
Chapter 46 Brother and Sister Meet

Xue Lie sat down in the chair dejectedly. The room is already in a mess. The mural was torn off the wall and stepped on dirty. Those crystals, agate and other pendants also rolled on the floor. Wardrobes, closets and so on are open, and all kinds of clothes originally hung inside are thrown everywhere. The dresser was also moved, and each small drawer on it was dragged out as if there was a big living person hidden in it.

"What on earth have you to do with my sister? Shouldn't you rape her first and then kill her, and then destroy her body? Xue Lie was going crazy. He brought out all the worst words in the world and cursed Locke fiercely.

After tossing around for a long time, Xue Lie was exhausted. He felt extremely thirsty and wanted to drink some water. Together, he caught a glimpse of a pillow on the ground, which was decorated with a rose pattern.

Why are you so careless? This is my sister's favorite thing! Xue Lie took two steps to pick up the pillow. Just as he bent down, he caught a glimpse under the bed. Opposite the bed is a yew wooden table. Seven or eight candles are burning on the candlestick of the table. The candles are very bright and just shines on a gap between the bedspread and the ground.

There is something under the bed. Xue Lie lifted the bedspread and reached into it. He touched something like satin cloth. As soon as he tried hard, a man was pulled out. She was wrapped in a gorgeous palace dress and covered with a pink veil on her face. Xue Lie took off his veil.

This is a beautiful girl. Looking at the outline of her face, you can faintly see the shadow of the little girl. Xue Lie is still worried and raises the girl's eyes again, because the little girl has a pair of green eyes. Yes, it should be my sister.

"Puffing", Xue Lie sat on the floor, and his whole body collapsed in an all moment. He really wanted to slap himself and rummaged all over the room. Why didn't he expect it to be under this bed?

"My sister, my good sister, you made me find it so hard! You talk, but you talk. Why don't you talk? Whoo-hoo..." Xue Lie hugged the girl and cried loudly.

The crying alarmed the girl at the door. The girl came in and looked at the mess on the ground. The guest was crying with a woman in her arms. She was so scared that she ran to the queen's bedroom in panic and knocked on the door of Queen Ruoya.

Soon, the queen came with the girl and the guards.

When Ruoya saw Ruos, she was immediately shocked. At this time, Ruos has been put by Xue Lie**, and she looks like she is asleep. The palace dress was neatly worn on her body, and the corolla on her head was also shining, which was the bride's dress. The skin on Ruos's face is bright and white, with light rouge and gouache, and even the shoes embroidered with roses are brand-new.

Ruoya's expression was frightened. She clearly remembered that when Ruos hugged herself and cried, tears washed off the gouache on her face. When she got on the float, she also helped Ruos correct the already crooked corolla. At that time, a tassel fell from the corolla. If it hadn't been for the urging of the palace people, she planned to replace it with another one for Ruos. . At this time, the tassel is hanging intact on the corolla. Think about it from another perspective, even if Ruos returns halfway, such a big living person and such a special dress, as long as she walks into the palace gate, it is impossible for no one to see it. It is impossible for Russ to lie on that **, (Xue Lie did not tell Ruoya that he found Ruas under the bed, and now Xue Lie has been confused.) Because she put down the pink gauze tent with her own hands, **'s things were Rus's favorite things, and she was afraid that they would be stained with dust.

The current situation gives Ruoya the feeling that Ruos has never walked out of this room at all.

Ruoya turned her face to the bodyguards and maids and muttered for a while. She was asking them, "Who did you see Princess Ruos come in?"

Those people chatty for a while and shook their heads.

"It's weird, weird, it's so weird!" Ruoya said to herself and thought to herself, "If she is Ruas, then who is the person who hugged me?" Ruoya simply collapsed. Suddenly, as if she remembered something, she grabbed Xuelie's hand and asked eagerly, "Who is it? Who asked you to come to Ports to save Russ?

"Dead!" Xue Lie said angrily. Although Sprite found it, she was unconscious and didn't know whether it was dead or alive. Xue Lie was full of anger and had nowhere to spread, so he was very angry.

With an "ah" scream, Ruoya fainted.

The guards and girls immediately came up, raised the queen with seven hands and eight feet, and hurried out.

Xue Lie sat back in the chair and cursed fiercely: "Dead head, you'd better die immediately, or I'll go back and have to teach you a good lesson!" After scolding, he was tired and tired, so he fell asleep on the table. The candles were almost lit, and the room darkened.

Queen Ruoya was frightened and didn't turn around until noon the next day. With the help of the maids, she came to Russ's room again.

The room has been sorted out and basically returned to its original state. Ruos is still lying on the **, but the young man named Xue Lie is not there. I guess he has gone to dinner.

Ruoya came to the bed and grabbed Ruos's hand. This hand is smooth, white and elastic. She touched Russ' chest and probed her breath, with no heartbeat or breath. She sniffed it again, which was a femininity mixed with the fragrance of roses. The face covered with the veil was full of inexplicable fear, and Ruoya was completely thundered down. She thought for a moment and then called the girl to mutter a few words. The girl went out.

Soon, a middle-aged woman came in from the outside, wearing a backpack on her shoulder and a khaki robe, with the smell of potion all over her body. She is a female doctor in the palace.

Ruoya muttered a few words with the female doctor. The female doctor sat down, first probed her nose with her hand, then touched her chest, turned her eyes, and basically repeated the queen's previous movements. The female doctor's face showed a puzzled look. She took out something from her backpack, similar to a knife. She used it to pry open Russ' teeth, looked into her mouth, and then frowned. After a moment of hesitation, she put her hand in. She took something out of Russ' mouth. That thing is round, like a bead, which is red and flashes golden.

Ruoya stretched out her hand and wanted to take it over and have a look. Before her hand touched the thing, in the surprised eyes of the two women, the bead turned into red powder and disappeared in the air.

At this moment, Xue Lie walked in listlessly, and he did not see a scene that had just happened.

** There was a groan, and Ruos turned over and sat up. Ruoya chatged with the female doctor, and the female doctor went out with her bag on her back.

Xue Lie heard the sound and rushed over in surprise.

"sister! Sister! You finally woke up!"

"Brother? Are you really my brother? Why are you here?" Ruos was stunned. She looked at Xue Lie, looked at Ruoya, and then saw her gorgeous palace costume. "Isn't it said that the auspicious time has arrived? What, haven't I got on the bus yet?"

"Puff", Ruoya fell down, and she fainted again.

Needless to say, there will naturally be another shout. Ruoya was carried out to see a doctor. She was so scared that she was ill for three days. In the past three days, in addition to visiting Ruoya, the two brothers and sisters also visited the old Pokharto who was still recovering. At other times, they chatted together, talked about their own experiences and situations, and confided their yearning for each other.