Ming Diary

Chapter 11: Eat, Drink and Have Fun

People are strange animals. When you are busy and your work is about to die, you will remember how comfortable it is to have leisure time to rest if you don't have a job; but if you really have time, you may sit at home and be extremely bored, because you don't know what to do, as if the entertainment activities envisaged before are gone for a moment. Think.

Nothing has happened. Since there is nothing to do, I know how to find something. Cao Muwen thought so, looking at the already bustling crowd outside. In the past few days, there have been a lot of idle birds in my mouth. Don't mention boring and trivial things. Maybe it's a good idea to go out for a walk.

Although the winter here is still much warmer than in the north, it is cold after all. Cao Muwen is used to it, but his hands are still cold, and it is inevitable that he will copy it in his slightly fat sleeves to keep warm.

It's still early, but because I woke up earlier, I'm now half hungry, and it's boring to hang out. Why don't you find some famous food to fill your stomach?

With the slightly bustling flow of people on the street, Cao Muwen looked left and right, and the shops on the street were crowded, which was not lively. After a few steps, Cao Muwen saw a tall building by the lake far away. By the way, isn't that Tengwang Pavilion? I planned to go on a tour, but since I have nothing to do in recent days, let's go there. Today's weather is also very good. The sun is not strong in winter, but it is also a warm tingling sensation on the face, with a clear feeling.

Now that you have decided, go there.

Cao Muwen walked, less than 100 meters, and suddenly smelled a fragrance. Huh? This is..." Cao Muwen's heart trembled, and he didn't know what was delicious. A strong fragrance became stronger with his progress, and he looked forward with a burst of smoke.

came to the front and took a closer look. The four characters "crock pot simmering soup" were written on the brocade flag of Douda. Suddenly, I suddenly realized.

Chinese soup culture has a long history and is unique. "Food is the first necessity of the people, and the soup is the first food" that has been circulating so far is a vivid portrayal of the history of soup culture for thousands of years. Cao Muwen remembers that during the Spring and Autumn Period, the true meaning of simmering soup appeared: the origin of all flavors, water is the beginning, five flavors and three materials, nine boils and nine changes, then it becomes the best taste. Li Yu, a great literati, said in "The Story of Leisure Couple": Soup is also an alias of soup. If there is rice, there should be soup, and if there is no soup, rice cannot be served. However, after watching it, Cao Muwen felt deeply that Li Dawen's digestive ability was relatively poor, and he couldn't swallow anything without thin things.

This Jiangxi Nanchang tile pot soup refined food is placed in a large tile pot of one meter square, and then heated at a constant temperature of charcoal for more than two hours. The beauty of the clay pot lies in the nature of yin and yang. After simmering for a long time, the raw materials and nutrients are fully melted into the soup. The soup is thick, mellow and attractive, with a unique flavor and strong food tonic. The soup fully absorbs the pharmacological ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine, and has the effect of eliminating fatigue, tonifying the kidney and strengthening the body, strengthening the body, and prolonging life, reaching the highest level of food tonic.

As the saying goes: it is better to eat meat than to drink soup. Chinese people have had the habit of drinking soup since ancient times. The traditional Chinese concept of diet pursues delicious enjoyment and pays attention to diet and health preservation. Soup is the easiest to take into account these two aspects. The classic of cooking diet "Lv's Spring and Autumn - This Taste" wrote: the origin of all tastes, water is the beginning, five flavors and three materials, nine boils and nine changes, and become the ultimate taste. This is the truth summarized by the ancients.

Cawa can simmered soup is popular among the people in the south of the Yangtze River, and the tile pot simmered soup in Jiangxi cuisine is even better. That is because Jiangxi cuisine pays attention to the original taste. Among them, tile pot simmered soup is the representative of Jiangxi cuisine and has a history of more than 1,000 years.

It's not that Cao Muwen has never seen such a huge tile pot, but it is really surprising to go back to this era and take a look at this antique tile tank with traditional folk style. This semi-cold winter is a perfect time to drink soup. When he came here far away, Cao Muwen saw that there were many people queuing up to buy soup outside the soup restaurant.

The man in front of the door is busy, and the man in charge of soup is also bowing his head and busy with his own affairs. It seems that business is booming here. Just on the right frame of the door, there is a price list, clearly marked, and the children are not deceived. Take a closer look, the price is also very low, at least Cao Muwen does not have a feeling of being deceived.

Crock soup and so on. In the past, Cao Muwen didn't taste it, but he just bought it and smelled it. It was certainly very fragrant, but it did have a sense of essence. He tasted this taste many times in various so-called famous foods. It seems that it is common. The tongue has been experienced by these great industrial inventions. It can be said that as soon as the tip of the tongue is touched, half of the complicated chemical raw materials in it can be understood in his heart.

