Ming God

Chapter 94 Sword Out

"The young man raised his breath, flashed to the top of the two masters' heads, and stabbed out with a sword..." A delicate pen-like thing was held by a white hand and wrote that line on a yellow page.

I don't know when a figure in black and wrapped tightly appeared in the secret place of a roof in the distance. From his perspective, he could just see the battle in the middle of the street, and it was not easy to find.

Hide your whereabouts! This is the first commandment as a fast shadow doorman, and it is also an ability that must be learned. Everyone knows that Xunyingmen is a sect that makes a living by spreading and selling information, so people like him and guard against their ubiquitous tentacles.

These people are more professional than paparazzi!

Yu Xiaoxiao is a four-grade warrior. He is not a big man in the sect. The day before yesterday, he encountered heavy rain on the road and lived in the Tongfu Inn. In the evening, he happened to hear the old man's conversation. Through the dialogue, Yu Xiaoxiao's keen sense of smell determined that something was about to happen here that would interest him. So he quietly followed the old man and his party.

But it didn't meet people's wishes. This afternoon, the group actually entered a military camp, which made him anxious. Fortunately, he knew that the old man and his party must be going to Xianchi City, so he decided to wait for the rabbit and wait in the city.

Maybe it was his luck. Before he entered the city at night, he actually met another group of people who should be from Jingnan. When he found out, this group of people were wearing night clothes and were carefully marching towards Xianchi.

The hidden skill of Xunyingmen is unparalleled in the world. He quietly followed them again. When he heard their conversation on the way, he knew that it was a person from Jingnan. The leader was a family leader and more than 20 four- and five-grade warriors. They were also going to Xianchi tonight.

Yu Xiaoxiao became more interested. He secretly thought: Is there something going to happen in Xianchi City tonight? So many masters gathered here. Along the way, the group of people hid in the east and took a lot of effort to enter Xianchi until late at night. Let Yu Xiaoxiao be anxious to follow him.

As soon as the group of people entered the city, a person came to pick them up, and then led the group to the market in Xianchi City. Yu Xiaoxiao still knew about the market in Xianchi City. It's just that he didn't expect that the fight had already begun when he arrived.

Hidden on the roof, he saw at a glance that the person who was fighting with the young man on the ground was the old man's party. He was secretly happy. He really broke the iron shoes and had no place to find it without any time. It's good this time. You don't have to look for it. It's all gathered here.

However, he just took a look and grew up in surprise. The four people who besieged the young man on the field were all six masters, and the young man could still maintain the situation of attack and defense, which surprised him. You know that this is something that only seven masters can do, and this young man looks like It's the cultivation of the sixth grade. How did he do it?

With no surprise, in the few breathing hours he stayed at, two more of the four six-grade warriors died, and the young man was also injured. Good professional quality immediately reminded him, and he quickly took out the paper and pen he carried with him and began to record it.

On a three-story roof dozens of meters away from him, there are four or five people in black standing. The man standing in the middle is the middle-aged owner. Next to him stood the iron-faced Five Uncle of Hell, Qiying, Seven Fox and others.

The middle-aged owner looked at several people who were fighting on the field and whispered, "It seems that we are late. Someone has taken the lead."

"Master, how about we grab him?" The eagle shook the rainwater on his head.

The middle-aged head of the family smiled mockingly and replied, "Although they arrived first, it seems that their actions are very unfavorable!" Lao Wu, look, what about the people of that side of this lineup?

The iron-faced king of the world pondered for a moment and said in a low voice, "I can use four six-grade masters at a time, and I have investigated the origin of this person so early. I think it should be from the court of Hulan."

"Ha! Ha! Ha! That's right. I know the old man who took the lead. He is the leader of Hulan Eagle Eye. A martial arts master under seven grades. It's awesome!" The middle-aged man said with a smile, but there was a deep coldness in his voice.

"What should we do, my family?" Theqi ying next to him wiped his face and continued to ask.

"Wait, when their people are almost dead, we will take them away in the chaos." When the middle-aged owner said this, everyone understood what he thought. Now Tang Lin still has combat effectiveness. When Tang Lin almost kills the other party's people, both sides will be injured, and they will succeed as soon as they take action.

