
[Chapter 178 Zhu Family Worship]

15's heart was happy. In the evening, the clouds were extremely bright, like his mood, and the bird flew back, and it was also like his mood.

The spiritual realm is a threshold to truly step into sword cultivation. Once crossed, the sky is high for the birds to fly, and the sea is wide for the fish to leap. You can imagine yourself in the future on the 15th. He is a monk. One day he will step on Tianshan, one day he will return to the world of God, and one day he will recover his memory. At this moment, he is like a flying eagle, enjoying the beautiful mountains and rivers and soaring above the sky.

Coming out of his room, 15 reached out to hold the silver snake sword given by Yuheng and waved a light at will. He looked at it stunned and said in his heart, "Have I reached the level of sword spirit?"

The first layer of the spiritual realm is sword movement, and the second layer is sword spirit. He has just reached the spiritual realm, but he has entered the second layer. This kind of strange thing can only happen on the fifteenth.

The sword is a good sword. 15 looked at the silver snake sword in his hand. At this moment, he found that the sword was so elegant. He didn't know whether the sword itself was of excellent material or due to the increase of 15's cultivation, and his ability to dance the sword had been enhanced.

He is always happy, and for whatever reason, he is always optimistic.

The dead leaves in his courtyard have been spread all over the ground, and the sad autumn is like a sad mourning song, sweeping from all directions. There are always sad things in the place where Qiu Yi arrives. Even if he is extremely open-minded, the autumn atmosphere can still immerse himself in his tenacious mood.

15 began to dance the sword again, not the sword secret, not the double butterfly sword secret. His sword suddenly inspired and euphemistic. In the autumn wind, his figure was like an illusory voice, and everything was low, as if he were this autumn style.

His movements suddenly slowed down. If someone looked at 15th, he would find that his eyes were closed, as if he were understanding something. His movements jumped up and down, and the silver light of the sword in his hand flashed. Every time he scratched the air, it left a long sword mark.

This is the third layer of the spiritual realm, which was actually done when he closed his eyes and waved randomly. How funny and lucky it is.

The sudden attack of autumn, the fifteenth with his eyes closed, and the dancing sword has gradually become orderly. At this moment, he is actually understanding swordsmanship? Such courage and talent, may I ask who can do it at his level.

He may not know that although the swordsmanship has taken shape, it is not as pure as fire. There are still many flaws in the swordsmanship, and every move is quite obscure. However, after all, he is young and can understand at such an age. If he doesn't died on the road of life, wouldn't his achievements be terrible?


Fifteen's eyes opened, his body remained motionless, and he carefully recalled the feeling just now. He found that he seemed to have entered a dream world, which made him happy, and every inch of skin was like a hand touching gently. When he came to his senses, he found that his perception was much stronger. Is this understanding? Understanding of heaven and earth?

Put away the silver snake sword, and he wants to hold the sword in his hand. He has been taught a lesson. Without a silver snake sword, even the man in black can't resist. Judging from his current strength, if the opportunity is right, it may be difficult for the man in black to beat him.

15 can feel that the man in black has definitely just stepped into the realm of the sword. But in terms of realm, it is still much higher than the fifteenth. However, the fifteenth can't be judged by common sense. When he has never reached the spiritual realm, he can defeat the peak of the spiritual realm. Looking at the realm of the sword, he has rarely met enemies. Now he has reached the third level of the spiritual realm. Even if he is a master of the realm of swords, he has the power to fight.

Walking out of his courtyard, 15 was keenly aware of a strong yin coming from his right front. He glanced at his head, and there was a man coming at the corner of the corner, Liu Yuan.

Since he understood the out-of-tune swordsmanship just now, his perception has become so powerful that even people who have never seen him can feel it. In this way, as long as the perception is correct, can't he escape in advance?

Liu Yuan greeted her with a smile. What happened last night had been overcome by her. Of course, she was willing to believe that it was a dream, a terrible and strange nightmare.

He was also very happy to see her, but the thick yin emanating from Liu Yuan's body at this moment was more than ten times stronger than yesterday. With the enhancement of fifteen perception, he could see the essence of some things. Liu Yuan stood quietly in front of him, but he found that she had two souls.

Of course, one is Liu Yuan's own, and the other one should be the ghost.

Liu Yuan said, "Brother Fifteen, let's... Let's go to see Xiaowu and others together..." Her cheeks were a little red. When she spoke, her head lowered slightly, and the wind blew the rosy of her face to her ears.

The two walked on the lively street, and the wine fairy road had long disappeared. At this moment, he was definitely drunk on the wine table. The sunset in the evening was beautiful, and a touch of afterglow illuminated the earth. Looking at the horizon from afar, it seemed to be a bright road to the bright future.

Xiaowu, Xiaoqi and Yuanda live in the inn. The inn has a resounding name, Tongfu.

