Ming Diary

Chapter 19: reverie

When Cao Muwen heard this, his cheeks were slightly red, but his tone was embarrassed first, and he hesitated to be modest. Wang Shouren didn't care at all. Cao Muwen remembered at this time and asked, "In this case, has you got the answer to the question just asked by the younger generation?"

Wang Shouren smiled and said, "I have learned from Yuan Gong, Zhu Zi and Ercheng, and then I have self-study and introspection. The saint said: If you learn but don't think, you will be useless. If you think but don't learn, you will be dangerous. You need to learn and think. If it were about what you said about 'bamboo'..." At this point, Wang Shouren's tone slowed down, and Cao Muwen felt a sign that wisdom was about to gushe out, and his heart beat sounded.

Wang Shouren straightened his clothes and briefly looked at Xu Ai and Wang Yin beside him. He said, "I'm ashamed to say that I don't know the 'way of knowledge and deeds' of the 'bamboo' you proposed..."

What! I don't know! Cao Muwen didn't seem to turn around.

"But..." Wang Shouren's words suddenly changed again. Cao Muwen immediately pricked up his ears and stared at the middle-aged man opposite him. Although I still don't know, there is one thing to know... You won't know what it is after sitting on bamboo for many days..."

"So...so...what should I do?" Cao Muwen's tone was already a little trembling, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Oh, if you have time to be stunned by bamboo, why don't you cut it with an axe and have a look..."

Wang Shouren replied, and some blinked that were not in line with his age.

Cao Muwen lay in the hostel he rented for the time being, and his heart was full of emotions. Now the original deviation has become appreciation. Generally speaking, Mr. Wang Shouren has attracted more and more "attention" to him...

The day has come to an end. At this moment, the temperature outside the temperature has begun to drop, and the night is as cool as water, but the flow of people has not decreased at all. Just across a few small streets, there is a lot of noise. Although it is night, it is much warmer than the previous winter night. Everyone hopes to go out more. Even hawkers, small merchants also hope to sell more stalls and sell more food to subsidize the money they earn less during the Spring Festival.

Cao Muwen lay in **, a little tired. He got up early this morning and went out to chat with Wang Shouren's master and apprentice. It was not until the evening that he returned home. However, he gained a lot. Cao Muwen thought so in his spare time.

Wang Shouren touched him a lot. Some of his ideas about him disappeared for a while. Especially when Wang Shouren took the initiative to talk about children's fun when he was a child, Cao Muwen suddenly realized that it was like many celebrities in history. No matter how great and outstanding achievements he was, he always had An independent thinker, many shameless people who are attracted to the power and meet horses in later generations, have twisted and fabricated these flesh-and-blood people into impeccable gods for various purposes, even by hanging sheep's heads and dog meat, and have begun to "create gods" and "divine" since birth. When were you born auspicious in heaven? I was three years pregnant before giving birth to a certain god. If you believe that you have a feeling of betraying yourself. However, some people believe that Cao Muwen was very puzzled when he was a teenager. Why did those ancient people still believe these nonsense words at a glance? Over time, they will fully understand it. Although stupidity is an important reason for believing in ghost stories, there are very few things hidden in everyone's hearts. A clear subconscious is the most important thing. What if we don't believe it?

Saints are not "sages" and also have their side, but both us and ordinary people, they must believe, because they have nothing else to believe, because they have nothing else to believe, because they can only believe. It's like choosing a basket with fewer rotten peaches from countless baskets of rotten peaches. Because there are countless rotten peaches in all the baskets, we have to find one that doesn't look so rotten, but after all, it's rotten. Maybe some of us, some rotten peaches and dog thieves have to fabricate this is not rotten peaches. This is a basket of "selected" essence. Peaches are limited in the world, and you can't miss the opportunity to never come again.

A breath of self-deception spreads at this time, and people without thoughts have to accept other people's thoughts. Even if that thought is full of voices that make you "suicide", you should accept it, because after all, it is a "voice", always better than the empty wilderness, always better than the distant silence. It's better to be silent.

The rotten peach is put on the table and placed in front of you. You must eat it. Although some rotten peaches in front of you are really difficult to eat, you are a little hungry. You'd better eat it. You think so.