"Yes, Saki Eagle. Where is our army?

"At the speed of the team, it should be almost Baihuapo now."

"Baihuapo? Good place, good name!"

This group of people appeared quickly, but Tang Lin was not surprised. With his extremely keen ear power now, the footsteps of that group of people were as loud as thunder, but he did not expect that this group of people were not yet a powerful person. He could clearly feel that the person hiding alone in a secret place was not with that group of people. And I'm afraid that the group of people still know nothing about this fellow traveler.

But these are not what he can care about. The two six-grade warriors have attacked faster and faster. Accidentally, another knife wound was added to his ribs. Tang Lin's speed has gradually dropped, because he shed a lot of blood. Although he sealed the wound with aura, as long as he is lucky and violently, the wound will crack again. This time, he can't even kill the other party with an injury.

Three people are deadlocked. They are not in a hurry, but someone is in a hurry.

When Qiying's group of people arrived, the seven-grade old man surnamed Xu had already known that he thought he was a member of the Sa family. If so, he would not be afraid, because there were few masters of the Sa family. He only needed to open the gate and hold on for a short time, and the imperial army would come in, and everything would be settled.

But the strange behavior and clothes of the people clearly show their intentions: another wave of interest in this sect.

The old man was a little nervous. He frowned and was in danger. The enemy was unknown and his opponent's strength was unknown. This was a huge mistake for a person specializing in intelligence. In this case, he can't wait.

He suddenly raised his palm back and said fiercely, "Up! Give it all to me!"

Wow! The remaining five warriors rushed up.

"Ms!" A friction sound sounded like cutting through the glass, and everyone was shocked, but they saw that Tang Lin hurriedly pressed the sword to block another trick of a six-grade martial artist. The sword bodies of the two rubbed together, causing the sound just now. The sword bodies of the two were against each other, and they could pass by mistake by the edge of the blade.

Taking this opportunity, another six-grade warrior has flashed from behind and added a wound to Tang Lin's back. Tang Lin retreated repeatedly and blocked the subsequent attack twice. He staggered under his feet and almost fell down. The wound on his back immediately flew blood and spilled into the heavy rain. The cold rain penetrated into the wound behind Tang Lin, and the abnormal pain stimulated Tang Lin's spirit.

He has been attacked four times, and the blood stained his clothes red and was washed away by the heavy rain. He narrowed his eyes, his eyebrows jumped straight, and the aura in his body was much astringent, and his movements became slower. He knew that if it went on like this, he would definitely die here today and escape! It's not that he didn't think about it, but the man in black who locked him far away and the old man standing next to him made him worry, and there were still people in the Qiliping station.

He has to wait for the family!

The old man took the opportunity to say loudly, "Tang Lin, don't resist. As long as you hand over the skills of the sect, we won't kill you."

Zongmen! The old man finally said their real purpose. The middle-aged owner was not surprised, but Yu Xiaoxiao, who was hidden in a secret place, was shocked. He thought that today was just an ordinary revenge, but he didn't expect to involve the huge sect that was exterminated a hundred years ago. But this would be better. He hurriedly wrote down the words "The clan surprised Xianchi" on the paper.

No one expected that the root cause of Tang Lin's future escape and countless deaths and injuries came from a few words in his small hands.

However, Tang Lin below did not seem to be doing well at this time. The injury was aggravated. He listened to the old man's words and sneered, "Well, I killed your two grandchildren. Can you let me go? Do you think I'm a three-year-old?

The old man was stunned for a moment, and then said coldly, "Okay, enough hero. What are you still doing? He is already injured. Catch him quickly."

Looking at the people who forced over again, Tang Lin spit out a mouthful of rain. At this time, his eyes were red, and the blood vessels of his right hand holding the spiritual sword burst up. He bulged like an earthworm, gasped for breath in his mouth, and the dizziness caused by the passage of blood volume in his mind was replaced by anger.

He is unwilling. As soon as he came to this world, he actually encountered a siege, and he is even more unwilling. He still doesn't know why these people killed him. Zongmen, hate it! What's your secret?

There is more and more resentment in his heart. Over the past few days, he has seen too many conspiracies and killings. Yes, he is a kind person, but as a philosopher said: "Some people, in the face of a desperate situation, if they don't want to die, then he is not a saint, they will become a beast!"

