Ming Diary

Chapter 3: Tavern Chat 3

Wang Shouren's words won unanimous praise, which is why he is loved by many people. Because his words are simple and real, the principles are simple and easy to understand, and many people who have not read books can easily understand and understand.

Time goes by very fast, which is also what people will feel when they concentrate. After that, Wang Shouren looked up at the sky and found that when he first came, the sun was still in the middle, but now it was like the sunset in the West Mountain.

"Oh, it's all this time." Old man Zhang was also alerted by the first time, "Originally, the elder brothers just worked for most of the day and wanted to sit down and drink a glass of water and wine to rest their feet and warm up? I didn't expect it to be this time. Oh, I said all the brothers. Zhang Laohan looked at the friends around him and said, "Let's break up soon. It's getting dark now. If we don't rush back and finish all the work at hand, it won't be good after it's completely dark."

After Zhang Laohan's reminder, everyone also agreed, "Well, I don't care. In winter, the cargo ships in the lake on the river are not as much as when the sky is warm. I'm worried about what work I can do?"

"Hey, you little man, don't count us if you have nothing to do!" The middle-aged carpenter scolded the young man, pretending to be angry, but it doesn't matter. No one will take it seriously. The middle-aged carpenter turned to the crowd and bowed his hand and said modestly, "Brothers, I still have some carpentry work to finish, so I'll go back first and leave first."

Everyone also wanted to leave. Everyone didn't stay much. They left one after another and told him to be careful on the way. The young man also laughed and said goodbye to him. The middle-aged carpenter raised his hand and bombarded him. The latter pretended to avoid it, and everyone laughed.

Wang Shouren was very happy, because he didn't come here for nothing today and gained a lot. Although he talked to these many small people in the market before, most of them admired him very much, but Wang Shouren did the same. Even if these people did not feel anything, his people and things gave Wang Shouren great relief. First, he had gained a lot, and these were despised by those in the temple, but he They are not only well-informed, but also make sense everywhere in life.

Wang Shouren himself is not a person who is arrogant because he is in a high position, but there are countless people in the world. Every time Wang Shouren thinks of this, it is difficult to sleep and eat. Now the world has been a long time, and it seems that the country is prosperous and the people are safe, but it is not the case.

Everyone got up and left one after another. They didn't forget to say goodbye to Wang Shouren before leaving. He smiled and watched the people leave. He also paid for the tea and left the tavern.

The winter in the south is also cold, but it is different from the cold in the north. Wang Shouren also lived in Beijing for many years, when he still worked there. It's just...

"Forget it, it's okay not to mention the past." Wang Shouren shook his head, shook the water droplets condensed on his beard because of the temperature difference between cold and heat, and took a few steps. Wang Shouren looked to the north, which was a white color.

It's not snow. Although the winter in Jiangxi is also cold, it is impossible to freeze at this time. Maybe there will be a few days of snow.

The white landscape in the north is endless. It's not snow, it's the reflection of the lake. This is a little surprising. The surface of Poyang Lake is still covered with a layer of ice near the south embankment. The ice covered the lake whole, and it really looked like snow from afar.

Wang Shouren went to the lake a few days ago and looked at the thin ice floes. This ice layer seems smooth, and there is an effect similar to a bronze mirror under the reflection of light. Sometimes the sun shines brightly, shining on the ice like a golden dragon.

Wang Shouren is now taking a few steps faster and entering the southern embankment. Looking at the ice, Wang Shouren fell into meditation. Isn't this Poyang Lake just like today's world? It looks smooth and glazed, and it is so golden that people don't appreciate it. In fact, this layer of ice is a thin layer, and it is difficult for people to stand on it. There are really bold people who inevitably step out of the ice hole and fall into the piercing cold lake. This is not the first time that the word "like walking on thin ice" appeared in his heart again. Wang Shouren had this feeling. Previously, he was officially too stubborn because of his righteous words? Don't you know how to be sophisticated? I got a judgment to degrade him from Beijing. Wang Shouren thought about it himself and did not regret it.

Wang Shouren himself is more concerned and worried about those who are promoted, that is, those who can learn from each other and communicate with him. Instead of those rich and powerful people who smell like wine and meat. Wang Shouren knew that he was not determined to be here.

He is now "like walking on thin ice" as an official, but he is by no means like this. But he knows very well that in this season, how many people are really not like this? He is, the people who have just been promoted, the shopkeeper of this tavern, and even the powerful and dignitaries of rich families have never been so. What is the real person with his feet on the solid earth? Wang Shouren thought so, and his eyebrows frowned more and more. Isn't that the case with the court? Isn't his father like this? Isn't that the "Ninth Five-Year Supreme"? It's just that they have been in it for too long, they can't feel it, and it's hard to find it. They are just in prison and don't see the people in prison. They are just "in this mountain." The mountain people. Wang Shouren always thinks like this, but there is nothing he can do.

