Ming Diary

Chapter 37: Imprisoned in prison 5

Wang De thought so, but the expression on his face was much more normal, and he even showed some of his original shrewdness. Cao Muwen also knew that this man was finally going to tell the truth.

Wang De said the original version of his calculation. Wang De is naturally a person who runs around the world and is called "shocking door". Every day, he takes some tricks and frightening to earn some money. Sometimes he can also rely on some strange door escape armor and gossip yin and yang Zhouyi and other calculation methods he read in his usual books. It's normal to make a living. This method of cutting off children and grandchildren is not often used, but it is to select a few special times every year to choose people from other places as the goal. First of all, if this kind of business is used for local people, they are also dragging their families and living here, they can't retreat and avoid it. After all, this kind of life is a street rat, and everyone shouts to fight. The government also does not like it. If he overdoes it, once the victim is determined to break the net, he can only die. This price is too high and he can't afford the risk. Therefore, it is most suitable to choose a foreign businessman who is not familiar with the world at several special times a year. Once you are cheated, if there is no way to report the official, even if you report that you can leave here for the time being, so that the government has no way to start, and the victim can't live abroad for a long time. After all, it also costs money. In most cases, as long as you don't overdo it, you can protect yourself from drought and flood without "fishing".

Cao Muwen was angry and funny when he heard it. Unexpectedly, Wang De still had some brains and could even speak out. It seems that he really despised this "Lao Hai" too much before.

Wang De said by this. He saw that Cao Muwen was also a foreigner's face, because this season passed and the spring came. Because it hadn't opened for several months, it was a little itchy. Coincidentally, the ice on the river had been thawed for several days, and the merchants who came downstream to sell goods every day, so there was something wrong in his heart. Read. It was yesterday when Wang De was looking for the target on the shore of the dock, Cao Muwen's figure suddenly came into Wang De's eyes. Cao Muwen was a little different from the locals at a glance. He looked slightly rich, so he thought that he might be either an out-of-town businessman or a literati who came to Nanchang.

"So, literati, will people who have read books also believe you?" Cao Muwen asked.

"I don't think so, some people who have read books believe in these things more." Wang De's answer was reasonable for Cao Muwen.

Wang De said that after seeing Cao Muwen, he secretly looked at it for a while, and then when he went to the dark where there were few pedestrians, he came forward to talk. After this, Cao Muwen understood completely.

However, there is another question. Cao Muwen asked, "I also looked for the cargo ship you should have used for disguised bags last night, and then I looked for the river shore, but there was nothing. Why is this?"

"Ah! This..." Wang De was impressed when he heard this, "I didn't expect you to know a lot, but I admitted defeat here. I did intend to find two boats before, but later I thought that I would bring a few more people. If you come alone, I can... use strong..." Wang De's voice became smaller and smaller, and then there was no sound.

"So..." Cao Muwen asked, "It seems that you expect that if I come alone, there will be no one else, so it depends on the situation to stab me to death!" At this time, the voice became intimidated.

"...yes...yes!" Wang De frowned and thought, "Fish!" Just say it, anyway, you can't hide it.

"Hum... You're honest, but I didn't expect that I was secretly prepared. Naturally, you can't succeed." Cao Muwen sneered and said so. It seems that although Wang De thought of using the way he expected before, he was somehow obsessed with money that he planned to kill himself when he didn't care. Cao Muwen now remembers that he actually has some lingering palpitations. The river is quiet at night, but it is turbulent during the day. If you are killed and throw your body into the Ganjiang River, I really don't know where you will be found along the river. I guess you will go to Poyang Lake. It is estimated that when the fishermen see it, they will also sigh and say that it is the person who fell into the water.

Cao Muwen was angry after thinking about this, but he also had no intention to attack. Now he wants to ask Wang De how much money he has. This also requires some means. After all, it is very difficult to take out all the money from the mouth of such a miser. At this time, Cao Muwen suddenly asked, "How many tickets have you done from the beginning to now?"

"Ah! Well, I only get two or three votes a year, and now I have more than a dozen votes... But I can't remember exactly how much." Wang De answered tremblingly.