Obviously, Tang Lin with red eyes will not become a saint at this time.


A roar came from Tang Lin's mouth, with anger and unwillingness in his voice. The roar went straight to the sky, and the world changed color for a moment.

Suddenly, the people watching the battle felt that Tang Lin, who was still trapped, had changed. A huge spiritual pressure gushed out of Tang Lin's body like a huge wave, covering a 100-meter radius between his breath. People within 100 meters suddenly felt a terrible pressure that made people want to bow to the ground. This pressure was so huge that people could not have the idea of resistance.

Tang Lin suddenly calmed down. The heavy rain separated from the top of Tang Lin's head and flowed down from the side. A huge original transparent cover seemed to cover the 100-meter square. The rain could not penetrate. Tang Lin stood quietly in the middle, and the huge spiritual pressure gushed out from his body, as if a wave was hitting him. The people around him, who besieged him, were all hit by the waves and retreated.

This sudden change surprised everyone, and the man in black trembled all over and shouted, "No, he broke through to the seventh grade!"


Another loud roar came from Tang Lin's mouth. Suddenly, his body suddenly rose and flew to the sky. The speed was like lightning and disappeared in the night sky in an instant. As soon as Tang Lin disappeared, the rain in the air immediately rushed down and returned to its original state, but the spiritual pressure did not disappear. It is still dead in the hearts of everyone.

Two six-grade warriors and several five-grade warriors looked up at the sky in horror, as if stunned. There was a five-grade warrior who even trembled.

"Fight away!" The man in black shouted. However, his reminder is too late.

Tang Lin, who flew to the sky, once again fell from the sky with the huge spiritual pressure, but this time the difference is that Tang Lin has been able to control the sword attack. When the anger reached the extreme, Tang Lin felt the surging murderous intention in the Yiyuan sword. The sword spirit that had not been successfully introduced many times before flowed out of the sword body with the grand spiritual pressure, just like the first time, but this time, he was able to clearly control the sharp sword spirit with infinite murder.

Tang Lin, who was overjoyed, rose to the sky again without hesitation, falling from the sky with extremely sharp sword spirit and spiritual pressure. Such a power made Tang Lin's chest full of ambition, self-confidence and strength.

The discolored sword is getting bigger and bigger in the eyes of the seven people below.

"Boom!" With a sound, the ground was blown up with a big pit, which was bigger than the previous one. The five-meter-diameter deep pit exposed a black face in the middle of the road. Two six-grade warriors were the first to take the brunt and were completely crushed into pieces by the blade. The remaining five five five-grade warriors were blown away by Tang Lin's domineering spirit and sharp sword spirit. They all fainted.

Therefore, Yu Xiaoxiao recorded such a sentence on the paper, "The teenager named Tang Lin suddenly burst into a frightening pressure, and then fell from the sky with a swordsmanship - flying immortals outside the sky! Two six-grade warriors and five five five-grade warriors were killed with one sword.

Next to the deep pit on the ground, there was a piece of meat, and five motionless human bodies were ruthlessly washed in the rain.

Tang Lin held the sword and stood upright on the ground. The rain flowed down his hair, and the blood stains on the blade were washed down by the unstopless rain.

Silence, as before the fight began, except for the sound of rain still washing away the blood on the street, people on the roof and on the ground felt a chill from the bottom of their hearts. The scene calmed down for a moment.

Suddenly Tang Lin's body trembled and almost fell to the ground, but he immediately straightened up again.

The spiritual pressure gradually disappeared, because Tang Lin's body could no longer bear it. That spiritual pressure was extremely domineering. If there was not enough aura support in the body, it would destroy Tang Lin's body. However, the spiritual sword with infinite murderous sword spirit is still reminding everyone that even if Tang Lin is injured, he can still kill you.

"You, you, you!" The old man pointed to Tang Lin and trembled and couldn't speak. His beard was upturned and looked ridiculous in the night.

The man in black is silent! He could no longer see through Tang Lin. Although Tang Lin just stood there simply and was seriously injured, he became more and more uneasy.

Suddenly, a shout came from the roof in the distance. Do it!"

