
Chapter 81 Bimon appears

At the same time, the earth suddenly trembled, followed by a landslide and cracks. With a thick black fog, a flame rushed to the sky. The violent impact was like two giant hands, forcibly separated the two tightly hugged bodies.

A purple silk scarf flew up, and the bouncing blood jade, plus the phoenix tail piano, they fell down one after the other, and were soon swallowed up by the burning flames.

Locke's body rolled sharply in the air, and then fell into a scorching hole...

Shura's body first flew up and then fell down quickly, with the golden sword still inserted in his chest. The surging sea spread up, and Shura's body sank into the Atlantic Ocean with the broken wall of Posedia and the black flag that fell down...

"Cold, so cold! Why is it so cold? The man with a golden sword in his chest suddenly opened his eyes. Shura was surprised to find that his head was full of surging sea water. "Am I not dead?"

"I won't let you die." A very magnetic sound sounded in my ear.

Shura was shocked, because he saw that it was himself standing in front of him, who was wrapped in a black robe.

"Who are you?" Shura asked in a trembling voice.

"I'm you, you're me."

"What...what's going on?" Shura looked at his chest, and the golden sword disappeared, and he had become a ball of light and shadow. He widened his frightened eyes.

"You can't die, but you occupied my body, and now I'm going to take it back, so you need to find another body."

"Did I occupy your body?"

"Have you forgotten? Five hundred years ago.

"No...No, how could I forget?"

Sura is hanging down his head. His thoughts went back to 500 years ago. That day, he and his five subordinates drove the spaceship to a blue planet, and then, after a loud noise, he found himself flying, moving forward in a shining time and space... When he woke up, he found that he was no longer his original self...

"Although I took your body, you can't die yet." The man who interrupted Shura's thoughts, and his tone was as cold as the cold air around him.

"Why? Let me die. I won't live like this anymore!" Shura pleaded with himself.

When Xuelie's golden sword pierced his body, the physical pain was far from losing Pocedia, and the loss of the whole Atlantis made him more painful. But now, when all this is lost, I only want to die in exchange for liberation. Unexpectedly, I don't even have the right to die.

"Why? Why? Tell me, what on earth is this for?" Shura is going crazy.

"Because you poisoned creatures, you have to pay for it. Therefore, you will be sealed here to bear the pain of ice grinding to redeem your sins. The seal will not be lifted until the body suitable for you appears.

"Ah! How could this happen? So what about Locke? Is Locke dead?

"Because of his appearance, you have created too much murder, and he will bear the responsibility of destroying life, so he will be burned. As for whether he can survive or not, it depends on whether he has the desire to survive.

"Ah! No, please! It's all my fault. If you want to punish me alone. I'm willing to be burned for him!" Shura pleaded eagerly.

"You can't afford it alone."

"Who the hell are you?"

"I have already said that I am you, and you are me. I'm leaving. Wake up here. Because of the murder you created that caused Bi Meng to appear and suffer disaster in the world again, I have to rush to deal with Bi Meng.

With that, the Shura stretched out his palms, and his palms stood up and gathered together. A dazzling mass of light burst out of his palm and then burst into the air, shooting at Shura like thousands of arrows.

"Ah!" Shura screamed. He only felt that countless sharp ice was poking into his body. No, it was poking into his soul. The coldness made him extremely painful.

Now Shura has no body. He is just a shining energy body with a human-like shape.

Sura fell into the black ice array. His soul howled fiercely in the ice array...

The earth continued to tremble, the land was torn apart, and a monster came out of the soil. It has a human head and lion's tail, and a pair of fangs on the corners of its mouth, covered with dark red scales and shining with black light. As soon as it looked up, it reached the stars and rolled up a hurricane as soon as it shook its tail.

"Ah! It's Bimon!" People screamed and fled for their lives.

A rolling heat wave erupted from Bi Meng's nostrils, black poison gushed out from the corners of his mouth, and the earth was melted.

At this time, Poseidon was rolling on the throne with Anfitrite in his arms. Suddenly, there was a violent shaking, followed by the sea boiling. Before Poseidon understood what was going on, he found that the two of them had been completely exposed, and they were still exposed to those stinky fish and rotten shrimp. It turned out that the sea was evaporated. Poseidon is the sea king. Originally, as long as he was in the water, the water would automatically form a boundary for him, and once there was no water, the boundary would disappear.