"It's good to know, so, how much money do you have now? That's right!" Cao Muwen suddenly remembered that there were four other people here! At this time, two of the four people in the small prison over there have woken up and are now looking confusedly at where they are. In addition, those four people, five of you, plead guilty together! In this way, you can definitely get a light hair!" Cao Muwen said righteously and awe-inspily that the word "from light" has great magic. Wang De has now pleaded guilty. He can't but plead guilty, because he also knows that he has no right to choose.

At this time, Cao Muwen noticed that in addition to the one who was beaten with a knife handle by Liu An, who was still lying there breathing, the other three people had woken up and were now looking tremblingly at the image of their boss outside, and the amazing transformation of the previous "target" now. The two brocade brothers who had been watching saw this without mentioning it, so they went straight there to look at the four little ones and shouted viciously, "Look! What are you looking at! Look at it again and dig out my fucking eyes!" The chief flag roared like this, and his voice was quite thick, and he was good at suppressing the prisoner. The general flag showed its sword and hit the fence on the prison door fiercely. The sound was banging, which scared several little characters to take several steps back. Cao Muwen looked at the cowards walking on the floor, sneered, and said to Wang De, who was still tied to the chair in front of him, "How much money do you five have now?"

Wang De was stunned and stopped talking. Cao Muwen stared at Wang De, which was a kind of overlooking self-esteem, which could put more pressure on being asked.

"We have about... thirty taels." Wang De finally said such a number.

"Cough!" Cao Muwen cleared his throat fiercely, rubbed it hard with his right hand, and said, "I think it's so much, similar to my estimate."

Wang De was obviously relieved when he heard this. At this time, Cao Muwen suddenly made trouble, and the dagger he grabbed on the table and suddenly inserted it into Wang De's mouth. While the latter was still relaxing, the cold and shining dagger once again reached into its owner's disgusting lie mouth.

"I know what you said is that you didn't add the property deed!? Isn't it!? Cao Muwen asked, "From your previous words, you must be locals. In this case, even if there is no land, there is always a land deed in the city, ancestral houses and so on." Cao Muwen smiled and his voice was cold. Wang De shuddered after hearing this, although he is very cold now.

"I have reached the limit of magnanimity. Don't take an inch. Well, I'll give you two choices. Cao Muwen said, and at the same time, he was calculating the numbers in his heart. Wang De's boy, according to the nature and frequency of his work, and the other four people, all the property of these people is definitely not rich, but as an "extra-fast" is more than enough. So...

"One is that you want your real estate land deeds, one hundred taels for five of you; but all your land deeds, real estate, land properties and so on, all of them, plus 50 taels of silver. You can choose one of the two. Do you understand?" The dagger in Cao Muwen's left hand moved slightly, and Wang De immediately sobbed from his throat. Cao Muwen smiled and said, "Since those people are your subordinates and follow your brother, they naturally listen to your choice. You don't have to worry about it. In addition, your real estate, land lease and so on can't even reach 50 taels of silver, right? I think this question is so simple that you don't need to choose.

Wang De blinked his eyes clearly. There is really no need to choose. Most of the money Wang De has spent over the years on buying fields in the countryside, and he doesn't spend too much on eating, drinking and playing. Of course, this is relatively speaking. However, on this point, he is very traditional, and there are many traditions of weavers in the downstream Songjiang who have been doing nothing but dedicated to weaving. Since the establishment of the capital in the Ming Dynasty, the price of fields has been rising steadily, so the fields he now own can be regarded as half a small landlord in the countryside. He can't sell it for fifty taels of silver.

Cao Muwen also knows that even if he gets the house deeds and land property, it can't be exchanged for silver in a short time. It is troublesome to act specifically. It is not as visual impact as white silver, and the silver is also simple and direct.

The dagger in his hand moved up and down again at this time. This is Cao Muwen urging Wang De to choose quickly. If you agree, we can write a contract. It has been agreed that the good fingerprints can't go back on. Cao Muwen said, but I don't know how to write this thing. This is a blackmail. Is it difficult to open a business after it is done?

"If you don't agree to test my patience again, it's not a good decision. We have opportunities and excuses to put them to death. We can throw you into the prison of the government or leave you here forever. Think about it, there is no problem for us to find a crime. Cao Muwen threatened.