, and his consciousness disappeared.

Finally, he fainted to the ground more seriously again.

Still on that mountain, the long-moving slender and beautiful dark shadow finally trembled its body and took a long breath. It's finally over, and so is it over there. It seems that our mission can come to an end." With a brush, he turned a big stone and disappeared immediately.

At about the same time, in the battlefield of Yingzhou, which has not been cleaned up. The dead and blood flowing in one place seem to show how many horrible killings and battles have been experienced here, and how many dead souls are going to sleep here...

Less than 100 steps away, a Ming army soldier came to check whether there were any comrade-in-arms who survived. He looked carefully at every soldier on his side, and everything around him was normal except for the dead and blood on the ground.


"Uh~~~~." Cao Muwen finally woke up.

By the time Cao Muwen woke up again, the time had entered November. And he suddenly found that he was in Beijing!

During his coma, Cao Muwen returned to the capital with the magnificent victorious army of Emperor Zhengde. Although His Majesty's expedition is a little unspeakable. Naturally, many ministers and elders in the court are difficult, but these have nothing to do with small roles such as Cao Muwen.

But this time he did win a big victory. He defeated the Tatar Boyan Khan and stabilized the frontier. Maybe the Tatron would not dare to do anything in the next few years.

Although the ministers in the court are dissatisfied with the emperor, after all, they are all ministers who will come from the court. How can they not know the general situation? Although they have a pocket of awkwardness with Zhengde, they agree to reach an agreement on meritorious people, which is a great reward!

Cao Muwen escaped by himself after being trapped in the enemy camp, and received information that Boyan Monk was recklessly manufacturing stone throwers to attack Datong, and delivered it in time. It is a great achievement, and you can be promoted beyond the level.

After that, Cao Muwen also learned about the situation of Wu Zheng and Wei Bingwen. Although Wu Zheng failed before, the greatest responsibility did not lie with him, and he was a general in the battlefield. He can be said to have made great achievements and achievements. He has been old and has served for many years and has never been promoted. This surprised Cao Muwen that Wu Zheng was finally promoted to a thousand households.

Wei Bingwen was also promoted to deputy 100 households in Datong together with Cao Muwen.

"Alas~~~, I've been promoted!" Cao Muwen was very happy. Later, he also received an order and was surprised to learn that he had also become a hundred guards.

A few days later, Wu Zheng will come to him and tell him the next new task.

At that time, he would be even more surprised.