Ming Diary

Chapter 14: Meet Yangming 3

Wang Gun, as the founder of the Taizhou School, was also an important learner in the post-Wang Yangming era. He originally lived in Suzhou and later settled in Anfengchang, Taizhou. He made a living by burning salt. His ancestor's name was Wang Boshou.

For Wang Shouren, Wang Yu has a more bitter background than him. Wang Gen's origin can be said to be the "root red seedlings" and "zao Ding" class, and has been a stove household for generations. This "stove" is actually a hard worker who burns salt and refines salt. The family is really poor and the standard proletariat. The book said that Wang Gong "wasue to study in his hometown at the age of seven, but he was poor and could not learn". At the age of 11, his family dropped out of school and followed his father and brother with salt. At the age of 19, he went to Shandong with his father Wang Shou'an. Although this father Wang is also a rude old man who doesn't understand literature, he is not careless, and even took his son to visit the Confucius Temple. Wang Gen is also intelligent. He was greatly inspired in the boudoir of Confucius, thinking that "the master is also a man, I am also a man, and a saint can learn from it." So I recited the Book of Filial Piety, the Analects of Confucius and University every day, put the book in my sleeve, and hid the book in my sleeve. When I had time, I had to read it and read it. When it is difficult for hostages, they will talk about it for a long time, such as enlightenment. In more than ten years of self-study, on the one hand, they are not ashamed to ask questions, and on the other hand, they "do not pass on mud" and emphasize their personal experience. Because of good management, "the family is prosperous every day" and become a rich family.

Cao Muwen vaguely remembered that when Wang Gan was almost 40 years old, he went to Jiangxi to visit Wang Yangming's gate and pay homage to his disciples. At first, Wang Yangming felt that his personality was arrogant, so he changed his name to the word "Gun" with a static meaning. Wang Gun often argued with his teacher. Later, in the literary collection of the doorman, he often mentioned that he was "dissatisfied with what the teacher said from time to time" and insisted on his point of view, not only "repeating difficulties and twisting to the end", but also "not stick to the notes" Because of the teacher's theory, he created his own "Huainan Gewu theory". He advocated: "That is, things are learning, that is, things are the way. If people are trapped in poverty and freeze their bodies, they will also lose their original learning. Emphasize that as the foundation of the world's country, take "sto settle down" as the starting point of feudal ethics and morality. Once I took a "rocking car" to swagger through the market and was criticized by Yang Ming. A few years later, he went north to Beijing and lectured along the way. Wang Yangming was very angry when he heard the news and tried to call him back to impose sanctions, but it was not long enough. Unexpectedly, Wang's eldest disciple was really unruly. It seemed that although he had thrown himself into Wang Shouren's master and was taught by his "heart learning", in fact, although the ideological routes of the two were similar, there were many differences. Although Wang Shouren was furious, he was helpless. Wang Hen's academic ideas have spread everywhere. Several years later, he lectured at Anding Academy to promote the view that "the people use the Tao every day" and sought scholars, which prepared the conditions for the establishment of the Taizhou School. Wang Gong's disciples were mostly ordinary people, "go into the mountains and forests to seek privacy, cross the market to inspire ignorance, gather along the way, and go straight to the capital", but there are also many famous scholars. Huang Zongxi said that this faction could "beat dragons and snakes with bare hands". The Taizhou School put forward the idea that "the people use the Tao every day", emphasizing that "knowing is knowing it, and not knowing is not knowing is the virtue and conscience." Wang Gen was ingenious in his lecture. According to the Book of Rites, he made deep clothes and wore five permanent crowns. "If you behave, you will be square in the garden, and if you sit, you will burn incense silently." He has been clothed all his life and refused to be an official. He was not an official, and pointed directly to the ruler: "Let the servant father and son be happy under the rule, and still explain this learning to the two or three sons. If the so-called teacher is established, there are many good people and many good people, then The imperial court is upright, and the world is governed, so it is denounced as a "wharynist".

In the 18th year of Jiajing, Wang Gen was already sick. The next winter, when he was seriously ill, he said to his son Wang Yu, "You know how to learn, what should I worry about!" He hopes that the Taizhou School can continue. After his death, there were hundreds of mourners in the four directions.

Wang Gun's life has made great contributions to the Taizhou School. Most of his students are from the lower class. Wang Geng does not believe in the idealistic genius theory of "being born" and emphasizes the importance of acquired learning. This is his self-taught experience. Because he was not from a suffrage, he wrote very few words in his life, and he focused on oral teaching, making it easy for "fool husbands and women" to understand, which has become one of the characteristics of the Taizhou School.

In the case of poverty, Wang Qian has endured hunger, worked steadily, does housework and burns salt in the salt farm. Since he was a child, he has been a strong man with great ambition and self-reliance. In the exploration of the road of life, Wang Ghen has been engaged in studying medicine and practicing medicine. He wants to seek the path of life and heal the society through medicine. Although he has achieved something, he has not regarded it as a lifelong career after all. He adjusted and changed his livelihood trajectory in time, mastered the initiative of life, and set the coordinates of his career on the cause of "learning" without regret.

