
Chapter 85 Wufu and Xiao

"I don't know how to appreciate such a beautiful night. Is it still a man to hide here and cry secretly?" A groaning, slightly magnetic sound sounded from behind the sand dunes.

"Who is there?" Locke immediately became alert.

"brush", a dark shadow flashed out, followed by a white light under the hood. Locke didn't dodge. He stiffened for a moment and heard the sound of "Dang", and something flew out.

"Huh? Are you made of iron?

A teenager in a cyan cloak appeared in front of Locke and stared at him with a surprised face.

Locke looked the teenager up and down. He has long fluffy hair, which is casually tied to the back of his head, and the wisps of black are flying freely with the night wind. A pair of blue hairy pointed ears stood on both sides of his cheeks. The upper body is almost **. Except for the cyan hard armor on the chest, shoulders, elbows and wrists, other places are full of strong Gutong-colored skin.

A very strange feeling flashed through Locke's heart.

"Who are you? Why did it appear here?"

"My name is Xiao, and I'm their leader."

Xiao waved his hand and "brushed" and a group of dark shadows surged up from behind the sand dunes. Locke fixed his eyes and saw that they were all four-legged, furry and with a big tail. There are at least hundreds of them.

"Who are they?"

"They are called 'Ufu', and they are all my people."

"Uvo, your clan?" Locke looked confused.

"Yes, they have been following me for hundreds of years."

"Oh, that's it."

The teenager pulled Locke down. The two sat on the sand dunes and chatted. With that, the two teenagers became familiar with each other, as if they had known each other a long time ago. From the conversation with Xiao, Locke knew that in addition to the West Earth Continent, there are also Middle-earth Continent, East Earth Continent, far south Continent, far north Continent... Many places. It turns out that there are not only gods, dead souls, demons, but also demons and human beings in this world. What about the human world that they know nothing about? Locke couldn't help yearning.

When Xiao saw that Locke was silent, he suddenly asked, "Lock, I just cut it with that knife. Why don't you avoid it?" Do you want to die?"

Locke just smiled and didn't answer. Xiao only thought he was acquiesced. Suddenly, Xiao took Locke's hand, blinked his big black eyes, and said, "Let's go. I'll take you to a place to take care of your death."

In fact, Locke already knew that it was just an ordinary blade, and he didn't bother to dodge. Who is Locke? The son of the devil. Just by feeling, he could see at a glance that the teenager in front of him was just a slightly magical monster.

Alas, even if it is thousands of prosperity, it will eventually come to an end, so let everything return to silence! Locke sighed in his heart, and then he waved his hand and burst into a light and shadow. The yellow sand behind him flowed back driven by the light and shadow, covering the ruins for a moment. The * demon kingdom that used to be majestic has been buried under the yellow sand forever.

The tycove took Locke's hand, and the two teenagers jumped like flying away. They ran happily, and the snow-white moonlight projected their shadows on the sand.

The fine and soft sand grains flashed with spots of gold in the moonlight, and the two teenagers stepped on deep and shallow feet on them. With a little warm night breeze gently brushed Locke's face, which felt like his mother's gentle hand. The xiao looked at Locke's eyes were full of smiles. Locke looked at the xiao, looked up at the starry sky and smiled. At this moment, he suddenly felt that loneliness had been far away from him.

Soon, Xiao stopped in front of a broken wall.

Locke looked fixedly at the broken wall, which had mottled moss and rusty glass. He was distracted for a while, then stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and brushed away the traces left by the years. The faint green bricks on it still had a familiar breath.

In an instant, a messy picture flashed in Locke's mind, with swords and shadows, as well as bloody storms...

"Oh!" A long roar pulled Locke's erratic thoughts back to reality.

"squeaking", accompanied by the sound of "brushing" the sand, a gap was opened at the hem of the wall, and the gap became bigger and bigger, and finally formed a hole. Xiao jumped in first, and Locke also jumped in.

After it settled down, Xiao waved his hand, and the hole above his head closed again, blocking all the moonlight and starlight. Two teenagers went down the stone steps. In front of us is a small hole. Through the stone cave is a quiet river. Although the river is also flowing silently, you can feel the breath of life, unlike the underworld water, which gives people a feeling of death.

There are large and small stones in the river, some of which are out of the water or not into the water, arranged into a tortuous natural path. Two teenagers jumped and stepped on it. Locke suddenly saw that there would be some dark shadows in the river from time to time. It was some creatures living in the water.

