Ming Diary

Chapter 9: Boring 1

After saying goodbye to Gong Chen, Cao Muwen did not take a few steps forward and saw the gate of the official office from afar. The red and copper wooden gate showed a kind of majesty. Does this seem to be the protective color of the brocade guard? Cao Muwen stared at the obvious protrusion on the gate. Copper nails made of brass were embedded in the thick wooden gate and painted with water-proof and moisture-proof paint. Even in this rainy Jiangnan border, the gate can be guaranteed to be used for many years.

Now that the morning has passed, whether it is a market hawker or a daily commoner, so that the government office, so that the ordinary people who retreat from the three houses of brocade tigers and wolves have also opened up. After all, everyone is mortal.

Cao Muwen looked at it from afar. Although the gate was still closed, the side door had already been opened. It seemed that Gong Chen came out from here. Cao Muwen got rid of the inappropriate thoughts as soon as possible. It is estimated that he will meet with Yuan Pingzhang later, and the "meeting" with Mr. Gong will not be mentioned, so he will not mention it. Cao Muwen can "accidently" find his boss's little secret, and then let him wear small shoes.

As soon as I passed the side door, there was someone in the outermost room next to me, which was similar to the deacon's room with the existence of a "communication room". A seemingly elderly man came out, crossed his hands and stretched out into his wide sleeves. It seemed that the old man felt the cold of winter and his hands were a little cold, but Cao Muwen's hands were exposed outside, but he did not feel too cold. Maybe he spent his life in the north. He had resistance to coldness, south Fang's winter is not so much cold as damp. Although the winter in the north is cold, it is also dry. The cold wind blows on the face, just like a knife, which makes the skin painful. Although the winter in the south is as cold as it is, it is not so strong and the wind is much more gentle, which makes Cao Muwen feel more comfortable. However, it is slightly humid here, but it makes him a little "unconvinced". Fortunately, it's just a trivial matter. It's not worth mentioning. Just eat a few peppers and get rid of the dampness and cold.

The old man on the opposite hand was the doorman. At a glance, Cao Muwen asked, with a little surprise in his tone, "Is it possible that this little brother has become Cao Muwen's hundred households?"

Cao Muwen was slightly surprised. It seems that the notice has been received and knows that he will come to the post in the next few days. Since he is a new face, I guess that's it.

Cao Muwen replied, "It's Cao Muwen who came to take office."

"Oh, that's it. Now that you are here, let's take a rest first. It's not urgent now." The old man let Cao Muwen into the deacon's room. Cao Muwen also said in his heart, "This old man is hospitable, it seems..." He looked back and looked around. There was no one, but all the flowers and trees in the yard and the water vapor left by them after a night's breathing. On the top of the hill, the terrain is higher and the temperature is lower. Now the sun has risen from the east, but the sun has not yet shined directly into here. It seems that the dense fog here will last for a while.

Cao Muwen sat in the deacon's room with a fireplace, and the old man was pouring tea. Seeing him pouring a cup of tea made from unknown tea, he handed it to Cao Muwen, who took over and thanked the old man and asked, "Don't you know the name of the senior?"

"Haha, what a senior, the old man is just a gatekeeper, and nothing else can be counted. What a senior! But it's going to kill me." The old man laughed and said so. Then call me Lao Li. My name is Li Dabao. I'm not afraid of your jokes, so I got this name. It's been used for a lifetime." Lao Li said so and smiled, and Cao Muwen was also funny when he heard it.

"It seems that this old man is very warm-hearted. When I first came here, this old Li... is good." Cao Muwen expected that when he first arrived, it was inevitable that people would have a geographical alienation from him. It seemed that if he wanted to get familiar with these people, he had to find someone who was easy to talk to, and there was no strong conflict. He was the best choice. After all, the Jinyiwei of the Ming Dynasty is naturally not a clean institution. If you really want to say it, Jinyiwei is really a shattering role. Both ordinary people and officials are given to Jinyiwei. The common people are afraid of it, but officials avoid giving up three points, so it's better to do less. In case they are uncomfortable, their little career will be affected.

It seems that his life is still good. Cao Muwen is not only a brocade guard but also a minor official. It's just right. As long as he fooled his boss and fed a few younger brothers, so that they would not make a big problem, there would be no big problem. However, in this case, the interests and personnel relations here must be firmly fixed. If outsiders enter and share them, it will naturally be rejected. Cao Muwen is in this situation now, and he is also sent by his superiors. The situation will not be so bad, but it is still necessary to pay more attention.

Old Li was very talkative, so Cao Muwen asked him a lot about this place, including other personnel relations.

Lao Li said first, "Although it's past the end of the New Year, there are not many things. Many people return to their hometowns, and it will take a few days for more things to happen."

"Oh, it's still annual leave." Cao Muwen thought to himself that there was a Spring Festival in the Ming Dynasty. Not only, but also a lot of time.

"Now the Lord Qianhu is here, and the deputy Lord Qianhu has also returned to his hometown to save his relatives. It's not too late for you to come." Lao Li said that at this time, the sun was high enough to shine into the courtyard of the official office. In an instant, the originally foggy courtyard suddenly became clear and clear. Cao Muwen turned his head and looked carefully. The yard was very spacious, but a small piece of flowers and plants was planted in the middle, so it looked a little smaller.

