
Chapter 14 quenching

The surroundings were black and nothing was seen. Locke felt like he had been put in a cage or bag. Thriller and fear filled the heart. Locke rushed around like a trapped beast. He tore it with his hand and bit it with his teeth, but he couldn't find the exit. Finally, he was exhausted and collapsed softly.

I don't know how long it took, but my eyes suddenly lit up, and a face full of scales almost stuck to Locke's nose. This is a woman's face.

"Ah!" Locke screamed and shrank desperately inside.

The woman's hair is a venomous snake. They dance their triangular heads and spit out blood-red snake letters, which is indescribably horrible.

"Jie Jie Jie" sounded a strange smile, "Little boy, you are so cute. Why don't you be my pet? Tut-tut, this little face is really handsome. Oh, it also has a pair of wings. It turns out that it caught a bird man.

"Bah, you are the bird man, I am..."

Locke originally wanted to say that he was the devil's son, but he suddenly remembered his previous experience and thought to himself: In case the banshee is another enemy of his father, won't he die?

Locke hurriedly changed his words and said, "I am a divine messenger, and I come to spread the metaphor from the lower world." He remembered that Mr. Piero had once said that the messenger had wings, so he made up a nonsense.

"Yo, is there a god like you? There are still two small horns!" The ugly face showed a contemptuous look, "I learned to lie at such a young age, and I know at a glance that you are not honest. You'd better make a charm introduction." Those two eyes suddenly became grim, which shocked Locke with a layer of millet all over his body.

"Pa", the lights were isolated, and Locke fell into darkness again. Thinking about it, he was really locked in a cage. His own prince was reduced to prison twice. Father, Locke, is useless and he can't avenge you and your mother... Thinking about it, tears flowed down again.

"I will raise you first, and you can make an introduction on the full moon night. Humph! Athena, when I make a seal, I can avenge my sister. Our Gorgon woman is not easy to bully! I will turn you into the ugliest woman in the world!" Outside, the snake-haired banshee gritted her teeth and cursed full of hatred.

Athena, isn't that the goddess of wisdom? Locke remembered that Mr. Piero once said that Athena was the goddess of war who jumped out of Zeus' head. It is said that the goddess of war is smart and beautiful, and she doesn't know what hatred the snake-haired banshee had with the goddess.

A few days later, on a full moon night, Locke was caught from the cage by a big hand. This hand not only has sharp and long nails, but also covered with scales. The strength of this hand was so strong that it grabbed the two horns on Locke's head and raised Locke.

Locke saw a huge iron pot not far away.

"Jie Jie", with a strange smile, the banshee took Locke to the front of the pot. The pot was full of black **, and they surged with their teeth and claws, like big hungry mouths.

"Ah, no! What are you going to do?" Locke screamed.

"It contains the ugliest and most evil things in the world, including cruelty, viciousness, greed, insidiousness, cunning, despicable and hypocrisy. Your virginity is their best food." The banshee smiled ferociously. Then, with a "dong" sound, Locke was thrown into the pot. The churning black waves immediately swallowed up Locke.

Those vicious eyes stared at the rolling black waves, as if waiting for a miracle to happen. Soon, the pot of black waves calmed down.

"Hahaha, ha ha ha... Athena, I will see your end soon!" The banshee laughed wildly.

Gradually, the dark ** color of the pot began to fade and became clearer and clearer.

"Ah! How could this happen?"

The miracle happened, but it didn't seem to be what the banshee expected. The banshee pulled her hair fiercely with her pointed and thin nails. The blood-red snake letter spit out the elder, and the poisonous snakes were pinched and rolled their eyes.

Suddenly, the pot** boiled and rotated quickly, forming a huge whirlpool. "Wow," a shadow rushed out, followed by a "bang", the pot turned over, and the ** inside spilled on the ground. Soon, clusters of enchanting flowers grew in those places where ** flowed, and they were the most beautiful and poisonous mandalas in the world. The gorgeous appearance of the mandala is often used to confuse people's eyes, making you unconsciously intoxicated and unable to extricate yourself.)

"Ah! Why on earth is this? Does that child have a pure heart?" The banshee went crazy and tore the snake's hair desperately and turned around on the ground.

"Why, you are very unhappy if I didn't hang up, right?" A cold sound makes people's spines feel cold. The banshee stopped her crazy movements, stared with shocked eyes, and looked up.

A pair of huge black wings flapped silently. There is a teenager suspended in mid-air. Locke had an evil smile on the corners of his mouth, and his dancing red hair brushed the bright red pupils on his face from time to time.

"Ah! Your Majesty!" The banshee was shocked and hurriedly fell down to worship.

It seems that the banshee has mistaken herself for her father Wang Qi'ao. Locke said coldly, "I'm not the devil, I'm the devil's son Locke. What kind of monster are you?"

"Your Highness, my subordinate's name is Sisina. My subordinate is not a monster, and I am also a member of the demon clan. Our family has been guarding Gorgon, which is the farthest border of the Westland."

