Ming Diary

Chapter 60: Zhumen wine and meat, dead bone on the road 1

Wang Shouren was sitting by the window of the cruise ship at this time. When he heard the news, he was also worried for a while and shouted in his heart. But then came a sense of indifference. It's not that he can take this kind of thing casually, but he is sad that what should happen may always happen.

Yuan Pingzhang picked up a teacup and took a sip of tea. West Lake Longjing tea is a good tea, but now it is tasteless. There was no sound, only the sound of ripples spreading caused by the fluctuation of the water on the lake as the cruise ship moved slowly, and the wood pulp hitting the water and making a crackling sound.

Yu Fu wanted to say something, but there was no way to sigh for a moment. I'm angry in my heart. What's going on? Why can't you even have a holiday?! God doesn't let you have a happy birthday?! Yu Fu looked at Pingzhang in the courtyard and looked at the brocade guard who usually made him, a feudal official, have to give him three points of face, but the hatred in his heart did not decrease but increased. Yu Fu still has some Taoist practice. The so-called "being indifferent" and "governed by indoing nothing". Since this happened, it is also the "natural way", and human power should not be interrupted.

Yu Fu thought carefully that his so-called governor... Wang Shouren was the same, and he should be more responsible for Yu Fu, the permanent governor of Jiangxi.

Wang Shouren thought of a name, which was quite strange.

Chi Zhongrong.

At the same time, no one in the cabin expected that a strong light suddenly flashed outside and a loud noise came.

On the other side of the lake, huge fireworks soared into the sky, and a fireworks flew dozens of meters high with gunpowder, burning, exploding, shining and releasing gorgeous brilliance. The fireworks exploded and thought that red sparks were scattered in all directions, and the sky was dyed red. At this time, the second fireworks also rose into the air. Before the first red fireworks dissipated, yellow fireworks exploded, which also brought a huge explosion in a lifetime. The sky there was gorgeous, followed by dozens of fireworks waiting to go.

The people watching on the shore of the lake cheered one after another, full of laughter and joy.

Cao Muwen and Gong Chen looked at the beautiful scenery in the distant sky and talked. Cao Muwen now has no expectation for the festival at all. Although the distant sky is so colorful, it has nothing to do with him, or this is the last festival that the people of Nanchang can live well.

"So..." Cao Muwen carefully considered the next words, and he wanted to match them. "Chi Zhongrong, who took the lead in making trouble, has captured several counties."

"Yes! That's right. That's what Brother Cao is. Although you may not believe it, this was more than a month ago. The terrain in southern Jiangxi is rugged, and many places are still jungles. Even walking has many inconveniences, not to mention horse riding. The news we got is that after Chi Zhongrong attacked the county, most of the people in the county responded, and most of the people in the government were captured because the local terrain was originally poor, the traffic was inconvenient, and no one could escape from the notification. So we don't have to be slow to get the news. This was barely issued after the next county noticed the abnormality, which was more than a month late. Who knows what's going on there now? Gong Chen said here and sighed. Even if some adults don't know, this does not mean that they are not well informed, but no one has told them why? Gong Chen asked himself, "Let's let people pass this last day."

After Gong Chen said, he slowly moved out of the shade of the tree. Cao Muwen slowly followed him, but he was worried about the name that had just appeared in the mouth of the seemingly beautiful and handsome man in front of him. Cao Muwen doesn't seem to have this person's name in his memory. Is it not famous? There is still something else... famous, just like what Cao Muwen was worried about before.

This is not important. What is important is that the "leading rebel" named "Chi Zhongrong" just introduced by Gong Chen.

Chi Zhongrong, born in Yutou (i.e. Yuyuan) in Heping County, lives in Qutan Village. His father is Hong, and his younger brothers Zhong'an and Zhongning. He has been farming and hunting for generations. Since the Hongzhi period of the Ming Dynasty, the imperial court has been corrupt, eunuchs are in power, corrupt officials are rampant, and bureaucrats and landlords have been cruelly exploited. *, contradictions within and outside the imperial court have intensified, making farmers' resistance and struggles all over the country in full swing. All over the country, it is indeed the resistance of the people, but most of them are sparks that have been extinguished before the prairie fire. Last autumn, due to several days of continuous rain, a large amount of grain production to be harvested was reduced. The Zhuang family has worked hard all year round, suffered so much hard work and suffered so much oppression. Why can't there be a good harvest from this time of the year? But God is not beautiful, poor people. The grain collected in the water-stricken fields can't pay the land rent of the rich landlords, and it is even more impossible to afford the government's harsh taxes. At this time, at the time of the disaster, the rich urged rent and debts, and the officials in the remote mountainous areas far away from the emperor were more aggressive. Since the court gave them greater self-aware rights, and the emperor was far away, it was difficult for those inspectors of the Metropolitan to cross the mountains and remote areas. It's just that the parents and officials in western Zhejiang are as wanton as "the stepfather and stepmother". Because the Chi family could not afford to pay the rent and taxes, Chi Zhongrong's father was detained by the government. The Chi brothers had to change the seller's business to redeem their father. This incident aroused their resentment and buried the root of this "rebellion". Unexpectedly, the "root of the disaster" was so fast that it was unpredictable. On March 21 of this year, this is also the day when taxes and grain will be paid in the first quarter. Officials forced the strong man to collect the violent grain tax to the county. At this time, the Chi Zhongrong brothers and others ambushed and killed the officials on the way, snatched back the food and distributed them to everyone. They took the opportunity to uncover the pole. Over the years of famine, they had already accumulated a lot of anger and resentment. As long as there was a chance to vent, these accumulated anger would be like a bursting levee, surging down and difficult to resist. Chi Zhongrong was easy to find, so because of the accumulation of these years, he received the response of the residents and the exiles and formed a strong Rebel Army. The reason why these exiles wandered around is precisely because the landlords of the estates have cleverly seized and annexed the land. The bitter fruit you planted makes yourself swallow it.

