
[Chapter 52 tit-for-tat]

"Is this your so-called plan?"

However, a cold voice suddenly broke the inducement of the tree king, and Yiyi's beautiful eyes glared at the tree king. He was eager to nod 15, and his heart was even more angry. She also ignored the dissuasion of 15 and stepped forward and sarcastically, "Do you demons ignore the life and death of 15 for yourself? Sure enough, there is no reason why human beings hate demons..."

When Yiyi speaks, there is always a kind of indifference in her eyes.

In her heart, the tree king has never been a good person and needs to be carried away all the time, otherwise he will be careless, just like the current fifteenth.

Although it seems that the tree king is foolless, no one knows what he is thinking to let 15 die as a pioneer, and there is no guilt and regret in his face.

Therefore, Yiyi concluded that the tree king may be brewing a conspiracy. When he doesn't know what the tree king is going to do, he must not be led by the nose.

"Yiyi little girl, you said my plan is not good, so do you have any good way? Do you know that if the fifteenth brother doesn't help, my alliance will be bleeding. I know that for the fifteenth brother, this is extremely dangerous, but for my alliance, this is a moment of life and death related to the survival of my six races. Although the decision is with the fifteenth brother, for the sake of my six ethnic groups, even if it is When the fifteenth brother dies unfortunately, I will accompany the fifteenth brother to Huangquan..."

The tree king shook his dry and thin face, and then he returned to his original falsehood. His face was sincere, and everyone present had a feeling of boiling blood, only crying and tears.

But after all, the tree king is not a saint and can't teach others. In fact, everyone knows very well that the tree king's words are indeed selfish. However, the patriarchs also know that there are always people who need to make sacrifices for the benefit of their own race.

They have silently chosen 15...

"Hmm! The fate of the 15th should be decided by himself. Moreover, even if he wants to negotiate with human beings, it doesn't have to be done in that way. I believe that those human beings are still reasonable. As long as you demons do not harm the world, they will not embarrass the people of your six clans..."

"Yiyi little girl, how can you be sure that they won't do it as soon as they meet? You have to understand that human beings hate demons to the bone, and they can't wait for the extinction of the world's demons. How can they listen to your words and put down the hatred in that femur... Even my demon clan can't be completely eliminated. Destroy your guard against people..."

"You finally told the truth. You are wary of people. Me and 15 are both human beings, so you are also wary of us. That's why you came up with this plan so that I and 15 can be poisoned by the wolf clan to remove your big troubles. I'm afraid this is your purpose?"

Reasonable: "The negotiation with human beings is clearly a cover, an opportunity to remove the cover of me and 15th. At that time, you can completely shift the responsibility to the wolf clan. They will be your scapegoats, and then fight with human beings, and you can reap the benefits of fishermen... Your intentions are really It's vicious, even the most sinister people can't compare with you..."

Yiyi grew up and scolded the tree king and the demons present, and did not hesitate to be in the enemy camp. She never thought that as long as she angered these demons, it was likely to die.

Of course, she calculated that they would not, otherwise, even if they could lead the wolf clan to war with human monks, their demon clan would not be better.

"Yiyi, stop talking..." Bai Xue pulled La Yiyi's sleeve and kindly advised her to calm down, but Yiyi did not understand Bai Xue's feelings at all. Instead, she accused her, "And you, a rabbit demon, I still regard you as a competitor, but now you are helping these people who want to kill 15 to embarrass him. What kind of medicine do you sell in the gourd?

Bai Xue was forced by Yiyi, and there were some tears flashing in her eyes, as if she was about to cry. She whispered, "I... I didn't..."

"I never thought of killing 15... because I'm a member of the jade clan..." Bai Xue's words were a little choked, sobbing, and finally cried intermittently, with unspeakable grievances in her heart.

In fact, among this group of people, Bai Xue is the most innocent one, and she is also the most difficult one. As a member of the jade clan, she should also consider the interests of the jade clan. However, as a pioneer, she is 15. How should she choose? No one has ever talked to her...

"Yiyi..." 15 looked at Bai Xue, and there was a trace of intolerance in his heart. Of course, he understood the difficulties of Bai Xue in his heart, so he said to Yiyi, "Yiyi, don't say it, I have my own measure..."

Yiyi looked into the fifteenth's eyes, how firm and clear they were. At this moment, Yiyi also seemed to see his decision from the fifteenth eyes. How could fifteen agree?

"15, you...do you want to agree?" Yiyi suddenly calmed down. She looked at Bai Xue again and said in a trembling voice, "You... are you for Sister Bai Xue?"

15 smiled and did not answer Yiyi's words. Instead, he looked at the gloomy demon patriarchs and said loudly, "Guys, I accept the proposal of the King of Tree. Let me negotiate with those human beings..."

Seeing that the patriarchs didn't say anything more, 15 turned his head and said softly, "Yiyi, just stay here and wait for my news..."

"I... I'll stay here?" Yiyi had not woken up from the previous blow, but she seemed to realize something and was shocked and said, "No, no, fifteen... Those people, those people can't believe you, if..."

Yiyi seemed to feel that she had said something wrong and quickly covered her mouth.

"Yiyi, do you know them?" When 15 saw Yiyi's words, he couldn't help but feel a little suspicious.

"No, no... How could I know them?" Yiyi lowered her head, and even her voice could not be heard by herself.

"Then how do you know that those people can't believe me?" Fifteen is persevering, and it is obvious that Yiyi has something to hide from himself.

"Because...because...because...because I met them before, when I first entered the space, I said that I was a human, but they refused to believe it, thinking that I was a spy sent by the demon clan, and I also took a lot of effort to escape..." Yiyi didn't even dare to raise her head, let alone It is said that it has been 15th.

