Ming Diary

Chapter 50: Dragon Boat Festival 4

Wang Shouren turned to Cao Muwen and said, "In this case, let's go to the back hall. If something happens, I will ask you to come."

"I know, my lord." Cao Muwen answered.

After saying that, Wang Shouren motioned to the housekeeper, and the latter introduced the two into the house. After that, another subordinate came to introduce Cao Muwen, other sedan chairmen and other people from the side door.

Wang Shouren stayed in the gate and saw the main hall in the distance. Naturally, there was an unknown color in it. The fat-headed and big-eared Lord Wang beside him also walked with a smile. Although this "Lord Wang" looks like this, he is the official position of the commander of Jiangxi, which is unimaginable by others, and can be regarded as a second-class military officer. The Ming Guard Institute is located in various places, with the Metropolitan Command Department as the permanent command agency, referred to as the Metropolitan Division, and the chief commander is the highest local military officer, and belongs to the governor's office of the five armies of the imperial court. Ming Jingwei and the foreign guards are placed in command and envoys, and there are commanders and other officials. In the third year of Hongwu, he was promoted to Hangzhou and other eight guards as the capital. In five years, a prince's guard command department was set up to guard the royal palaces. In eight years, the left-behind capital in Beijing was changed to be the command department of the left-behind guard, and the foreign capital guards were changed to be the command department of the capital. At the beginning, the 13th capital command department was set up. In the 26th year, Hongwu appointed the capital of the world, with a total of 17 divisions, one left behind, 329 internal and external guards, and 65 guards of thousands of households. After that, the establishment was different, but in a word, the command department set up in a province is a high-ranking official like the current commander of the provincial military region. Wang Dusi, whose full name is Wang, has been in charge of several soldiers and horses in Jiangxi all his life. However, judging from the appearance and behavior of Wang's life, he really doesn't look like a person who can take on this big task. To put it, even he himself thinks so, but life is such an asshole. Sometimes capable people have no way to serve the country, but incompetent young people can enter the room. Later generations had a book saying that during the reign of Zhengde, the emperor was so happy that he gathered more young people and filled them with military positions, so he was despised by the world. It is said that "the internal department, the external supervision of the army and the governor, one after another, the five military departments are like warts, and the commanders are like a pawn. The general officer led the edict in the military department, and they were all squatted, and occasionally bowed, which was called impolite. As for the end of the season, the sergeant of the guard, although all the lives can serve him. Accumulating light and weak, heavy occupation and false malpractices, as well as the soldiers of the world, is not enough to be able to defend the war. It is said, "A soldier and a bear, and a bear." Looking at the swaying appearance of Wang, the commander who is in charge of the military affairs of a province, it is really hard to imagine his heroic posture in armor and riding on a war horse.

The two kings were successively introduced to the main hall by the housekeeper, and there were already many people in this person. All of them are senior officials in Nanchang, and no one of them wears official uniforms. Today is naturally the Dragon Boat Festival, and it is naturally a time for feasting and entertainment. It is naturally important to wear official clothes. Most of them are dressed in gorgeous clothes, and the main hall is also brightly lit, but Wang Shouren's gray-blue regular clothes look slightly inconspicuous.

When the two came, the people in the room came to greet them one after another. Wang Shouren took a look and found that there were many familiar faces inside. Although he had only been here for more than a year, the people in the main hall now are the chief officials of various departments in a province, which is naturally known. Wang Shouren and Wang also greeted them all their lives. The opposite person between Wang Shouren got up from the seat on one side and was dressed in exquisite casual clothes made of silk. The big sleeves were covered with dark patterns on the right collar and the big sleeves, and the long sleeves were slightly swinging slightly on both sides, looking really noble. The man walked forward a few steps and bowed to Wang Shouren, "Unrespectful and disrespect, Lord Wang, I haven't seen you for a long time. If there is less respect before, please forgive more. Wang Shouren saw that this person was Liu Jian, the political envoy, and his words were stable. Specializing in the civil affairs, finance, land, household registration, money and grain, official assessment, communication and supervision of each prefecture or several prefectures.

