
Chapter 11 Pluto Please

This day, Zeus avoided Hera's eyes and ears, wandered to the West Earth, turning into an eagle and hovering around.

Suddenly, Zeus saw an extremely beautiful place: a clear river winding into the valley, a pale blue lake behind the lush jungle, and a towering palace stood on the shore of the lake. The water pavilion in the hall, carved beams and painted buildings... There is everything, and the sound of silk and bamboo surrounds the clouds, just like the sound of heaven.

Where is this? I didn't expect there to be such a good place in the lower world! Zeus was jealous and swooped down.

Suddenly, a beautiful woman wearing a wreath came into the sight of Zeus. Her graceful posture, fluttering clothes, and the smell of her hair made Zeus feel itchy.

Tut! I didn't expect that there would be such a beautiful woman in the West Turkey! Zeus praised and had a bad idea. As we all know, Zeus is famous for his lust. He dominates Hera and stirs flowers everywhere. That's really in response to the sentence, "Eat the bowl and look at the pot."

How can he let go of such a beautiful beauty in front of him? So a vicious eagle pounced on the food and pressed the woman to the ground. The woman struggled to shout. Suddenly, she saw herself fall into the arms of a handsome man, and immediately looked like a peach blossom. Zeus has such an instinct that he will appear when he meets the woman he like.) A stream of heat rushed up from the bottom to the top of his head, and Zeus' nosebleeds had flowed out. He bowed his head and kissed the woman's cherry lips... Unfortunately, this action was just hit by Qi'ao, a demon king who was passing by.

When Qi'ao saw that his princess was humiliated, he immediately opened his eyes angrily and raised his eyebrows. He roared and immediately shook the mountain. Seeing that a fight is about to begin. Zeus was very unhappy when he saw that someone had disturbed his good deeds, so he went down and split the Westland in half.

Qiao was furious and clenched his teeth: "Wow! The hatred of destroying the land, the hatred of ashamed of his wife, is not the same!"

With a "brush" sound, his red hair flew up. Qi'ao raised the red flame knife and was about to go up and fight hard. Zeus disdained to do something with this kind of earthy eight roads, leaving only a contemptuous smile, and then turned around and waved his wings.

Qiao is furious. Everyone respects him and respects him as the king, and no one has ever dared to despise him so much. How can the devil, who has always been wild and unruly, be humiliated?

In anger, Qi'ao led 100,000 demons to attack Mount Olympus. Saberas, a three-headed magic dog, spitting flames, and Hydra sprayed poisonous fog to open the way in front of him. Hundreds of thousands of demons went to Mount Olympus. The flames are rolling on the ground, and the poisonous fog is steaming, like purgatory in the world. There is no grass left where the demon army has passed, only scorched soil. Tens of thousands of human beings were buried, and the smell of decay went straight to the Temple of Olympia.

At this time, Mount Olympus has no protection of sacred objects and has lost its boundary and is completely exposed to the universe. Coupled with the intrigue between the gods, they have always been at peace, so they all looked on coldly. As a god, when the people pay tribute, they have to share the worries of the people. Nevertheless, the extremely conceited Zeus still did not pay attention to Qi'ao.

It's just a demon. I was going to let him live and die, but I didn't expect that he would come to the door. Why don't you take this opportunity to kill him? Zeus thought to himself.

At this time, Hera said, "Your Royal, why do you have to do it yourself? Aren't your two brothers idle? Why don't you let them deal with the devil?

Also, how can you use a cow knife to kill chickens? Zeus pondered a little and called the gods to send Poseidon.

In the distant Aegean Sea, Poseidon is sitting sullenly on a throne full of pearls.

Poseidon is a handsome man. He has blue curly hair, which is as long as his waist and waves behind his head.

Medusa is sitting in Poseidon's arms, combing Poseidon's long hair with her pointed and thin nails.

If Poseidon is in a good mood, his curly hair will hang obediently behind his head. If he blows his beard and stares, the curls will bounce up and hit thousands of waves. At this moment, even if there is a beauty in his arms and Seren's charming singing voice is pleasant, he still feels lonely.

20,000 years ago, he, Zeus and Hades joined hands to overthrow his father. He thought that he could dominate the universe from then on. Unexpectedly, after listening to Prometheus' words, he captured the world and castration, he actually let the third sit on the clouds. He could only spend all day in this thousands of waters and fight with these rags and rotten shrimps all day. Traffic. Fortunately, Prometheus's man destroyed the sacred objects by stealing the heavenly fire. He was better off than death, and finally calculated this anger. Alas, I, Poseidon, had the ability to spend his youth here in vain. I heard that Zeus also said wildly that he wanted to hang the boss's underworld and his own sea to his Mount Olympus. The more Poseidon thought about it, the more angry he couldn't help roaring, so he drove the golden carriage and went for a walk to the sea.