"It's still early. Why don't we wait for a moment and discuss it when the chief officer of the institute comes." Lao Li said, "Well, there are few people these days. I don't have much gossip. At least if you come, you can chat with me." It seems that Lao Li is lonely and bored, and he wants to find someone to have fun.

Cao Muwen found this reason and asked a lot of questions to the "lonely and talkative" Lao Li. Yuan Pingzhang is over 40 years old, and his life resume seems to be ordinary. The specific Lao Li did not say much. Naturally, Cao Muwen, as a subordinate, can't ask more questions, but from the tone of Lao Litou, this Yuan Pingzhang Qianhu seems to be a "clay Bodhisattva".

Just a few decades ago, there were several famous brothers in the Ming Dynasty, which can be described as bigwigs. Each official position has achieved Shangshu and even entered the cabinet. Up to now, it can also be regarded as a deputy prime minister and minister. These are Liu Ji, Wan'an and Liu Yu, led by the cabinet of Emperor Xianzong of the Ming Dynasty. They blindly put "shame on their positions" and put them behind national affairs. They were traitors with their eunuchs friends and competed for power and profits. Yin Min, the minister of the Ministry of Household, Yin Qian, Zhou Hongmo, the minister of the Ministry of Ceremonies, Zhang Peng, the minister of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Zhang Ying, and the minister of the Ministry of Industry Liu Zhao, although these people are also extremely ministers, each of them is in control of one side's major affairs, but they are also sandwiched in the middle. Everyone is silent for fear of causing trouble. At that time, people jokingly called it "paper paste three pavilions, clay sculpture six Shangshu".

These corpses occupy a large position but do not do business, so people have given such a name to these people of Xianzong for their appearance. Among them, Wan'an is even more outstanding. After Wan'an was promoted to the cabinet, he participated in the handling of national government affairs and was still a bachelor of Hanlin. In the same year, he was promoted to Zhan. Wan'an has a friend named Li Tai, who is the adopted son of the eunuch Yongchang. He is younger than Wan'an, but Wan'an treats him like a brother, so the two have a good relationship. Their official positions are the same, but whenever there is a chance to be promoted, Li Tai must give it to Wan'an, so later Wan'an's official position has always been higher than Li Tai. When it comes to the selection of officials to enter the cabinet, Li Tai gave up the opportunity to Wan'an again and said confidently, "You go in first, I don't have to worry about whether I can't get in. ." Because of this, Wan An was able to enter the cabinet, and Li Tai later died of a violent illness. Although Wan An has entered the cabinet, he is unlearned and does not live up to his name. In order to maintain his position, he kept pulling relations, and finally to the eunuch as his internal aid. In order to further stabilize his official position, Wan'an began to abas imperial concubines. At that time, Wan Guifei was most favored by Xianzong. Wan An met Wan Guifei through eunuchs. After that, she paid great attention and tried her best to do her best. In order to get the help of Wan Guifei, Wan An also claimed to be her son and nephew. So he was deeply liked by Wan Guifei and really regarded him as his mother's family. Later, Wan An also met Wan Guifei's younger brother Jin Yiwei to command Wan Tong, and Wan Tong also regarded Wan An as his own family and communicated with him. Later, Wantong's mother-in-law came to the capital. When Wantong's wife Wang Shi talked to her mother, she learned that Wan'an's wife was actually her own sister, so the two families became closer. Due to the relationship of Wan Guifei, Wantong's wife can enter and leave the harem at will, so Wan'an can know the situation in the palace at any time and then take action to make her official position more consolidated.

And Wan'an is also known as "Hanglaige Lao" because when he saw the emperor, he couldn't say a few words, so he had to shout "Hangt the emperor". Emperor Xianzong was also an emperor who did not fall in love with the dynasty. Once again, a comet appeared in the sky. Some people thought it was an ominous omen, saying that it was because the emperor had not seen a minister for many days, so he suggested that the emperor receive ministers and go to the court to discuss matters. At the strong request of cabinet scholar Peng Shi, Shang Wei and others, the eunuch agreed to the emperor to receive the cabinet minister and said, "The first time we met with the emperor, we were not familiar with each other and our feelings were not harmonious, so don't talk too much. Let's talk about it later." When they were about to go in to see Emperor Xianzong, the eunuchs told them again. After seeing the emperor, Peng Shi said that the change of the celestial phenomena was a very terrible thing. Xianzong said, "I already know that you should also do your best to serve me." Peng Shi went on to say that there was a request in the imperial history to reduce the salaries of Beijing officials, and the generals were very dissatisfied and proposed to keep the salary as usual, and Emperor Xianzong agreed. When Peng Shi wanted to continue talking, Wan An had already knelt down and kowtowed and shouted long live to leave. Peng Shi and Shang had no choice but to kowtow and retreat. This matter became a joke, so that the eunuch later teased the courtiers and said, "You often say that the emperor will not summon you, but when he sees you, he will only say long live." Since then, everyone has called this cabinet " Long live the cabinet". And Xianzong has not summoned ministers since this incident. To sum up in one sentence, even the emperor's bastard, the minister is not a thing.

Although the court is not a big official and can't say that it is mediocre, Cao Muwen vaguely feels that this Lord Qianhu is not a person with a strong personality, and there are some reasons to call him a "clay bodhisattva" - otherwise, why won't few people come at this point? Go to work!?