In the Qing Dynasty, the chief executive of a province was the governor and the governor was the subordinate of the governor, slightly like the vice governor and the director of civil affairs in modern times. The governor's * is "detailed", and the governor's writing is "zou", which is purely a relationship between superiors and subordinates. However, in the Ming Dynasty, the political envoy was the chief executive of a province, so it was also called Fang Bo or Fantai, which means the head of one party. As for the governor, in the early Ming Dynasty, similar to the modern central commissioners could only be regarded as a kind of messenger, so they were also known as "Ministers". The establishment belongs to the Metropolitan Inspectorate and is not in the place. Its original job is the imperial history or the imperial history of the capital. The formal title should be "Zhejiang, with the governor of the imperial history of the capital". From the words, you can get a glimpse of the words. The two words "the governor" are verbs, which is in line with the matter of "the governor of the capital imperial history..." and later, this "verb" Only then did he gradually have the responsibility of "noun". When the old man of the Zhu family raised his army, every time he paced a place, he once adopted the Yuan Dynasty system and set up a group of provinces. The chief said that he would write about political affairs and participate in political affairs. "Province" was originally the official office of the central government, such as Shangshu Province, Menxia Province, etc. The province is the abbreviation of Xingzhongshu Province, so the original meaning of the province was originally a dispatched agency divided by the central government. In the ninth year of Hongwu, he was divided into 13 Yong to announce the political secretary, and changed his participation in political affairs to the left and right political envoys. However, he was still used to call it a province. If the political envoy enters Beijing, he can be appointed as a minister or a waiter. In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, due to military needs, the governor and governor were above the top, and the governor gradually became the direct subordinate of the governor. However, after all, in terms of the national system, the declaration of the political envoy is a national-level administrative region, which is the jurisdiction of the declaration of the political envoy and responsible for the civil affairs of the first-level administrative region. In Jiangxi Province, the political envoy has jurisdiction over 13 prefectures, one prefectures and 77 counties. There are many civil affairs here, which is the responsibility of this Liu. Although there is a Jiangxi governor Yu Fu on it, but at this time next year, he will be in office to complete his mission as governor and return to Beijing to work. I'm not sure if there is the next governor of Jiangxi. And because Yu Fu is also a person who governs for nothing, Liu Jian is actually the highest governor of Jiangxi Province. Although Wang Shouren is also the governor of Southern Jiangxi, it is similar to Yu Fu, so among the many people present, Liu is the highest.

Liu came forward to greet Wang Shouren, and the latter also hurriedly bowed his hand. "Lord Liu is too modest, but I have been in the government office for a long time and didn't see him often in time. Don't laugh, my lord."

"Hahaha, adults are too modest and too modest."

At this time, Wang Bisheng laughed and said, "You two are too polite. You don't have to be too modest to Lord Liu. This man has a good temper and is a commitment to everyone! Haha." After saying that, Wang Bisheng was happy again and went to talk to other adults. Wang Bisheng commanded the envoy department in Jiangxi, and the chief official Jiangxi Cheng announced the political envoy. In addition, the "probation and inspection envoy department" is the "three divisions". Naturally, the officers in these three places have many daily contacts, and basically they are familiar with each other. Although Wang's life is also a delicious, fun and happy person. The barracks guard station has never been there, but it is normal for those happy places, but there are no big things that have been delayed. It is regarded as small mistakes (not been reported) and people who do not make big mistakes. Therefore, people's appearance is so good, but it is also Chengping, and there has never been a big mess in Jiangxi. People make trouble, and those who attack the government office don't need him to care, so Wang has been known as "Wang Maitreya" all his life, which means that he is the same as "Mile Buddha" all day long. He seems to have no worries. His heart is broad and fat, and his big face and his whole body are similar to that of Maitreya Buddha in the temple. .

At this time, Wang Maitreya flattered each other with the adults in front of him. Liu looked at it, smiled and said, "This Wang Mile is still like this. He has been humming all day long. I don't know how he is the conductor...?" Although this sounded like a criticism, in fact there was no criticism at all, but there was a vague tone of praise for him. Wang Shouren also laughed, "Lord Wang is free and easy!"

Liu said, "Lord Wang, did you come here on horseback? Are you tired all the way? Sit down quickly and have a good rest." Liu gave up Wang Shouren to his seat, and the servants serving by the wall came to tea. Liu Qian said again, "There is still a little bit here, but let's eat some. Lord Yu also came out before, saying that he would go to the back hall to change clothes first, let us do something for a moment, and then he will come to greet us. When everyone is ready, we can sit down. Liu said.

Liu Qianzheng said that another person came at this time. He was wearing a black gown and looked at him. Wang and Liu saw that this person was Zhang Han, the commander-in-chief.

"I have met the two adults, General Zhang Han." After saying that, Zhang Han made a standard military gift. Hahahaha, Zhang Zongbing, what do you mean?" Liu looked at the size at a sight, which was very different from the image just now. Zhang Han was also happy. Wang Shouren was also happy at first sight, but Zhang Han was interesting. At this time, he made such a scene.

At this time, Liu looked at Zhang Han and turned to Wang Shouren and said, "Zhang Han and Zhang Zongbing, you should have heard of it." Speaking of Zhang Han, Wang Shouren has heard of it, but if he talks about meeting, it is indeed the first time today. Wang Shouren said with a smile, "Zhang Han and Zhang Zongbing have naturally heard of it, but today is the first time to meet." Zhang Han also nodded at this time.

Liu raised his hand to another seat and said, "Let's sit together." Since both of them have heard about it for a long time but haven't seen each other, today is a good opportunity to talk more and talk more. Zhang Han also sat on the right side of Liu's seat.

Wang Shouren said, "Do you remember that Mr. Zhang is in Jiangsu and Zhejiang? Why did you come to this Jiangxi boundary? Hearing Wang Shouren's question, Liu explained with a smile, "It seems that Lord Wang has long admired the name of 'Zhang Zongbing'. He was originally in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, but Brother Shou Ren also knew him!"