Poseidon's side is rolling with thunder, but several ships on the sea can't help it. "Squeaky", accompanied by the sound of the mast breaking, there was an exclamation: "No! The prince fell into the water!" It was because the sea king vented his anger that the prince of the world fell into the water, which caused his youngest daughter to meet the prince of the world, thus interpreting an unrivaled love and finally becoming a classic legend of the tragic death of the bubble. ( Thanks to Laozi, thanks to Laozi! Strong contempt.)

Posedon is venting his anger here, and the gods have brought the metaphor of Zeus. Poseidon thought: Humph! Lao San, Lao San, you only think of me when you use me. If I don't pinch it for you here, you won't pay attention to me. Poseidon sent the messenger away on the grounds that it would be unlucky for the princess's thousandth birthday.

Zeus is so angry: "It's the opposite! Oppesite! Even the second son doesn't pay attention to me.

"King, please calm down. The sea king is nothing more than a driver. Well, let Athena go. She is so smart that nothing can defeat her. Hera's pillow wind has always been very useful, and this time is no exception.

Athena is watching juggling in Athens, and she is watching it with great interest. Athena was not at odds with the rough and irritable uncle Wang, but she had no choice but to go reluctantly.

Athena met the Sea King and did not salute herself as a princess.

Medusa was very unhappy when she saw it: What's wrong with Zeus' daughter? She didn't know how to be superior or inferior. She was really unbred!

What wisdom Athena is. She has read what she thought from Medusa's eyes. Seeing that the princess was so beautiful, she immediately became jealous and cast a spell on Medusa, cursing her blonde hair to become an ugly snake. Everything she saw will If you become a stone, even if you die, your head will be embedded in your shield. This woman is poisonous! Hard enough! Strong contempt.)

The Sea King is in a good way, and there is an emergency on the other side of the underworld. Originally, Zeus gave human life for 100 years, so the underworld extradite a group of undead every hundred years in order to reduce the work pressure of the underworld. Hey, Zeus is also quite considerate of his subordinates. Smile a little.)

Now, the demon clan has invaded. Every day, tens of thousands of creatures are suffering, and the black-pressed dead soul team rushed to the underworld. Among them, there are some rough and barbarians, pushing and jumping in the queue, causing some of the dead souls to fall into the Styx River, turning into green smoke, and never to never be reincarnated.

Caron's fleet has been seriously overloaded, and the ship has been destroyed from time to time. Fortunately, the dead souls who were lucky enough to extradite the past were all killed tragically. The resentment was too heavy, and a black fog shrouded the underworld, which greatly polluted the environment. Pluto was very dissatisfied, so he ran to the Temple of Olympia to complain to Zeus.

Hera next to him took the opportunity to fan the flames: "Pluto, what do you look like in the underworld? Who would want to live in that kind of place?" After saying that, he didn't forget to throw a wink.

Hades was already in love with Hera. No matter how cold he was, he could not beat Hera's sapphire-like eyes. As soon as his mind was hot, Pluto automatically invited him and was willing to sweep away the demons.

According to Pluto's order, Tanatos urgently conscripted 100,000 skeleton soldiers and fought a fierce battle with the demon king's army at the foot of Olympus Mountain.

Although the demon army is driven by flesh and blood, they are huge and most of them are good at change. Take the Hydra as an example. It has nine heads. If one is cut off, it will grow again and can't be killed.

As for the skeleton soldiers in the underworld, don't underestimate those rotten bones. Although they lose their bodies, they have the combat effectiveness when they are alive. Those are all selected by Tanatos from the undead guard. They are the most brave soldiers when they are alive. The skeleton soldier seemed to fall off when he touched it, but he was unparalleled in the war. Even if his head was cut off, he could touch himself with his hand. However, once he touched other people's head wrongly, he would mess up and kill each other. Even if he fell into pieces, he could be restored from the soil with a brush. However, the skeleton soldiers have a fatal weakness, that is, they can't see the sun. If they see the sun, they will immediately disperse.

Pluto is not a fool. Seeing that Apollo wanted to drive the sun car to work, he pulled him down: "Go cool!"

In order to cooperate with Pluto's army, Zeus had to lay off Apollo. Apollo was so angry that he had a runny nose and tears for several months. This is why the southern continent rains every spring.

Well, this melee, from morning to night, from late to morning, killed for seven days and seven nights. Because Pluto helped the world, the demon army was killed and injured. In the end, the demon king, who had no power to return, had to order the retreat.