Oh, that's it. Locke understood that it was his own clan. I didn't expect the snake-haired woman to be so vicious that she almost killed herself.

"Say, what deep hatred do you have with Athena?"

"Your Highness, my sister Medusa was the most beautiful woman in the world. Just because of Athena's jealousy, she not only deprived her of her beauty, gave her ugly body, but also gave her petrified pupils, so that she could not communicate with anyone. My sister is so miserable. You have to be the master!" Sisina wiped her nose with tears.

Locke frowned and said, "Get up, I know. What wisdom is Athena? How can your ghost tricks be hidden from her eyes?

"But, Your Highness..."

A trace of viciousness flashed in his blood-red pupils. Locke glanced at Sina and said, "Then Athena is one of the twelve gods. Can you fight her? This matter still needs to be discussed in the long-term. We demons have an ensual feud with Zeus. Sooner or later, I will declare war on the gods!"

"Yes, yes! Your subordinates are waiting for your Highness's dispatch at any time!"

The cluster of enchanting mandalas are swaying in the evening wind, like a woman's smiling face.

Keeping you will one day endanger the world. Locke carried the magic and was about to destroy them. Suddenly, he saw a big drop of clear ** flowing from the stamens of a flower, like tears. Locke was stunned. He stretched out his hand, took off the flower, put it at the tip of his nose and sniffed it. There was a strange fragrance, but it also smelled good.

A lot of evil and a trace of compassion is really rare! Let's leave you for the time being. Locke held the enchanting red at the corners of his mouth, then stretched out his palms and smashed the enchanting beauty of the ground. Those smiling faces disappeared.


"My subordinates are!"

"How many of our people are still there?"

"Since the last war between gods and demons, countless people have been killed and injured, and I heard that the national master has also fallen into the hands of Hades..."

"What? Mr. Pierrero has..." "Bang", Locke punched out and smashed a pit on the ground. "Teacher, Mr. Pierreo..." Locke knelt on the ground and called in a low voice. Tears rolled down one by one and dripping on the broken petals.

That's my respected and beloved teacher! Locke seemed to see Pierrero being tied to the stake and struggling in the fire of hell.

"Hades, I'm going to flatten your underworld!" Locke roared angrily, and the light from his red pupils was like a burning flame.

"Your Highness, please calm down! I have a suggestion."

"Tell it!" Locke endured the grief in his heart and stood up slowly.

"If you want to defeat Pluto, you have to find a way to break his skeleton soldier."

"Is there any good way?"

"The biggest nemesis of the skeleton is the golden sword of Apollo, the sun god."

"Do you want me to beg Apollo? He is the son of Zeus.

"That's not true. Has Your Highness ever heard the legend about bone dragons?"

"No. Bone Dragon, what is that?

"There is a dark night empire in the distant eastern continent, and only the wizards of the dark night empire can summon bone dragons. The bone dragon is also the nemesis of the skeleton soldiers.

"You mean, let me borrow troops from the eastern mainland?"

"Not bad. If Your Highness can't borrow the sun god, you can only ask the wizard of the night empire for help.

"I won't ask for Apollo. The Dark Night Empire may have a try. But will they lend it to me?"

"You can ask your grandfather for help."

"My grandfather?" Locke was very surprised and thought to himself: Why have I never heard from my parents?

"It's a long story. There are two most powerful empires on the eastern continent. One is the Night Empire. The king's name is Suto. He is the cousin of your father Wang Qi'ao, who is also your uncle. There is also the Rising Sun Empire, which is the kingdom of mankind. Your mother, Kai, is the princess of the Rising Sun Empire. Thousands of years ago, your father Wang Qi'ao went to Suto's wedding and stole Suto's bride-be Kai..."

"Ah! How can there be such a thing? So, my mother is a human?" Locke was deeply surprised.

"Not bad." Sisina must have nodded.

Locke remembered his mother's loving eyes and warm embrace, and his nose was sour again. He didn't expect that human blood flowed in his blood vessels. Locke felt that it was a great shame. How could his noble mother be a human being? The inferior creature created by God is so fragile and vulnerable...

"But why did your father do this?" Locke had a big question mark in his heart.

"This? I don't know. At that time, his subordinates received a messenger order to escort Kai back to the Westland. Soon after that, your father married Kai.

"What happened later? Can Uncle Suto stop here?"

"King Nasuto is not willing to give up. He wrote a war letter to the demon king and asked the demon king to fight outside the castle in the dark night. Later, it is said that King Suto was defeated. Based on this matter, King Suto and the demon king completely turned against each other. From then on, the dark night empire broke away from the demon clan.

It turned out to be like this. Locke couldn't help pondering: Since Uncle Suto has this relationship with his father, he is afraid that he will no longer recognize himself as his nephew. It seems that it will be difficult to borrow troops in Dongtu. However, in order to avenge the destruction of the land and the hatred of destroying the clan, no matter how difficult it is, you have to try it.

"Okay, then I'll go to Dongtu in person, and you can wait here."

"Yes, my subordinates are obeying!"