Now there are two choices for you, one is to dig out the rotten parts with a knife; the other is to dig out the rotten parts; the other is to use the rotten place to be sweeter and taste better whether it is rotten or good. You comfort yourself in this way, it seems that you feel much better, and then ignore the rotten smells and swallow them in one bite. Suddenly, a person appeared. At a glance, he knew that he was an asshole, that is, the "market scoundrel" who bullied and made things difficult for you every day, but this time he did not serve as the "position" he had held before. When he came, he said, "There is a third choice. This is what I gave you, and this is the grace and guidance I gave you."

He said so, and there was a strange smile at the corners of his mouth. You are just a grassman, fart, and unripe, so you have to regard the "stish" smile as a kind smile, because he, the person who usually bullies you countless, finally smiles today, which is better than not laughing. Just like that "voice", it is always better than the empty wilderness, and always better than the distant silence.

So, you accepted, you surrendered, and you were very grateful.

The man said again, "Peach is good, big and sweet." In your heart, you think it should not be like this, because there are still rotten places in peaches. When you raised this question, he shook his head, and the corners of his mouth were still with that strange smile. He said, "No, no, that's not the case. Take a closer look." He pointed to the most rotten place, which was black and shiny. Under the light, its most disgusting side was completely and unmasked in front of you. You hesitate, you are at a loss, but you want to believe that you have the ability to "selectively ignore" the power of self-deception, that is right! This is indeed a kind of divine power. If a person has the ability to deceive himself, then he is either a god or a nerve.

You believed it, because you didn't want the valuable smile of the bastard on the other side to disappear for a moment because of your inappropriate choice, so you agreed and you agreed. You can only agree, you have to agree. The man's smile turned into size and laughed. He looked happy, because he won, and he didn't use any strength, except for his clever mouth and hypocritical face, and you, you coward, believed it.

You stare hard at the rotten peach in the man's hand, look carefully and laboriously, so that your eyes are a little flowery, but you are forced to look at it and be forced by yourself.

But suddenly, you didn't believe it. Your eyes were dazzled, just a momentary thing. After that, your eyes were better, your ears were smart and your eyes were clear, and you looked like a god. If you look at that rotten peach again, is it still rotten?

No! It's not rotten, it's not rotten at all, it's extremely delicious. What a good peach! You sighed so much that the man gently stroked the top of your head and praised you in a low voice. You seemed to have heard words such as "Shunmin" and "stupid X". The former one seemed to be understandable, but the latter could not be understood.

The man was extremely generous and generously gave you this peach for free. You are grateful for something. Suddenly, you remembered that you had picked a basket of rotten peaches. No! No! It is a basket of good peaches, a basket of "selected" boutique peaches, which are limited in the world and never come again. You opened your mouth to beg, but suddenly you thought about it. You stared at the basket of peaches. The peaches inside were "bright" and seductive. You want it, but you can't, because you are embarrassed. What's going on? You will be embarrassed. Yes! You will! Because you already have a good peach, I'm sorry to ask for another basket. That basket of peaches has long forgotten about the thing you chose before. You don't want to be too "greedy". You are a poor person. It doesn't matter whether you are happy or not. The most important thing is "poverty".

So, you comfort yourself that one is enough. This is the best. When you think so, this peach has changed, shining golden and turned into a golden peach. You are very excited because this is the gift of that man.

Very good, because your life has become very good. You have to maintain your happy life. If someone opposes that person, it is to oppose it with you, because that person gave you golden peaches. Although "the man" gave you many baskets of golden peaches, after all, he gave you one. Now you have completely forgotten that basket It can be rotten, or it may be good, or even a golden peach.

It doesn't matter, because you see new peaches again, because there are many peaches in this world, and many of them have been rotten and no one cares of them, because some people, they won't. The man said, "You can also share the peaches with others."

When you see a person, that person is looking at peaches in many baskets. He is stunned for a long time. You snicker in your heart and look down on such a fool, as stupid as before. But when you think about it, it doesn't feel right. You try to learn the kind smile that the "man" puts on you. It seems that you don't seem to learn it. The muscles on your face are stiff and twisted, and you look like a zombie.

The man noticed your appearance and was very confused. At this time, you put on that "kind" smile. Because of the stiffness of the muscles, there was a trace of "strangeness" in the smile, just like the previous "that person".