
[Chapter 292 Neon Sword]

A leisurely green grass and vines.

The sun seems to have fallen in the sky. Although it is surrounded by cliffs, it can't stop the sun from falling.

The giant rock monster is very ugly. Its whole body is made of rocks, and there is no sense of beauty of regular lines. On its rock, there seems to be an inch of grass growing.

"Hum..." Fifteen muffled hum, shaking the giant rock with a heavy fist, and his feet suddenly sank a few feet.


The rock monster punched again, clenched his teeth and took it again. Fortunately, he had the protection of the colorful Holy Spirit, and he still has this ability to bear it. However, although he has endured it, the colorful Holy Spirit in his body has also surged like the waves in the sea.

I'm afraid that the third heavy punch can't be shaken again, otherwise the qi and blood will surge and must speot blood.

15 quickly rolled back. Due to two heavy punches, the speed obviously decreased. As soon as he escaped the giant rock punch, he became powerless again.

"So powerful..." 15's heart cried secretly. This huge rock monster is simply too variable. I'm afraid it doesn't have the strength of the psychic world, and it is difficult to compete with it at all.

"Never mind..." 15 suddenly inserted the dagger on the ground, and then waved his hands. The power of ice and fire instantly gushed out of his body and supported a layer of energy protective film in a space a few inches away from him.

However, at this moment, when the power of the fifteenth heaven overflowed his body, his heart jumped fiercely, as if he felt something extremely shocking, and suddenly there was an unreal feeling in his mind.

Intuition told him that although the sword tomb space was very calm on the surface, it had actually begun to turbulence violently.

"Hum..." The heavy punch of the giant rock monster has been bombarded on the protective film he held up when he felt something. The protective film buzzed, and the heavy punch of the rock seemed to hit a pool of water, but the terrible force contained in the giant hand seemed to disappear strangely.

"Hey, what else can you do?" 15 temporarily ignored the unreal feeling, carefully controlled the operation of the power of nature, and then separated a wisp of heart to suppress the grievances hidden in his mind. Although it was two-hearted, it was also quite effective. The huge rock monster was far from his opponent.

"Well, you hit me so good just now, now it's time to change me..." The corners of the fifteen's mouth cracked, and then raised his fist and hit the giant hand of the giant rock monster.

"Boom..." The power of ice and fire surged in an instant and interacted, directly blowing the big hand of the rock into powder.

"Look at this move again..." Fifteen smiled proudly, and his toes were a little, and his whole body quickly bounced up. He punched hard and pounded the belly of the rock hard.

"Bum..." The belly of the huge rock has collapsed into a piece of powder. Then, fifteen punches smashed the rock monster to pieces, and then he gasped and stopped.

But after this stop, the strange feeling emerged again.

"What's going on? This feeling seems to be very familiar, but it is also very strange?" The feeling of the 15th is so strange that he can't even say it himself.

Because of this feeling, he actually felt another self?

"Is it the resentment in my mind?" 15 I remember that in the world of God, there was a voice in his mind saying, "I am you..."

Now, he seems to feel his breath, is it caused by the influence of resentment in his mind?

"No, this feeling seems to be this sword tomb space? How could it be? Is there really another one in this sword tomb space? Fifteen was stunned. He hit his head fiercely, but the feeling not only did not decrease, but became stronger and stronger.

"15, what's wrong with you?" Seeing that 15 had smashed the huge rock monster to pieces, Chanlian hurried out of the corridor. First, she was shocked by the scenery here, and then saw the confused look of 15, so she secretly became anxious.

"I, I don't know what's going on. I always feel that this sword tomb space is very strange..." 15 shook his head and slowly withdrew the power of heavenly rebellion from his body.

When he completely withdrew the power of heavenly rebellion, the strange feeling disappeared.

15 knocked on his head, and then looked around without saying a word. Although he fought with the huge rock monster and destroyed the grassland into potholes, a mysterious color still appeared in this unique place.

Turning back and forth, he was relieved to see that there was no danger around here, but suddenly his eyes fell to the huge rock monster that was smashed by him leaving only a huge head as high as one person. Fifteen times, he walked a few laps around the edge of the huge head, and then suddenly raised his feet and kicked on the huge head.

"Ka, Ka..." The head suddenly cracked a crack like a centipede, and then the cracks continued to increase and became like a spider web.

What's more strange is that there is a light red light in the crack.

15 was overjoyed, and then said to Chan Lian, "Chandian, there is a spiritual weapon flying sword in this head..."

"What..." Chan Lian was shocked. She thought there was something in her heart, so she kicked the giant rock violently, but she didn't expect that he was trying to find out what was going on in the head.

15 smiled and kicked on the huge head again.

"Kho, Kaka..." His foot immediately kicked more than half of his head, and a shocking red light went straight to the sky, like an celestial pillar.

"This, this..." Chan Lian couldn't believe that this pale red light gave people a particularly soft fluctuation, as if a life was brewing in this light.

Because most of the huge rock head has been broken, a half-ice sword has been exposed. This long sword is weakly red, which can also be called pink. As soon as Chan Lian first saw it, she couldn't put it down.

15 smiled, and then kicked the rest of the rocks. The whole sword was like a straight shadow, slowly floating in the air, and the light emitted from it, which made people couldn't help getting close.

"Chun Lian, this sword is up to you..." Looking at the faint red light reflected in Chan Lian's eyes, he knew that the sword had been self-selected master.

"15, what about you?" Chanlian was shocked that this flying sword was an authentic spiritual weapon. It was so easy to give it to himself on the 15th. This gift was too heavy.

Just shook his head, as if he had seen through Chanlian's mind and said, "I don't want this sword, it's entirely because this sword has chosen you as the master..."

Fifteen stalled and showed no choice.

Hearing this, Chan Lian smiled again, and it seemed too pretentious for her to refuse again. At present, she stretched out her slender hand and held the spiritual sword in her hand.

I only felt that there were bursts of warmth coming, as if it had quickly begun to connect with her bloodline. After a while, Chan Lian's body also emitted a weak red light.

After a while, the light dissipated, and the light red sword has completely returned to silence. The light is no longer, and no one can see anything strange about this sword.

Chan Lian collected a spiritual weapon flying sword in this way, which she didn't expect. After playing with it in her hand for a while, she smiled and said, "15, it turns out that this sword is called a neon sword..."

"Neon sword? How did you know? Fifteen was shocked.

"She told me..." Chanlian smiled again, causing the white clouds in the sky to stagnate. "It turns out that there is a life in this sword. As long as I close my eyes, I can communicate with her..."

This is the advantage of spiritual weapons. Of course, this requires a superior spiritual weapon to have this ability. It can be seen that the neon sword in Chanlian's hand is probably not simple.

"Oh, it's really a good sword... But why did it choose you?" Fifteen pretended to pat his head and looked very sorry.

But it attracted a coquettish smile. She said, "15, don't be discouraged. Neon said that there are still two swords left in this yard..."

"There are still two swords?" After hearing this, he suddenly looked happy and said pitiful: "Neon said that there is also a spiritual weapon flying sword here, but the last one is a strange sword... It seems to be a wooden sword..."

PS: I'm not in good condition these two days... I'm sorry...