
[Chapter 345: The Trapped Man]

(first update)

Elder Yilun once said that the third floor of Xifeng is a heavenly prison, in which there are the most powerful figures of the sect in history. Even the head of the family did not know how many people are imprisoned in the third level and their strength is.

This is a forbidden place, and it is understandable, not only because of its mystery, but also because of its lingering breath, which makes people tremble.

Under the instructions of inexplicable power, 15 also seemed to walk to the third floor uncontrollably. At this moment, he completely forgot that he was being punished at this moment and could not leave Zhiju Valley. However, under the guidance of inexplicable power, he was curious.

Yes! He is curious. Only a curious heart can make him move forward without hesitation.

Of course, curiosity is also mixed with "weird", that is, the first feeling he got when he first arrived at Zhijiu Valley, a very strange feeling, as if there was something in his body that was ready to move.

It's not the colorful Holy Spirit, nor the power of God, nor the power of heaven... What is that? The reason why 15 is strange is not his strength, but a certain skill...

"The art of inflammatory spin?" Fifteen looked at the third floor close at hand. He didn't know when his body started to run the technique of inflammation. However, this time the technique of inflammation did not condense into a whirlpool, but cheer on the surface of the skin of the fifteen and turned into a beating flame.

It seems to be excited, and it seems that you have met a more powerful "senior"?

"Why does the inflammatory spin technique work automatically? Is the person who summoned me related to the art of inflammatory spin? Fifteen hearts.

The art of Yanxuan is the hidden breath passed by Xuanye to the 15th at the beginning, and it is also a subtle skill in the fire clan, which can't be regarded as flowing. However, in the 15th hand, the art of Yanxuan has become an irreplaceable advanced skill, because it has the cooperation of the Mingtian Secret, which can also make the power of the side door also be one. It is absorbed, and it is extremely thorough, as if this volume of skills is tailor-made for 15.

However, this is not the most surprising thing for 15. Although the art of Yanxuan is a low-level skill of the fire clan, it will not be easily spread. It is precisely because of this that 15 can be surprised. The inflammatory technique in his body must be beating. Someone is calling him by this, that is, isn't the caller related to the fire clan? Or is he a member of the fire clan?

"Is there a fire clan in the Tianshan School?" Fifteen frowned, and suddenly felt that this matter was really puzzling. First of all, the beating of his flaming technique, and then the caller can know his existence silently.

"No, the third floor is the heavenly prison. Isn't there a fire clan imprisoned there? What on earth did he call me to go? Fifteen thought in his heart, but he knew that thinking had no effect, and thinking could only increase his troubles.

So, he quickly stepped into the third floor.

It's strange that many places are connected to the soil on the third floor and the second floor, and the Zhiju Valley in the 15th place is one of them, but he needs to cross a hundred-foot cliff. Usually, under the urging of the sect, all disciples who have thought of the wall will naturally not cross the cliff to the third floor. Besides, it is not easy to get the third floor.

At the top of the cliff, that is, the place connecting the second and third floors, there is a huge whirlwind. It can't be seen under the cliff, but once it reaches the cliff, the whirlwind is like a ghost, blocking people's way. If you are an ordinary disciple, I'm afraid that if you encounter this whirlwind, you will stop, but the person who flew to the cliff at this moment is 15.

He has the colorful Holy Spirit, the power of God, the power of heavenly rebellion, and even has an ancient artifact in his body: Huntian. If he tries his best, I'm afraid he can fight against the nihilless sword, and this small whirlwind will naturally not fall into his eyes.

He carefully dodged left and right, but a cup of tea had entered the third floor, but when he landed on the third floor, a violent wind blew on his face, and the strong wind was mixed with extremely annoying heat, just like the hot summer, the hot sun in the sky. .

15 felt the heat in the strong wind and glanced at a corner from afar, where there seemed to be a bottomless cave. This strong wind also sprayed out of it.

15 solemnly walked to the cave step by step and approached, but found that there were no more than ten caves, and there was a faint breath in each cave, but in front of the breath from the cave directly opposite him, the rest were naturally ignored by him.

The cave is not high or low, and it is for one person to pass through, and after thinking for fifteen years, the strong wind not only did not weaken, but became more and more fierce, with faint sparks. However, how powerful it is at this moment. He slightly runs the power of heaven, and the heat has been quickly absorbed by him.

The hot wind seemed to realize that it could not hinder the people who came in, and it automatically dissipated. However, 15 did not relax its vigilance because of this, but became more vigilant. Because his surroundings are too quiet and terrible, often at the quietest time, there are masters watching, which is also a precursor to extreme danger.


Suddenly, a loud noise came from the depths of the cave. When he heard it, he suddenly felt shocked, because the sudden sound was too harsh and too shocking.

It's like being cold, and there is a thunderstorm in my ear. If anyone is a little weaker, he will definitely be shocked. Although 15 was not embarrassed by this, he was also scared. His heart suddenly beat more than three times faster?

However, he gritted his teeth and continued to move forward without saying a word.

In a short time, the cave seemed to come to an end, and he couldn't see five fingers in the cave. He replaced his sight with perception. He seemed to "see" a stone door suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Did that man ask me to let him out?" An idea suddenly flashed in the heart of 15th. Since this third floor is a prison, there must be a powerful master in this stone gate, and the master called 15 to come, really want to use the power of 15 to get out of trouble?

15 is obviously impossible to help him, because he is a disciple of Tianshan after all, and what is trapped in this stone gate must be the demon of Tianshan. No matter how curious he is, he will not release it.

So, at this point, he wanted to turn around and leave.

However, just then, a low voice suddenly sounded inside the stone gate: "Wait..."

At first glance, the sound seems to be made by an old man, but the sound also seems to be mixed with some desolation, as if seeing through the cold world.

Fifteen stopped when he heard the words, because the sound really made him feel lonely and sad, and because the voice was old, and the sound did not seem to be human, but more like a monster...

A tragic monster? Or a lonely demon?

"What's your name?" The old man's voice continued to ring, like an elder's love for his descendants.

However, 15 did not understand the situation at all. He was sure that he had never heard this sound in his memory, and as 15 expected, the old man in the stone gate did not know who 15 was...

"Fifteen thousand Hong..." 15 answered obediently, because he asked his own name and not anything else. Isn't his name just something that others know? What can I do to tell the old man?

"Oh? Are you a descendant of the Lei clan?

Thunder clan? Does this old man actually know the Lei clan? Then who is he? Why was he trapped in this prison?

"No..." The fifteenth answer is resolute, as if it is not to be suspected by others, and the old man in Shimen will naturally not doubt it. He pondered for a moment and said, "Who taught you the art of inflammatory spin?"

Finally asked the point, 15 guessed that the reason why the old man could call himself to come was definitely caused by the skill of this fire spinning skill, but 15 was extremely puzzled. What was the strangeness of this volume of skills?

"My big brother..." Of course, 15 wants to figure out the purpose of the trapped old man, but at this moment, he can only follow the old man's thinking, because 15 knows that the old man will not tell the truth.

"Oh? How can the disciples of the fire clan pass on their internal skills? Obviously, the old man did not doubt what 15 said. He just muttered to himself, so he asked 15 again, "I have something for you to help me. Can you agree?"

He knew that the old man was likely to help him out of trouble, but as a disciple of Tianshan, how could he let a master who had made a big mistake get out of trouble, thus endangering the whole sect?

So the answer of 15 is also particularly firm: "Can't..."

PS: There are still two more in the evening, but I'm worried about my Internet speed. If I can't send it, it will be better to have two more tomorrow... Hoho