The middle-aged owner and the iron-faced king of the world finally took action!

Tang Lin looked back. First, a big man jumped from the air in the posture of a lion and rabbit. A flash of lightning passed, and the momentary white light made Tang Lin see the figure.

"qi ying?" Tang Lin shouted out in surprise.

However, he did not hesitate at all. He quickly raised his hand and cut it at Qi Ying. The sword light flashed. Qi Ying pulled out the short blade he carried with him and geared it horizontally, but then his short blade was cut in half.

Then, in the eyes of the eagle, the blade with a cold light quickly became bigger! The last thought in his life is: theirs, why is his sword so hard! Then the spiritual sword directly gave him a half.

Bang! Bang! Two voices, the eagle divided into two halves fell to the ground, and the blood and internal organs flowed out of his body. He did not die under Tang Tiantian's sword, but died in such a humiliating way.

Since you want to kill me, you should be ready to be killed and accept my verdict!

"The eagle! No, don't hold his sword with him. Let's disperse!" The middle-aged owner shouted. There are more than a dozen people from Jingnan who attacked, each of whom has five or six grades of skill. The four-grade martial artists of Hulan who were on guard on the periphery could not stop them at all, and were immediately broken through by them and entered the war circle.

The old man surnamed Xu saw that he was in a hurry and pressed the handle of the knife and was about to go up. He finally injured Tang Lin. How could he allow others to touch his fingers when he was about to get there? He was about to move when he suddenly pressed a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"Lord Xu, don't worry, just watch it first. They can't take down the clan." The voice of the man in black came at the right time.

"This? But... All right! Since Lord Li said so, I'll wait." The old man immediately ordered the vigilant four-grade warriors to withdraw and leave the battlefield to the people of Jingnan.

The middle-aged family owner, the iron-faced king of the year, and two six-grade martial artists surrounded Tang Lin. There are more than a dozen five-grade good guys on the periphery. This time, the middle-aged family owner has made a lot of effort, and the good guys in the family have all been transferred.

Due to excessive blood loss, Tang Lin also felt a little dizzy. He stood motionless in the rain with a long sword, allowing the cold rain to wash his body. When Qi Ying appeared, he knew that this matter could not be so simple, and even the people in Jingnan knew their identity. It can be seen that the sect is absolutely famous.

He was a little nervous. Why did Tang Tiantian, such a famous sect, say that she didn't know, and these people knew their identity, so what about the family? Do they know? If you know, what kind of thoughts they are.

For a while, Tang Lin's heart was confused, and the wounds on his body were constantly bleeding. Although the spiritual sword can improve his skills in a short time, the sequelae are also very big.

"No, I can't wait for the family to come!" Tang Lin thought silently. Taotao, Xiaopang, Rat King, Uncle Li, I will lead them away. Take care of yourself!

Tang Lin looked sideways at the people around him and said slowly, "Why are you arresting me?"

The middle-aged owner said, "Mr. Tang, I advise you not to resist any more. Your blood flow is almost complete. Don't worry, if you go with us, we will never hurt your life. It's better than being taken back by the old man to force you out your skills and kill the donkey.

The old man over there laughed and said, "Well, you will be so kind. You countries controlled by the Devil Gate are even farting. Hey hey, Tang Lin, I'm afraid you can't escape today. Even if you go with them, you will inevitably die. It's better to fight with them."

"Old man, don't talk nonsense, Mr. Tang, I..." The middle-aged owner hurriedly refuted.

However, before he finished speaking, Tang Lin looked at a roof and shouted in surprise, "Master, you are here!"

Everyone was shocked and looked over together. Sure enough, everyone saw a head exposed in the place, and a faint figure stood there. It turned out that Yu Xiaoxiao was surrounded, and he couldn't see clearly. For the great cause of journalism, he finally made a huge sacrifice: he showed half of his head. As a result, Tang Lin looked at it and made up his mind. I called out to Master.

Everyone was surprised to see Yu Xiaoxiao, because no one found anyone here, so they believed Tang Lin's words first. Tang Lin was so powerful that his master came, wouldn't it be more difficult to deal with? For a moment, the scene cooled down.