But Cao Muwen now feels that pure natural food is the best, and pure natural food is not the best.

It was Cao Muwen's turn, took out a few ten-wen copper coins, and chose the most * signature tile pot soup. When the clerk stood on the stool and uncovered the big crock, there was another fragrance, and Cao Muwen faintly saw what was inside. The large tile jar is stacked with small tile jars, which are filled with native chickens, ducks, various meats, vegetables, and even fish products and other raw materials, which are simmered with hard charcoal at constant temperature. Cao Muwen thought that because the jar in this jar is transmitted by the heat of gas, it avoids the fire of direct stew. The soup is fresh, fragrant and strong, and it can't nourish the fire.

After Cao Muwen received it, he saw that there were still many empty seats in the museum. Since there was plenty of time, he might as well take a rest and taste the taste before going on the road. A child looked very enthusiastic. Seeing Cao Muwen looking for a table, he hurriedly guided him to a place with fewer people and helped bring up the crock pot. After the table, the mouth of the jar was still sealed with tin foil. Cao Muwen suddenly opened it and smelled. The soup was particularly thick and mellow, which made people's index fingers move. . Pick up the spoon and taste the fresh food, and the eyebrows will fall out of the mouth. The secret of the good taste of tile pot soup is that the tile pot has the characteristics of water absorption, ventilation and heat resistance. The raw materials are closed and heated at low temperature for a long time, and the nutrients overflow, so the soup is original, soft and fragrant.

As the saying goes, the taste of old crock, the century-old soup. Therefore, the more crocks are used, the more delicious the soup is. Please have a can of soup! Clay pot soup can refresh your brain, replenish your qi and kidney.

"Well, this winter is to make up for it." Cao Muwen wiped his mouth with satisfaction. He thought so much that it tasted good and there were no additives.

When he came out again, Cao Muwen felt warm all over his body. Although the weather was still the same, the people were different. When the breeze blows, there is a sense of coolness, but the originally cold hands are now red and indescribably warm.

Cao Muwen exhaled a breath of heat, and his breath floated out, forming a small white steam. He straightened his clothes and continued along the road.

Soon, he came to an open land, and the people around him also turned from the former market people to a strong helper. It turned out to be on the shore. Just in the left-hand direction, in the slightly sinking terrain, you can see the Ganjiang River.

The Ganjiang River is located in the south of the Yangtze River, and there is a lot of rainfall. In the rainy season, it is also a river with abundant water. However, it is now in the dry season. A few days ago, the temperature rose slightly, and for several consecutive days of sunshine, the straight sunlight shines on the river, and the shallow ice layer has already melted too much. It seems that the Ganjiang Pier, which has been silent for a long time, is going to be lively again.

The annual flow of the Ganjiang River is larger than that of the Yellow River, but due to the uneven distribution of annual water, the riverbed is shallow and flat, and shipping is not very convenient. However, in the Ming Dynasty river transportation, which was mostly transported by flat-bottomed boats, it did not have much impact. Even if it is a large ship that requires a large amount of transportation, it only needs to unload the goods at the nearest port of Poyang Lake in the north, and then transfer it to a ship with a larger water supply. Fuhe, Xinjiang, Xiushui and Raohe, which connect the Ganjiang River water system, are all tributaries of the Poyang Lake water system, while Poyang Lake is an important branch of the whole Yangtze River water system. Therefore, as long as you arrive at Poyang Lake and then head north, you can enter the large tributaries of the Yangtze River system and continue to sail to the downstream areas. Generally speaking, shipping here is extremely convenient.

At present, there are many people on the shore. It is a busy scene. Many large and small ships are staying on the docks on the shore, and there are also many wooden boxes and sacks piled up in the warehouse on the shore. It seems that these are going to be loaded. Cao Muwen stopped to watch with great interest. Anyway, he had a lot of time and took the right to come to collect the wind and observe folk customs.

"Well, it seems that shipping accounts for a lot of the GDP of this place." Cao Muwen watched a team of pickers running to a ship with two marijuana bags, which might be filled with food?

Suddenly, there was a shout. Let's sail!" Cao Muwen turned his head and followed the direction of the sound. It turned out that a smaller flatboat had been filled with cargo, and the van was about to pull anchor and set sail. The helmsman at the bow roared, and several boaters took the long oars to the hard stone on the shore. The boat slowly slid from the port on the shore to the middle of the river. With the direction of the river flow, gradually, the bow straightened its direction under the skillful control of the helm and headed northeast. It is still the dry season. Although the ice on the river is frozen, the amount of water is still small. It still requires sufficient experience and technology to control a full-loaded ship. Under the joint control of many princes, the ship gradually sailed out of Cao Muwen's sight with the slow direction of the river. Only then did Cao Muwen come to his senses. It was strange that he was so absorbed that someone behind him kept shouting him, but he didn't even notice it.