After passing through the river, there was another slightly larger cave. After walking about dozens of steps into the cave, my eyes suddenly became bright. A huge natural cave is presented in front of you, with different colors and strange shapes of stone stalactites hanging on the towering stone walls. There are unknown things in some small corners, shining brilliantly from time to time. It should be a gemstone. Looking further into the distance, there are large and small caves along the river bank, and those natural caves are coiled one by one, winding for dozens of miles.

Xiao pulled Locke into a hole. Locke looked around: there were some stone stools on both sides of a slightly square stone table, and stone urn and stone bowls were placed on the stone table, which were used to hold water and food. There is an unknown animal's skin hanging on the stone wall in front of it, with a sharp horn on the huge skull, two sharp teeth on the corners of the mouth, and only a pinch of mane on the tip of the slender tail. Locke stared at the skin for a long time.

"Cough, are there any guests coming?" A thin and gray-haired old man came out of the cave inside with a crutch.

Xiao hurriedly introduced, "This is our old patriarch. He is more than 900 years old this year."

After seeing the ceremony, Locke also briefly introduced himself. After sitting still tremblingly, the old patriarch looked up and down at Locke, and a strange look suddenly flashed in his eyes. At this time, although Locke had hidden his breath, his red eyes emitted a domineering spirit that only the king had.

"Listen to the old patriarch's story!" Xiao shouted while pouring water into the stone bowl.

Locke was pressed to the stone bench by the xiao.

"Old patriarch, old patriarch, you know the most stories. Tell us one quickly?" This simple teenager is always chattering in his mouth.

"Oh, you child!" The old patriarch sighed, "What are you talking about? All the stories I know have been heard by you.

"Then you tell the story of 'Uvo' and 'Qiu Bai'. Although I have heard it hundreds of times, my friends haven't heard it? By the way, I'll find some more water. There's not enough water." With that, Xiao walked to the hole inside.

Chu Bai? Locke was shocked, and he remembered that Cooper was his own family. That seems to have been a long time ago. Locke remembered that the weather was very good and there was a warm east wind. He went to his mother and wanted him to fly a kite with him. Lockdong looked around, but he couldn't find his mother. Later, he ran to the Xuanming Hall.

Little Locke hid behind the pillar of the palace and looked for his mother.

"Chu Bai, you are so bold!" With a loud shout, Locke was so scared that he almost fell to the ground. Locke saw his father's angry eyes wide open, and even his hair flew up. In Locke's impression, his father has always been amiable, and he has never seen his father so angry. Locke wondered: Who made his father angry?

Locke looked carefully and saw his beautiful brothers and sisters, all kneeling in front of the hall. Brothers and sisters must have made a mistake. Locke thought.

"Your Majesty, please calm your anger!" The speaker is Mr. Pierre.

"Hmm! You have lost all the faces of my demon king Qi'ao. How can I have subordinates like you? The father pointed to the beautiful brothers and sisters and said angrily.

"Your Majesty, if they are the first offenders, please forgive them!" Teacher Pierro continued.

"Forgive them? Do you think it's that easy? They have been cursed by the goddess. Even if they keep them, it will be a scourge sooner or later!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please forgive us! We will never harm people."

Locke saw those beautiful brothers and sisters crying and begging his father. He suddenly felt sorry for them.

What on earth did they make? It will make my father so angry. Locke looked puzzled, and he continued to look his head.

"For their past contributions, please forgive them!"

"Your Majesty, please forgive them!"

Suddenly, a large number of people knelt down in front of the temple.

Locke looked curiously and saw that Mr. Pierre was also kneeling in it.

"From now on, you are no longer from my demon clan. Get out of here now, get out of the western continent, roll as far as possible, and never come back!"

"Yes, yes! Thank you for not killing!"

Father brushed his sleeves angrily and left. Then, Locke saw those beautiful brothers and sisters hurried out of the palace. At that time, he stretched out his finger curiously to count, and found that six brothers and six sisters left.

In the next few days, Locke did not dare to find his mother again, because he saw that his mother had been with his father, and his father seemed to be in a bad mood.

Locke didn't know what mistakes those beautiful brothers and sisters had made, and they left a puzzle in little Locke's heart.

However, between the Qiu Bais and the clan of the xiao...

"Water is coming!"

A sudden shout interrupted Locke's thoughts, and Xiao had come back with a stone urn.

"Speak, speak quickly!" The owl poured water into the bowl and urged the old patriarch.

"Yes, old patriarch, please tell me the story of Qiu Bai. I've never heard of it?" Locke said.

"Okay, then I'll say it again." The old patriarch took a look at the skull and animal skin hanging on the stone wall and looked dark. He took the stone bowl handed over by the owl, drank a few sippings of water, and then told a dusty past.