Tang Lin hurriedly ran to Yu Xiaoxiao, and everyone dared not stop him, so he let Tang Lin jump to the roof. However, Tang Lin jumped on the roof and was stunned by Yu Xiaoxiao. He flew straight over and was about to disappear in front of everyone.

Suddenly, the man in black around the old man shouted, "No, that man is not his master. We were deceived. Hurry up!"

After the reminder of the man in black, everyone suddenly noticed that the figure was actually a four-grade warrior. The middle-aged owner and the old man shouted together: "Chasing!"

Tang Lin keeps flying on the roofs of the market, dozens of meters away from the vertical jump, but his physical strength has declined a little, and there is not much aura left. The fight just now has consumed most of his aura. At this time, he was absorbing the pure energy aura from the body of the sword.

A stream of aura rushed into Tang Lin's body and slowly repaired Tang Lin's injury. The aura, which was originally obscure because of the fierce fight, began to be flexible again. The aura of the domineering attribute was so domineering that even he could not use it for a long time. The murderous sword will affect his mind. It's better not to use these two things until he has to.

The people behind gradually caught up. Tang Lin looked back and felt that both groups of people had followed, and the speed suddenly accelerated. Like a meteor, several ups and downs left everyone. Tang Lin's speed was no longer enough for four or five people to catch up, so only Six people, four middle-aged family owners and the old man in black, chased after them.

Humph! Tang Lin snorted coldly. Today, he killed more than a dozen people, and the blood was splashed with clothes. There were others and his own. But it doesn't matter. No matter who it is, tonight will be an unforgettable night.

Wh! Suddenly, a figure flashed through the corners of Tang Lin's eyes. It turned out to be him. How could he follow? A figure unexpectedly came up and chased after him. Tang Lin saw that it was the person on the roof.

However, come on. Tang Lin smiled and said self-deprecatingly, "I didn't expect that I, Tang Lin, would end up being chased and killed. Spiritual sword, are you a disaster star or a lucky star?"

After distinguishing the direction, Tang Lin fled to the southeast of Xianchi, which was the direction of Linjiang.

Just as Tang Lin rushed out of the city, a huge roar suddenly came from the distance of the east of the city, like dozens of muffled thunderstorms in the sky. Even Xianchi City trembled. Everyone was shocked. Even Tang Lin stopped and looked east of the city, but there was a continuous dark night and a torrent of rain. I can see the situation dozens of miles away. With a little hesitation, Tang Lin ran away again.

When Tang Lin moved, the middle-aged family naturally woke up and continued to chase, but the old man and the mysterious man did not continue to follow, but stopped there and looked at the east motionless.

"Lord Li, do you think our army will..." The old man surnamed Xu looked worriedly at the dark night in the east of the city and guessed.

The mysterious man in black pondered for a moment and said, "Well, Lord Xu, you go back to the gate to meet the generals, and I'll chase people."

The old man bowed and said gratefully, "Well, please Lord Li!" After saying that, he pulled out his body and went to the Dongcheng Gate, and several vertical jumps disappeared in the night. After watching the old man disappear, the mysterious man in black sighed and shook his head around the black veil slightly. He also pulled out and chased to the southeast.

At this time, it has been a while since Tang Lin's shocking sword. Not long after Tang Lin and the others left, a large number of torches and people poured into the market. When the first one was Sa Jirong, the proud son of the day was now drenched into a drowned chicken, and the rain splashed down his hair. The people around him were the middle-clothed man in black who attacked the old man on a rainy night. Behind him was the two five-grade masters with sticks who intercepted the iron-faced king of the den that day.

Sa Jirong and his entourage looked at the big black hole on the ground and changed color, and the middle-aged people in black were even more surprised. He went to the pit, looked carefully, and turned back to Sa Jirong and said, "It seems that it is Mr. Tang's handwriting, but I'm afraid that the only people who can force Mr. Tang to this point are from the court."

When Sa Jirong heard this, he said anxiously, "Have the people of the court sneaked in? This, Uncle Ji, what should we do?

The middle-aged man in black was about to speak, but he saw a man suddenly appear next to him. He was dressed like fire, but Tang Tiantian rushed over. As soon as she landed, she hurriedly asked, "Sir, have you seen Tang Lin?" Suddenly, he stopped talking and saw the big pit on the ground and said in shock: "Someone really came to revenge. This..."

