
[Chapter 404 Sword of Life]

(Second update)

15 looked at the desolation in front of him and frowned deeply, because the clues here seemed to have been completely covered up with the end of the battle between gods and demons.

How can he find the clues he wants in the face of the desolate and even ruins battlefield?

The battle of gods and demons is very wide, and the date of its occurrence was only a few days ago. 15 guessed that there may be demons around this battlefield.

Thinking of this, he carefully emitted his perception and searched dozens of miles. However, when he thought there was no harvest, he suddenly sensed another huge perception. When he found the man on the 15th, he also exposed himself.

After a while, he felt a breath of staring at the world suddenly shrouded from the sky... This is, demonic spirit! Powerful demonic spirit!

15 stood quietly, waiting for the arrival of the powerful demon.

The wind blows, the wind suddenly rises, and the sand flies away, like a sudden sandstorm in the desert, sweeping up to cover the world.

"Human!" A huge sound in the wind was loud, but it was hard to hear. It sounded like a man or a woman, or a combination of two voices.

The wind is as strong as a knife, but 15 does not move at all in such a violent wind. Although the demon cultivation in the battlefield with him is powerful, in the feeling of 15 that it is only similar to his own strength, and 15 firmly believes that with the power of the artifact, he can completely kill it.

Therefore, before the demon cultivation really comes, his best choice is to stay still...

"Hey, so it's you?"

Such a voice suddenly came from the strong wind, and the fifteenth suddenly shook. He suddenly remembered who was the person with this double voice... The old black demon!

Sure enough, the enemy has a narrow road and meets everywhere!

"Montenegrin old demon?" Fifteen's face suddenly sank. He didn't have any good impression on the old demon of Montenegro. At this moment, since he had sent it to his door, isn't it a good time to get rid of him?

"Ky, your cultivation speed is really unparalled. I didn't expect that you have reached the realm of communication in just two years, but today you met me, and your growth will be cut off! It's a big gift of cooperating with the fire clan..." The old demon of Montenegro smiled, and his figure quickly appeared, and then incarnated into a huge locust tree. Thousands of vines like spiritual snakes all over the sky rushed to the fifteenth.

15 sneered, and he finally saw the strength of the old demon of Montenegro... The road is simple! Unexpectedly, in the past two years, he has also reached this level, but no matter how fast the old demon of Montenegro has become, it is not enough to see it in the fifteen eyes. However, before killing the old demon of Montenegro, there are some things that must be clarified, such as his cooperation with the Huo clan!

At present, fifteen palms, the source wood sword is also like a flexible dragon, touching the vines of the old black demon...


A huge sound resounded, and the attack moves of the two were stagnant, but what surprised 15 was that he casually turned the source wooden sword into a rattan and entangled with the moves of the old black demon. The latter's rattan began to touch the 15th source wooden sword, which was indeed like a river with a breach of the dike, leaking thousands of miles... The defense line instantly Collapse, defeat!

Why is this...?

"Where did you find the rattan? Why do you have this kind of treasure? The old demon of Montenegro was bound by the fifteen rattan at a meeting, and there was no room for resistance. However, it was not the strength of the fifteen that bound the old demon of Montenegro... It was the source wooden sword!

The source wood sword is called the tree of origin, and the body of the Montenegrin old demon is also a tree, that is to say, this tree of origin has deadly oppression and power over the Montenegrin demon...

Therefore, the old demon of Montenegro will be powerless when it touches the rattan transformed by the source wood sword.

"Ah..." The old demon of Montenegro is extremely frightened. At this moment, his cultivation has reached the road to simplicity, but he still can't break the shackles of the open source wooden sword with his own strength. "My power is passing, my power is passing... No! 15, you can't let it absorb my power, you can't let it absorb my power!"

The old demon of Montenegro roared, but 15 was indeed like a theaterman, standing there with some shock... Because this sudden scene had already confused him.