Tongfu Inn is located in the most prosperous neighborhood in Anhe Town, where Liu Yuan and Xiaowu met Zhu Changrong. The deterrence of Jiuxiandao is not bragging, but Liu Yuan still underestimated the Zhu family.

She thought that as long as the Yu Wei of Jiuxiandao was still there, she would not dare to measure the depth of the pool of Jiuxiandao even if she gave Zhu Changrong ten courage. But when the Mr. Zhu family, who disgusted her to the bone, appeared, her face was as dark as charcoal.

Liu Yuan is undoubtedly outstanding. Even if his face is gloomy and scary, it is enough to attract attention. Zhu Changrong's dead dog soon swept Liu Yuan's body. Her cheeks, her waist, her legs, her chest... Zhu Changrong's eyes were about to stare out, and he still felt that he couldn't see enough.

Zhu Changrong smiled and said, "Miss Liu, we met again... Fifteen brothers, we also met again..."

Liu Yuan took 15's hand and said coldly, "Zhu Changrong, what do you want to do?"

What to do? Liu Yuan wanted to lose his temper when he saw him. Zhu Changrong's kind of madman is still less annoying. She wanted to pull 15 away from this hateful man, but when she turned around, the man in black appeared.

When the man in black appeared, awe-inspiring sword spirit forced the onlookers back three points. Lonely, arrogant, cold, ruthless... It was his sword spirit, and his magnificent momentum suddenly floated out a touch of murder.

At this moment, the perception is not small, and the understanding of heaven and earth can almost stabilize the master who has just stepped into the realm of the imperial sword. So at this moment, the man in black can't see through the fifteenth. The reason is no other than the fifteenth's magic of hell and swirl that absorbs the power of the side door. Until now, he found that this skill of twisting with Ming Tianjue still had such a wonderful use. If it hadn't been for the reminder of Jiu Xiandao, he would not have been able to do it even if he wanted to break his head.

The second time, the man in black suddenly had a touch of solemnness on his face. Of course, he didn't forget that 15 was just a rookie who didn't even reach the spiritual state, but overnight, it was like seeing three autumns. The feeling given to him by 15 is completely different from yesterday's 15th. Why is that? Is it just because the man in black can't feel the breath of 15?

Zhu Changrong laughed and said, "Miss Liu, don't want to run away. I don't mean anything. I just want to invite the girl to the house for a chat..." He bowed, thinking that his movements were perfect, but in Liu Yuan's eyes, she wanted to vomit. Zhu Changrong was not a blushing person. Seeing Liu Yuan laughing at him so much, he couldn't help but hang on his face.

I only heard him say coldly, "Miss Liu, I advise you to go back home with me, otherwise..."

Liu Yuan was angry and said coldly, "Well, when the wine director comes, none of you can leave..."

"Wine Taoist? But the man yesterday?" Zhu Changrong suddenly laughed and couldn't hide his pride in his laughter: "I have begged the three major offerings at home to invite your Taoist priest to drink... Haha, wine is a good thing..."

Wine is indeed a good thing. Jiuxiandao does not refuse to drink. He will gladly accept anyone who wants to buy him to drink. He always wants to drink all the people's wine money, so no one who knows him dares to buy him a drink.

His stomach is like a bottomless hole. As he drinks and drinks, the three people sitting next to him are blue. Those three are the three major offerings of the Zhu family. They are all first-class masters. One is Li Yang, known as the "Flying Cloud Hand". His strength is at the peak of the realm of "Royal" and can almost compete with Xuanye. One is Xu Zhong, who entered the road with a gun, and his strength is also at the peak of the "royal" realm, which is the same as Li Yang. The third is an old man. He uses a sword. Like Jiuxiandao, he enters the Tao with a sword, and his strength is also the highest among the three, and he has already entered the realm of psychic.

It's just that all three of them couldn't see through the cultivation of the wine fairy road and sat quietly beside the wine fairy road, and their sides were full of wine jars. When did Jiuxiandao start drinking? No one paid attention to it. The only thing in the restaurant that made everyone full of stars was those empty wine jars. Oh, my God, he has finished the wine in the restaurant.

If so much wine has been drunk by a person, is he still a human being? The three offerings looked at the wine fairy road with a pale face. They didn't care about the wine and money, and the financial resources of the Zhu family could not shake a hair even if he drank all day. However, they were ordered to come to trouble with Jiuxiandao. His drinking method is no longer something that normal people can do. The faces of the three offerings have unconsciously shaken, and there is already some retreat before the battle.

The most important thing to fight against people is a person's endurance and mood, which is often the key to the victory or defeat between the two masters. The three worships of the Zhu family have been fearful before the war, but this battle has been lost. Of course, if the wine fairy road shows the strength of the simplest road, these three people will probably kneel down and kowtow.