At this time, someone in the Qiliping station shouted, "Mr. Sa, Miss Tang, are you here?" As soon as the words fell, several people came out of the yard. It was the five people who were the mayor Xiaopang.

Tang Tiantian saw them and said happily, "You're fine. By the way, where have you been?"

Tao's red eyes and choked and said, "Son, the prince is injured. Many people came to kill him. The prince seems to have gone to the east."

At this moment, there was a sudden explosion in the east of the city, and the ground trembled twice. Sa Jirong was shocked and looked at the middle-aged man in black. The middle-aged man immediately decided: "Go, east, go to the gate!"

When Tang Lin fled desperately, he didn't have so many thoughts. The five people behind him seemed to stick to himself and couldn't get rid of them. He has now left the gate. In fact, after the roar, he had thrown them away and changed his direction and went to the southwest of Xianchi. Who Knowing that he was about to stop treating his injury, the group of people caught up with him again.

He didn't understand that he obviously stimulated the energy of the sword body to accelerate their escape, and also changed his direction. How did they catch up again? Unless they put something on themselves. Tang Lin was immediately relieved when he thought of the fragrance that Tang Tiantian had once said.

Tang Lin's fierceness has also come up. Since his practice, when has he received such treatment? Tang Lin, who is getting deeper and deeper, said secretly: Since you want to follow, come on!

At this time, the five people who followed were the three middle-aged owners. Because the iron-faced king of the city gate was still there, he went back to preside over the overall situation, and there were three people left. Then there are Yu Xiaoxiao and the mysterious man in black. The five people were far away from each other and followed Tang Lin closely.

As if it had been agreed, they did not chase too closely, or they expected the injured Tang Lin to suddenly fall down.

They did not expect that Tang Lin's aura was a healing medicine. As long as it was not a battle, he could slowly recover. In fact, he did the same. The energy extracted from the sword slowly flowed on the wound of the body, stopping the outflow of blood, and the depleted aura in the body slowly recovered.

Suddenly, a forest appeared in front of it. In the night, the forest looked like a dark shadow in the distance. Blurred. Tang Lin bent the corners of his mouth and sneered in his heart. Several jumped and broke into the dense forest.

The dark dense forest is like a giant mouth of a monster, waiting for the five people to enter, gloomy like a hell to choose people. The mysterious man followed without any hesitation. The middle-aged owner hesitated for a moment. This was already on the periphery of Xianchi, and he needed to decide what happened in Xianchi City. However, Tang Lin...

He didn't think for a long time and decided to continue to follow Tang Lin. Even if he couldn't get it, he couldn't let the Hulan court get it. Yu Xiaoxiao is at the end, but he is not afraid, and the tracking technique of Xunyingmen is also unparalleled.

As he chased, he recorded on the paper: "The man named Tang Lin fled all the way. He was seriously injured and was led by incense. Can he escape tonight? According to my guess, there will be a big war next.

Feeling the slow recovery of the injury in his body, Tang Lin's face was happy, but frowned and thought about how to get rid of the people behind him. It was very difficult to run in the dense forest, especially in order not to expose his whereabouts. He could not move forward from the treetops. He could only turn around in the forest and block them with dense branches. He remembered the drawbacks of Tang Tiantian's saying about the fragrance of the way: he could only determine the general direction, but not the exact location.

With twelve points of spirit, Tang Lin's attention is highly focused, his ears listen to the sound behind him and on all sides at any time, and his pupils are shrinking, carefully calculating the direction of progress. With the density of the woods, he has been away from the people behind him for three minutes. Although I know that they will catch up, at least they can take a break.

Tonight's fierce fight consumed Tang Lin a lot of physical strength. Even if his aura is sufficient, his body is a little unuffiable.

When he was wondering if he should stop for a rest, suddenly there was a violent fight in the woods in front of him, and it sounded as if a lot of people were fighting. Tang Lin is refreshed. Isn't a crowded place more able to disturb the smell of the road? You can also escape from the chaos.

As soon as his eyes lit up, Tang Lin exerted his strength and ran away in the direction of the sound.