
Chapter 30 The Taste of Missing

Everyone stepped off the carriage, and there was a vast sea in front of them.

The blue sea is connected with the blue sky, and the sky is the same color. A few thin clouds like yarn, flat in the air, like a light white gauze scarf around the girl's neck. If it weren't for those light clouds, people would really be confused about where the water is and where the sky is.

A group of white gulls spread their light wings and fly freely on the sea. Their snow-white feathers shine in the sun. Sometimes they hover on the blue sea, and sometimes dive down into the water, not knowing whether they are kissing the waves or chasing small fish. Everyone was moved by this peace and tranquility, and their sadness was swept away.

"Sometimes, I come to the seaside alone. When I face the sea, I am often shocked by it, not only because of its majestic momentum, but also because of its unique charm and charm. When I listen carefully, the whispering sea breeze and patting waves will calm my restless soul. Shura looked into Locke's eyes and said poetic words quietly. Locke didn't seem to understand it. Although he didn't quite understand the meaning of Shura's words, he knew that Shura liked this area of blue, so why didn't he? Isn't it God? Everyone loves this tranquility. However, behind the quiet surface, there is often a turbulent undercurrent.

Xue Lie looked at the two close figures, and a sadness gushed out of his eyes. How can this young man who is in love at the beginning of the relationship know? He has fallen into a gentle trap.

"Your Majesty, it's ready."

"Then let's get started."

The bodyguard held a rectangular metal box in his hand and spoke to the box. Is there anyone living in such a small house? What kind of magic will this be? Locke and Shirlie were extremely surprised when they heard someone talking inside.

"Woo-woo..." After a long sound, the wind surged on the sea. The extremely loud voice shocked the gulls to flee everywhere. Thousands of giant ships flew over, and their shapes were very strange, like flying golden ingots and whales swimming in the waves. They split the waves and gather on the sea surface, and soon arrange them into a strange formation.

"This is the most powerful naval force in Atlantis - the Purple Reincarnation Fleet!" Shura proudly declared. At this moment, "she" is standing on the reef and waving to her subordinates. If it hadn't been for this strange golden dress, he would have been an emperor who was proud of the world.

Xue Lie felt strange, because he smelled danger and smelled a faint murderous atmosphere.

"Atlantis is really rich. Even these giant ships are gold, but I don't understand one thing. Where did you get so much gold?" Locke finally raised a question that he had been puzzled, because in his hometown, the * demon kingdom of the West Earth Continent, gold is an extremely precious metal, which is relatively rare.

"Oh, this..." Shura pondered and said, "Actually, the so-called 'gold' is the title you gave it. We call it 'Olihakan', an alloy made from several types of elements on the earth."


"So that's it."

There is an idiotic in those two pairs of eyes.

"Forget it, you don't understand." Shura smiled, pointed to the ship in front of him, and said proudly, "The largest one is the mother ship. I call it 'Queen'. It took me and my subordinates hundreds of years to create them."


"Hundreds of years?"

The two fool-like faces are wide open enough to stuff two eggs.

"So, the queen is hundreds of years old. You... shouldn't you..." A burst of fear hit her whole body, and Xue Lie thought to herself: Queen... The queen is not a goblin.

"My people can live to be more than 200 years old, and I am more than 600 years old. Don't be afraid, what are you afraid of? I'm not a goblin. Listen to me first..." Because Shura has seen Xue Lie's legs tremble, he covered his mouth and smiled. "We have successfully developed a drug that can not only enhance people's physical fitness, but also refuse aging, thus prolonging life."

"Really?" Locke looked at Shura with a suspicious look on his face.

A strange look flashed in the eyes hidden behind the mask, and a leisurely smile appeared between the corners of his mouth. Shura raised his voice, "Of course it's true. One day, I will give mankind the right to eternal life, and then..."

"At that time, I will live immortally!" Xue Lie took over the topic and was so excited that he almost didn't dance.

Shura was stunned first, and then said, "Oh, yes, that's right. At that time, everyone can live an immortal life.