Poseidon was so angry that he didn't have time to wear a pair of shorts. He picked up Anfiterte and went into the clouds. He fixed his eyes and shouted, "Ah! No, it's Bimon!"

The earth is like hell in the underworld, which is many times more tragic than the last demon invasion. Poseidon held Amphiterte, rolled up a gust of wind, and fled in the direction of Mount Olympus in a panic. He just ran for his life. How can he take care of anything else? His subordinates are stuck in the mud and sunbathing.

So, where did this Bimon come from? It was originally a fetus conceived in the womb of the earth mother Gaia at the beginning of the creation of the world. The mother gave birth for tens of thousands of years without giving birth. She was in unbearable pain, so she cut open her abdomen and gave birth to a pair of twins: a red-haired baby and a stone egg. The baby rushed to the sky, and the stone egg sank into the heart of the earth.

On that day, the demon king Qi'ao was in despair. He went to the center of the earth with his dead wife in his arms. Originally, he wanted to smash the stone eggs with his red flame knife, so that he could destroy the world and die with the Olympia gods. However, Qi'ao and the stone egg were twin brothers. How could the mother let him kill his own brother? Therefore, when Qi'ao was cut down with a knife, the stone egg burst into thousands of rays. As a result, he was devoured by the red flame knife and cut his carotid artery. The blood shot out and splashed on the stone egg. After the stone egg made a "cracking" sound, a crack appeared.

After sucking the devil's blood, the stone egg grew up little by little. When Posideya's crystal satellite crashed, with the fierce impact, the dazzling crystal light wave was like a sharp blade, cutting open the chest of the earth mother, so Bimon was born.

Bimon's huge body overwhelmed the earth. Every step it took, the earth trembled, and its footprints stepped out of a lake. Bimon's huge stomach can't bear a strong sense of hunger, and it sucks away a sea every step. Poseidon stamped his feet in a hurry: "Hey, my grandma, if it goes on like this, where can I live at home!"

Everything that is alive is swallowed into Bi Meng's stomach. Soon, it had nothing to eat and bit Mount Olympus. The Atlas in the temple tilted down. Seeing that the temple was about to collapse, the gods hurriedly changed their bodies and fled for their lives.

Where can Zeus sit firmly on the throne? He jumped up and cut with a golden sword, but his golden sword could not pierce the scales on Bimeng's body at all. Athena's shield turned into a golden wall, but it could not stop Bi Meng's footsteps. Ares' spear, Apollo's golden arrow, Artemis's silver bow... all greeted Bimon's body, but they could not hurt it at all. Instead, the gods were injured by their own weapons, and they all hung up.

Seeing that his nest was about to collapse, Zeus finally panicked, and he hurriedly used his ability to "thunder" He stood in front of the Temple of Olympia, holding the shield in his left hand and shaking the golden hammer in his right hand. (Actually, his scepter, scepter, bang..." "Ka, click..." With the dazzling bright light and deafening roar, thunder and lightning chopped down on Bimon's body. The violent roar made the Temple of Olympia buzz, and the gods fainted one by one.

Bimon's body shook a few times, and it was completely enraged. It roared and sprayed out venom, which burned as soon as it encountered lightning and almost burned Zeus' hair. Zeus was shocked and angry. Poseidon next to him saw it and hurriedly cast a spell to drive all over the world, bringing all the water together. The water formed a huge whirlpool and rolled in from all directions. The fire was extinguished, but the gods present became drowned.

Zes stood there awkwardly and was at a loss for a moment. He felt so ashamed that his god king could not deal with a monster. He looked around, and the gods had become drowned, but Hades' black robe without a drop of water. Zeus looked surprised: "Huh, didn't you travel? Why did you suddenly come back!"

Zeus was very strange. He didn't know when Hades appeared, and the gods were also surprised, because they had not seen Pluto for many years.

Zeus had to look at his boss, which clearly means: Did you leave your job without permission to let this thing run out? It came out of your territory. Who will deal with it if you don't settle it? You still want to lose face at this time. Isn't this cheating brother? Strong contempt.)