Wang Gun was originally a crudely literate cook. After the age of 19, he began to read University, Analects of Confucius and the Book of Filial Piety. Under the difficult conditions of extremely poor cultural foundation, living on the seafront, and the guidance of no famous teacher, he studied hard, "silently sitting on the body" and "closed meditation". Such a painstaking and lonely spirit of studying alone is strange and touching. It is no exaggeration to say that Wang Gun is a very excellent "self-taught" person.

Wang Gun not only studied hard by himself, but also humbly respected his teacher for advice. At the beginning, he put the book in his arms and took passers-by as his teacher. But he is not compladen and is satisfied with his own gain and "hearsay". Later, some people said that his academic point of view was unique to Wang Shouren, the governor of Jiangxi. Wang Gan, who was eager to learn and thirsty for knowledge, immediately broke through the resistance of his family and traveled thousands of miles to Jiangxi, where his disciple met Wang Shouren. During the period of learning from Wangmen, he not only "repeatedly pushed difficulties and twists to the end", but also "not to stick to the notes" and "follow the teacher's words", but insisted on independent thinking, questioning and arguing immediately. He not only respected his teachers and was good at learning during his school years, but also "welcome the mourning of Tonglu, asked comrades to manage his home", "go to the meeting and take care of his descendants" after Wang Shouren's death.

When Wang Gen lectured and preached, he ingeniously and imagined to adopt some very creative "famens": for example, according to the Book of Rites, he made deep clothes, wore five regular crowns, held a waferns, and took a cart, "If you walk, you will be in the garden, and if you sit, you will burn incense silently"; or post "enrollment advertisements" in front of the door, saying, "This way is consistent. Fuxi, Shennong, Huangdi, Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen, Wu, Zhou Gong, and Confucius are not noble and foolish, but have volunteer scholars. This method of "frightening" has received the effect of "gradually believe and immersing over time".

Wang Yu not only opened the door to teach apprentices in his hometown, but also "circle the world". In addition to "entering the mountains and forests to seek seclusion, passing through the market to inspire ignorance, and gather along the way to speak directly to Beijing, he has also lectured in Nanjing, Huiji, Taizhou and other places and built a "Dongtao Jingshe" in his Anfeng field. The object of teaching: "From the teacher protection minister and the border officials in charge of the pastoral order, there are few people who arrest the scholars and farmers", but the main target is the oppressed working people in the lower society (zaoding, servants, farmers, merchants, fishermen, monks and disciples, etc.). Many of them have made great achievements in academics.

Wang Gun preached in cloth all his life and did not serve for life. He adopted an attitude of non-cooperation with the authoritarian rulers, and always maintained flesh-and-blood contact and consistency with the working people. In the eighth and sixteenth years of Jiajing, two senior officials of the imperial court recommended Wang Gen to enter the court as an official, but they were politely rejected by Wang Gen. The county guard's call also "ci" with illness. Wang Gun confessed to the ruler at that time and said, "Let the servant and son be happy under the rule, and still explain this learning to the two or three sons. If the so-called teacher is established, there will be many good people, and if there are many good people, the court will be upright, and the world will be governed." He not only did not serve his life, but also taught his five sons "all want to learn and do nothing to do". All of this marks that Wang Gun is consistent with the lower people and abandons the "the heresy" of orthodox cultural upbringing. Wang Yu is different from his teacher, and the conflict of ideas between the two is naturally impossible to avoid. Of course, this is also a matter of many years later.

Cao Muwen said that this person is also a learner. It seems that this walk is not easy to fool around.

At this time, the four people also changed their steps to a high ground. From here, you can clearly see the Ganjiang River in the distance, and the Tengwang Pavilion is now in sight.

"Yes, Brother Cao." Wang Shouren asked at this time, "When I saw you before, you said you were transferred to Nanchang. It's been several days since now. I don't know what the result is?"

Wang Shouren suddenly hit Cao Muwen's "three inches" with inadvertent doubts. Humph, what can I do? I can tell many people, but I can't tell you for a long time! Cao Muwen thought of this and didn't know how to answer, but Wang Shouren should vaguely understand that Cao Muwen was more or less involved with the officials. After all, it was a "re transfer", and how could ordinary people be possible?

"Oh, I was also dispatched by Shangguan. Although I came to Nanchang to take office, because it is just the first month and everything has not yet begun, my duties have not been decided, so I have to say that it is still unknown." Cao Muwen answered Wang Shouren's question vaguely, but showed that he was indeed an "official" person. Of course, my brocade guard is specially set up by the emperor to take charge of the "official government". Hey hey, naturally, this can't be frank.

"So that's it, so I wish you all the best now." Wang Shouren was also polite, which surprised Cao Muwen very much. It seems that the old man didn't ask much, so he stopped the topic. However, at this time, Wang Gen, who is now called Wang Yin, hummed softly, and his voice was very soft, because there was a slight wind in the high place, and the other three people in the group did not hear it.