However, 15 is more suspicious. I remember that in the forest of the jade clan, Yiyi asked herself about the inter-monster clan. If what she said at this moment is true, then why did Yiyi take care of the affairs of the demon clan?

Fifteen thought for a bit and felt that this was definitely not simple, but there was no suspicious action except that Yiyi wanted to kill herself at the beginning, so 15 did not ask too much about this.

Of course, everyone has secrets. Since Yiyi doesn't want to reveal it, it's useless no matter how much he forces him, not to mention the girl's secret.

15 can't figure out their thoughts. If Yiyi and Bai Xue are angry with him, what should he do?

Seeing that 15 and Yiyi stopped talking, the tree king, who had been watching, suddenly stood up and said, "Fifteenth brother, you can choose not to accept it, but at this moment, this little girl has offended the dignity of our six demons, but she can't tolerate her. She must use her blood to cleanse our humiliation. Fifteenth brother, you let Open it..."

Fifteen finally heard it. It seems that the tree king has been forbearance. At this moment, he must have been unbearable to stop his plan again and again.

Suddenly, there was an extra branch in the hand of the tree king, like a sword and a long rattan gun. His dry hand was slightly sent forward and stabbed straight to Yiyi behind fifteen.

The King of Tree has completely figured out that it is impossible to use the ancient fantasy, and it is precisely because of this factor that the King of Tree dares to take action.

Seeing the tree king's long sword stabbed, fifteen eyes slightly condensed and quickly pushed away Yiyi, but the next moment, he miscalculated. Yiyi's figure shook, and he also pulled out a three-foot soft sword from her sleeve and stabbed back against the tree king's wooden sword.

The two swords intersect, the wood chips fly across, and a light blue sword spirit emanates, which is dependent. In each swing of the sword, there is a real fantasy idea in it, and every time the tree king resists it with a wooden sword, there will be a trace of light blue sword spirit on his body.

"Is this the imageization of the illusion?" Bai Qiong was shocked and stood up suddenly.

15 was almost a little distracted. In fact, Yiyi's martial arts skills were very high. When she met at the beginning, she just used the interest of teasing to embarrass 15 with the illusion. Before she showed her real ability at all, she was caught off guard by the storm of 15.

Now it seems that Yiyi's swordsmanship also has a certain attainments. As a descendant of the illusion god, the creation of illusions and illusions must be beyond ordinary people. With a little power inherited from the illusion gods, she is also a few enemies among her peers. The amazing praise of swordsmanship may not be long ago for her. So fresh.


In just a few breaths, the two fought for many rounds, and the tree king's wooden sword was cut off several times, but each cut will grow again in an instant, so neither of them can do anything about it...

"Okay, okay, the little girl is really good at it. Then take me a move, Luomu Xiaoxiao..." The tree king saw that he could not take any advantage of swordsmanship at all. Suddenly, he moved his hands and pushed them forward with his palms outward. Suddenly, green leaves appeared around him, and then it was like a flying arrow off the string. He rushed to Yiyi quickly. In an instant, Yiyi's eyes were full of blade-like leaves.


Seeing that Yiyi had nowhere to hide, his right palm hit out, and a wind blade dispersed from his palm and galloped away against the arrow-like green leaves. However, at the moment when the wind blade and the flying leaves intersect, Yiyi suddenly disappeared out of thin air, completely and disappeared.

This time, it was not only fifteen, but even the thousand-year-old tree king didn't know what was going on, but the next moment Yiyi appeared behind the tree king, and a three-foot long sword was already lying on his neck.

"How did you disappear and appear behind me?" The tree king was puzzled. Although there were 100,000 people in his heart who didn't want to believe it, the fact was that he lost to a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl...

At this moment, humiliation and endless humiliation filled his mind. He lived for thousands of years in vain... An ancestor of a demon clan with a thousand years of cultivation is now put on his neck with a sword by a little girl. Although Yiyi cut off his head with a sword, he will not necessarily die, although if he continues to fight, Yiyi Far from being the opponent of the King of Tree, but now he has indeed lost, and there is no suspense.

In the future, even if the tree king has thousands of excuses, he can't clarify the fact of today's defeat.

"Since it can't be clarified, why do you need to clarify it again?" The tree king stood quietly like this, and a trace of cruelty suddenly flashed in his heart. There were some things that he didn't dare to do and didn't want to do, but now, he can't care so much. Even if he will be punished by God, he will be ruthless and desperate...

Because he is a loser at this moment, as arrogant as him, even if he is crazy, it is normal.

"I just put an illusion on myself in the process of waving my sword. If I hadn't understood this secret method, I would have been smashed by you..." Yiyi said hatefully, but she obviously didn't notice the abnormality of the tree king.

"Inflicating illusions on yourself, the body of the fantasy, the real shadow, so it is. It's true that you regard reality as a fantasy, which is indeed a descendant of the illusion... Such a secret method can only be created by Protoss like her. It's not wrong for me to lose this move... But you can't kill me at all. You have to Be careful... there are thousands of vines..."

The tree king has made up his mind and no longer cares about his identity at all, and directly kills Yiyi...

His famous trick, thousands of vines... Thousands of small vines came out of his sleeves, dense like earthworms, sweeping away. In the blink of an eye, the vines wrapped around Yiyi, and then the tip of each vine plunged into Yiyi without hesitation. In the body.

PS: I have been trying to control the number of words to more than 3000, roar, ask for collection, ask for red tickets, ask for rewards, all kinds of ask...