Shura's words made Locke excited. If human beings get eternal life, will God agree? Can the superior Zeus make the pet he created equal with himself? If there is really such a day, a good show will begin, and I would be happy to be an audience.

"Let's go and eat something first!"

The melodious warbler came, and Xue Lie didn't react for a moment, and the sound often distracted him. Locke pulled him, and then he returned to his soul.

The group walked along the seaside. The waves surged on the beach and covered their boots, making a soft brushing sound.

As long as the reefs lying on the coast are gently brushed by the tide, they will disappear under the sea. They really look like monsters. Each piece weighs at least 10,000 catties, and I don't know if I can lift them. Locke thought as he walked.

Soon, a huge building appeared in the eyes of everyone. This should be a palace. From the outside, like most buildings in the city, it also has a curved roof with the music of jingle bells and three tones. It is simple but not boring, and it sounds particularly pleasant. However, it floated on the surface of the water. Locke was confused again.

This should be Shura's palace, because he said that he often comes to the seaside alone. However, how can we make such a huge palace float on the water? How did Shura do it? A series of questions flashed in his mind. Locke wanted to know the answer, but he didn't want to expose himself, because he didn't know whether Shura was a human or a god.

Everyone came to the front of the building. A strange metal bracket protruded from the curved roof. It probed its head for a while, stopped above the heads of several people, and then hung a golden ladder from above, extending to the feet of several people. The bodyguard was in front, Shura was behind, and then Locke and Shi Lie, and the group of people entered along the steps.

The decoration in the palace is also extremely luxurious, glittering everywhere, and there are all kinds of facilities.

There was something similar to a metal cabinet next to the door. The bodyguard walked over and pressed it a few times, and there was a flash of light. Then, they saw a strange phenomenon: a metal belt stretched out, which was lined with some cups, plates and dishes and so on, containing ** of various colors. There are also snacks, vegetables and meat.

"What is this? Is it magic?" Xue Lie screamed.

"This is not magic, but an automation device, a technology of our Atlantis." Shura explained.

Xuelie is surprised, and Locke is also confused. They can't understand these words. In their opinion, the queen is a person who knows magic.

Those things came to everyone. Shura picked up a cup of purple ** and a plate of exquisite pastries. Xue Lie picked up a cup of green ** (ice tea) and a plate of barbecue. His nose was the smartest. Although he didn't know what the names were, he would take down which fragrance was suitable for him. Locke only picked up a glass of milky ** (milk), and he suddenly felt very depressed and didn't want to eat at all.

Shura glanced at Locke, shook the glass gently, then handed the seductive color to his lips and said quietly, "I like to drink wine. Although this wine is a little astringent and a little bitter, after drinking it, it is fragrant and soft, mellow, and has an endless aftertaste. More importantly, it has a smell of missing.

The taste of missing? What does that taste like?" Xue Lie asked curiously.

Locke remembered the taste he was not used to when he first drank wine in that restaurant. The second time, the second time... The embarrassing scene came to my mind again. Locke's heartbeat suddenly intensified, and his face felt like fire. Did he tell me? Damn, what's going on? This heart... Locke pretended not to hear it, quickly lowered his head and poured a few mouthfuls of milk.

"The taste of missing can only be known after drinking." A charming smile bloomed on the face covered behind the mask. Shura turned the cup elegantly with three fingers and said quietly, "It seems that our tastes are not the same."

The three people were silent and stopped talking. They drank the ** in the cup and ate the food on the plate. An awkward atmosphere spread in the air.

"What, my Golden Armor Commander, doesn't the food here suit your appetite?" Shura's half-concerned and half-banoned words made Locke feel uncomfortable.

Locke had to say, "What, I... I'm just not hungry." Locke suddenly felt that this lie was not good enough. It had been more than half a day. How could he not be hungry? He felt as if he had been stripped naked and completely exposed to the crowd. In order to hide the embarrassment, he lowered his head and drank milk and deliberately made a loud noise.