I didn't expect Yuanmu Sword to have this and other functions? In front of this source tree, no matter how powerful the old demon of Montenegro is, he will be bound by it, but it is revealed from the words of the old demon of Montenegro, and it seems that he knows the origin of the source wood sword.

This old demon of Montenegro has done a lot of evil, and 15 will naturally not spare him, and the source wooden sword has absorbed the power of the old demon of Montenegro, which is also a great help for 15 itself. Naturally, it will not stop it, but it is also very important to get some useful information from the old monster of Montenegro.

Therefore, after a while of silence, 15 tried to communicate with the sword spirit of Yuanmu Sword and temporarily let him stop absorbing the demon spirit of the old black mountain demon... The sword spirit of Yuanmu Sword is the little old man who has been hiding. Fifteen can only communicate with him through his heart, but the little old man was not happy at first and even chattered, but I gave up for the sake of the overall situation.

15 knew that although the little old man was the sword spirit of Yuanmu Sword, he did not know many things. According to the words of the little old man, the essence of absorbing Wanmu was born by him, because he was the original wood! It's so simple, and so correct...

"Do you know the origin of this wooden sword?"

When the absorption power of Yuanmu Sword disappeared, 15 stared at the old black demon with a solemn face.

"Ky, I'm lucky, but I want to tell you to let me go first..." The old demon of Montenegro was relieved when he saw the passing of power in an instant. At this moment, his mind was also lively.

However, before his words fell, 15 suddenly laughed and said, "Then you don't have to say. Anyway, I don't know anything about sex..."

The absorption power of Yuanmu Sword suddenly emerged, and the old demon of Montenegro's face became pale. Unexpectedly, 15 had no thirst for knowledge and curiosity at all. On the contrary, absorbing the power of the old demon of Montenegro was more attractive to him.

"You, you..." The old demon of Montenegro said for a long time, and the fifteenth was also indifferent. In the end, he had to give up and had to slowly talk about the origin of the source wooden sword he knew.

However, the first sentence of the old demon of Montenegro shocked 15... This source wood sword originally had another name, the sword of life!

Sword of Life? The so-called original tree refers to the tree of life, and this source wood sword is made from the trunk of the tree of life.

Fifteen was stunned, and the old demon continued to say: "The sword of life was originally an artifact comparable to the ancient artifact, because the tree of life was once a powerful existence beyond the ancient gods and demons, and the wooden sword made from his tree trunk is naturally also an artifact, but it was knocked down during the ancient war between gods and demons. The realm... The sword of life has changed from an artifact to a divine spirit weapon..."

Is this the origin of the source wood sword? Moreover, the old demon of Montenegro is the best among the tree demons that have not lived for thousands of years, and he also has a certain understanding of the deeds and legacy of his ancestors... However, are his words credible? If it is not credible, what can he hide?

"Yes, the spirit of heaven?" 15th thought of this and quickly communicated with the spirit of the earth.

"In ancient times, there was indeed a sword of life. The power of the sword of life was definitely not below me, but it didn't seem to be in your hand, but it was a little like..." The spirit of heaven was also immersed in meditation. "The god of life tree was extremely powerful, but it was bombarded by ashes during the ancient war. This sword of life It was originally an artifact made from his own trunk and used by himself. As far as I know, it did fall with the fall of the god of life. However, when I fought with Thor, I once saw the sword of life. I dare not judge whether this is the sword of life, but I can conclude that your source wooden sword must be It has a very close connection with the sword of life... Perhaps this source sword, like your keel, is peeled off from the sword of life, and it is also an important opportunity to find the sword of life..."

The source wood sword peeled off from the sword of life! It is no wonder that it has the characteristics of some of the sword of life, and it is called the source wood sword rather than the sword of life, which is also for this reason.

15 clenched the source wood sword in his hand. In his fragmentary memory, the creature tree exists in the floating gap of his time, and this log sword is also an opportunity to find the sword of life. If one day he can find the artifact of the sword of creatures, does it mean that he can also know more about the abundance of the year? About the village?

PS: 36086 friend, I didn't know you were banned. I didn't find out until today that I'm really sorry!