
[Chapter 513 The Last Broken Jade]

"Where is this?"

15 deeply remembers that his body has completely collapsed, but his consciousness seems to have not dissipated. He doesn't know where he has drifted. He is a little confused and confused.

No one answered him, only he was left alone. The darkness around him completely swallowed him up, leaving only the memory of when he had just broken his body.

At that time, he fell into the endless abyss and his body was constantly breaking, but a moment later he was held in the air by a pair of gentle hands, but this gentleness only lasted for a moment. In the void above the endless abyss, he suddenly landed a black death hand and smashed all the gentleness he had hard to feel.

Immediately after, his body began to disintegrate, but at the moment when his consciousness was about to dissipate, a streamer light cut through the void, and at the same time, his consciousness gradually became blurred.

Although the consciousness was confused, it did not dissipate, and then it was unconscious. Until now, it was muddle-headed and surrounded by darkness.

There is no passage of time, no discernable things, darkness in darkness, nothingness in nothingness. Fifteen feel that time passes very slowly and seems to pass quickly. What kind of feeling is this? Loneliness, helplessness, or desolation!

Time has no destination, and the consciousness of 15th also has no harbor to berth. Several times, he has to dissipate forever like this, but there are too many things he hasn't done yet, Jiujiu, Nianfeng Village, revenge...

A person's persistence is sometimes so terrible, like a burning flame. Fifteen feel that the darkness around him is dissipating, and a few rays of light suddenly appear in the distance. The color of the light seems to be different, one, two or three... There are eight kinds of light.

What the hell is that? Fifteen was a little puzzled. He kept thinking, but suddenly found that his thinking had stagnated, and his consciousness was no longer condensed and began to pass.


However, at this moment, a crisp voice cut through the whole darkness. Fifteen sudden, he was shocked and his heart surged. Because of this sound, he could no longer be familiar with it. Every time he dreamed at midnight, he could hear a little girl calling his brother, and there was also such a little girl's voice in his memory.

Brother, brother...

Like a clear source of life, constantly pouring into the fifteenth life, his thoughts became cheerful. As his thoughts became cheerful, the eight rays of light in the distance became brighter and brighter.

15 suddenly opened his eyes. At this moment, he was floating in a space, but his body seemed to have only light spots left, which were slowly dissipating.

Is the moment when the light spot dissipates, the moment when you die? However, 15 didn't care about this at all, but what he cared about was the jade pendant floating on his chest with dragons and phoenix dancing.

The jade pendant is exquisite and crystal clear. It is actually a beautiful jade, and no matter from which angle he looks at it, it is the broken jade he once carried.

That is to say, this jade pendant related to the book of creation has been completely reorganized.

But before that, the fifteenth was not fully collected, so where did the last broken jade come from?

The answer is at his feet.

When 15 looked down, there was a light array, on which there were two beautiful shadows. One of them seems to be illusory.

It is surprising that these two figures appear here, not to mention that 15 has been completely confused.

"You are..." The body that became a light spot on 15 slowly went down and stood in the same phalanx with the two women. He stared at them doubtfully and warily.

When his eyes fell on the physical woman, his mind couldn't help trembling. His eyes widened, and finally he said in a trembling voice, "Ji, Jiujiu?"

"Brother, it's me, I'm still alive..."

"It's really you, it's really you..." 15 excitedly came forward to hug Jiujiu, but as soon as he moved, the light spots on his body dissipated faster.

"Don't move!" Naturally, it was the illusory woman who made this sound. When he saw him, he was also shocked, because the woman seemed to have seen it somewhere, so familiar and kind!

15 was extremely obedient. He did not feel any malice, and Jiu Jiu was also here, which also showed that he might be able to survive and was saved by this illusory woman, and the broken jade may not be given by her.

"You are..."

"She is Lord Pluto..." Jiujiu stared at 15 with some tears in her eyes. After all, the two are brothers and sisters. Although they are not related by blood, they are also playmates when they were young, childhood sweethearts, and the two have no guess.

"Underworld, underworld?" Fifteen was stunned, "Is the underworld a woman?"

15 suddenly remembered where I had seen this woman, but it turned out to be the statue in front of the Hades Palace in the dark time and space. Isn't that the underworld himself? When I saw the statue, I didn't think so. At this moment, when I saw the ghost himself, I realized that she was such a beautiful woman.

"To be more precise, I'm your grandmother!" Underworld.


"That's right, I created the Cloud Book through the Stone of the Underworld with my own flesh and blood!" I can't see any look of the underworld, but 15 can fully feel her kindness. It turns out that some of my blood belongs to the underworld. No wonder I feel that the underworld is very kind.

"You, are you really my...grandmother?" Fifteen can't believe it, and it's not that he doesn't dare to admit it, as if all this is like a dream, as if everything has been arranged.

"That's right..." The underworld smiled and suddenly said, "Well, I think you already know the cause and effect..."

15 naturally knew the cause and effect of what the underworld said. He nodded and said, "I want to know who Death is?"

"Death?" Suddenly, the underworld was silent. After a long time, she said, "In the last world, there were two people who inherited the power of heavenly rebellion. One was the creator of this world, and the second was the death of today!"

"What?" Fifteen changes in the face, isn't the inheritance of the power of heavenly rebellion limited to one person?

"You're right. There is not only one inheritor, but there is only one person who can become the creator!" The answer of the underworld was concise, but it made 15 fall into meditation.

Because if the inheritor is not alone, why is he the only one who has been spurned by heaven and earth?

15 slowly raised her eyes and looked into the eyes of the underworld. The two eyes touched each other, and the underworld had realized it. She explained: "There is not only one person who inherits the power of heavenly rebellion, but there is only one person who inherits the book of creation, that is, the most likely to become the god of creation. The world calls him the underworld. The reason why you will be demon That's the reason why the two worlds chase!"

The underworld smiled and did not explain this any more, because the fifteenth had already known it. She continued the previous topic: "Because death has also inherited the power of heavenly rebellion, and it is even comparable to the god of creation. If the god of creation does not have the book of creation, I'm afraid he can't fight death. That's why death is from the previous The world survived and saved many strong men of his lineage from the last world! So in today's world, it is not an excessive to say that he is the first person!"

The seal of Pluto is not that her strength is too weak and unscheming, but that the power of Death is too strong.

"The purpose of death is to become the god of creation. If he becomes like that, the consequences of the world will be unimaginable..." The underworld looked quite anxious.

15 asked, "Since he is already the first person in today's world, why didn't he come to rob the book of creation on me?"

This is an extremely critical issue. If Death really has that ambition, he can personally grab the book of creation and then take it as his own.

"This is impossible..." The underworld frowned slightly and said, "There are two reasons. First, when I was sealed, Death wanted to rob the book of creation, but the original spirit of the summoned god of creation was not a weak person. He used the book of creation to beat Death seriously, and he wanted to rob it was also powerful. I don't care, and his men are staring at others, which is not worth mentioning..."

"This is the first, second, the previous book of creation is not complete, and it is impossible for the inheritor to reassemble the book of creation, so on the one hand, he can't take action, and on the other hand, he is waiting until you get the complete book of creation!"

"But before, I didn't get the complete book of creation, but Death seemed to take action?"

"That's because he is afraid that you and I will face me!"


"Because I have successfully created the inheritor of the book of creation, your mother, so what Death is most afraid of now is that you will meet me. Otherwise, he will never take action easily before you gather the book of creation..."