These words are rebellious, especially the death penalty, so Wang Shouren can secretly think in his heart that he can never communicate with anyone.

At the beginning, the old minister in the court killed the eight tigers led by the great eunuch Liu Jin, but let the eight tigers hold the power of the government, and the two cabinet members were forced to resign. Since then, although many conscientious officials are dissatisfied with what Wuzong has done, few people dare to stand up and go to Wuzong. During the incident, he wrote a letter to the emperor, pointing out that the two cabinet elders could not resign in this way, and put forward five reasons for asking the emperor to retain him. Although the article was reasonable, the emperor ignored it, and the eight tigers held a grudge against it.

Soon after, Bahu also lied to the emperor, saying that the minister of the court was not used to the emperor's closeness with them and wanted to slander his reputation. The emperor asked Jinyiwei to monitor secretly. If he found someone walking out of the government in front of Youshi, he immediately reported it to the emperor. However, the officials far away in Nanjing did not know the situation in Beijing, and they were sparse. Liu Jin and others were furious. In order to deter officials, Liu Jin faked the emperor's edict and determined 53 people led by cabinet elders Liu Jian and Xie Qian as "traitors", and publicized the list to the court to crack down on the officials. Since then, Liu Jin has become the "internal minister" and has been called the "land emperor". The emperor was playful and active, ignored the government, and was busy fighting and shopping all day long. Liu Jin transferred the subordinates to deal with it. Since then, Liu Jin has been in full power.

The minister of the dynasty fought with eight tigers, but failed to be swallowed up by the tiger. After stealing the military and political power of the court, Liu Jin wantonly retaliated against the courtiers and used the East, West Factory and Jinyiwei to kill diss. Feng Xianyong, Zheng Zhiliu, Wu Qiang and others are also flattering and flattering horses. Even if there are thousands of unwillingness in their hearts, they are forced to cooperate here.

Liu Jin became the "internal minister" in order to exclude dissidents. They will retaliate against Confucian scholars and scholars, and severely punish them as long as they make small mistakes. Eight years ago, Liu Jin changed the old law, stipulating that all provincial relatives, Dingyou, and sick people should be treated as absent from office on the prestortion. They can be forgiven within three months, their salaries for four or five months, arrest and interrogation for six or seven months, automatic dismissal, and removal of official status for more than October. Since then, the Ministry of Officials has identified a total of 146 illegal civil and military officials, all of whom have been dealt with in accordance with the new rules formulated by Liu Jin, so there are particularly many people dismissed.

Because Wuzong appointed Liu Jin, Liu Jin's power became a powerful force, and the prince Xu Qi was oppressed by his power and did not dare to sit on an equal footing with him. In order to avoid disaster and protect themselves, civil and military officials all obey or remain silent and dare not discuss current affairs. When Liu Jin's dictatorship was rampant, only Luo Qiao was spared.

Speaking of Luo Qiao, Wang Shouren is still very familiar with him. Both of them have worked in an official office and have close contacts. They are also close colleagues. Luo Qiao is upright and upright, and Wang Shouren admires and appreciates him.

That was six years ago. In the severe drought in Beijing, Luo Qiao held a memorial and asked the emperor to stop playing games, abandon the villains, and punish Liu Jin and others. He made up his determination to die and ordered his family to bring a coffin to follow him and wait for the emperor's will in the court room. After reading the memorial, Liu Jin was furious and issued an edict to make the courtiers plead guilty. Li Dongyang, a university scholar, pleaded with him and finally pardoned his death, but demoted him to a professorship of original Jiangxi. The courtiers thought that Luo Qiao would encounter something unexpected, but he was only demoted, so they were extremely surprised.

Since Emperor Zhengde ascended to the throne, Liu Jin built a leopard house for Zhengde, making Wuzong indulge in playing games and not want to make progress. Liu Jin acted arbitrarily, arbitrarily disposed of the ministers, excluded dissidents, and formed a party for personal gain.

In order to suppress the dissatisfaction of officials and the people, Gu Daying and others sent a large number of agents to scout. After the news came out, all over the country was very frightened. As long as they saw people who spoke Beijing dialects, they ran to tell each other and even contributed a lot of money to protect themselves.

Although Liu Jin has a wide range of party members, she can't unite the other seven tigers well. Soon, when Qihu saw that Liu Jin's dictatorship was becoming more and more serious, he was very dissatisfied with Liu Jin and left Liu Jin. In order to compete with Zhang Yong for power, Liu Jin prepared to transfer Zhang Yong to Nanjing. After knowing this, Zhang Yong immediately ran to Zhengde and told him that Liu Jin was ready to murder himself. Although Zhengde later asked Gu Da to persuade him to solve the matter with wine, Liu Jin angered Qihu, especially because he offended Zhang Yong, who also had real power, which accelerated his death.