As Gong Chen said, Chi Zhongrong attacked the county seat of Heping County after the uprising. The so-called three classes of the county government are just a few mice. It is easy to bully the people on weekdays, and the people are really angry, and they are like mice crossing the street. Without any resistance, they are ready to be killed. The county magistrate who has oppressed the people for a long time in Heping County was kidnapped. Instead of helping these so-called "parent officials", the people and villagers defected one after another and became members of the rebel army. For a while, this "righte" has grown a lot, from less than 100 at the beginning to more than 2,000. According to recent news, this number is increasing every day.

Zhongrong is brave, bold, and has excellent military talent. He is good at strategy, also known as a "military man". In the confrontation with the court, Zhongrong took a long-term view and organized the exiles to vigorously develop the economy and consolidate the base areas in the form of "garrisons and farming". So far, there are still stories such as "thousand dam" and "corn nest" left by Chi Zhongrong's righteous army.

The corruption of the imperial court and the incompetence of local officials make the forces of the Rebel Army continue to grow and develop. In order to prevent the dragon from having no leader, consolidate the base and have a unified leader, the rebel army took "robbing the rich to help the poor" as the slogan, the red " centipede" as the flag, and the red cloth as the symbol. Chi Zhongrong called himself the "Golden Dragon Overlord". He called himself the "Golden Dragon Overlord". He made his brother Zhong'an, Zhongning and other six marshals, and there were more than 40 generals (dupters). The generals led hundreds of troops each. With the source as the center, he guarded 38 cottages around the Yuanyuan, forming a perfect organizational system and military defense system for the future. The expansion and consolidation of the base area have laid a solid foundation.

Under the call of Chi Zhongrong's "robbing the rich to help the poor", the Rebels entered their heyday and besieged more than a dozen counties in Guangdong and Jiangxi, captured the strategy of Nan'an Prefecture, captured the master book of Heyuan County, tied up the county magistrate of Longnan County, and killed thousands of households of Xinfeng, becoming the fastest-growing volunteer army at that time.

Chi Zhongrong has excellent communication skills. He not only united the rebels in Jiangxi, Fujian and Guangdong provinces, but also established a military alliance with the Chenzhou Rebels in Hunan to take care of each other. The military alliance of mutual assistance has made the rebels led by Chi Zhongrong the most powerful rebels on the border between Guangdong, Jiangxi, Fujian and Hunan provinces.

The Zhongrong Uprising Army also formed a wide range of alliances with the surrounding rebel forces. For example, they often formed alliances with the three villages of Ganzhou, Zuoxi, Henggang and the Damaoshan Uprising Army in Zhangzhou, and echoed with the Lechang Uprising Army. They often cooperated with each other to attack neighboring counties and became one active on the border of Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangxi and Jiangxi provinces. The powerful uprising army. The Zhongrong uprising army has attacked Longchuan, Wengyuan, Shixing, Huichang and other counties, captured the main book of Heyuan and Longnan county officials alive, captured Nan'an Prefecture, and poked thousands of households in Xinfeng. Later, he besieged Xinfeng City. The Ming Dynasty twice mobilized tens of thousands of officers and soldiers to "encircle and suppress" the rebel army, all of which were defeated and retreated. Since then, the "Golden Dragon Overlord" has shocked the four sides and detered the government. After the second defeat of the Ming Dynasty, he punished the imperial history of the right capital and the former governor of southern Jiangxi, and awarded the admiral Wang Shouren to lead the army to suppress it. After Wang Yangming came to take office, he regarded Chi Zhongrong as "a giant bandit for thousands of years and the root of bandits in three provinces". On the one hand, he unified the troops of Guangdong, Fujian and Jiangxi provinces to encircle and suppress the Chi Zhongrong's uprising army. On the other hand, he cheated and recruited security, disintegrated the fighting spirit of the rebel army, and finally successfully suppressed the uprising. This is all later, and there are many internal stories, so I won't talk about them here.